Godsend Field

Chapter 115 Business

Chapter 115 Business
Back in the city lord's mansion, when Tianci was worried about when to go to Tianlei Mountain, the holy place of Fengxue Sect, a personal guard ran in to report.

"My lord, there is an old man and a young girl outside the door who say they are your friends, and I am here to meet you!"

Godsend for a moment, my friend?

After a while, the personal guard led a man and a woman to appear in Tianci's study.

"Little girl has met Lord Tianci!" The girl saluted.

"Lili, Housekeeper Hong, why are you here?" Tianci was very surprised and hurried forward.

"We have been here for two days. Grandpa and I went around yesterday, and we only came to see you today!" Lili said happily.

Steward Hong seemed to be in a particularly good spirit, and was not affected by the harsh environment in the Northwest at all. Lili was now radiant and in a good mood. The depression of the debt dun a while ago had obviously passed away, and even her body had changed. More rhyme.

"Master Tianci, Lili and I came here after receiving your letter. We really don't know how to repay you for your great kindness to our Barr Chamber of Commerce." Steward Hong said gratefully. Stepping forward to support him, Steward Hong almost knelt down.

"Steward Hong, you don't have to be so polite. We are also thinking about the long-term stability and prosperity of Yanhua City!" Tianci helped Steward Hong to his seat and told the guard at the door to call for Mr. Clark.

"Lili, what will happen to the Baal Chamber of Commerce when you come out this time, are you at ease?" Tianci asked.

"All arrangements have been made at the chamber of commerce. Young master Baal is now taking care of him. He has grown up, so it's time for him to come out and exercise. This time, Lili and I are here to thank Master Tianci for giving us a way to survive!" Hong The butler grabbed Tianci's hand and was very grateful.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Tianci asked strangely. Didn't the last debt payment be resolved?

"Godsend, although we paid off our debts last time, we annoyed the Welsh Empire Chamber of Commerce headed by Seat Chamber of Commerce. They have been isolating for a while, suppressing our Barr Chamber of Commerce, not doing business with us, and even In some places, they maliciously lowered the price to hit our business and rob our customers... If you hadn't left a sum of purple gold coins, I'm afraid it would be really difficult for us to maintain..." Lili said, her face could not help but appear Sorrow comes.

"The Welsh Empire Chamber of Commerce? I seem to have heard Aunt Sifani from the Eagle Auctions mention it, but I didn't expect them to be formed!" Tianci said.

"Well, they were formally established not long after you disappeared. I didn't expect that the first thing they did after the establishment of such a large business alliance was to bully our small Barr Chamber of Commerce!" Li Li said angrily.

"Hehe, are you talking about the Welsh Empire Chamber of Commerce?" Mr. Clark strode in, fully clothed, "Master Tianci left the capital for about ten days, and the SEAT Chamber of Commerce has united with many small and medium-sized chambers of commerce. The so-called Welsh Empire Chamber of Commerce was formed. In terms of strength alone, they cannot represent our Welsh merchants at all, at least the Mesto Chamber of Commerce, one of the three major chambers of commerce in the empire, did not participate. The Welsh Empire Business alliance, hmph! It's just a false name!"

Clark stepped forward to salute God.Tianci gave a brief introduction to both parties.

"Hearing what you said, your Barr Chamber of Commerce should have at least a hundred branches in the empire? I don't know how it is doing now? Hehe, it must be hard to be squeezed by SEAT!" Clark asked Lili. .

Lili smiled awkwardly, "Our Baal Chamber of Commerce was originally a small chamber of commerce, and they have deliberately squeezed it out, so now we can barely survive!"

"Hey! In fact, it is very rare for you to be able to barely survive. Although their business alliance does not represent all merchants in Wales, they still have strength. If there is no such strong strength as the Mesto Chamber of Commerce It's hard not to be dragged down by them. It's a great victory for you to be alive!" Clarke sighed.Although they disdain the Seat Chamber of Commerce for using such means to deal with a small chamber of commerce like the Barr Chamber of Commerce, they still recognize their strength.

Tianci couldn't sit still at this moment, he never expected that this Mann would resort to such despicable means after failing to collect debts.

"Mr. Clark, can you see if there is any way to help the Baal Chamber of Commerce? In any case, it is because of my personal grievances with Mann that the current predicament of the Baal Chamber of Commerce is caused!"

Clark smiled and glanced at Li'er. Everyone in the Duke's Mansion knew the grievances between the two young masters and the two foreign young masters.Especially because of the escalation of a certain marriage conflict, it is even rumored in private!
Lier's face immediately turned red.

"Young master, you don't have to be so anxious, don't you see that their coming this time is the biggest hope you gave them?" Clark also stood up.The eldest and young master stood up, there was no reason for him to sit and talk.

Tianci also felt that he was a little anxious, and sat back in his seat.

"Young Master, I have specially sent invitation letters to the Barr Chamber of Commerce and the Meister Chamber of Commerce this time, asking them to send representatives to my Yanhua City to discuss business in the Northwest Province. Presumably, representatives from the Meister Chamber of Commerce will arrive soon. .I have already prepared all the matters, as soon as people arrive, we can start talking immediately," Mr. Clark said.

"Well, Lili and I came here so quickly mainly because we were impatient! Maxtor and the others are a big chamber of commerce, so they might arrive later," Hong Butler echoed.

"Mr. Clark, you mean... you mean that only our Barr Chamber of Commerce and the Meister Chamber of Commerce are here to discuss this time? Are there no other chambers of commerce?" Li Li asked in surprise with a trembling voice.

Clark nodded with a smile.

Lili was stunned, she couldn't believe her ears.

"Why, do you think it's less?" Clark asked with a smile.

"No...not...I just feel...surprised!" Lili didn't know what to say.

"Hehe! Although our northwest is sparsely populated, there are more than 9000 million people no matter how small, not to mention the empire's 80 main battle army supplies, and our Yanhua City is the capital of the entire Northwest Province. They are all headed by Yanhua City, our young master who controls Yanhua City is tantamount to controlling the entire Northwest Province. Now we plan to clean up some bad businessmen in the local area, and at the same time hand over the foreign trade of the entire Northwest to you Baer Chamber of Commerce and Mai You don’t think it’s too small for the Steer Chamber of Commerce, do you?”

Clark's simple words stirred up shocking waves in the hearts of Li Li and Butler Hong.

Tianci had never been in business before, so he didn't feel much about it, but Steward Hong and Lili, who had dealt with business all their lives, could clearly understand what it meant.

There are only ten provinces in the entire Welsh Empire, but there are thousands of chambers of commerce, and there are many chambers of commerce larger than the Barr Chamber of Commerce.On average, there are at least nearly a thousand large and small chambers of commerce in each province conducting trade.And now that Tianci wants to hand over the trade of the entire Northwest Province to himself and the two chambers of commerce, this will mean that from now on, the Barr chamber of commerce will no longer have to compete with the thousands of chambers of commerce, and no longer need to be afraid of the Welsh Empire. The exclusion of the business alliance.Relying on the trade in the northwest province, the Baal Chamber of Commerce can grow rapidly, and I am afraid that it will surpass the achievements of the past hundred years in less than two years.

Seeing Lili and Butler Hong's demented looks, Tianci Lier and Clark couldn't help laughing.

"It's such a surprise! We were satisfied when we came this time to share the leftovers, but I didn't expect... I didn't expect..." Steward Hong stood up, his hands trembling with excitement, he didn't know what to say next .

"Based on the relationship between you and the young master, even if it's a cup of scraps, we won't be able to deal with it!" Clark walked over and gently pressed Steward Hong on the seat. Just let go of your stomach and eat as much as you can, don’t worry if you don’t have anything to eat, just worry that you won’t be able to eat it! Hahaha!”

In the evening, Lili and Li'er cooked for themselves and made a very sumptuous table meal.Tianci called the Grew brothers and sisters, Clark and other main figures in Yanhua City to have dinner with Steward Hong Lili. Everyone talked and laughed until late at night.

Yu'er hadn't eaten such a delicious meal for a long time, and after everyone left the table, she still lingered on the table and refused to get down.

On the third day, representatives of the Meister Chamber of Commerce came to Yanhua City. This time, more than 20 people came, all of whom were shopkeepers and veterans of the Meister Chamber of Commerce.Among them was a familiar figure—Roland!
"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be the representative of your chamber of commerce!" Tianci put his arm around Roland's shoulder and said with a smile.Roland was half a head taller than Tianci, and Tianci's pose was very awkward.

"Do you think it's possible?" Roland pushed away Tianci and said solemnly, "I have three tasks this time! First, to visit Li'er on behalf of Dean Rafal. At the same time, Dean Rafal expressed his disappointment to you. Li'er was tied up without saying a word...and taken away!"

Lier stood by and stuck out her tongue mischievously at Roland.

"Second, on behalf of our Mesto Chamber of Commerce, we would like to express our gratitude to the Heaven-sent City Lord! It is an honor and a long-standing wish of our Mesto Chamber of Commerce to cooperate with Lord City Lord this time. Lord Duke asked me to give you this gift. I hope we The friendship between the two sides can be as evergreen as it is!" After speaking, Roland moved his left hand slightly, and a one-foot-high bamboo forest jade carving appeared in his hand. The whole jade carving was carefully carved from a complete piece of green warm jade, and even the bamboo leaves You can see the silk stems on the tree and the fallen birds on the bamboo branches.The back of the statue is engraved with green mountains, green waters and bamboo forests, making the statue crystal clear and integrated.

Tianci took Nuanyu with a smile, "Thank you, Lord Duke, your Mesto Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce in the empire. I hope you can take care of the Baal Chamber of Commerce, can you?"

"There is no problem with this! Your Excellency the Duke said before we came that our main purpose this time is to open up the trade route in the northwest. As for the details, as long as the core interests are not damaged, we can make concessions!"

Tianci handed the warm jade to Li'er, and Li'er held it in her hands lovingly.

"Third, on behalf of all the members of the fire department and Dunde, Brother Mikali came to visit you!" Roland turned back to his usual gentleness, "We are still worried about you, kid, and we are afraid that something will happen to you, but we didn't expect you to enjoy your life here Great luck!"

"You are blessed there, you didn't see it when I was suffering!" Tianci immediately argued, "You must know that Lier and I almost died when we came!"

"Is it Moon Wolf?" Roland asked.

Tianci nodded, and suddenly smiled, "Roland, I'm really sorry, you may have to step aside on the first day, and we, Li'er, are already a fifth-level great magician! One year earlier than you, hahaha !"

Seeing Tianci's triumphant laugh, Lier lowered her head in embarrassment.

"You!" Roland shook his head helplessly. "The matter of the moon core is no longer a secret. People in the capital already know that Lier has fused the moon core. Now Lier is a hot topic in the capital."

Roland glanced at Li'er, and secretly pulled Tianci aside, "I heard that Dean Rafael flew into a rage when he heard that Li'er had fused the moon core, and seemed to say that you are delaying Li'er... .But then it subsided..."

Godsend was shocked, "Will the fusion of the moon core delay Lier? I asked at the time, as long as the blood of the moon wolf is mixed, the fusion of the moon core will not have any side effects on the body!"

"I've also heard that there are indeed no side effects on the body from taking Yuehe, but it's hard to say what it will do to future achievements!"

Tianci was puzzled, "Didn't everyone say that the moon core can help people increase their affinity and talent for wind magic, and increase people's achievements in wind magic? Why do they say it delays future achievements?"

"I'm not very clear, I'm afraid you have to ask Dean Rafal yourself!"

Tianci's heart sank. As the protector of the country, Dean Rafael has unparalleled vision and insight. Since he said it would delay, it would be delayed by [-]%!Did I really do something wrong at the time? . .

Roland patted Tianci who was in a daze, "Don't be like this, Lier is still looking at you! Besides, it's not sure if it's true! I heard that Dean Rafael calmed down later, so he said it's okay , There are gains and losses! Since Dean Rafal said so, the problem must not be big!"

Tianci nodded, "I hope so!"

At this time, Clark came over, "Young Master, Roland, now that everyone on both sides is here, let's go into the Santo's Mansion, and the negotiation will begin soon!"

"Okay! Let's go in!" After speaking, Tianci took Lier's hand and walked into the City Lord's Mansion together.

Lier's heart skipped a beat, it was the first time Tianci pulled herself so tightly!
Walking into the hall, two rows of tables were neatly arranged.

Tianci and Lier sat at the main seat, while Gluclark stood on both sides.

Butler Hong and Lili sat on the right.Sitting on the left is a representative of the Roland and Meister Chamber of Commerce.

"Ahem!" Clark coughed lightly.

"Today we invited representatives of the two chambers of commerce to come here mainly to discuss the foreign trade issues of our Northwest Province. I think you all know that in the past two years, because of Viscount Saphiroth's harsh taxes and the endless bandits , so that the chamber of commerce going to and from the northwest has neither safety nor profit. As a result, the foreign trade in the northwest is shrinking day by day, and it is almost cut off now."

"Since our lord God-given Earl took over Yanhua City by His Majesty's order, our lord has implemented a series of tax reduction policies, which has restored the vitality of Yanhua City in a short period of time. As the capital of the Northwest, we have decided to develop Yanhua City into the entire Northwest The item trade center of the province, transports our northwest specialty products and items to other provinces, and transports the goods we lack and urgently need from other provinces back to our Yanhua City."

"I know that your Barr Chamber of Commerce and Meister Chamber of Commerce have many shops in various provinces of the empire, so we hope to use your strength to complete our above-mentioned vision. To put it simply, we just hope that you can buy us Special products and items from the northwest are shipped to your shops in various provinces of the empire for sale, and then the urgently needed goods we need are shipped back to Yanhua City. We have purchased a large piece of land in the west of the city and plan to build It has become the largest, most comprehensive and most important cargo distribution market in Northwest Province!"

The representatives of the two chambers of commerce nodded in satisfaction at the same time.

"During this period of time, I conducted a statistic together with my lord's staff, recording our special products and goods with relatively large production in the northwest, and also recording the goods that are lacking in our northwest province. "

Si Ni took the opportunity to put two identical densely written papers in front of the two chamber of commerce representatives.

The representatives of the Chamber of Commerce on both sides picked up the paper and looked at it carefully.Steward Hong and Li Li watched and discussed in low voices, and took out pens from time to time to write notes on paper.

On the side of the Mesto Chamber of Commerce, the representatives were also discussing in low voices and taking notes.

Roland didn't participate, and sat dryly. In the end, he was really bored and closed his eyes to enter a meditative state.

Clark walked up to Tianci and whispered, "Master, you'd better go to the back and rest for a while, I'm afraid they will have to discuss for an hour or two to complete it!"

Tianci looked at the businessmen and representatives on both sides who were immersed in the discussion and ignored them. For them, discussing products is like a magician meditating and forging iron by himself. Once they enter the state, it is difficult to get out!

It took two and a half hours before Clark sent someone to call out Tianci.

The representatives of the chambers of commerce on both sides had already finished the discussion at this time, and the originally dense paper became more dense, even scribbled.

"How's the discussion going?" Tianci asked with a smile, and walked back to the main seat.

"My lord, we have already discussed it! About [-]% of the many commodities and special products are completed by the Baal Chamber of Commerce alone. [-]% are completed by the cooperation of the two chambers of commerce. Over time, the Baal Chamber of Commerce can slowly increase its share. But at most, it cannot exceed [-]% of the total cooperation. The remaining [-]% will be completed by Mesto Chamber of Commerce alone." Clark reported the results to Tianci, and handed over the discussed and recorded contract to Tianci for review.

Tianci gently pushed away the paper in Clark's hand, just smiled and asked the representatives on both sides of the chamber of commerce, "Are you satisfied with the result?"

Butler Hong couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, "Satisfied! Satisfied!"

Many representatives of the Mesto Chamber of Commerce also nodded in satisfaction.Giving more than [-]% of the goods in a province to any chamber of commerce will be a huge fortune.Fortunately, the relationship between Tianci and Seat Chamber of Commerce is very stiff, otherwise, relying on the relationship between Tianci and Mann's cousins, I am afraid that none of these businesses will fall into the hands of other chambers of commerce.

"Finally, we would like to solemnly declare that some of the many commodities you undertake are for the Northwest Army, so there must be absolutely no mistakes and you must supply them on time, otherwise... you don't need me to tell you, do you understand?" Clarke Finally, he emphasized very seriously.

"Understood!" Both chambers of commerce replied at the same time.

"My lord, I have another question. Our cooperation this time is very big. I am afraid that it will not be long before other chambers of commerce will also transport the goods to Yanhua City. At that time..." a veteran of the Mesto Chamber of Commerce asked worriedly.

"We have thought about this a long time ago. According to the laws of the empire, we have no right to prevent them from transporting goods, but we have the right to tax their goods entering the northwest. I think [-]% of the tax is enough to protect you. Absolute advantage!" Clark replied.

In the study room in the evening, Tianci rubbed his forehead!

"Finally one more thing has been resolved!"

"Master, our next step is to grasp the construction of the market. Not surprisingly, the first batch of goods may arrive in two months. As long as the two chambers of commerce work hard, they will form a large scale within a year. It can allow us to receive more commercial taxes, and it can also make us no longer worry about those merchants in the city. I am afraid that they will turn to please us in time, and even if we fall out with the Snow Wind Sect, they I dare not make any moves!" Clark said with a smile.

Tianci stood up and looked at the map on the wall. For these people, he really worked hard, from political wars to military wars, and now he started a business war!

(End of this chapter)

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