Godsend Field

Chapter 116

Chapter 116
Under Clark's auspices, the Barr Chamber of Commerce, Mesto Chamber of Commerce, and the Lord of Salt City reached an agreement on the freedom of commodity trade and taxation in the Northwest Province.With this agreement, the Meister Chamber of Commerce is expected to surpass the Seat Chamber of Commerce in one fell swoop, and the original three major chambers of commerce are no longer balanced.Although the Baer Chamber of Commerce only got more than [-]%, this is their maximum limit, and this agreement can be regarded as a panacea for them to come back to life. With the trade in the northwest, they can even enter the intermediate chamber of commerce in the near future ranks.

After staying in the Northwest for a few days and seeing the customs here, the two chambers of commerce also planned to return to the capital.There were only two people from the Baer Chamber of Commerce, and they returned with the Meister Chamber of Commerce.Because all the important figures of the Chamber of Commerce were sent this time, the Mesto Chamber of Commerce specially hired a large mercenary group to escort them.

Roland's interspatial ring is full of gifts and specialties prepared by God for many friends.

Standing on the tower, Tianci looked at the back of the far away, feeling very comfortable.Lier was by Tianci's side.

The wind blows gently.

"My lord! Captain Chenwu returned to the City Lord's Mansion with his personal guards!" Gelu reported.

"Are you back? Then let's go back together!" Tianci turned around, walked down the tower with Li'er, and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Walking into the City Lord's Mansion, Chen Wu was already sitting on the seat and drinking tea.

"Hehe, judging by your expression, this trip to Pingliang must have been very smooth!" Tianci said and sat across from him.

"Of course, I have already discussed with my brother-in-law and the elders of the hall masters. Everyone agrees that these brothers can be removed. And we have begun to train them to become the town defense army. Are you satisfied with this?" Morning Mist Put down the teacup and said.

"Sister Chenwu, in fact, Brother Tianci did this for your consideration!" Li'er walked forward and took Chenwu's hand.

"Sister Li'er, you don't have to speak well of them. These men are unreliable, and they will do nothing but bully honest people!"

Tianci glanced at Gru, why are women so narrow-minded. . .Gru shrugged, I don't know either. . .

"My lord, is there anything else? If not, I will go to inspect the personal guards!" Chen Wu stood up and was about to leave.

"Wait, something happened these days when you left, I want to hear your opinion!"

Then Tianci briefly talked about the recent events with Chen Wu.

"Introducing the Baal Chamber of Commerce and the Mesto Chamber of Commerce to suppress the unstable local merchants is really a clever strategy, and only people like Clark can think of it. As for going to the holy land of the Snow Wind Sect, I think you should think twice!"

"You think they're going to hurt us?" Tianci asked.

"That's not true! My lord's prestige in the Northwest is unmatched, and Duke Kate is behind him, His Majesty the King's support. I don't think the Snow Wind Sect dares to blatantly hurt your lord. Not only will it not hurt you, but it will Strictly protect the adults."

"Then what are we worried about?"

"Because there will be no good meeting, no good banquet. The Fengxue God Cult will not let go of the three cities of Kule easily, and we are bound to win, so in the end our conflicts are irreconcilable. It's just that our current problems are too big. It’s just that they don’t have the time and energy to pay attention to them. I think they are very clear about this. As for why they still invite the adults, I think they want the adults to make concessions. I can't think of it, but I always feel that it might have something to do with Sister Lier."

"I won't give in, but I still have to go. Besides, I really want to meet their leader. Anyway, there will be conflicts sooner or later. It's not possible that I haven't even seen the opponent's face. And after another I'm afraid it will take a few months to deal with the matter of the mercenary group, and I want to use this time to deal with the invitation from the Fengxue Sect," Tianci said.

"My lord, let me go with you!" Gelu stood up and pleaded.

"No need!" Tianci smiled slightly, "You've also heard from Chenwu, they are probably more afraid of me than you, and besides, Yanhua City also needs people, so I can rest assured that you and Chenwu are here!"

"Then your lord is saying that if I'm the only one here, you don't have to worry about it, right?" Chen Wu said dissatisfied.

Tianci was taken aback for a moment, and Chen Wu took advantage of the casual sentence, "I didn't mean that, I mean, if you can cooperate well, I will feel more at ease!"

Chen Wu gave a blank look to Godsend, "My lord, I want to remind you that no matter what request they make, you cannot immediately agree to the conditions. You must come back and discuss with us before making a decision!"

"Oh, I remembered!" Tianci said obediently.

There are two famous mountain ranges in Northwest Province, one is the Kundong Mountain Range, and the other is the Tianlei Mountain Range.The Kundong Mountain Range is the gateway to human beings. It blocks the barbaric orcs to the west of the mountain range, while the Tianlei Mountain Range runs across the province, dividing the province into two parts, the north and the south. The area of ​​the north is only one-third of the area of ​​the south. One, Yanhua City is in the south of Tianlei Mountains.

The connection between the north and the south depends entirely on a long and narrow passage in the middle of the Tianlei Mountains.The passage is very flat, which is incomparable with the roads in the Northern Territory Mountains.There is a towering mountain peak next to the passage, covered with snow all the year round.Usually, the top of the mountain is covered with clouds and fog, and it is even impossible to see its true face of Mount Lu.There is a flat piece on the mountainside, just like the whole mountain was split in half and the other half was cut off.This flat is almost occupied by a lake, the water of which is clear and sweet, no matter how the weather changes, the water of the lake will not freeze.

This is the holy place of Fengxue Sect, Tianlei Peak, Tianlei Lake!

A horse-drawn carriage gallops down the rough road!The coachman held a long whip and "frame!"

In the carriage

"I thought you would send a lot of people, but I didn't expect you to be the only one!" Tianci looked at Xue Nu Bing Xin and smiled.

"It's useless to have too many people. I alone can protect my lord and Miss Li'er!" Bing Xin replied, her face was like ice and snow.

"So Miss Bing Xin's cultivation must be very high?" Lier was a little surprised.

"Miss Lier laughed, I am ten years older than you, but we are the same in terms of cultivation. The reason why I said I can protect you two is because I have it." After finishing speaking, Bing Xin took out a snow-white scarf from her waist. The jade plaque was engraved with the word Xuenv, "In the northwest, everyone will show some face to our Fengxue God Sect!"

"Hehe, that's how it is!" Tianci said.

Yu'er lazily stood up, and suddenly~~slapped a dirty fox paw print on the jade tablet.

The journey was very peaceful, probably because the carriage was marked with the flag and seal of the Snow God Sect, so no one dared to disturb it.

Surrounded by Gobi, there are only a few prominent mounds.

"Brother Tianci, look what that is!" Lier pointed to the mound in the distance.

Looking from a distance, Tianci saw a dilapidated square building erected on the mound, which may be an abandoned house or something, but if this is a house, then why is it in this place far away from the oasis, and there is only one.

"That is a beacon tower!" Bing Xin explained, "During the war, in order to quickly report the enemy's situation and ask for rescue, there would be this beacon tower at every distance between cities. Once the enemy's situation occurred, this beacon would be lit. There is thick black smoke coming out from the tower, and the nearby beacon towers will light up one after another after seeing it, so that the enemy's information can be transmitted as quickly as possible, and the nearby people can come to rescue quickly!"

"So that's the case!" Tianci and Li'er said at the same time.

"But now that the empire is unified, there is no need for it. No one guards or repairs, and it has become so weathered after thousands of years!" Bing Xin continued.

"Brother Tianci, let's go and have a look! It's not far anyway!" Lier suddenly became curious and suggested.

"Okay, I've never seen what weathering looks like, why don't you go and have a look!" Tianci agreed.

"There's nothing to see here. If the two of you are interested in Fenghua, there are about two days' journey ahead, and there will be a Fenghua City. Wouldn't it be better for us to go there to see it?" Bing Xin said.

"Fenghua City..." Tianci and Li'er exclaimed in amazement, wishing they could fly over immediately.

The carriage drove for more than two days and finally stopped in the afternoon.

"My lord, Fenghua City is ahead, we can go over there and have a look!" Bing Xin said

Tianci and Li'er jumped out of the carriage, followed Bing Xin's gestures to look, there was indeed a large area of ​​city remains not far away, the unevenness looked like a stone forest from a distance, and the number of them was extremely spectacular.

Leaving the groom behind, the three walked towards Fenghua City.

"Thousands of years ago, this was a very prosperous city with a dense population. However, an earthquake destroyed the water source here. As the water source withered, people gradually lost, and later all the people moved out. In this city, everything that can be taken away has been taken away, leaving only the once magnificent buildings in the wind and sand until now!" Bing Xin explained as she walked.

Soon the three of them walked into the weathered city. Facing the huge city, they seemed extremely small.There is no life in the empty city.Walking on the faint avenue, looking at the vague signs, you can vaguely see the scale and layout of the city, this may be the market!Tianci looked at a huge building complex and imagined the bustling scenery of countless pedestrians and carriages coming and going, but now they can only stay alone.

The three of them walked aimlessly, and the surrounding buildings had long lost their former coats. The northern wind and sand had eroded for thousands of years, and no matter how hard the exterior was, it had become soft.The hard stones at the beginning have now become layers of irregular stone layers.The original tall and majestic building with sharp edges and corners has long been polished into smooth and loose columns.

A gust of wind blows in, making a rumbling sound.

Is it empty depression, or bleak sorrow?

Tianci stretched out his hand to press on the wall, and the already riddled wall could not bear the strength of Godsend, there was a sound of sand and soil falling, and a clear handprint appeared on the wall.

"It's so loose!" Tianci couldn't help sighing.

"Really? I'll print one too!" Li'er said and clearly printed a small handprint next to the handprint given by God.

One big and one small two handprints.

It was getting dark and it was getting late.

"Bing Xin, let's rest here tonight!" Tianci suggested.

"I have no problem, but at night, there will be a whining sound here, that is the sound of the wind, you don't have to be afraid!"

Tianci picked an open place to set up a tent, and took out the corresponding water and snacks from the space ring.

At night, as Bing Xin said, the wind blew through Fenghua City, and there were humming sounds all around, as if the whole city was crying.Tianci couldn't sleep, walking around, the moonlight seemed to cast a thin layer of frost on the earth.

Tianci jumped onto the roof of a low room. Although it was not high, he could see far away.

"Flying Wings of the Wind!" A crisp voice sounded, and Li'er slowly floated up.It's a pity that it can only go straight up and down. . .

Tianci walked to the side of the house and pulled Li'er onto the house, and the two sat side by side on the roof under the moonlight.

"Can't you sleep too?" Tianci asked with concern.

"Well, the sound here is too loud. I can't hang my ears down to plug my earholes like Yu'er!" Lier said with a smile, "But sitting on the roof and walking down to see it are really two different views! "

"Li'er, there is one thing I've always wanted to tell you, but I never had the chance!" Tianci said.

Lier stared at Tianci with wide eyes.

"You still remember the moon core you took. Although it played a decisive role in your advancement to the fifth-level great magister, it seems to have some bad side effects!"

Lier was shocked, "What is it?"

"I don't know the specifics. Roland and I guessed that there might be side effects based on your attitude as a grandfather, but you can also rest assured that this side effect is definitely not about your body, it may be about your future achievements. , I have to go back and ask your godfather to know for sure! Hey, it’s all my fault that I was too impatient at the time, and let you take it without inquiring clearly!” Tianci said guiltily.

Lier felt as if a huge stone had been dropped in her heart, as long as it didn't have side effects on her body, it would be fine!

"Brother Tianci, don't be like this. I feel really good now. I usually meditate more deeply than before, and I feel that my affinity for the wind element is getting stronger and stronger, and the wind element I sense is getting more and more pure. Yes, this feeling is really good! Doesn’t it mean that talented people can reach the level of wizards after taking the moon core? I am already very satisfied to have the level of wizards!”

Godsend is silent, although Lier is not very keen on power, but who would not want to have a higher achievement?What Lier said was just to comfort herself, the more Lier was like this, the more guilty Tianci felt.

"Brother Tianci, don't think about it anymore, look here is something interesting!" After speaking, Lier forcefully picked a palm-sized stone from the roof.Years of weathering have left it jagged.

Tianci turned to look at Lier curiously.

"Look carefully, I discovered this during the day!" Li'er clasped the top of the stone with her hands and lifted it vigorously, and even lifted a layer of stone flakes.Li'er looked at Tianci proudly, grabbed the top again and lifted it vigorously again, and another layer of stone flakes was lifted.

"How about it, let's have fun!" Li'er handed the stone to Tianci.

Tianci curiously took the stone and held it in his hand, carefully watching it with the help of the moonlight.Although the moonlight is bright and clear, it cannot be compared with the sun. Tianci can't see very clearly, especially the uneven interior.

Tianci unfolded his consciousness and slowly penetrated the entire stone.

I see! !The entire stone block has already been cut into layers, but very few places are connected.Because the cut is so thin, it still looks like a complete stone.

This must be the result of weathering. It can cut through the stone. The power of this weathering is really strong!Tianci secretly thought of

"Huh!!" A gust of wind blew, and the rolled up sand was blown into Lier's eyes.

"Oops!" Li'er cried softly, blinking her eyes non-stop, tears streaming down her eyelashes at the same time.It took a long time to get the sand out of her eyes, Lier took out a handkerchief and wiped her red eyes.During the whole process, Tianci didn't say a word, nor cared once.

"Brother Tianci..." Lier turned her head to look at Tianci, and was stunned!
Holding the stone in his hand, Tianci remained motionless as before, his eyes were slightly closed, and there was a casual smile on the corner of his mouth.Li'er's cry didn't make Tianci open his eyes.

At this moment, Tianci has entered a wonderful realm.

Just when a gust of wind blew past, Tianci, who was still lamenting the power of weathering under his spiritual consciousness, suddenly saw a gleam of blue light, a very faint gleam of blue light flashed by.The blue light, which was not very fast, penetrated along the cut surface of the stone, and hit the unbroken connection inside.

"Crack!" The blue light was bounced away, and the speed decreased immediately.Faint particles fall off the joint.

Under the god-given consciousness, he tightly grasped the blue light that was still in the interlayer.As the speed weakened, the blue light also gradually weakened and faded.When the speed stopped completely, the blue light also disappeared.Completely gone.

God sent a shock.One's own spiritual consciousness surpasses the five senses of the human body's own five senses, and its strength can grasp the tiny fire element that cannot be seen by the naked eye and can only be felt by talent meditation.Now under my own consciousness, there is something slowly disappearing, completely, thoroughly, completely disappearing. . .

"How could this happen!!" Tianci was confused.

Recalling the feeling of catching the blue light just now, this wave, this frequency, this feeling. . .

Another blue light appeared, repeating the previous action, except that this blue light hit the surface, and the speed of the reflected blue light was greatly reduced, and the direction changed, but it still moved forward.As the speed weakened, the blue light dimmed a lot.Tianci closely followed this blue light, for fear that it would disappear for no reason like the blue light just now.

It took only a while for Qingguang to cross the 500-meter spiritual consciousness.Godsend can't sense anything other than divine consciousness. . .

"Hasn't disappeared?" Tianci said to himself.

together. . .Another one. . .

Tianci keeps discovering the blue light, and constantly senses and follows them.

After countless blue lights

Anyone who enters the mezzanine and does not touch the connection will not disappear. Those who touch the connection or the stone surface will not disappear if they still move forward at speed. Powerful, if the speed stops, the blue light will disappear.

interesting!Although Tianci didn't know what Qingguang was, he also found them very interesting.

"Brother Tianci..." Lier's soft voice suddenly came from next to her ear.

Tianci opened his eyes, only to see that the sky was already bright, and Lier squatted beside him and looked at him worriedly. Within his consciousness, Bing Xin stood 300 meters away and raised his arms, and a pigeon flapped its wings and flew to the blue sky.Seeing Tianci opened her eyes, Lier breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, "You have been sitting here for two days..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Tianci said and stood up.

"Oh!" His legs were numb, his feet had already lost feeling, and Tianci fell to the side involuntarily.

Lier was shocked and hurried forward to support Tianci.

Tianci's body lost his balance, and he grabbed her hands involuntarily. When Lier stepped forward to help her, he grabbed Lier's chest. . .

Snapped!Two people fell on the roof at the same time.

Tianci put one hand under her body, and the other grabbed Lier's chest, which was hard!Godsend divine sense scanned, and it turned out that he had caught the birthday gift he gave Lier, the little fox necklace holding the eighth-level wind magic core.

"Fortunately, I just grabbed the necklace, not the..." Tianci said happily.

Hou Tianci was stunned for a moment, and suddenly buried his head on Li'er's chest, the little fox in his hand almost stuck to his eyes.

"It's blue light... a lot... a lot... a lot of blue light!!"

(End of this chapter)

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