Godsend Field

Chapter 120 Epiphany

Chapter 120 Epiphany
"My lord, I think there must be someone behind them to support them, and their goal may not be as simple as your title."

"Well, I've noticed it a long time ago, but I haven't been able to find out the real mastermind and intention behind them! Otherwise, I wouldn't have allowed them to mess around until now!" Duke Kate sighed.

Gauss was silent, the Duke's resourcefulness is far beyond what he can match!
"Okay, let's not talk about these troublesome things! You are comparing the two children Tianci and Nero!"

Gauss bowed, "Master Tianci has a cheerful personality and a magnanimous heart, and he doesn't have any desires. If you don't have desires, you will be strong, so I can't find any weaknesses in him except family affection. Although he has no talent for fighting spirit, his martial arts are the best I have ever seen. He is the strongest in the world, and his magical talent is unfathomable, sometimes I can't help being nervous when I see Master Tianci."

"You mean the slow punches he used to throw?"

"My lord, don't underestimate that punch. It may be useless in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of the strong, the murderous intent implied by that punch is unstoppable. If it can be matched with fighting spirit, it will be the most powerful among fighters of the same level. It can be said to be invincible!"

Goston paused, "Master Nero is talented, intelligent, hard-working and studious, but sometimes we feel a little soft and hesitant to do things. If we can go out and practice for a while, we will definitely become the best heir to the adults!"

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!" Duke Kate laughed.

"My lord, these are my humble opinions. If I am wrong, please correct me!"

Duke Kate stopped laughing, "What you said is not wrong, but this is just the point of view in the eyes of you warriors. It is accurate but not comprehensive. What I see in my eyes is another scene."

"Please enlighten me, my lord!"

"Tianci is indeed steel without desire, which is why His Majesty attaches great importance to him. Your Majesty has found his shadow in Tianci!"


"Don't you realize that Tianci now is a bit like His Majesty when he was young? His Majesty had no intention of the throne at the beginning, but in order to protect himself, he was forced to fight for it. Tianci also had no intention of being a lord, but he wanted to fight for the people of the Northwest. To snatch, or even rob. After His Majesty succeeded to the throne, he used talents who were eclectic, but only virtue and talent, and he didn't care whether friends or enemies. And Tianci was promoted to the lord. Didn't the same method be used to select talents? I remember when your father once It’s said that ‘a person like His Majesty the King who doesn’t care about the political power is terrible once he cares about it!’”

Gauss nodded silently.

"As for Nero, all of you can't see through him, but I can!" Duke Kate's face became heavy, "Gauss, remember my words, no matter when and where, you would rather offend Godsend Kate, or even offend I, Dress Kate, don't offend him, Nile Kate!"

Gauss was shocked, "Yes! Your Excellency!"

Duke Kate stood up, "It's getting late, Gauss, go get a light and come in!"

Gauss was puzzled, but he went out anyway, and came in with an oil lamp a while later.

Duke Kate picked up the petition form sent by God and put it on the oil lamp.The weak flame quickly climbed and spread along the Chen Qing form.

"My lord, you are..."

"If this little trick is put on an ordinary king, it would be a good move, but our current majesty is not ordinary. His majesty is not afraid of you not doing things, nor afraid of you making mistakes, but afraid of you not only not doing things, but also playing tricks." This kind of small trick can only be self-inflicted and boring, just like explaining too much will become a cover-up! Did they think that without the petition form, His Majesty would not know the situation there? But the fire they set off is still It’s not big enough, it looks like I’m going to fan it!”

The flames burned very quickly, and within a short while the petition form was burnt to ashes.Looking at the flying soot, Duke Kate murmured, "Young...still too young!"

On the official road in the northwest, a galloping horse came galloping.The guards at the post stations along the way were about to stop them, when the man on horseback suddenly held up the gold medal in his hand, the guards were shocked and knelt down one after another.The visitor jumped off his horse, walked quickly to the stable of the post station, picked a good horse and continued on his way.

On a hill outside Yanhua City, Tianci sat cross-legged on it alone, with his hands on his knees, his eyes slightly closed and motionless.The north wind blew, and the skirts of the clothes fluttered.

"Li'er, what's the matter, my lord? I haven't eaten or drank for ten days. If this continues, I'm afraid it will be dried up sooner or later!" Chen Wu asked.

Below the hill, two hundred personal guards surrounded the hill, and no one was allowed to approach within a hundred meters around.

"I think Brother Tianci is comprehending the wind element!"

"Wind element...isn't your talent the fire element? I heard that your master's fire magic skills are unfathomable. How come the wind element has the same talent?" Gru asked in surprise.

"Is your lord highly accomplished in fire magic?" Chen Wu asked curiously.

"Well, when Lorna and I were in the capital, we heard that the magic released by the adults was beyond the comprehension of the head of the Fire Department of the Imperial College!" Gru said.

Li'er smiled and shook her head, and Yu'er next to her looked at Tianci on the hill with disdain.The one who helped him actually used Benhu's power to achieve his own reputation.

"Li'er, how does your wind element talent compare to yours?" Chen Wu asked.

"I...how can I compare to Brother Godsend!" Lier said, she could clearly feel the wind element, and based on this alone, she was not as good as Godsend.

Gru and Chenwu smiled faintly. In their eyes, how could Lier, who has fused the moon core, be weaker than Tianci?Li'er just married her husband before she got married.

Tick, tick. . .A steed galloped towards him, and a personal guard jumped off before stopping. "My lord, the capital is here!"

The three of Gru smiled, it's here!It's finally here!

"Li'er, please go and wake up your lord!"

In the City Lord's Mansion of Yanhua City, the squadron leader and above of the personal guards, Lorna, Li'er, and the Northwest Wolf King Zeda, the four hall masters gathered in the Tianci study, with extremely excited faces.

Tianci unfolded the decree of amnesty in his hand, and on the golden paper were written four powerful bright red characters "The law is greater than the sky"

"My lord, His Majesty has a clear order, what are we waiting for?" Zeda asked impatiently.

Tianci nodded, "Chen Wu, tell me about the style of play you discussed with Gru!"

Chen Wu stood up and walked to the hanging map.

"Currently, there are 4000 and 3000 people in our pro-guard regiment who are required to stay behind, and 7000 people who can participate in the battle. Northwest wolves can participate in this battle. There are 1 people, so we can dispatch a total of 3000 people. The Lieyang Mercenary Group has only 500 people were stationed in two cities respectively. According to Lord Anrui's information, they stationed 2000 people outside Karama City and Kemayi City respectively, and [-] people stationed around the iron mine. These two thousand are Lieyang mercenaries The elite of the regiment is located. Their regiment leader will stay in the iron mine for half a month every month, and the iron mines are all nearby refugees."

"We took advantage of the numbers this time. Heavenly Wolf Hall and Dilang Hall each led 1000 troops to block the mercenaries in Karama City and Kemayi City and avoid their reinforcements. Remember that as long as they don't reinforce Just let them run if they want to run, understand?"

"Yes!" The two new hall masters stood up and took orders.

"The remaining 8000 people, Sosa, Yugiri, and Zeda, you lead [-] and [-] brothers respectively to surround them from the rear and sides to prevent them from escaping. Remember to use them as soon as you find them approaching." Shoot with bows and arrows, don't let them get close. You should pay attention to supporting each other."

"Yes!" Sosa and Yugiri Zeda stood up and replied.

"The rest of the frontal main attack will be handed over to our bodyguard group!" Chen Wu looked around at the squadron leaders, all of them were already gearing up, and Chen Wu walked in front of Lorna, "You are the elite of our bodyguard group. Whether the fight goes well or not depends on your team's performance!"

Lorna flicked her hair, "Don't worry, leader, just look at us!"

Chen Wu then explained some things, and after finishing the arrangement, he walked in front of Tianci, "My lord, do you have any other orders?"

Tianci smiled with satisfaction, and waved his right hand, "Let's go!"


Everyone returned to their camp. As early as three days ago, the morning mist had secretly mobilized all the troops of the Northwest Wolf to the vicinity of Yanhua City, and camped with the guards.After receiving the order, the hall masters and captains immediately set off and marched towards the two cities of Karama and Kemayi at the fastest speed.

Tianci and Lier set off with Lorna's team.Chenwu and Gru each led three squadrons distributed on both sides of Tianci.

Karama and Kemayi City are only two days away from Yanhua City.Because Rona's team is the elite of the personal guards, their speed and endurance are faster than other personal guards, like a pointed head.

After driving for a day, Rona's team didn't set up camp until the moon came out.After eating, except for the night watch patrol, everyone else went to bed early, and Tianci went to the camp and sat down by himself.

"Brother Tianci, you have been cultivating on the hill these days, have you made any progress?" Lier walked to Tianci and sat down.

"There is some progress, but the results are not there yet!"

"Oh, can you tell me?" Li Erxiao said with interest.

"Okay, anyway, you are also of the wind element, we can discuss it!" Tianci adjusted his sitting posture, and instantly unfolded his consciousness, "I have been feeling the wind element on the hills these days. The wind on the hill is very strong, and the wind element is quite strong." Sufficient, I feel that they are like a light, completely different from the fire element, and my biggest discovery is that the wind element is in constant motion, once they stop, they will disappear. I think the leader said that the wind element is the movement That's probably what it means."

Lier pondered for a while, "Brother Godsend, other elements are also in motion, such as the light element. And I heard Roland tell you in the yard of your villa last time, you must pay attention to it. The fluctuation of the fire element, then the fire element is also in constant motion, so can the fire element also be said to be moving?"

Tianci shook his head, "I can feel the fluctuation of the fire element. The fire element does not move in a straight line, but bends and jumps, just like this." Tianci drew a wave shape with his hands.

"I heard from the teachers in the first-level magic school that if you want to have a higher achievement in the fire element, you must pay attention to the fluctuation of the fire element. Although I didn't understand it very well at the time, I can compete with the wind element now. Compare. The wind element walks in a straight line, and the light element must also follow a straight line, so I boldly guess that among all the elements, only the fire element has fluctuations, so the teachers solemnly told us to pay attention to it."

Lier nodded and continued to listen carefully.

"As for the movement of the fire element, it is different from the wind element. Almost all the wind elements I sense are in motion, and none of them are static. The fire element is different. Their static and dynamic is affected by the surrounding environment .If the surrounding temperature is relatively high, the fire element will be more active and will move; if the surrounding temperature is cold, the fire element will be lazy and will stand still.”

Lier couldn't sense the fire element, and didn't know much about the state of the fire element, so she could only listen blindly and imagine it out of thin air.

Looking at Lier's dazed look, he smiled heavenly, "Let me give you the simplest example. For example, the fire magic barrier, all the fire elements that make up the magic barrier are static!"

Hearing what Tianci said, Lier immediately understood.The fire elements in the magic barrier are all within the distance of the silk shield, and countless triangles are built layer by layer. The fire elements can't move even if they want to!
"Ah!!" Lier suddenly exclaimed.

"What's wrong Li'er?" Tianci asked in surprise.

"Brother Tianci, if what you said is true, then...then...how does the wind element release the enchantment?" Lier asked in horror.

Godsent was stunned, yes, if the elements in the magic barrier are all static, how can the wind element release the magic barrier?Once the wind element is still, it will disappear.

After thinking for a long time, Tianci reluctantly said, "I think... the wind element cannot release the magic barrier."

"But...but Grandpa Gan clearly said that when I reach the fifth level of great magician, he will personally teach me to release the magic barrier. Grandpa Gan will not lie to me!"

"This... I think your godfather is from the water system. He may mean to teach you how to release the enchantment, and then let you sense the magic elements of other systems to release it."

Li'er recalled what Dean Rafal said to her back then, and indeed she did not mention whether to release the magic barrier of the wind system or the magic barrier of other systems.It seems that the wind element really can't release the enchantment, Lier's heart sinks and she feels like something is missing.

"It's really unfair, why other departments can release the enchantment, but our wind department can't!" Lier said dissatisfiedly pouted.

"Hehe! You can't say that about Li'er. I heard Teacher Ou Ling say in the course of the general history of the mainland that there is no absolute fairness in the world, but there is no absolute unfairness either. Think about it, although your wind element can't release knots world, but you are using auxiliary skills such as Wind Wing or even Dancing Sky Art. These air magics are not found in other magics. In fact, each department has its own specificity and its own shortcomings, so Only when it is balanced can it be rich and colorful." Tianci said thoughtfully.

After hearing this, Lier gradually became more balanced in her heart. When she was in the academy, she knew that only the wind element could float in the air, and she was proud of her wind element talent for a long time. All elements have advantages and disadvantages.

It was cold.

"Ah!" Lier couldn't help but sneezed

Tianci, who was about to take a rest, suddenly had his eyes lit up, his face showed surprise, and then he became surprised, almost crazy.

Tianci quickly sat down cross-legged, put his hands flat, ignored Lier next to him and closed his eyes!
The cyan wind element in the consciousness kept flashing. . .

Time has no concept of Tianci at this time, and Tianci devotes himself to his own world, forgetting everything around him.

Suddenly, a familiar feeling filled Tianci's chest again. The powerful force continued to swell and writhe in his chest, as if trying to stretch Tianci's body. seep out.

"It can't be done...you must release this energy...otherwise you will really blow yourself up!" Tianci thought painfully.

Tianci clenched his fists and held his breath. The muscles all over his body began to contract and collapse instantly, and his swollen chest shrank rapidly. . .The strength of the muscles directly confronts the energy of the chest.


The powerful energy directly penetrated Tianci's chest and penetrated out.The escaping energy expanded rapidly, covering the divine consciousness bestowed by God, and fused it together. . .

With the first experience, Tianci is no longer afraid, and even looks forward to it.

The new spiritual consciousness expanded to 800 meters and stopped. The spiritual consciousness in front seemed to want to continue to expand, but was held back by the one behind, bounced back, and entered the body of Tianci.

This energy is more pure, and Tianci feels that all the muscles in his body seem to have been washed, and they are more powerful and stronger.

Tianci felt the new consciousness with heart, the fire element jumped lazily and slowly within 800 meters, and the wind element became more active, moving non-stop and fast. . .

Ok?Why is there only one tent within a radius of 800 meters?
Tianci opened his eyes.

"Brother Tianci, are you finally awake?" Lier said worriedly from the side.

Sensing Tianci waking up, Yu'er struggled to jump down from Li'er's arms, and swiftly climbed onto the throne on Tianci's shoulders.


Tianci stroked Yu'er's little head.

"Li'er, where are they?"

"That night you sat down suddenly without saying anything, and we didn't dare to disturb you. Lorna said that the military situation should not be delayed, so she took them away first. Yu'er and I stayed to protect you."

"So, how many days have I been sitting here?"

"Three days... Fortunately, there are only three days!"

"Oh, three days!" Tianci nodded with his lips pursed, and suddenly thought of something, "What, it's been three days, so haven't they already started fighting with the Lie Sun Mercenary Group?"

"You just realized it!" Lier complained.

"Then let's start as soon as possible, maybe we can catch up with them before the end." Tianci spread out his blue light and recovered his numb legs.

I stood up and moved around a few times, and my body felt very comfortable under the glare light.

Lier led a fine horse over, "Brother Tianci, let's go!"

"Wait, I still have something to do!" Tianci instantly unfolded his new consciousness, and after a while, Tianci smiled.

"Brother Tianci, what are you..." Lier asked in confusion.

"Li'er, how about I release a wind spell for you?" Tianci said with a smile.

Lier was overjoyed, "Okay, okay!"

Tianci gently raised his hands above his head, took a deep breath, and swiped his hands down instantly!

"Absolutely still!!"

(End of this chapter)

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