Godsend Field

Chapter 122 Variables

Chapter 122 Variables
The huge fireball dragged a long flame tail, roaring and hitting the desperate guards on the ground.

The helpless personal guards either unfolded their grudges and raised them to the maximum, fighting for life and death, or simply gave up resistance and stood still, looking up at the sky, with death-like silence in their eyes.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!  …"

The falling fireball was just half a meter above the heads of the guards, and suddenly it exploded with a loud sound, the flames splashed, and the heat wave rolled. . .

The guards were shocked by the scene in front of them, and looked up blankly at the fireball exploding in the air, "Aren't we dead yet?"

"Why are you in a daze, break the magic wall for me!" Grusong, who was the first to react, let go of Lorna, and took the lead in slashing at the wind magic wall.All the personal guards reacted immediately, and launched their grudges to attack the wind magic wall.Those with medium-grade weapons used their most proud fighting skills, and those without medium-grade weapons simply smashed them with their fists, causing blood to flow from their hands, but no one gave up in pain.

In the attack of united will, the wind magic wall shook violently.

He was even more surprised than the four great magicians on the wall of the fortress of the guards.

"Etro, how did you release this meteor shower?" asked the great earth magician.

"Nandy, I don't know, what's going on?" Etro said aggrievedly.

"This should be a magic barrier. Didn't it mean that these personal guards are warriors? How could they release the magic barrier?" The great water magician said suspiciously.

"No matter who released it, I'll make it up again to see how much it can withstand!...Endless Green Blade!"

Etro was even more puzzled. . .Suddenly seeing a familiar figure in the distance opposite, his face suddenly twitched.

"It's him, it's the magic barrier he put..."

At this moment, Tianci and Lier are walking towards the fort step by step.Casting such a large area of ​​magic barrier at a long distance, and having to bear the merciless attacks of two sixth-level magic, Tianci was already tired and sweating profusely at this moment, and under the divine consciousness, the original abundant consciousness was rapidly lost. There is no way for the loss of consciousness, Qingguang can only rely on time to recover.

"Brother Tianci, are you okay!" Lier asked with concern.

"I'm fine, I can hold on for a while!" Tianci smiled wryly, the enchantment is like a lever, the farther the distance is, the greater the consumption of thoughts, if it wasn't for the inexplicable comprehension of the wind element three days ago that increased his spiritual consciousness by 300 Mi, if even the consciousness below the divine sense is greatly improved, the Lorna team is really doomed today.

"Li'er, attack them quickly, if they release magic together, I will really be exhausted!"

Li'er nodded, she had already prepared the staff in her hand, and held the magic core on her chest with her left hand, from which wind elements gushed out continuously, surrounding Li'er.

"A hurricane is raging!"

Following Li'er's whisper, four tornadoes with a height of more than 40 meters and a thickness of ten meters suddenly appeared in front of them.

The strong wind moved rapidly towards the fortress, leaving four deep marks on the ground.Nearly 200 meters from the fortress.

"Get up!" Li'er raised her hands lightly, and the four tornadoes suddenly broke off the ground, rose into the air, and went straight to the four great magicians!

Magic control!

Faced with the sudden change of magic, the four great magicians were more or less surprised!

"Wind shield!" "Fire shield!" "Earth armor!" "Ice shield!"

Four huge magic shields quickly appeared in front of the great magicians. Lier's tornado hit the magic shield and made a huge friction sound, piercing her mind sharply. . .

Suddenly, there was a strong wind around the fortress, and the mercenaries on the city wall couldn't open their eyes.

"Keep it up everyone! One, two, three! Ha!" shouted Gru.

All the Rona squads and squadron leaders attacked at the same time, heavily attacking the thin empty wall!
"Crack!" The wall of Kongzhi was overwhelmed and finally shattered, and all the guards were overjoyed, and survived from a desperate situation!

"Lorna, lead your team to retreat, and all squadron leaders are in the rear!" Gru commanded.

Rona stopped talking, and quickly retreated with the team.A thick ice wall not only blocked the guards from entering the fortress, but also blocked the mercenaries in the fortress from pursuing.

After a while, all of Rona's team had returned to their positions, and everyone was injured, especially their fists, which were already torn apart!Someone quickly took out the best hemostatic powder, and the injured guards began to heal their injuries.

Tianci removed the magic barrier and took a breath of relief.

"It turned out to be them! Didn't they return to the capital?" Under the divine sense, he had already recognized that these four great magicians were the great magicians who helped the two hall masters of Tianlangtang and Dilangtang in the Pingliang City Lord's Mansion to rebel. teachers.I don't know if the other two high-level swordsmen and that Deken are also in the fortress!
"Etro, our lord, God-given Earl, is sending you a greeting. Our lord has always felt very sorry for not taking good care of you in the carriage that day. Why didn't you return to the capital and come here?" Lier's crisp voice followed the wind. The elements floated into everyone's ears.

Etro's complexion suddenly changed, he blushed, and looked down and around in shame.

Tianci and Li'er returned to the camp. All the injured bodyguards had gone to rest for treatment, and those who were seriously injured were sent to the nearby Karama City.

"Chen Wu, what's going on today, why are people surrounded!" Tianci asked.

"My lord, I was too careless and didn't see the opponent's tricks. I didn't expect that they would use the breakout as a bait to lure our elite to the fortress and wipe them all out!" Chen Wu blamed himself.If Godsend hadn't arrived in time, the elite guards would probably be wiped out by the scorching sun today, and the consequences would be really unimaginable.

"My lord, you can't blame the leader. At that time, the leader had already sent the signal to retreat. It's all because we didn't obey the order of the leader and went forward greedily, so we fell into the enemy's tricks! Please punish me, my lord!" Gelu strode out, Take the initiative to take responsibility.

"My lord, you can't blame my elder brother. It's because I didn't listen to my elder brother's advice that I put everyone in danger. If you want to punish me, you should punish me!" Lorna stood up and said, recalling what happened just now, she still has lingering fears.

Tianci looked at the two of them, "Chen Wu, what do you think should be done?"

"The reward is too much punishment! Lorna disobeyed the military order and ventured in without permission. She should have been punished heavily, but luckily she didn't cause too much damage. She should be punished with twenty lashes to show her example. If you don't stop it but indulge your subordinates, the crime will be increased and you will receive forty lashes!"

Tianci sighed, "Execute it!"

Gru and Lorna saluted and walked out of the tent.

Tianci took out an exquisite medicine bottle from the interspatial ring and secretly stuffed it into Li'er's hand. Li'er understood it, and excused herself due to fatigue, and walked out of the big tent.

"My lord, as the head of the regiment, I failed to..." Chen Wu stepped forward to apologize.

"Forget it! I don't think you thought they would have four great magicians!" Tianci interrupted Chen Wu and said, "Besides, there are so many horses that still need you to lead, you can't do anything! Let's discuss what to do next." !"

At night, the sky was so dark that even the moon didn't bother to come out.

Tianci unfolded his spiritual consciousness and walked to the vicinity of the fortress. The fortress was not big, and the fortress was completely covered by his spiritual consciousness.

Except for the four great magicians, the two high-level swordsmen and the great swordsman of Deken were not found. Maybe they have already returned to the capital!Lieutenant Sun was furious in his room right now.After sacrificing so many elites, I wanted to wipe out the most powerful team of the personal guards, the Lorna team, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Back in the tent, Chen Wu was still lighting the magic lamp, looking at the map on the table, thinking.

"Is there a way?" Tianci asked.

Chen Wu shook his head in disappointment, "We made siege weapons and made plans to siege the city, but now it seems impossible. There are four great magicians here, and we are afraid that we will be killed by them before we get close." The magic has been wiped out. The only way we can do now is to besiege them to death! We would not have been afraid if it was just the Scorching Sun Mercenary Group, but these four great magicians can make us daunting! Variables!"

"Indeed, the sudden appearance of these four great magicians is a variable for us, but why is there no variable for them?" Tianci said with a smile.

"Our variable? My lord, you mean..."

"Hehe! I'm going to rest, and you'll know when the time comes! I'm really exhausted today!"

In the evening, Tianci had a good sleep, and didn't wake up until [-] noon, stretching and feeling refreshed.Yu'er got up early, jumped around in Tianci's tent, saw Tianci wake up, and jumped on Tianci's shoulder happily.

Walking out of the tent, Tianci and Chenwu walked to the front of the fortress together, and not long after, Gru also rushed over.

"Are you okay?" Tianci asked with concern.

"Yeah!" Gelu nodded. Although every time he moved his back, there would be burning pain, but Gelu still persisted, especially in this special period, only he can fight against the scorching sun.

"What can he do? His skin is rough, and besides, can the brothers fight with real strength?" Chen Wu muttered.

"How is Lorna? Is it okay!" Tianci then asked.

Grubbang shook his head with a sullen face, "Yesterday Lorna felt that she should bear all the responsibilities, so she told her brothers not to hold back, and she didn't use her fighting spirit to resist, so... so she is still lying on the bed... Li Son is still taking care of her."

"Hey! Why bother!" Tianci sighed.

"My lord, I don't think so. We should be happy for Lorna that she can do this. This shows that Lorna has matured. I think she will become an excellent captain after this time!" Chen Wu said .

Both Tianci and Gelu nodded in agreement, one cannot grow without experience.

"Morning Mist, Gelu, the fortress is in front of us now, let's discuss how to take it next!" Tianci pointed at the solid fortress in front of him, staring with both eyes.

"My lord, it's very difficult!" Gru cupped his hands, "If two armies are at war and attack a city, let alone one or two great mages, even if one or two mages come, it's nothing to worry about. Although their lethality Horrible, but it is a small number for endless soldiers. But our situation is different now. First, we are attacking a small fortress. The target is too concentrated, and the battlefield is small. Second, our troops are too sparse to withstand Big damage. Now they have four big magicians, enough to hold this small fortress, and I really can't think of any way to break it!"

Hearing Gru's discouragement, Chen Wu surprisingly didn't refute, "It's true. For a small-scale battle like ours, the role of these powerhouses is too prominent. Especially the magicians. Counting the opponent's total Five sixth-level powerhouses, four of them are magicians. And we only have Gru, a sixth-level high-level swordsman. After that, Lier and I are at the fifth-level level, and you, my lord...so we can't Confront them head-on, let alone attack the city."

Chen Wu sighed, "Back then we just caught them off guard, but now that I think about it, it was a fluke!"

"You mean that the siege is impossible, so what about the siege?" Tianci asked.

"It may not work. Except for the Lorna team, the other personal guards can hardly resist the attacks of these strong men. I think we will be around for half a month at most before they will make a move. At that time, our loss may be as much as It will become very big, so I suggest that we should retreat and take over the two cities of Karama and Kemayi first, without these two cities to rely on, they will not be able to occupy the iron mine for a long time!"

"But in this way, wouldn't they escape? When they escape the Welsh Empire, we will be unable to catch them!" Tianci said unwillingly.

"There is no way around this, who made us weaker than them! If Master An Rui was here, there might be no such trouble!"

Tianci is also very helpless. Grandpa's message has already been sent, and Anrui will no longer interfere in the affairs here, and everything must be resolved by himself.

Tianci gritted his teeth, "Since they rely on great magicians to defend, we will use great magicians to attack!"

"What are you attacking!" At this moment, Li'er came from behind.

Tianci smiled slightly, really saying "You are here too, how is Lorna?"

Li'er shook her head, "This time the injury was too serious. Although the internal organs were not injured, I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover within a month or two! I only came out to take a look while Lorna was asleep!"

After hearing this, Gelu didn't reflect on the surface, but he couldn't help but feel distressed in his heart, after all, she was his own sister!
"Li'er, can your magic attack the fortress?" Tianci asked.

Lier visually checked the distance, "It might be a bit difficult here, but if I can get 200 meters ahead, there will be no problem. It's just that I can attack them, and they can also attack us. Our wind system is not good at defense, and my magic defense I'm afraid the shield can't stop them."

"You don't have to worry about this, let me accompany you to try it out!"

Tianci left Gru and Chenwu where they were, and walked towards the fort with Li'er.Things have developed to this point, this is no longer a siege, but now it has become a dialogue between individual strong men, or a dialogue between magicians, and the warriors can no longer intervene.

The mercenaries above the fortress were surprised to see Tianci and Li'er walking over alone, and hurried down the city wall to inform Lieyang and the four great magicians to go.

Lieyang and the four great magicians walked to the tower, looking at Tianci and Lier strangely,
"Lie Sun, you mined the empire's iron mines without permission, and now our lord, Lord Godsent Earl, is here on the orders of His Majesty the King. If you are still a member of the Empire, lay down your weapons and go back to see His Majesty the King with me!" Lier's voice drifted into the in everyone's ears.

"It sounds good! We kindly guarded the city for you to maintain law and order. You didn't say thank you but killed them all. Although our Lieyang mercenary group is small in number, they are all bloody men, and they will not surrender!" Lieyang shouted through his fighting spirit.

Li'er was about to refute, but was pulled by Tianci.

"Forget it, they have already made plans to persevere based on the fact that they have four great magicians. Since they don't know how to repent, it's useless for us to talk too much! Lier, try using your magic, preferably in a large area Yes!" Tianci said.

Li'er nodded, and took the staff from Tianci's hand.Lier doesn't have a space ring yet, so the staff and some necessities are placed in the space ring bestowed by God.

"Brother Tianci, my magic may not be very powerful, because I used a lot of wind elements in the magic core yesterday, and I haven't recovered yet. If I want to fully recover, I'm afraid it will take about three days!" Lier pressed her left hand Speaking of the magic core in his chest.

The corner of Tianci's mouth was raised, "You don't have to worry about this, you just need to release your strongest magic!"

Li'er was taken aback, she was able to release magic all by relying on the wind element in the magic core, and all her mental power was used for the materialization and later control of magic.If I rely on myself alone, I am afraid that I will use up most of my mental power just to gather such a large amount of wind elements, let alone magic power and later control.

Tianci closed his eyes slightly, and his spiritual consciousness instantly unfolded. The endless wind elements within 800 meters were immediately inspired, and rushed towards Lier, circling around Lier's body non-stop.

At this time, two great magicians showed surprised expressions at the same time!
"This is... the wind element?" Lier exclaimed, her face full of joy, as if she had entered an endless ocean of wind elements, and a large number of pure wind elements were surrounding her.

On the other side, the great magician of the wind system on the city wall also showed surprise at this time, even terrified, "No... the wind element...how could there be no wind element!" the great magician yelled.

"Kalanti, what's wrong with you?" Earth magician Nandi, fire magician Etro and water magician Ma Siqi asked at the same time.

"I... I can't feel the wind element around me anymore!" said the great magician Kelandi in pain.

The expressions of the other three sank at the same time, "Karanti, there must be a limit when joking, there is a limit!"

In their eyes, everyone is a person who has comprehended the heart of their own elements. The sensing range of magic elements is no longer limited by distance. Even further away, how could it be impossible to feel the magic element?What's more, this northwest land lacks everything, that is, the wind element is not lacking!

But they don't know that all this is true!
To deal with magic apprentices and magicians, Godsend can evacuate all the magic elements within a hundred meters, so that they cannot sense the magic elements and lose their combat effectiveness.At the beginning, Tianci relied on this challenge to Lan Xier to win without a fight.But it doesn't work for great magicians.Godsend emptied the magical elements in the consciousness, but they could sense farther away.Just like when I met Etro on my private visit to Pingliang City, when Godsend’s consciousness was only 500 meters away, the elements beyond 500 meters were not controlled by Godsend. If they are all controlled to disperse to 500 meters away, then there will be more and more fire elements at a distance of 500 meters, and Etro's induction gathering will become easier and easier. Coupled with the activity of the fire element itself, it will continue to leap forward In the 500-meter circle, the number of entry forces will also increase.To fight against Etro and nature at the same time, this is undoubtedly a heavier and heavier burden for Tianci, and the one who is exhausted in this way is probably Tianci who will be exhausted first!So at the beginning, Tianci chose to dispel the magic that was about to take shape.

But the wind element is different. Godsend can rely on the absolute control of the wind element to stop the wind element within a hundred meters beside Ke Randi.The stopped wind element will disappear completely, so Tianci only needs to deal with Kelandi instead of fighting against nature.Without the burden of nature, dealing with Koranti's spiritual power is no less than a gift from God!

Just when the three great magicians were annoyed at Ke Randy

"A hurricane is raging!"

(End of this chapter)

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