Godsend Field

Chapter 117 Visit

Chapter 117 Visit
Li'er has rarely worn the Moon Wolf cloak since she got the Moon Wolf cloak. The Moon Wolf cloak is warm in winter and cool in summer, so even on a cold night, Li'er just wears a thin coat and the Moon Wolf cloak is fine!

Tianci suddenly grabbed the little fox necklace she was wearing next to her body, and grabbed her jacket and underwear together. . .At this moment, Tianci concentrated all his energy on the blue light, and his eyes were tightly pressed against the magic core, but he didn't know that his angle was enough to see Lier's Ao Ren at a glance!
Li'er was at a loss for what to do when she encountered the sudden attack, and was stunned.

wind. . .Another wind!

At this moment, Li'er felt the slight coolness on her chest, she felt ashamed immediately, held her chest with her left hand, and pushed away Tianci with her right hand, "Tianci...brother...if, if you want...we get married. ...after getting married...I will..."

Lier herself didn't know what she was talking about, what she wanted to say.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Tianci suddenly jumped up and laughed loudly!
"Wind element!! That's wind element!! Hahahaha!"

The carriage continued to gallop on the avenue, Bing Xin looked at Tianci and Li'er strangely, why did this couple who were close to each other suddenly drive like this, and they didn't even speak. . .

Yu'er lay comfortably, with her head leaning against Tianci's leg, and her tail just touching Li'er's leg. . .The space is large, and sleeping is also comfortable!
The silence lasted for a day, until the sun went down, and they began to camp and rest.

Three tents surrounded the bonfire, and Tianci was in charge of the night watch, so no tent was set up.Compared with sleeping in a tent, Yu'er prefers to sleep next to the fire.

Tianci unfolded his consciousness, and the cyan light shuttled freely in the consciousness, more and more, densely packed, they collided and rubbed against each other.Even if one of the wind elements slows down and its light dims, as long as it is hit by another wind element, its speed will increase and its light will become stronger, as if it has absorbed energy from a stronger wind element.But if it doesn't absorb energy before it stops, the wind element will disappear completely.

What a strange wind element!

Unlike the wind element, the fire element is a fixed existence. Till now, Tianci has never seen that fire element disappear for no reason.Even in the water, the fire element has only become lazy, not as active as it is in the air, but it will never disappear.

"The elements between heaven and earth are all in balance, so even if the wind element here disappears, there must be another wind element somewhere!" Tianci secretly thought in his heart, "What kind of existence is the wind element? , disappeared, produced... so strange!"

"Brother Tianci..." A soft call pulled Tianci back from his contemplation.

"Li'er...you didn't sleep..." Tianci said a little awkwardly, "Actually...actually, I didn't want to take advantage of you during the day...actually, I was...I was..."

"I know!" Li'er's face was reddened by the bonfire, and her voice was like a mosquito. "Although we are engaged, but... if... we should wait until we get married... okay!"

Godsend was discouraged, but he was still misunderstood!Now it's yellow mud falling in the crotch, it's either shit or shit!The blame can only be blamed on myself being too excited at the time, plus no one knew about the divine consciousness, so it's no wonder Li'er misunderstood it.

"Okay! I listen to you!" Tianci had no choice but to admit it. . .I feel wronged!
"Thank you, brother Tianci!" Lier said like a mosquito, leaning her head gently on Tianci's shoulder.

Everything returned to calm, only the bonfire in front of me was crackling.

"Li'er, how do you usually sense the wind element?" Tianci asked softly.

"Wind element? We used to rely on meditation, but now I can sense it with a little concentration. Maybe it's because my affinity for wind element has increased!" Lier replied.

"I can also sense the wind element recently!" Tianci said calmly.

Lier's heart trembled and she said in surprise, "Brother Tianci, can you also sense the wind element?"

Tianci nodded, "I just sensed their existence, and I can't gather and control them like you!"

"Then tell me what the wind element you sensed looks like?"

Tianci was stunned for a moment, "Don't you know what the wind element looks like?"

"I used to be able to vaguely feel their existence through meditation. As for what they look like, I just feel chaotic. Even if I release wind magic, I still rely on some vague feelings to control it. But when I reached the third-level magician, this feeling seemed to be a little clearer. After I fused the moon core and the affinity of the wind element was greatly improved, I now feel that they are piece by piece, just like floating clouds in the sky Same. But I know that the real wind elements are definitely not like this, maybe because my affinity is not high enough, I can’t see them clearly!" Lier carefully recalled her feelings over the years, "I don’t know where Brother Tianci is now. At that stage, what did the wind element you sense look like?"

"Hehe! The wind element I feel is a point, a ray of light"

Lier froze, as if frozen, "You...you mean, you can see every wind element clearly?"

"I think so!"

"How is this possible... I have been meditating for so many years, and I have fused the moon core to be able to sense the general appearance of their gathering in front of me. Even our great magicians of the wind department cannot sense the specific appearance of the wind element. Godsend Brother, you... You can actually see the appearance of every wind element... This is incredible!" Lier said in surprise, with a puzzled look on her face.

"I don't know why, but I can indeed sense every wind element!" Tianci said firmly.

Looking at Tianci's firm attitude, although Li'er still couldn't accept this fact, "I think it may be because of your strong affinity for the wind element, brother Tianci. It's a pity that the godfather is not here, otherwise I can test it for you!"

"Li'er, have you ever felt the wind element suddenly disappear?"

"Disappear? No, we never sensed that the wind element would disappear suddenly!" Lier was suddenly a little embarrassed, "We never really sensed a wind element, but a blurred one, so...so We will not sense the disappearance of individual wind elements!"

Tianci nodded, indeed, Lier couldn't even sense a single wind element, so how could she find out that they disappeared?

"Brother Tianci, will the wind element really disappear for no reason as you said?"

God-sent affirmative answer.

The morning sun rose slowly, and the light elements in the sky and the earth surpassed the dark elements again.

The carriage continued on for two days before reaching the foot of Tianlei Mountain.I haven't felt it in the distance, but at the foot of the real mountain, Tianci can feel the majesty of Tianlei Mountain.The huge body is covered by thick white snow, occasionally revealing a bit of gray sharp mountain body, the strong wind blows, the white snow floats up, and a faint white mist covers the mountain body, and white clouds float across the mountainside, blending with the white snow.

The avenue inserted straight into the Tianlei Mountains.There is a large-scale inn beside the avenue not far away, where merchants and pedestrians will rest here.

Stopping at the entrance of the inn, there is a conspicuous signboard "Fengxue Inn" hanging on the spacious gate

"Don't worry about it, this inn was funded by our Fengxue Sect," Bing Xin said.

"Are you all good at doing business?" Tianci said with a smile.

Bing Xin glanced at Tianci, "Your Excellency, you have misunderstood! The purpose of our inn is to facilitate the passing pedestrians, and the pedestrians who come to our inn are free of charge!"

"According to this, the Snow Wind Sect is doing good things!" Lier said.

Tianci smiled noncommittal.

Walking into the inn, everyone from the Fengxue God Sect knew Xuenv Bingxin, and the in charge of the shopkeeper quickly greeted her with a very respectful expression.

"These two are the distinguished guests of the leader! You prepare three good guest rooms for us. We will rest for one night and go to the holy mountain tomorrow! Prepare some food for us by the way!" Bing Xin ordered.

"Yes, Lady Xuenv!" The shopkeeper said respectfully, and ordered his servants to prepare quickly!
After a good night's rest, the three of them left for the holy mountain the next day, and the shopkeeper sent them all the way to the foot of Tianlei Mountain.

The snow at the foot of the mountain is not thick, and there are many cold-resistant vegetation and tall straight pine trees that are pressed by the thick snow.A rugged stone staircase hewn by hand leads to the top of the mountain.Although the whole mountain was covered with Kaikai white snow, the stone steps were swept very clean.

After walking up the stone steps for a long time, I feel that I am still at the foot of the mountain.

"How high is Tianlei Mountain?" Tianci couldn't help asking.

"Our holy land, Tianlei Mountain, is about 800 meters above the ground!" Bing Xin replied.

"Eight thousand eight hundred..." Tianci and Li'er were shocked! "How many days will it take us to climb up there!"

"Don't worry, our religious altar is set up on the side of the mountain beside Tianshui Lake, and it only takes two days to reach it. As for the mountain peak, it is a forbidden area of ​​our divine religion, and we can only have it when we sacrifice to the goddess of wind and snow every ten years. The leader and the two elders go up, usually even the leader himself can't go up without permission, let alone outsiders!" Bing Xin explained.

"That's better, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be frozen into ice cubes before I reach the top!"

Compared with the World of Warcraft paradise in Yilin Mountains, the environment of Tianlei Mountain is cold all year round. Only a few cold-resistant animals can survive, and there are even fewer monsters. You can only hear some abnormal movements occasionally along the way, and see some small animals. Warcraft.

"Don't worry, there are quite a few mid-level monsters in the Tianlei Mountains, but we don't have any in the Tianlei Mountains, so we are safe here!" Bing Xin said, "We can walk for more than two hours. We have arrived at Zeyun City of our Fengxue God Sect! After passing Zeyun City and walking up for half a day, we will find Fengshen Temple and Snow Temple, and another hour will be Tianshui Lake and the altar. Our leader will meet at the altar you!"

Under the effect of Li'er's wind-type auxiliary magic, the three of Tianci walked very easily. The distance that originally took two hours to walk had already been reached in one and a half hours.

On the top of the stone steps is erected a huge stone tablet "Zeyun City"

Zeyun City is like a village, with three to four hundred rough stone houses, and many people wearing white robes or strong clothes come and go.There were also shouts of training in the middle square.

"These are your temple guards!" Tianci asked

"That's right. Every year, we select some believers with better talents to come to Zeyun City to practice martial arts or magic. After passing the assessment, the better ones can enter the Temple of Wind or Snow to become temple guards. However, the magic we practice It is limited to wind and water magic, and the requirements for water are more stringent. Only those who can freely use ice magic can be elected as guards. Therefore, the strength of the Wind Temple has always been stronger than our Ice Temple for a long time, and the previous leaders are also all. Most of them are succeeded by the elders of Fengshen Temple."

"Then these guards were also the ones who intercepted us last time?" Tianci asked seemingly casually.

"Of course not. Those are the elites of the Fengshen Temple. How can the people here compare to them? Last time, my lord killed five of their elite fighters in one go, which greatly reduced their strength and morale of the Fengshen Temple. Even the elders of the Fengshen Temple were punished to face the wall and think about their mistakes!"

"Huh? Since the loss is so great, how can I hear no trace of displeasure from your tone?"

"They disregarded the interests of the God Cult and the Northwest people and openly offended the adults. Even if the adults didn't kill them, they would be severely punished if they returned to the God Cult leader. Life would be worse than death! Is such a person worthy of my pity for them?" Bing Xin said.

Seeing Bing Xin walking in, the guards guarding the door hurried over to greet her.

Bing Xin didn't say much to them, and led the two of them directly into a better house in the village.

Tianci sat in the room and unfolded his consciousness, and the entire Zeyun City was within his consciousness.

"There are about 150 children under the age of ten, about 17 under the age of 460, about 30 under the age of [-], and [-] teachers. These will be the backbone of the Fengxue Sect in the next few years!" Tianci thought secretly.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, the three of them passed through Zeyun City and continued to walk up.When we walked on the first day, because the altitude was not high and there were a lot of vegetation, the wind was not very strong.But going up after Zeyun City, there is basically no vegetation, and the wind is much stronger than below, whistling and rolling up scattered snowflakes, blowing the three of them all over.

Tianci and Li'er walked carefully, there were white snowflakes dancing everywhere, and the road in the distance could not be seen clearly at all.

After walking for a long time, Muran looked up, and saw two magnificent halls not far away in the wind and snow, with blue tile roofs and white walls, and a tall archway at the door, with the words Fengshen Temple and Snow Temple on them respectively!Ten white-clothed guards stood at their respective entrances, their bodies tall and straight, unaffected by the whistling wind and snow.

Li'er straightened her hair, which was blown tousled by the wind, "It's so spectacular, how did you build these two halls?"

Bing Xin smiled slightly, this was the result of countless years of Fengxue Sect's hard work.

Tianci followed Bing Xin directly into the Snow Temple.Yu'er jumped off Tianci's shoulder, and shook off the snowflakes covering her body with a jerk.

Under the illumination of the magic lamp, the interior of the Snow Temple is very bright and warm. Unlike the grandeur outside, the interior is very carefully decorated.The decoration of the magic lamp, the laying of the carpet, and the decoration of the tables and chairs are all very particular.

"My lord, do you want to take a rest and go to the altar tomorrow, or go to the altar today?" Bing Xin asked.

"Let's go now, we're not tired anyway, and I also want to see your leader sooner!" Tianci said after obtaining Lier's consent.

"Since your lord has said so, let's set off!"

After walking for another hour or so in the wind and snow, the three of Tianci came to the edge of Tianshui Lake. The green lake water was blown by the wind and rolled up layers of folds.There is a valley on the opposite side of the lake, and the altar of Fengxue God Sect is in it.Walking into the valley, it is surprisingly calm and warm, and it is a completely different environment from the howling wind outside.

There are many green pines and vines growing in the valley, and the top without wind and snow looks green.

"Hehe! This is such a good place! The north wind howls outside and it's as cold as ice, but inside it's calm and warm like spring! We can see this valley, and our trip is worthwhile!" Tianci said from the heart 1 praise.

"My lord, it's absurd. In fact, there are many places on the mainland that are more bizarre than our teaching world, but the more bizarre, the greater the danger. Although our environment here is very good, we also have a fatal weakness."

"What is it, can you tell me?"

"I don't need to say this, adults will know if you feel it with your heart!" Bing Xin said.

Tianci and Li'er looked around and felt, "What the hell is it? I didn't find anything unusual!"

"I heard that my lord's fire magic is unfathomable, and Miss Lier's wind magic is even more incomparable. Don't you feel that the magic elements here are pitifully thin?"

Immediately after hearing this, Tianci unfolded his spiritual consciousness. Under the spiritual consciousness, there was a little fiery red, and the blue light was sparse, which can be said to be pitifully few.

Lier also felt it with her heart, trying to gather wind elements, but after working hard for a long time, she didn't gather much wind elements, and she couldn't even release a defensive shield. "How could this be?" Lier was shocked!
"I don't know. Not only the fire element and the wind element, but also the water element and the earth element are pitiful. I guess there are light elements, dark elements and wood elements in it." Bing Xin paused "According to According to our historical records, it was done before our Snow God Sect established its altar, and when it was first formed, there were no four elements at all."

Tianci and Lier looked at each other.In nature, due to terrain or other reasons, it is normal for certain elements to be thin and some elements to be thick, but there is no place like this, where the four elements are all extremely thin. It was not like this a year ago, but suddenly became like this, which is even more unbelievable.

"My lord, you see that our leader has come here to welcome you in person!" Bing Xin said, pointing to the front.

Tianci looked along and saw more than 20 people walking towards here in the distance.The leader is a kind old man with white eyebrows.Five people followed behind the old man, including the elders of Fengdian and Xuedian.Standing next to the elder of Fengdian is the great Pu'er magician who is the head of Fengshi.

"Hehe! Your Excellency the City Lord is here, our Fengxue Sect is full of splendor!" The thick voice came from afar, vibrating in the valley, as if shaking people's hearts!
(End of this chapter)

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