Godsend Field

Chapter 114 Invitation

Chapter 114 Invitation

Under the leadership of Chen Wu, the pro-guard group made major adjustments.All captains have been adjusted, and all third- and fourth-level fighting spirits have also been drawn out to form a special team, with Lorna as the captain, who directly obeys Chen Wu's orders.

Gelu stood at the gate of the North City Gate for seven days!
"My lord, our bodyguard group has been readjusted. After more than a month of running-in, the captains have merged with the team members!" Chen Wu reported.

"Thank you!" Tianci stood up and said.

"My lord, the bodyguard group has almost been integrated. I want to go back to Pingliang City to have a look, and discuss with Zeda about the fate of the seven thousand brothers. What do you think?" Chen Wu asked.

"Okay, you guys go to discuss it, I hope you can bring back good news!" Tianci said with a smile.

The morning mist is thick, can you come back without good news?

The next day, Chen Wu set off for Pingliang City with more than 20 personal guards.

"Brother Tianci, do you think Captain Chenwu will come back with good news?" Li'er brought out a tray, which contained a bowl of sweet soup and a plate of roast chicken.As soon as Li'er put the sweet soup in front of Tianci, Yu'er, who was sleeping next to her, jumped up and ran towards the roof as if fleeing for her life with a roast chicken in her mouth.

Tianci and Li'er couldn't help laughing, "Didn't you grab a chicken leg from him last time, so how about running to the roof this time?"

Tianci put down the book in his hand and turned to Lier and said, "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly just now!"

"I'm asking about Northwestern wolves, will they agree?"

"Yes, Chenwu is a smart person, she knows what to do is the best! And don't think that it will be fine if Chenwu leaves the Northwest Wolf. You can see that Chenwu has the final say now." Tianci held up Drink the sweet soup slowly.

"Well, this is the best way, I'm really afraid that you and the Northwest Wolf will have conflicts!" Lier said worriedly.

Tianci immediately picked up the soup bowl and continued to pick up the book.

"What kind of book is this? I don't think I've seen you read it before!"

"This is the essence of the Nine Hammers handwritten by Master Finchlan. It is his summary of the Nine Hammers method that he has used for decades." Tianci put down the book, "I was still learning casting from Master Mike in Yaster City. When I was a child, Master Mike took me and Ah Yin to listen to Master Finchland's public teaching. At that time, he used the nine-hammer method to practice for us. I was very interested in the nine-hammer method at that time. It's a pity that the time was too short and some things happened, and Master Finchland went to other empires to teach art, so I didn't have time and opportunity to learn from Master Finchland. Until the [-]th birthday of His Majesty, Master Finchland I just came back to the capital, and I happened to meet him when I was reading in the North Tower, and he gave me a lot of guidance and promised to show me his handwritten book, "The Method of the Nine Hammers."

Tianci stood up and moved around, "Hey! After reading Master Finchland's The Nine-Hammer Method, I realized how naive my original technique was. For example, when we were qualitative, I always learned from this book. Hitting them little by little, for fear of revealing a little bit, it is a waste of energy and time to beat them repeatedly like this. But if you follow the method of nine hammers and divide them into nine parts by visual inspection in advance, you can hit like this..."

Tianci made gestures while talking.

Although Li'er didn't understand, she still listened curiously, and asked questions directly if she was unclear, Tianci explained it to Li'er carefully like teaching an apprentice!

Time passed by little by little, the glaring sun at noon had already set softly in the west, and the bright red sunset glow appeared in the sky, thick layers, like a magnificent picture scroll.

"Tomorrow will be another fine weather!" Tianci said easily while standing in the yard.

"How do you know?" Lil asked.

"Hehe, haven't you heard that the morning glow does not go out, and the sunset glow travels thousands of miles. Looking at the sunset glow today, the weather will be fine for the next three or four days!" After Tianci finished speaking, he felt extremely refreshed. Go with the flow.Fast and slow, the punches are powerful, and the tricks are round.

The martial arts of other warriors on the mainland are produced in accordance with the characteristics of their own battle qi. They are auxiliary products of battle qi. They are generally very simple, and their movements are also very monotonous. Doing one exercise over and over again.Only by cooperating with one's own grudge during the battle can one produce correspondingly huge power.

The soft boxing is different, there is no fixed style of the soft boxing, it relies on a principle, a form, a mind.As long as it conforms to the natural law, as long as it conforms to the shape of the square and circle, as long as it conforms to the continuous flow of fists, all movements are his moves.What it pays attention to is the power of martial arts itself, even if it does not have fighting spirit, it is still full of power, especially its inch strength, which is the pinnacle of attacking martial arts.It is also because of this that the old man chose this soft fist to pass on to Tianci.It's a pity that Tianci doesn't know how to fight qi, otherwise it would be nothing short of soft fist. . .

"Li'er, besides practicing meditation, I will teach you the basic movements of this set of Soft Fist. You can do it every morning and evening, or after every meditation. This will help you improve your physical fitness. You Didn't grandpa often ask us magicians to improve our physical fitness?" Tianci said after finishing training.

"Okay!" Lily said happily.

Before Chen Wu left, everything was arranged. Gelu strictly followed Chen Wu's system and ordered to do it. The whole bodyguard regiment was in a good mood immediately. Everyone strictly abided by the military regulations, and there was no violation of discipline. .

Accompanied by the Gelu brothers and sisters, Tianci and Li'er inspected the entire bodyguard group, and then went around the city.The current Yanhua City is a thriving scene. There are more people on the road and the streets are more prosperous.

Yu'er likes to accompany Tianci to inspect the city the most, and eat whatever smells good, anyway, no one dares to stop him, and Tianci can only follow behind to pay the bill.

It was not until evening that Tianci and Li'er returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

"My lord!" After seeing Tianci, all the guards at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion called out in unison.

Ok!Tianci nodded and walked into the City Lord's Mansion.

Clark was still waiting for Tianci in the hall, holding a red invitation card in his hand, and when he saw Tianci coming in, he hurriedly greeted him, "My lord, you are back!"

"Mr. Clark, what's the matter?" Tianci asked.

Clark raised the invitation card in his hand, "The elders of the Snow Wind Sect in our Yanhua City want to invite you to their church!"

Tianci took the invitation, opened it and looked at it, but there was no substantive content except some polite words.

"Why would they invite me? Tomorrow morning, what is going on?" Tianci said to himself.

"Brother Tianci, are you really going? I'm afraid they will..." Lier tugged on Tianci's sleeve worriedly.

"Don't worry, it won't happen! I didn't bother with them when the elders of Fengdian attacked me last time. I think they should know how to measure! What's more, this is our territory! So you don't have to worry!"

Lier nodded, "I'll go with you tomorrow!"

At noon the next day, Tianci brought Li'er and Yu'er to the Fengxue Church Square in Yanhua City.This time God-given didn't even bring a personal guard with him.

"Li'er, have you seen that the main color of this church is white, so I can be sure that this must be the Snow Temple, and the people stationed here must also be people from the Snow Temple!" Tianci said, pointing at the church.

Lier smiled, and stretched out her hand to tidy up a few scattered black hairs. "Brother God, it seems that Mr. Clark told you this in your study yesterday. I happened to be next door at the time, so I overheard it by accident!"

Tianci smiled cheekily and said, "Did you hear that? Then I don't need to introduce it to you!"

While talking, eight women in white clothes came from the opposite side, the leading one was the one who was singing when Tianci and Li'er wandered into the square for the first time!The last time I couldn't see clearly from far away, but this time I saw clearly face to face.

The woman is 25 and six years old, with delicate skin and delicate features.Although it can't be said to be beautiful, it has a pure and noble charm.The woman walked up to Tianci and bowed deeply.

"I am Snow Maiden Bing Xin from the Snow Temple, and I am here to welcome the Lord City Master. It is an honor for our Fengxue God Sect to have the Lord City Master come here."

God sent a smile, "Actually, I've wanted to come here a long time ago, but I haven't had the time. I just happened to be free recently, so I came here to visit the elders of Xuedian!"

"Our elders are waiting inside, this way please!" After speaking, the eight girls gave way to the middle path, Tianci and Li'er walked towards the church, and the eight girls followed behind.

The whole church is extraordinarily gorgeous and exquisite.

Tianci walked up sixteen stone steps before reaching the door. The spacious door had already been opened, and the red carpet ran from the door to the depths of the passage, with guards standing every one meter on both sides.At the end of the carpet, a middle-aged woman was standing there wearing a gorgeous robe, and behind her was a row of girls in the same white clothes. This person should be the elder of Xuedian!

I heard from Clark that Elder Xuedian should have the appearance of 80 years old, but now he looks like a 40-year-old woman no matter what.The more powerful the people on the mainland, the younger they look.Like Imperial Marshal Gomez • Duke Lankers.Tianci was secretly surprised, just by looking at her appearance, she knew that she had at least the strength of a seventh-level mage.

Tianci walked up quickly, "This is the elder of Xuedian, it's a pleasure to meet you! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

The elder Xuedian smiled, "Your Excellency is here in person, and our Xuedian Church is also flourishing!"

The two looked at each other and smiled wisely.

Elder Xuedian led Tianci and Li'er to the living room, where the soft seats were extraordinarily comfortable.There is a faint fragrance in the air, and many handicrafts and large pictures are decorated on the surrounding walls.Li'er sat next to Tianci, Elder Xuedian and Tianci sat facing each other, Xuenv Bingxin stood behind Elder Xuedian.

Two cups of fragrant tea were placed in front of Tianci and Li'er.

"I don't know why the elder Xuedian invited us over this time?" Tianci asked straight to the point.

"Since your lord is so forthright, then I'll be blunt. Our lord Qing came here for two main things. The first thing is to apologize to your lord. We already know about Elder Star of the Wind Palace. Anger, Star has been severely punished. The guards of the Fengshen Temple who offended you last time have all been punished, and Star has also been imprisoned in our holy cave prison. So we hope that the city lord will forgive him. nonsense."

Tianci has long thought that such a thing will happen, and now is not the time to have conflicts with Fengxue Temple, "Since your leader has already punished Star, I don't have anything to worry about. This matter is nothing to worry about." Come on!"

"My lord is indeed a large number! Then the second thing is that our leader wants to invite you and Miss Lier to our holy land, our leader will definitely welcome you!" said the elder Xuedian.

I was suffocated by God, I didn't expect that Fengxue Temple would invite me to their holy place, Tianlei Peak!Moreover, he still invited Li'er to go with him. Could it be that it has something to do with the Moon Core?

Elder Xuedian seems to have seen through the concerns of God, "Your Excellency, don't worry, who in the Northwest doesn't know your name now? Harming Your Excellency is against the empire, against the thousands of people in the Northwest. How about letting Xin'er go with the adults?"

The elder of the Xuedian turned his head and said to Xuenv Bingxin behind him, "Xin'er, you will go with your lord when the time comes. Keep your lord safe along the way. If there is any problem, I will ask you for it!"

"Yes, Elder! I will definitely keep you safe!" Snow Girl Bingxin replied firmly.

Godsent is depressed, this and that are discussions, and people have already talked about it, if I still shirk it, I will be looked down upon by others.

"No problem, I'll take some time to accompany you these few days, but Lier recently encountered magic problems, I hope she can stay and continue to practice, so as not to delay her practice with us!" Tianci said.

Although Li'er was unwilling at this time, she felt a little more comfortable when she thought that Tianci was concerned about her.

"Don't worry, my lord. Both Miss Lier and you are our distinguished guests. We will not let you suffer any harm. Moreover, our leader's cultivation in the wind department is also quite good. Maybe we can give Miss Lier some advice and help She will break through again soon!" the elder Xuedian said with a smile.

"Okay then, I will inform you of the time when we finish handling the affairs here!" Seeing that he couldn't evade, Tianci agreed.

Elder Xuedian chatted with Tianci for a while.

"My lord, why don't you let Xin'er accompany you and Ms. Lier to visit our church, and explain our teachings by the way. I'm getting old, and I'll feel tired after sitting for a long time. What do you think?"

"Since the elder Xuedian needs to rest, then we will not bother you!" Tianci stood up and saluted, and walked out with Li'er.

Xuenv Bingxin followed and walked out, leading Tianci and Lier to visit the church!
The scale of the church is huge. There is a missionary church in front of it, which can seat tens of thousands of people. Usually, the elders of Xuedian explain the teachings and spread the religion here.There is also a smaller one next to it, which is very luxuriously furnished, and it should be prepared for special prestigious officials and wealthy businessmen.

Through Bing Xin's introduction, Tianci and Li'er learned that Fengxue Sect has a long history, probably around 1 years.According to legend, during the war, a prince from a certain empire in the northwest loved his father so much that he was even ready to pass on the throne to him.But during an experience, the prince came to the foot of Tianlei Mountain, and the next day when he came to Tianshui Lake, he met a stunning beauty.The woman's appearance can't be described in words, especially her noble and sacred aura, which makes people dare not even have dirty thoughts.This woman is the goddess of wind and snow.

At that time, the goddess waved her right hand, and the calm Tianshui Lake suddenly became a very clear mirror, reflecting the sufferings of the people in the northwest.Because of wars, diseases, and natural disasters, countless middle-aged men died in battle and shrouded in horse leather in the wind, and countless lonely old people left their homes and became homeless under the blizzard. . .

Seeing these soul-stirring scenes, the prince suddenly came to his senses.From then on, he gave up his identity as a prince and founded the Fengxue Sect on Tianlei Mountain, and took it as his duty to appease and save the people.

After listening to Bing Xin's explanation, Tianci couldn't help being moved by the prince's behavior!
"Snow girl, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, my lord, you can call me Bing Xin!"

"I know how your Fengxue God Cult is divided into Fengshen Temple and Snow Temple? Each of your temples has its own elders, so why set up Fengnv and Xuenv?" Tianci asked.

Bing Xin was stunned, no one really asked this kind of question before, no one thought about it.

"When the prince established the Fengxue God Sect, he established the Fengshen Temple. The purpose was to quell the turmoil and relieve people's suffering from wars. At the same time, the Snow Temple was also established to propagate the teachings, appease the people, and relieve the people's suffering from labor and migration. But thousands of years have passed Now, the two temples are different from before. Now the scale and tasks of the two temples are similar, and there is no difference anymore! As for Fengnv and Xuenv, this should be regarded as a habit. I wanted to find someone who was similar to the Snow Goddess back then, and my hard work paid off. I finally found a pair of twin girls 20 years before the prince died. Although they were only six or seven years old, their appearance was already very close to that Snow Goddess. The prince accepted the two into the divine religion, and the talents of the two sisters were wind element and water element respectively, so the prince handed them over to the elders of the two temples at that time, and positioned the two daughters as Fengnv and Xuenv. After death, out of mourning for the prince or commemoration of the Snow Wind Goddess, the elders will select a woman with outstanding talent to become the Wind Girl or the Snow Girl!"

"So that's the case!" Tianci nodded thoughtfully.

"However, there is another advantage of becoming Feng Nu or Xue Nu!" Bing Xin added, "It is to have a greater chance to succeed the previous elder and become the new elder of the temple!"

Accompanied by Bing Xin, Tianci and Li'er went around the entire church and got a deeper understanding of the Fengxue Sect, so they got up and left when they saw it was getting late.Xuenv Bingxin sent the two of them out of the square before turning back to the church.

"Xin'er, what do you think of this city lord?" Elder Xuedian asked.

"He is quite honest, just like the rumors, but I found that he is actually much smarter and more alert than he appears on the surface! And don't look at his appearance that he doesn't care about anything, in fact, he cares about certain things more than anyone else. They all care, they're all nervous!" Bing Xin replied.

"Well, I can see a little bit too! Then do you think the leader's abacus can be started?"

"Elder, I'm afraid you know this better than anyone else now, why bother to ask?"

(End of this chapter)

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