Godsend Field

Chapter 118

Chapter 118
Following the bell-like voice of the leader of Fengxue Sect, everyone walked to the entrance of the mountain to welcome the arrival of Tianci.

The leader has a medium build, no white eyebrows, and a pair of bright eyes on a wrinkled face.The silk-woven blue and white gown is inlaid with several blue wind-type magic cores, all of which are seventh-level magic cores in size.

Tianci handed it over slightly, "I have always wanted to meet the leader since I came to the northwest, but because I didn't have a firm foothold in the northwest when I first came to the northwest, and there were too many things, so I have been procrastinating until now, so I hope the leader is no wonder! "

"Hehe, it's okay! It's okay! It's great if you can come! If it wasn't because the old man was sick and couldn't leave here, I would have gone to the Lord's Mansion of Yanhua City to visit you in person!" The leader said with a smile, looking very affectionate.

"Oh? Could it be that the leader's body..." asked the god-sent 'concern'.

"It's all old problems, don't mention it!" The leader waved his hand and looked to the side. "This is Miss Lier!"

Li'er walked forward and bowed slightly, "I am Li'er, I have met the leader!"

"Hehe, Miss Li'er has reached the fifth-level great magician at a young age, and her future magical achievements will be even more limitless, which is really enviable!" The leader said and looked Li'er up and down.

"Master, let's go in and chat, we can't let the city master stand here and chat with us!" Elder Xuedian said to the leader with a smile.

"Haha, why did I forget this, hey! I'm getting old, I'm getting old!" The leader stretched out his hand and patted his head. "My lord, please come inside!"

As he said that, the leader walked in side by side with Tianci, and everyone else followed behind.In order not to make Lier feel lonely, Bing Xin continued to stay by Lier's side.

A group of people walked towards the valley

The pine forests lined up a stone path neatly, and at the end of the stone path were three or four simple wooden houses, which formed a sharp contrast with the majestic hall at the foot of the mountain.In front of the wooden house stood a three-meter-high marble statue, a stunning woman sitting sideways on the back of a giant white wolf, looking worriedly into the distance.The whole statue is made of high-quality materials, delicate and lifelike.

"Master, who is this?" Tianci asked.

"This is the Wind and Snow Goddess we believe in, and it was carved by our first leader. She is sitting on the monster of the Snow Wind Goddess—the moon wolf!" The leader explained and guided Tianci.

Tianci's heart trembled suddenly after hearing this.

Walking into the wooden house in the middle, there are simple and rough wooden furniture inside, just like a country house, and it still has a taste of the altar of the Fengxue God Sect.

"Master, is this your altar?" Tianci asked in surprise.

"Exactly, I made you laugh!" The leader smiled and beckoned Tianci to sit down, "This house was built by our first leader when he founded the church, and he spent his whole life here. Living here, adhering to the last wish of the first leader, caring for the people and benefiting one side!"

Tianci smiled slightly.

Next, the leader prepared some simple meals to wash away the dust for Tianci, and arranged for Tianci and Lier to live in the wooden house next to them to rest.The elders of Fengdian and Xuedian returned to the temple at the foot of the mountain to rest.Only a few guards were left guarding the side.

Early the next morning, Tianci and Li'er got up early to breathe the fresh air outside.

Under Tianci's guidance, Li'er also knows how to do a little soft fist, but the movements and artistic conception can't match, so she can't grasp the essence of soft fist.Fortunately, the movements of Rouquan are gentle and not violent, and it is really good for stretching the muscles and bones.

After a set of movements, I immediately feel refreshed.

"My lord woke up so early!" The leader came out of the house.

"The leader is also early!" Tianci greeted him with a smile on his face. Under his spiritual consciousness, Tianci knew that the leader had gotten up very early, but he didn't want to disturb Tianci and Li'er's morning exercise, so he didn't come out.It wasn't until Tianci and Li'er closed their fists that they opened the door and came out.

"It's still early, is your lord interested in walking in my valley?"

Tianci nodded, and Li'er followed the leader, walking casually in the valley.

"Master, I would like to ask, what is the reason why the magic elements are so rare here? I heard from Bing Xin that it was not like this ten thousand years ago!" Tianci asked casually.

"It is indeed as the adults said. According to legend, this place was the same as other places ten thousand years ago, and this mountain depression appeared after our first leader met the goddess of ice and snow here. According to previous leaders, this is a miracle. Yes The miracle left to us by the Ice and Snow Goddess! The Ice and Snow Goddess is gentle in nature, likes peace and tranquility and hates war disputes, so in the miracle, the four aggressive elements are excluded, leaving only the three magics of light, dark and wood. But as time goes by and the miracles weaken, a small amount of the four elements will slowly come in."

Tianci listened carefully.It is not uncommon to talk about miracles on the mainland.There are many strange things that happen in many places on the mainland, and people can't understand or explain them, and they will eventually regard them as miracles and believe that they are signs left by God.Since it is left by the gods, it is normal that humans cannot understand or explain it.

"Yesterday, I heard that the leader couldn't leave here because of an old illness. Is it because the magic elements are scarce here?" Tianci continued to ask.

"My lord guessed right! I was in danger during a mission. At that time, I was forced to use immature magic. Although I succeeded in repelling the enemy in the end, I was also severely backlashed by the wind magic element, which left me behind." There are sequelae. Any place where the wind element is too dense will produce dull pain, but the wind element in this valley is thin, just right to slowly cultivate and heal the original illness!"

Tianci smiled, "It seems that my master was right. Nothing in this world is absolute. This seemingly useless place can cure the sequelae caused by magic backlash!"

Walking around the valley, the environment and climate here are indeed very pleasant. If it is not for the scarcity of magic elements, it is indeed a good place for meditation.

The three of them walked to a wooden table, where a guard had already put breakfast on the wooden table.

After eating breakfast and waiting for Tianci to follow the leader back to the wooden house again, everyone from yesterday has already arrived.

Tianci and the leader sat at the top, and everyone else sat at the bottom.

"My lord, I invite you here this time. On the one hand, I want to get close to you, and on the other hand, I have some mundane matters to discuss with you," the leader said.

Tianci had expected a long time ago, "Master, please tell me!"

"My lord, some time ago my idiot offended the city lord on his own initiative, but fortunately he was fine. I learned about it and taught him a lesson. He also knew he was wrong. I hope you can forgive him!" said the leader. He yelled at the elders of Fengdian below, "Star, why don't you come here and apologize to your lord!"

At this time, the elder of the Wind Palace, Star, was itching with hatred in his heart, but he did not dare to disobey the leader's intention, so he stepped forward and bowed to Tianci, "My lord, a few days ago I..."

Before Star could finish speaking, Tianci stood up and stopped Star, "This matter is a misunderstanding. Now that it's over, everyone don't mention it!"

Star saluted and walked back to his original position.

"My lord is indeed a large number of adults! I will strictly control my subordinates in the future, and will not offend my lord again." The leader promised, "In addition, we also want to discuss with you about the issue of Kule City."

"What the leader said is that, in fact, I really want to talk to the leader about this issue. As we all know, His Majesty the King granted me Yanhua City as his territory, and asked me to manage all the cities and villages in the vicinity of [-] miles. Your Majesty entrusted me I dare not be careless, so I hope the leader can understand my difficulties!"

"Your Majesty is entrusted by His Majesty the Kingdom to manage the Northwest. That is our blessing in the Northwest! I wonder if Your Excellency has been to the north of Tianlei Mountain?"

Tianci shook his head, "I've only been in the Northwest for a short time, and it's not my territory and the distance is far away, so I haven't been there yet!"

"I also went there more than 30 years ago. As for how it is now, let Elder Xuedian tell you. She only went to the North District at the beginning of this year. She should know the situation there very well!" the leader said.

At this time, the elder of Xuedian stood up and walked to the center, bowing to the leader, "Return to the leader, my lord! Our Fengxue God Sect goes to the North District to spread the teachings every year, and it is our turn to go to the Snow Temple this year. When we are about to leave, listen to It is said that there was a sudden heavy snowfall in the North District at that time, hundreds of villages were hit by the snow disaster, thousands of people died of freezing, and countless cattle and sheep died of freezing. Because of the harsh environment in the North District and the lack of supplies, the local managers did not There is enough ability to rescue them, so people in the entire North District are desperate to escape."

"After hearing the bad news, our Snow God Sect was ordered by the leader to go to the North District for disaster relief. In order to quickly and effectively relieve the refugees, we spent a total of 25 purple gold coins, among which rescuers were temporarily recruited from the three cities of Kule Wanmin bought more than 20 vehicles of food, and countless clothes and quilts. With the strong cooperation of the officials in the North District, the spread of the disaster in the North District has been successfully stabilized, and countless people have received relief! We have also made proper arrangements for the widows and lonely people in the disaster!"

After hearing this, Tianci's heart trembled, "Is this really the case in the North District?"

"My lord, everything I said is true. Your lord can go to the North District or the Three Cities of Kule to inquire about it in person. If there is a half of it that is not true, I am willing to be punished!" Elder Xuedian said solemnly.

Looking at the dignified expression of the elder Xuedian, Tianci no longer doubted, "I still want to know, have the people in the North District been in such a difficult situation? Then what are the local officials doing?"

"Your Excellency, you can't blame them. Everyone says that the Northwest is barren and desolate, but the real barren and desolate is the North District. Not only is the land barren, the transportation is inconvenient, and there are many natural disasters. The local officials don't have enough tax to change the status quo, and The officials in the Northwest are unwilling to waste a purple gold coin there, so the situation will not only deteriorate in the long run. If our Fengxue God Sect does not help them every year while preaching, I am afraid that there will have become a piece of bone!"

"According to what you said, do you use a lot of manpower and material resources to rescue them every year?" Tianci asked.

"That's true. Although there are not so many purple gold coins that are usually used, the least one is around [-]!"

"Hey! I thought the lives of the people in Yanhua City were relatively hard. I didn't expect the people in the North District to live even harder! Over the years, it's really hard for you!" Tianci sighed.

"There, these are what we should do! Relief of the people is the purpose of our Fengxue God Sect! But today we can be satisfied with the words of your lord!" The leader said solemnly.

"My lord, we are just a church after all. We don't have rich financial resources like the nobles of the empire. We try our best to raise purple gold coins for the next year's relief every year, but we always feel beyond our power because of the difficulties. So we hope My lord can allow us to continue to manage the three cities of Kule, so that we can continue to have the confidence to rescue the tens of millions of people in the northern district!" Elder Xuedian said in a pleading voice to the heavens.

At this time, the others also stood up and walked to the middle to give a gift to God, "Look at the tens of thousands of people in the North District, I hope that the Lord will continue to let us manage the three cities of Kule!"

Faced with Yingying's request, both Tianci and Li'er were moved.

Tianci glanced at Lier, only to see that Lier's eyes were already moist.

"My lord, for my lord, the three cities of Kule are only missing a part of them, but for the people in the northern district, they are their lifeline! If my lord agrees, we can help my lord take down Karama City and Kemayi The city as compensation, I don't know what you would like?" The leader suggested at the right time.

Tianci hesitated again. It really doesn't matter to Tianci that the loss of three cities is compared with the lives of thousands of people in the North District.

Just when Tianci was about to agree, suddenly Yu'er ran in from the door, swiftly jumped onto Tianci's shoulder, and scratched Tianci's ear with a small claw.Tianci cried out in pain.

Tianci, who was in pain, suddenly realized, what happened to him?Before coming here, he agreed to Chen Wu, no matter what request they made, he could not directly agree to it, but just now he was going to agree to them!
"Master, I understand everything about you! Regarding the question about the North District and Kule City, I still need to go back and discuss with my staff before I can answer you. How about this? You can send someone who understands the North District Come to my City Lord's Mansion to discuss this issue with us!" Tianci suggested.

"My lord's suggestion is very good! Elder Xuedian, this year is the northern area where your Snow Temple will go, so let your Snow Temple send someone there!" The leader said without changing his face after pulling the corner of his eyes.

"Yes! Master!" Elder Xuedian bowed and retreated, and everyone also retreated to their seats consciously.

The leader slowly stood up and said solemnly, "I still have one last and most important thing to discuss with Miss Lier!"

"Sect Master, please speak!" Tianci said, feeling uneasy.

"My lord, you also know by now that the moon wolf was once the magical beast of our Snow Goddess, and we all regard the moon wolf as a sacred beast to protect the religion, and the moon core is a sacred object of our Snow Wind Sect. For nearly a hundred years There have never been any traces of moon wolves in the northwest land, and I don’t want to let the adults come across them! That’s why my fool will offend the adults without knowing the depth.”

"Master, I think you may also know that I have already fused the moon core with Lier, and it is impossible to give it to you again!" Tianci said.

"I already know, that's why I'm taking the liberty to request today that Miss Li'er can join our Snow Wind Sect and become our Wind Girl who has been vacant for nearly a hundred years!" the leader sincerely requested.

Tianci was shocked, and couldn't help shouting, "No! Absolutely not!"

Everyone in the cabin was taken aback.

"My lord, do you know how important Feng Nu is to our Snow Wind Sect?" the leader asked.

Before Tianci came here, he had also learned about Fengxue Sect from many sources.The leader of Fengxue Sect is divided into two halls, and each hall has elders and Fengnv Xuenv.Fengnv Xuenv are the successors of the elders of the two halls, and the elders of the two halls are the successors of the leader.For a long time, the strength of the Fengshen Temple has always surpassed that of the Snow Temple, so the elders of the Fengshen Temple will most likely become the new leader.In the past hundred years, the Fengshen Temple has not selected Fengnv, so the current leader and STAR can become the elders of the Fengdian and then be promoted to the leader.

Now the leader proposes to let Lier become a wind girl, and it will be a matter of time for Lier to become a mage with the talent after merging the moon core. At that time, it will be logical to replace Star as the elder of the Wind God Temple, and further become the leader of the Wind Snow God Sect. Hierarch.This is undoubtedly the passing of the Snow Wind God Religion to Li'er!

"I know!" Tianci replied, "But I still don't agree!"

After speaking, Tianci glanced at Lier, who nodded firmly.In Li'er's mind, it doesn't matter whether it's the elder or the leader, she will listen to whatever decision Tianci makes.Just now Tianci refused without hesitation, Lier was still very happy in her heart.

"Since you know it, why don't you agree?"

Tianci didn't want to explain, but seeing the leader's eager eyes, "Because Lier and I are already engaged!"

The leader nodded and smiled as if understanding, and said, "So that's the case! We've heard that your lord has a close relationship with Miss Li'er, but I didn't expect you to have such a happy event! Actually, it's not difficult, Miss Li'er can be our first." Fengnu, before you get married, I can decide to let Li'er inherit the elders of Fengdian in advance. Then the double happiness will not delay your marriage! What do you think?"

When the leader said this, everyone was shocked!Among them, Star, the elder of the Wind Palace, was even more at a loss, staring at Tianci and Li'er viciously, wishing to go up and tear them apart.In Fengxue God Cult, although the leader can appoint the position of elder, in order to convince the public, they are selected through competition or election, and at least they must have the level of a sixth-level great magician.Although Lier will definitely be able to become a wizard in the future, she is still only a fifth-level great magician after all, and she is so young.

"Master, Miss Li'er is still very young, I'm afraid that if I become an elder too early, I won't be able to convince the crowd..." One of them stood up and said.

"There is no need to say more about this matter. Miss Li'er has fused our sacred moon core, not to mention inheriting the elders of the Wind Palace, even the position of leader is qualified enough to do it. You forget our No. 30 fifth leader and 92 The leader is after the fusion of the sacred objects, and he became the leader at a young age, and his achievements are brilliant?" The leader reprimanded.

"What the leader said is very true, I am convinced!"

The rest of the people are silent!

"Master, I still can't agree to you, because this matter must be agreed by another person!" Tianci said.

"Don't know who it is?"

"Li'er's godfather!"


"Rafal! Dean of the Imperial Academy, Rafal, the guardian saint of Wales!"

. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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