Godsend Field

Chapter 121

Chapter 121
Lier looked around, but there was no movement!

"Brother Tianci, what kind of magic are you releasing? Why is there no movement?" Lier asked carefully.

"Really? Then release a magic and show me!" Tianci said with a smile.

"Let me release it? What's so difficult about it!" Lier raised her hands, concentrated and began to gather wind elements.

"Ah!!" Lier suddenly exclaimed, "Why... Impossible... Impossible!"

Tianci smiled in satisfaction, and instantly withdrew his consciousness, "How about releasing it now?"

"The wind gathers into a shape and rushes into a blade. When the light of the cross shines, the God of Wind will also approve of it! Swing it, the cross blade! ——Feng Yao Cross Cut"

Following Li'er's voice, a huge cross wind blade was formed, roaring and flying into the distance.Lier breathed a sigh of relief and finally felt relieved.

"Brother Tianci, why did the wind element I sensed disappear as soon as I approached me just now?" Lier asked with lingering fear.

"Because I released my unique magic next to you - absolute stillness!"

"Absolutely still, what exactly is this?" Lier asked puzzled.

"Hehe, it's hard for you to understand after I tell you!" Tianci took the reins from Li'er, "Let's talk as we walk, I have learned a lot about wind elements these days, and I tell you that I will definitely understand you too." beneficial!"

Li'er nodded happily, and walked side by side with Tianci towards Karama City.

"The last time we went to the Fengxue God Sect, the leader said that the wind element is movement! We couldn't understand it at the beginning. After I came back, I could sense countless wind elements on the hills, but the terrain there is high and open, with strong winds all the year round. The elements are already abundant, that's why I didn't make any progress. But that night, you accidentally sneezed, and I accidentally found some wind elements in it, so I made a bold assumption, the wind elements It was produced from exercise, and I have been comprehending the generation of the wind element for the past few days, and finally I found the answer."

"What answer?" Lier asked eagerly.This question is also a question that Lier is puzzled these days.

"The answer is that the wind element is produced in all movements in the world. For example, when the wind blows, the waterfall falls, walking and running, etc., all movements can produce the wind element, including our sneezing. So the leader said that the wind element is movement, In fact, it means that the wind element is produced from movement, and it is also constantly moving. Movement is their life and everything, and if they stop moving, they will naturally disappear. When you gathered the wind element, I will All the wind elements you sensed stopped moving, and they disappeared naturally, losing contact with you!"

After listening, Lier combined with the situation just now, and understood at once: "I understand, no wonder the leader said that the wind element has no form, he does not have a physical existence like your fire element, the wind element has no entity, the wind element is big All movement in nature is produced, and the wind element must keep moving after it is produced. Without movement, there is no wind element. No wonder I can feel the wind element every time when I release magic or meditate, but I can't feel their entity , even their appearance is not fixed, so it is like this!"

Tianci nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, what you said is absolutely correct!"

At this moment, Lier completely let go of the shadow in her heart that day, and she immediately felt much more relaxed!

"Okay, let's hurry up! It might be too late!" Tianci got on the horse and stretched out his hand to pull Lier onto the horse's back.When Lier sat down, Tianci's legs tightened.


Far away on the iron mine between Karama City and Kemayi City, the smoke of war gradually dissipated, and the shouts of killing also gradually subsided.

A fortress was built with huge stones next to the iron mine. The flag of the Sun Mercenary Group was flying above the fortress, and a burly man was standing on the top of the fortress wall.This big man is Lie Sun, the leader of the Lie Sun Mercenary Group.

Looking at the scorching sun of the fox paw golden flag everywhere below, it seems to be a little hopeless.

"Commander, I have already counted. In addition to the brothers who were killed and injured in battle, we still have 300 people. The food and water can still last for two months." A mercenary walked up to the big man and reported.

"I see, you go and invite the great magician Nandi!"

"Yes!" The mercenary saluted and retreated.

The head of Lieyang turned around and continued to look at the largest tent in the distance below!
However, there was already a lot of noise in this tent at the moment.

"Regimental Commander, I think we can concentrate all our forces for a general attack, but I don't believe it. We can't take down 8000 people with 1000 people!" One of the squadron leaders suggested.

"No, although we have a large number of soldiers, not all of them are elite soldiers. Besides, their fortresses are strong, and they are small, easy to defend and difficult to attack. If they are strong, even if they succeed, we will suffer great losses. We can't do this Let brother die in vain." Zeda objected immediately.

"I agree with the words of the wolf king. I think we can surround them and trap them to death!" Squadron Captain Qi Lan said.

"The siege is safe, but how long do we have to siege? They must have stockpiled a lot of food and water in the fortress, and we must rely on external supplies for all supplies. We have not yet fully controlled Karama City and Kemayi. In the city, all the supplies are a problem, it is impossible to consume them, I suggest a quick solution," Rona said.

During the first day's battle, the Lorna team was extremely bulletproof, appearing suddenly in front of the scorching sun mercenary group like heavenly soldiers and generals, and killed them all, throwing away their helmets and armor, and fled into the fortress without daring to come out.

"Yes! Quick battle and quick decision!" Two or three squadron leaders immediately echoed.

"Okay! Don't argue anymore!" Chen Wu slapped the table and shouted.

Everyone fell silent immediately.Chen Wu is the former wolf king, with a detached position among the Northwest wolves, and at the same time, he is the head of the personal guards. If Godsend is not around, Chen Wu is the biggest.

"At that time, we only trained encirclement and mass annihilation. We didn't expect them to build a fortress during this period, so they didn't practice siege. If they attack the city rashly, it will only be bad for us. And they are already surrounded by us. If they are forced It will only make them fight to the death to cause innocent casualties to us! We can only surround ourselves first and wait for the opportunity to make plans!” Chen Wu said, taking out the two-point amnesty order, “This is the two-point acceptance written by the lord. The pardon of Karama City and Kemayi City, Rona, you send people to the hands of the Heavenly Wolf Hall and Diwolf Hall, and order them to quickly wipe out the remnants of the Lieyang Mercenary Group and take over Karama City and Kemayi City , provide us with supplies!"

"Yes!" Lorna took the two pardons and walked out of the tent to select staff.

"Gelu, you take people to prepare some props for the siege, we must also prepare for the siege!"

"Yes!" Gelu took the order and went back to carry out the order.

"Everyone, you all go back to your own accounts and do your own things well. Remember not to be careless at any time!"

"Yes!" The rest of the people also filed out of the morning mist tent and went back to their camp.

The next morning, the sky was hazy.

"Captain, Commander!" Lorna hurriedly ran into Chenwu's tent.

"What's the matter, so urgent?" Chen Wu quickly put on his cloak after hearing the call, and walked out from the inner tent.

"Leader, come out and have a look, the Sun Mercenary Corps has some movement!" Lorna reported out of breath, "They are starting to gather at the door, as if they are going to gather their strength to break through."

Chen Wu was terrified when he heard that, and immediately rushed out of the tent and came to the gate of the camp.

The gate of the fortress was opened, and more than 300 heavily armed mercenaries gathered at the gate, many of whom were riding on horseback.The mercenaries were gearing up for each other, showing their fighting spirit from time to time.It can be seen that these are the elite of the mercenary regiment. If they break through in a concentrated manner, ordinary personal guards will not be able to stop them at all.

"Lorna, gather your team and be ready to intercept!" Chen Wu quickly ordered.

"Yes!" Lorna turned her head and gestured, and Lorna's team of more than 400 people ran over quickly not far away, kicking up a cloud of dust.

"Lorna, go and stand against them, remember that as long as they don't rush through the middle, you don't take the initiative to attack."

"Yes, Captain!" Lorna waved her arm, and more than 400 people followed the morning mist and ran forward to face the mercenaries!The six squadron leaders also brought the elite of their respective squadrons to stand 50 meters behind Lorna, raised their longbows, and the tips of the arrows shone coldly.

Chen Wu also walked to the side of the squadron leader.

At this time, the mercenaries parted from the middle, and Lieutenant Lieyang came out on a tall horse.

"Brothers, we gave up our prosperous and comfortable life in the south and came to this place where nothing shits to happen to guard Karama City and Kemayi City for others. Now this new lord not only doesn't appreciate us, but even turns his back on us and wants to destroy us. , can we just sit and wait?"

"No!!" Three hundred mercenaries shouted in unison.

"Can we make them happy?"


"Okay! Let's go kill a bloody road!" Lie Yang waved his hand.

"Come on!" All the mercenaries rushed towards Lorna with their fighting spirit and their long swords held high.

The mercenaries are full of momentum, and all of them are high-spirited.

"Get ready!" Chen Wu waved his arm.

The archers in the back row immediately drew their longbows to full strength and aimed at the mercenaries.


"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!..."

Countless sharp arrows roared and flew towards the mercenaries.

The horses running in the front were shot down one after another, and the mercenaries seemed to have been prepared for a long time, before the horses fell, they got off their horses and continued to charge forward.The mercenaries in the front row are all the most aggressive. Although the sharp arrows are coming fast, they can't cause any actual damage to them.Soon the mercenaries rushed to Rona's team.

"This is our team's first battle, we must not be ashamed!" Lorna drew out her long sword and shouted.


Lorna's team also immediately displayed their grudges, fighting with the mercenaries.

In the first confrontation between the elites of the two teams, both sides were full of fighting spirit. For a moment, swords and swords were seen, and the sound of killing shook the sky, and the situation suddenly changed.The fighting spirit of the scorching sun is the highest among the mercenary group, and the fighting spirit of the dark blue is particularly conspicuous in the melee.

The six squadron leaders also pulled out their long swords to join the melee, but Chen Wu stayed where he was, watching the melee calmly.

The personal guard team is composed of third- and fourth-level vindictive fighters and many second-level peak players. It has no problem fighting against ordinary mercenaries, but it is not as good as facing the scorching sun!The scorching sun rushed to the forefront like an arrow deeply piercing into the team.The dark blue long sword fluttered in the hands of the scorching sun, and guards fell under the sword from time to time.Lie Yang's eyes were red, and his mouth was open, "Hahaha, kill, kill me!"

"Captain [-], Captain [-], Captain [-], let's stop the scorching sun!" Rona yelled, the three captains got rid of their opponents at the same time, jumped to Rona's side, and pointed at the scorching sun with four long swords exuding light gray fighting spirit.

The scorching sun was unhurried, swiping his sword to block the attack, his fighting spirit soared, and the long sword he held high slashed at Lorna.

"Dang!" There was a loud noise.

Lorna's arms were numb. As a woman, she was as powerful as the scorching sun, and her grudge was two levels lower, so she was no match for the scorching sun at all.The huge force shattered Lorna's tiger's mouth, and blood flowed out, and the long sword in her hand was almost about to drop.

"Dang!" Two long swords braced the long sword of the scorching sun.

Rona stepped back quickly.

The second captain and the third captain next to him had already expected that Lorna would not be able to withstand the scorching sun's full blow, and at the same time raised their swords to block Lorna's scorching sun's blow.The scorching sun retreated after missing a hit, and fought with the two captains.The two captains were not opponents in the scorching sun at all, and they were defeated one after another.

Encouraged by the scorching sun, the morale of all the mercenaries rose sharply, forcing the guards to retreat.

"Ah! Let go!" Lie Yang yelled, and exerted force in his hand.The long swords in the hands of the two captains trembled and fell to the ground involuntarily.The scorching sun bullied her forward, and the long sword buzzed and went straight to Lorna's throat.

Just when Lorna was terrified and at a loss, a big hand suddenly grabbed Lorna's back collar and pulled it back violently. Lorna was pulled behind her like it was made of paper.


The incoming man's long sword lay across his chest to block the scorching sun. With a swing of his arm, a powerful force was transmitted from the blade of the sword to the opponent's sword tip. The scorching sun immediately withdrew the long sword and fixed his eyes, "Who is it?" Who!"

In front of him, Gru was holding a sword in his right hand, while his left hand was still holding on to Lorna's neckline.

"Brother! You're here!" Lorna said excitedly, and her confidence returned to her body at the same time.

Gru let go of Lorna and clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands, the dark blue fighting spirit sizzling all over her body, and the long sword in her hand emitted a light blue fighting spirit!

Among all the mercenaries and personal guards, only Lie Yang and Gru had the strongest fighting spirit.Facing the enemy who almost killed his own sister in front of him, the anger in Gru's heart instantly burned all over his body, and the tragedy of the last battle of his mercenary career emerged before his eyes, "Ah, kill!"

"Hmph! Bah!" Lie Yang spat and held out his sword, fighting with Gelug.

Lie Ri and Gelug are both level [-] warriors, but Lie Sun has always been at the elementary level and Gru is at the intermediate level. In addition, Lie Sun only uses middle-grade weapons, while Gruya's is a top-grade weapon, so every time In the confrontation, Gelu's light blue fighting spirit sword faintly suppressed Lieyang's middle-grade long sword.

During the melee, Gru couldn't go all out to deal with the scorching sun, and had to worry about the mercenaries around him from time to time, so the scorching sun didn't immediately show its defeat.

The two sides fought in darkness, with blood flying everywhere, and people fell down from time to time amidst the shouts of killing!

Stimulated by Gru, the guards hit the mercenaries like a rising tide, and the situation was immediately reversed.

Rona, who was covered in blood, raised her sword and swiftly dealt with a mercenary, then jumped to Gru's side, "Brother, capture the thief first, and the king first, let's work together to get rid of this scorching sun first!"

Gru nodded firmly.As a warrior, if you are challenged to a duel, even if you die, you will not get help. But this is war, and unpredictable things will happen every time, and the only way to solve it as soon as possible is king.

The scorching sun on the opposite side was terrified. If Gru was alone, he could barely protect himself in the melee, but if Lorna also joined in, he would definitely be doomed!
"Get out, get them all out!" Lie Yang waved his hand, turned around and ran away.

As soon as the scorching sun ran away, the morale of the army suddenly weakened, and all the mercenaries also retreated together with the regiment leader.

The morale of Lorna's team was boosted, especially Lorna, who was even more excited and waved the long sword in her hand, "Everyone follow me, chase after me!"

Seeing the victory of the team's first battle, the team members are all high-spirited, ignoring the scars on their bodies and chasing after them!

At this time, Chen Wu frowned, the mercenary group was still inseparable from the personal guard battle just now.And the retreat seems to be very regular, not like fleeing from the desert.

"No, there must be something in here..." Chen Wu couldn't help but panic, "Send the signal immediately, withdraw the troops!"


A piercing sound came from behind, rose to mid-air and exploded.

Gru and Lorna were stunned at the same time, "Back?"

"Brother, we are about to reach the fortress, why do you want us to retreat at this time?"

"I don't know, but this is the order of the head, let's withdraw!"

"If you want to withdraw yourself, we will be able to kill the fortress after a while. If we withdraw this time, we will have no chance next time! Let's see what they have to say when we get the scorching sun!" Lorna looked at the nearby In the fortress in front of him, he said, "All team members, take down the fortress with one effort! Go for me!"

"Come on!" The members of Rona's team rushed forward following Rona.There is only a little distance, and for warriors, it can be reached in the blink of an eye.

Gelu was helpless, even if he assumed the identity of the deputy head at this time, he might not be able to stand up to the momentum of the guards at this time.

The gate of the fortress was wide open, and the scorching sun took the lead in rushing into the fortress. Afterwards, the mercenaries entered the fortress one after another. Seeing that the guards were about to rush in, the gate had no intention of closing it at all.

"Ice Wall Technique!" A shout sounded like a bolt from the blue.

A white and bright ice wall sealed the entire city gate, as if it had been frozen!
The front guard didn't stop, and his body hit the ice wall heavily.

Four people suddenly appeared on the wall of the fortress, wearing blue, red, blue, and khaki mage robes and holding staffs!
"Not good!" The morning mist in the distance, and Gelu nearby shouted at the same time.

"Fengshen~ Use your endless power to tear open the cracks in space, and freeze the eternal time in an instant.--Wall of space!"

"Boundless land, stand up your boundless chest, and cut off the world! — City of Earth!"

In the blink of an eye, a cyan wind wall and an earthy brown earth wall appeared beside them, forming a triangle with the fortress wall, trapping Gru and Lorna's team in the center.

And the mage wearing the red mage robe began to chant spells.

In midair, a large number of fire elements gathered and were being materialized step by step, and the sky was as fiery red as sunset.

At this moment, Chen Wu's heart was in his throat, his hands were tightly covering his mouth, and he looked at the other side in panic.

It is impossible for fourth-level magicians to be able to release a magic wall that completely traps hundreds of people in Lorna's team. There are actually four great magicians in the fortress. . .

The guards under the fortress began to fear, and the united efforts just now disappeared, replaced by horrified exclamations and unwilling complaints. . .Many personal guards used all their strength to slash at the magic wall, but it had no other effect except to make it tremble slightly.

Under the power of the sixth-level magic that is about to be formed on the head, the defense formed by the third-level and fourth-level battle qi is basically powerless to resist. . .

Gru pulled Lorna in front of him, his fighting spirit soared. . .

At this moment, the magic of the fire magician had been completed, and countless huge fireballs appeared above the heads of the guards.At this moment, the personal guards looked at the fiery red sky in despair. . .As red as blood. . .Fiery red as hell. . .

"Meteor and fire shower!" The great magician yelled, and swung down the hand holding the staff.The fireball roared down with its long tail!

"No!" Chen Wu covered her already pale face with her hands in pain.

"Huh!" A figure suddenly appeared beside Chen Wu, spreading his hands.

"Fire - Magic - Enchantment"


(End of this chapter)

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