Godsend Field

Chapter 119

Chapter 119
The next few questions discussed were not major issues, but Tianci learned a lesson and did not agree to any of them. They just said that they would go back and discuss it before giving an answer.

Knowing that further discussions would lead to no results, the leader simply dropped all the issues.

"I heard from the elder Xuedian that Ms. Li'er has encountered a bottleneck in her breakthrough recently. I don't know what the problem is. Let me see if I can help Ms. Li'er!"

"Miss Lier, our master's wind magic is unfathomable, even on the mainland, there are only a handful of them. Usually we don't have the opportunity to ask for advice. You should seize the opportunity!" The great magician of Pu'er envied Said.

Lier looked at Tianci, and Tianci nodded slightly.

"Master, I want to ask, what exactly is the wind element!" Li'er walked forward and asked softly.

"Wind element?" Everyone in the Fengxue Sect in the hall was surprised. Li'er was already a fifth-level great magician, so how could she ask such a childish question like an apprentice.

"Hehehe! Good question, Miss Lier, good question!" The leader looked at Lier carefully again, then turned to the people in the Fengshen Temple next to him and said, "Pu'er, Star, do you think Lier The question the girl asked was naive?"

Pu'er dare not speak.

"If you think so, I can only say that you are naive!" The leader stood up, "The great magicians of the Temple of Wind who are sitting here, you have practiced wind magic for at least 30 years, I ask You, who of you know what the wind element looks like?"

"Reporting to the leader, when I gathered wind elements before releasing the wind magic, I felt like they were fog in autumn or snow in winter. I could only feel their existence but not their appearance!" Pu'er was ashamed Said.

"Father, I can only feel that the wind element is like a cloud..." Star also bowed his head.

"Okay, you don't have to be ashamed, you can't blame you, the elements of nature are so wonderful, each has its own unique nature and form. The special thing about wind elements is that they have no form, and it's normal for you not to feel it Yes!" the leader said slowly.

"What!! No form?" Everyone was taken aback, including Tianci.

"Master, if the wind element has no form, then what do we usually perceive?" Lier asked suspiciously.

"Hehe! Of course what we sensed is the wind element. Although the wind element has no form, this does not prevent us from sensing and gathering them. Don't think that the absence of form means that it does not exist. Existence does not necessarily depend on form!"

It’s okay if you don’t listen to it, but you’re even more confused after listening to it.

"Actually, it's too early to tell you these things based on your current level, but if you want to make further achievements in the wind element, you will have to face these sooner or later! I just want to say one thing here, and you all have to keep it in mind." Keep it in mind!" the leader said solemnly.

Everyone pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"The element of wind is movement!"

. . . . . .

Tianci stayed on Tianlei Mountain for another two days, visiting Tianshui Lake and the two temples at the foot of the mountain respectively.The elder of Fengdian deliberately avoided meeting Tianci again.

After calculating the time, it was not too long since leaving Yanhua City, so Tianci bid farewell to the leader and got up to return to Yanhua City.Along the way, Xuenv Bingxin continued to escort the two of them.The elders of the Xuedian usually stay in the Snow Temple, and the Xuenv will travel between the Snow Temple and the church in Yanhua City. This time, Bing Xin has another task besides escorting, which is to arrange personnel to discuss with the city lord. The problems of the people of the three cities and the North District.

After coming down from Tianlei Mountain, both Tianci and Li'er felt much more relaxed.

When the wind blows, the flames deflect, and the bonfire crackles.

"Brother Tianci, what are you thinking?" Lier walked to Tianci.

"I'm thinking about the words of the leader, the wind element is movement! What does it mean?" Tianci pondered hard, but to no avail.

Lier also sat next to Tianci, hugging her knees, "I've been meditating and practicing wind magic for more than ten years, and this is the first time I've heard it. In fact, I've been very afraid these days. Ten years of wind magic is so empty, I am afraid that one day I will suddenly wake up, and I will no longer feel the wind element."

Tianci looked at Lier in the reflection of the bonfire, and felt pity suddenly in his heart, and put his hand on Lier's shoulder, "Lier, you don't have to worry so much. There are so many people who practice wind magic on the mainland, and many of them have very high Achievement, this also shows that the wind magic is not nothingness, but we don't really understand it, just like when you are a magic apprentice, a magician, and a great magician, you feel differently about the wind element , which means that you are getting closer to the truth step by step."

Lier nodded, leaned on Tianci's shoulder, and closed her eyes slightly. This time may be the most at ease moment for herself.

The moonlight fell down, shining on the two people who were cuddling together.

The wind element is movement! ?
What do you mean, what exactly do you mean?
Tianci closed his eyes, and instantly let go of his spiritual consciousness. Within his spiritual consciousness, there were fiery red jumping fire elements and blue flickering wind elements. . .

While Li'er was sleeping soundly beside Tianci, an old man hadn't rested yet.Under the magic lamp, a pair of withered hands were clutching their foreheads in pain, the gray nails were sunk into the scalp, and big beads of sweat fell down, dripping on the golden pardon in front of the table.

"Your Majesty!" the man in black called out with concern.

"Oh, you're here!!" King Aixin took a breath and rubbed his hands vigorously on his face.

"Your Majesty, do you want me to pass on the imperial physician?"

"No need, don't you know what's wrong with me? I won't be able to die for a while!" King Aixin frowned and clenched his teeth to resist the severe pain. Come."

"But Your Majesty..."

King Aixin waved his hand to stop the man in black from continuing, "How's it going outside, when is the youngest going to play?"

"There has already been an uproar outside, and it's all the people under the third prince and the newly established business alliance who spread the news. As far as I know, the third prince doesn't plan to play on his own, but let him be involved in government affairs. The officials above play."

"Change the soup but not the medicine. I would be more relieved if he came to play in person! Cough cough! Is there a secret concert from the northwest?"

"not yet!"

His Majesty Ai Xin tried his best to stand up, and the man in black rushed forward to help him. His Majesty stubbornly pushed the man's hand away, and walked slowly to the gold silk map presented by the eldest prince on the wall, stretched out his trembling hand and gently Touching "Northwest, Northwest! I've been waiting for 40 years, is it finally your turn?"

Back in Yanhua City, Bing Xin and Tianci bid farewell to the church, and Tianci returned to the City Lord's Mansion accompanied by his personal guards.

"My lord, is this trip going well?" Chen Wu stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay, I finally lived up to your entrustment, I didn't promise anything!" Tianci said.

"Hee hee! Brother Tianci, really?" Lier giggled, even Yuer glanced at Tianci disdainfully.

Chen Wu and Gru were puzzled and looked at them strangely.

Tianci blushed, "You don't need to guess, the thing is like this..."

Tianci told Chen Wu Gelu about the situation of the people in the North District and what he almost agreed to, and Chen Wu and Gelu had a false alarm. Fortunately, he brought Yu Er, otherwise the consequences would be real Unbelievable.

After hearing this, Chen Wu thought for a while, "My lord, you were almost fooled by them!"

Tianci and Li'er were taken aback, "Did they fall for it? Could it be that what they said was all false? The people in the North District are not as miserable as they say?"

"My lord, I know a thing or two about the lives of the people in the North District. They are indeed living a very hard life. The property in the North District is poor and disasters continue. Most of the time they rely on the relief of the Fengxue Sect to survive. !” Gru stepped forward and said that more than ten years of mercenary life has given him much richer knowledge than ordinary people.

"Since this is the case, why did Chen Wu say that we were fooled?" Tianci was puzzled.

Chen Wu looked at Tianci and Gelu angrily, why are all men so stupid?

"Look, my lord!" Chen Wu pointed to the northwest map, "Our northwest province is divided into two by the Tianlei Mountains. Because the Tianlei Mountains are extremely long, the peaks are high and steep, and there are monsters infesting them, so basically there are only Such a road leads to the outside world.”

"I know this road. We took this road to Tianlei Mountain this time. It is at the foot of Tianlei Mountain. The Fengxue God Sect has built many free inns along the way for the use of guests."

"That's the problem, my lord, have you found that the Snow Wind Sect has actually controlled this road. As a result, the entire northern region is under the control of their Snow Wind Sect. To put it bluntly, The Northwest Province is the northwest province of the empire, and the North District is the North District of their Snow God Religion. On the surface, they help the North District every year, but in fact they are keeping the foolish people in captivity. For thousands of years, I believe that For the people in the northern region, they only have the Wind and Snow Sect in their hearts but not the Welsh Empire, let alone you, my lord!" Chen Wu said sharply.

"Use the tax revenue from the three cities of Kule to help the people of the North District. First, have they used this tax revenue completely to help the people of the North District? Their Fengxue Sect has controlled the North District for thousands of years. The situation has not improved at all, which inevitably makes me wonder why? Second, the three cities of Kule belong to the Lord and belong to the Empire. Even if you want to rescue the people in the northern district, the Lord can use the name of the Empire or even your own Why let the Snow Wind Sect use the purple gold coins of adults to publicize the goodness of their Wind Snow God Sect and win believers for them? The third northern district and the Northwest Province have only one road, and their Wind Snow God Sect What is the purpose of teaching to completely control this lifeline? With these three points, you should unswervingly take back the three cities of Kule, especially this Tianlei Lake!"

After listening to Chen Wu's words, Tianci Li'er and Gelu felt like a blow to the head, and Tianci's face became even more gloomy.

"Chen Wu, it's lucky to have you here, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable!" Tianci sighed.

"My lord, even though this is the case, we can't turn against the Snow Wind Sect yet. Our immediate priority is the iron mines between Karama City and Kemayi City. Calculating the time, the news should have reached the capital by now. I It won't be long before we get a clear order from His Majesty the King, and then no matter what we do, we will be carrying out the king's order, and the eldest prince will not blame us!" Gelu added.

"Well, I see," Tianci said, "I don't know how the training of our personal guards is going, and the Northwest Wolf, you promised me to cooperate with us!"

"Don't worry, my lord, there are now 4000 or [-] people in our personal guard group. Except for the team led by Lorna, everyone else is training for large-scale battles, including the elite of our Northwest Wolves, who are also training for extermination battles!" Chen Chen Fog reported.

"By the way, has my father ever been back?" Tianci suddenly asked, An Rui had indeed been away for a long time.

"Master Anrui came back once, and gave us a detailed record of the deployment and combat effectiveness of the Sun Mercenary Corps! We are conducting targeted training based on Master Anrui's information." Gru replied.

"Daddy is back, great!" Tianci jumped up happily.

"But Master Anrui left again. He said that he had to go back to the capital for important matters, but he would hurry back before His Majesty's order reaches the northwest!"

Tianci and Lier looked at each other and smiled wisely!The so-called important thing is probably to report to someone!
"Morning Mist, I once told the leader of the Snow Wind Sect, let them send someone to discuss with me about the three cities of Kule. I'm not very good at this. You can discuss it with Mr. Clark, and you can go talk to them. Right. No matter what, everything must be based on the interests of the people!"

"It's my lord, I'm going to find Mr. Clark!" After saying that, Chen Mist bowed to God and walked out of the city lord's mansion.

Looking at the back of the morning mist, the three of Tianci Liergelu were all discouraged at the same time. . .The three of them together are not as good as Chen Wu alone.

"My lord, it's a good thing you kept her. Now I'm really convinced by Captain Chenwu," Gru said in admiration.

"Hehe, I now also feel that the most beautiful thing I did after I came to the northwest was to keep the morning mist. If it wasn't for her, I'm afraid we'd all be fooled by the Snow Wind Sect now! Gru, with us With the current situation of the Guards Corps and Northwest Wolves, how sure are you that you want to wipe out the Sun Mercenary Corps?"

Gru smiled confidently.

The distant capital, Ancona, is now being aroused by a case of privately opening an iron mine.

Although the empire expressly prohibits private mining of iron mines, because the profits of iron mines are too attractive, there are still many people who risk beheading and collude with local officials to open private mines. Although the empire has severely cracked down After a few times, but every time I relax a little, private mines spring up like mushrooms after rain, and they are repeatedly banned.Therefore, it is not uncommon to open iron mines privately.

But now the iron ore case is a bit odd.Like a plague, it spread throughout the city almost instantly. Unlike before, it was only spread among officials and nobles. Now it has spread to every household in the capital, and even the teahouses in the outer city are talking about it.There are also the characters involved. It is said that although a certain mercenary group appears to be acting mischievously, it is actually a certain prince who is secretly operating.

Baifeng's speed is quite fast. It takes less than ten days for others to walk a month's journey.

In the Ning Yuan of the Duke's Mansion, Zhen put the moon wolf's cloak on her shoulders.

"Rui, is this really the fur of the legendary moon wolf?" Zhen asked, stroking the smooth and soft fur.

"Is it still fake? Do you feel warm inside when you wear it?"

"Well, I feel it. It seems that as long as you wrap the cloak gently, you will be as warm as wearing a thick cotton jacket. It's really amazing!" Zhen said happily, wrapping the cloak tightly around her body.

"It's because it's cold outside, and when it's hot outside in summer, you'll feel cool inside wearing it!" An Rui added.

"Really..." Jane couldn't believe it.

The moon slowly rose up, and the soft moonlight shone on the moon wolf's fur, emitting a soft silver light.

"Rui, look quickly, it's so beautiful!" Seeing the light shining on the cloak on her body, Jane shouted excitedly, "It's really Moon Wolf's cloak, now I really believe it!"

"Of course it's true!" Duke Kate's hoarse voice came over, and Kate and his wife walked into Ningyuan back and forth. "It's amazing that the child was able to kill the moon wolf."

"Mom and Dad!" Jane ran over like a girl at this time, excitedly showing the moon wolf's cloak to the two old people.

An Rui walked forward and saluted Duke Kate. Although An Rui didn't like Duke Kate from the bottom of his heart, he was Jane's father and Nero's grandfather after all.

"An Rui, I have received the petition form from God. I came today to learn about the affairs of the Northwest, so I can deal with the petition as appropriate! Is he okay there?" Kate asked with concern.

An Rui explained the situation in the northwest to Duke Kate in detail, and the Duchess talked to Jane about mother and daughter.

After understanding the situation, Duke Kate nodded, "An Rui, you don't need to go to the northwest anymore, just let the child practice by himself!"

Back in the study, Duke Kate picked up the petition form sent by Tianci and read it carefully.

"My lord, it's getting late, you should rest, and you will go to the palace to discuss the state affairs tomorrow!" The leader of the Jinju Guard, Gauss, reminded Duke Kate in a low voice.

The Duke raised his head and rubbed his temples, and asked casually, "Gauss, what do you think of my four grandchildren?"

"My lord, I am just the commander of the personal guards. As for the young masters... the subordinates dare not speak nonsense!"

Duke Kate turned noncommittal and asked, "Gauss, since your father died, how many years have you followed me?"

"My lord, it has been 45 years since my father passed away and I joined the Guards Corps! It's a pity that I am too stupid to help the Duke like my father did!" Gauss said shamelessly.

Duke Kate shook his head, "Your father is a rare talent, you can meet him but you can't ask for it! Back then, His Majesty was weak and treacherous ministers were tyrannical. If it hadn't been for your father giving me a slap in the face, I'm afraid I would also help the tyrant, and today's Such a scene? Hey! It’s a pity that heaven is jealous of talents... and your talent lies in martial arts. You have been loyal and hardworking in my bodyguard group for so many years. I have already regarded you as my adopted son, so You can say whatever you want, but it’s okay to say it!”

"My lord, forgive me. Among your four grandsons, Master Mann is the most ineffective, and he can only bully others. It can be seen from his style over the years. And Master Mande is cowardly, even if he knows Mann He didn't dare to resist when the young master did something wrong, but he also has an advantage that he can strictly carry out the orders of you and Miss Ni. The young master Tianci has a magnanimous mind, and we don't see any desire in him, but he also has a fatal weakness. Too much emotion. Master Ni Luo is smart and capable, and has a strong learning ability, but he is still young, and some ideas are still very simple. If he can go out and practice for a few years, he must be a great talent!"

"You are right. If I die today, who will your personal guards support as my successor?"

"Master Tianci and Master Nero are both acceptable, but Master Nero is the first choice!"

Duke Kate nodded and sighed, "Even you, a good warrior, can tell the good from the bad, why are there always some people who can't see it!"

(End of this chapter)

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