Godsend Field

Chapter 123

Chapter 123
Just when the three great magicians questioned Ke Randy, the great wind magician, but Ke Randi couldn't tell, Lier's magic had already been released.

"A hurricane is raging!"

Yesterday, in order to cooperate with Godsend to save people, Lier also released this magic. At that time, the four huge tornadoes were blue and white, but today Lier's four tornadoes are blue, pure blue.

Different from other magics, wind magic can produce a large amount of wind elements in the process of movement, and these generated wind elements are mixed in wind magic, and even attracted and assimilated by a small amount of spiritual power exuded by magic. This effect similar to materialization can also occur, which also causes most of the wind magic to intersect with each other.As for the truly powerful wind magic, the wind elements used are extremely pure, and the spiritual power that controls it is also contained, and does not attract the wind elements produced by movement, so the color will be very pure.

Living in the extremely pure wind element, Lier used all her spiritual power on magic, and with the invisible help of God, the tornadoes produced were respectively purified.

"Here! Here!" The tornado made a very high pitch, piercing everyone's eardrums with pain.When it was about to reach the fortress, the tornado suddenly flew up and flew towards the city wall!

The pupils of the four great magicians shrank suddenly, and it was difficult for even Kelandi to release such pure magic. . .

"Fire Shield!" "Earth Armor!" "Ice Shield!"

The three great magicians whispered at the same time.

Three huge magic shields were instantly generated and blocked in front of each other.

Ke Randi couldn't release the magic shield. Seeing the huge tornado flying towards him, he was horrified, and quickly rolled on his stomach and ran behind the earth magician Nandi. The magic defense of the earth system is the strongest among all departments big.

The magic collided violently, and the turbulent energy spread accordingly.

Lier's own strength is not stronger than the four great magicians, not to mention that the shield magic of the three great magicians has been strengthened, but Lier's magic spreads the attacks, so the collision of magic seems to be powerful. Haoda, in fact, does not pose any threat to the great magicians.

The remaining tornado was not blocked and went straight to the city wall. There were many mercenaries standing on the city wall, and immediately fled in chaos, crying and shouting.

"Damn it!" Lie Yang spat at Ke Randi fiercely.Show off your fighting spirit and stand in front of all the mercenaries.

"Commander, Commander!" All the mercenaries stopped and fled immediately.

"What are you doing standing there, why don't you get me off the ground!" Lie Sun's head roared angrily.Lie Yang, who has rich experience, knows that wind magic cannot be blocked by one person's fighting spirit.Although the tornado couldn't break through the vindictiveness of the scorching sun and hurt the scorching sun, such a huge body couldn't be blocked by the scorching sun alone.

The tornado paused for a while, and soon passed through the scorching sun to attack the rear.

The mercenaries who reacted scattered and fled down the city wall again.The fighting spirit of the mercenaries in the fortress is not very high. If a tornado enters the fortress, it will really wreak havoc!

"Ice shield!" Ma Siqi, the great water magician, immediately released a huge ice shield to block the tornado's progress.

Tianci looked at it from a distance, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth, "Okay, Lier, you don't have to control it anymore!"

Li'er was also a little tired at this time. Hearing Tianci's words, his mental strength relaxed, and the four tornadoes immediately dissipated into nothing!

Looking at the tired Lier Tianci smiled and said, "We are just trying magic this time, why bother working so hard!"

Lier pouted, "If I don't try my best, how can you make a comparison?"

Tianci's heart felt hot, and he took Lier's little hand, "Okay, let's go back!"

The four great magicians on the city wall were all very angry at this moment, what is this?Do you want to leave when you come up and fight?
"Want to leave, is it that easy?" Nandi, the great earth magician, roared angrily, slamming his staff on the ground.

"There are many spears on the ground!"


With Tianci as the center, the ground within a hundred meters began to shake violently, and ground spears more than three meters high suddenly came out of the ground.The dust on the ground suddenly flew up, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

"Meteor shower!"

"Ice Dragon!"

Not to be outdone, the great fire magician Etro and the great water magician Ma Siqi released advanced attack magic at the same time.

As high-level powerhouses, very few people are willing to cooperate with others to eliminate enemies, especially enemies who are obviously much weaker than themselves.But now the three great magicians were irritated by Tianci and Lier's arrogant actions, they couldn't care less about it at all, and launched their own magic attacks at the same time.

In the red half of the sky, countless huge fireballs crashed into the ground spear.

The ground spear snapped, the fireball shattered, and the sound of collision and explosion was like countless giant drums, humming the sky and earthquakes.There was a dark red firelight in the gray area, and the dust was reflected by the firelight, and the heat wave spread in all directions as the layers swept across. . .Like ripples in water.

The four ferocious ice dragons opened their mouths wide, and their sharp teeth gleamed coldly. The dragons raised their heads to the sky and roared loudly, before flying their heads downward.


Another huge force rushed in.

Within a hundred meters of Tianci as the center, it is like an upside-down pot, which is covered with yellowish dust, dark red flames, and dark blue ice. . .It was so gray that I couldn't see anything clearly.

The guards and mercenaries who heard the sound were shocked by such a powerful magic at this time, and were dumbfounded.Many of these people have seen sixth-level magic, but no one has seen three sixth-level magic attacking one place at the same time, and its shocking degree is even more shocking than seventh-level magic.

"Did you die?" the scorching sun on the city wall murmured, staring intently at the confused place in the distance.

Although the surrounding morning mist and Gru were not affected by the magic, they were also blown by the heat waves stirred up by the energy of three sixth-level enhanced magic. ring.

"My lord, Li'er..." Chen Wu cried out, trying to rush over.

Gru grabbed Chen Wu's hand, "Don't go, your lord will be fine!"

Chen Wu was stunned for a moment, and looked back at Gru.

After the magic dissipated, the three great magicians retracted their staffs and looked at the dusty front.

A light breeze blows and the dust begins to scatter.

A black shadow appeared vaguely in the dust, and gradually became clear.

"My lord, it's my lord! Look quickly! It's my lord!" Chen Wu jumped up happily.

Although the guards behind him hadn't seen clearly yet, they were encouraged by the morning mist and immediately cheered, shouting the name given by heaven.

In the dust, Tianci supported Li'er to stand firmly on the ground, and the ground within five meters did not change at all. . .

"Hurricane!" Li'er whispered, and a hurricane rapidly expanded around Tianci and Li'er, blowing away the surrounding dust one after another.

"Crack!" The hurricane dissipated, and the surroundings returned to peace and tranquility. Tianci and Li'er stood unharmed, and the surroundings were in a mess.

"How is it possible... How is it possible!" Nandi, the earth magician, twisted his face, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

The other three great magicians also looked at it in disbelief, and the features on their faces began to deform.

Even if the opponent has a magic barrier, it is impossible to block the attacks of the three great magicians at the same time.You must know that the enhanced magic is completely different from the pre-enhanced magic.Even a strengthened magic shield cannot safely block three magic attacks at the same time.What's more, it's a magic enchantment, how much mental power does it need?
The mental power consumed by the magic enchantment is forty to fifty times that of the magic shield. How strong is his mental power?

Tianci looked at the bewildered people on the city wall with a calm expression, and walked back to his camp with Li'er step by step.

"My lord!" Chen Wu shook off Gru's hand, and ran forward to meet Tianci and Li'er.

The personal guards also rushed over, cheering and welcoming their lord.Although I have heard that the lord's magic attainments are unfathomable, but I have never seen it. This time, I have gained insight, and I can resist three sixth-level magic without a hair.

Tianci nodded slightly to the surrounding guards, and at the same time stepped up to the big tent.Chen Wu and Gelu also quickly followed into the big tent.

As soon as he entered the big tent, Tianci walked to the chair with a frown, grabbed the back of the chair with his left hand, and held his chest tightly with his right hand, with a look of pain on his face.

"My lord, what happened to you just now..."

"Pfft!" Before Chen Wu could finish asking, Tianci spat out a mouthful of blood, which was particularly conspicuous on the back of the chair.

"Brother Godsend!!" Lier was shocked, and subconsciously covered her mouth with her hands.

Gru and Chen Wu were also taken aback for a moment, and then ran forward to support Tianci's crumbling body, "My lord, are you alright, my lord!"

Looking at the concerned gazes of the three, Tianci waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, the consumption was too much just now, that's why...ahem!"

Lier quickly handed over her handkerchief, and the clean white handkerchief was immediately stained with bright red blood.

"Brother Tianci, don't worry!" Lier asked anxiously.

"It doesn't matter, I was the one who made it up just now. I thought I could easily receive the magic of the three of them, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult. My magic barrier was almost broken!" Tianci said with lingering fear.

"Your magic barrier was almost broken?" Lier was very surprised.

Both Gru and Chenwu were warriors, and they were not very clear about the completion of the magic barrier, so they looked at Li'er puzzled.

"To break the barrier, you must have the power of eighth-level magic, but none of them are magicians, how is it possible?" Lier said in disbelief.

"Li'er, I know it's hard for you to believe, but what I said is true. My barrier was almost shattered just now, otherwise I wouldn't have made you ready to make a move," Tianci said calmly.

Li'er recalled that in the magic just now, she was surrounded by ground spears, and then the meteor and fire rain made the surroundings immediately dusty, and the sky darkened a lot, but she could still clearly feel Tianci's frown.When the ice dragon attacked, Tianci actually ordered Li'er to be ready to release the magic shield at any time.

It seems that what Brother Tianci said is true!
"I believe in you! Brother Tianci!" Lier whispered, walking forward and gently stroking Tianci's back.

"My lord, I still don't understand. According to what you said, the power of the sixth-level magic of the three of them is close to the power of the eighth-level magic?" Chen Wu continued to ask.

Tianci lightly pressed his chest and nodded, "Although I haven't seen the power of seven or eight levels of magic, I don't think the power just now can reach level eight, but it is definitely more powerful than seven levels of magic! As for why, I don't know. Not very clear, I can only feel that the fire element was extraordinarily excited and active at that time."

Chen Wu and Gru looked at each other, but they still couldn't understand!

"Chenwu, don't let anyone know about my injury. I'm afraid I'll have to rest for three to five days to recover. What do you think is going to happen next?" Tianci asked.

"Your Excellency, don't worry. Looking at their situation just now, at least they don't dare to come out these few days! Let's surround them first. As long as your lord can show himself from time to time, I believe they won't see anything!"

Tianci relaxes and returns to the inner tent to rest!
Tianci sat quietly, letting go of his consciousness and recalling everything that happened in the past two days.

On the first day, the long-distance release of the enchantment blocked the meteor and fire rain, but the distance was too far at that time, so it was more difficult.If he releases the enchantment around him, even four or five meteor fire showers can follow.Although today's ground spear is very powerful, it is not a particularly big obstacle for Tianci. Tianci's enchantment can easily resist it, but the second meteor fire rain seems to be stronger, and the fire element like. . .After the ice dragon landed, I felt extraordinarily strenuous. Although I couldn't feel the state of other elements, I could clearly feel that the fluctuations of the fire element suddenly became extraordinarily weird, which was much larger than the fluctuations I could usually feel. Doubled, but the power unexpectedly quadrupled out of thin air.

Originally, Tianci thought that the fluctuation of the fire element was fixed, but now it seems that the fluctuation of the fire element will also change, and the greater the fluctuation, the stronger the power.But how can the fluctuation of the fire element be increased?

At this time, Yu'er walked up to Tianci with a small belly, and her body fell to the ground. After the meal, she walked a hundred steps and lived to nine hundred and ninety.

Tianci hugged Yu'er and put it on his shoulders, "Yu'er, I know you have a high affinity for fire elements, let me ask you a question!"

Yu'er rolled her two big eyes.

"You can sense and gather fire elements to attack, then you must be able to feel the fluctuations of fire elements, right? It's the movement trajectory of fire elements!" Tianci said, gesturing with his hands.

Yu'er nodded her head, after all, it was a fifth-level high-level monster, so it could still be sensed.

"Then do you have a way to increase its volatility?"

Yu'er didn't make a statement, and didn't even move his eyes. Tianci looked at Yu'er nervously and held his breath.

After a while, Yu'er shook her head, her two paws brushed together.

Tianci was immediately discouraged, but fortunately, at least he knew that the fluctuation of the fire element could be changed.

"Brother Tianci, let's eat something!" At this moment, Li'er came in with a plate of delicious food. "What are you and Yu'er talking about?"

"Hehe, we're discussing the issue of magic! I found out a little bit. Let's see if I can make Yu'er's magic more powerful. Then maybe the two of you can fight against them!"

"Yu'er and I are only at level five? They have four great magicians at level six!"

"Hehe, they are not four, but two of the earth type and the water type. We also have you and Yu'er, you can rely on the magic core, and Yu'er can also change, we just rely on consumption to see if we can consume them!"

"But I still don't think it's possible. Even if we're not afraid of their magic attacks, our magic attacks won't have much effect on them. The fortress isn't very big. If the two great mages work together, they will definitely be able to block our attacks." Yes, you must know that the magic wall of the earth system is the largest and the strongest."

"Indeed, the earth element is good at magic defense. Their magic shield is the largest and strongest. Even Yu'er's meteor fire rain may not be able to break through it... Lier, can your wind element magic break through his earth shield? Isn’t your wind element the one with the strongest attack power?”

The wind type with the strongest attack power, the earth type with the strongest defense power, the confrontation between spear and shield!
"The attack power of the wind element is the strongest, but my cultivation base is much worse than his. From the magic that day, it can be seen that his earth armor can easily block my tornado, so I am afraid that I will also attack. Don't break his defense..." Lier said shamefully.

"Hey! If you are also a sixth-level great magician, I think you will have a way to break through his defense!" Tianci sighed, a sixth-level wind system great magician. . .Pu'er. . .


Suddenly, Tianci's eyes flashed, and an aura flashed in his mind.

"Li'er, do you remember the last time we fought against Pu'er?"

"Of course I remember that last time Mr. Pu'er issued the Strengthening Fengyao Cross Slash, he did not use all his strength, otherwise my empty wall would not be able to resist it at all!" Lier recalled.

"Then have you noticed the difference between Pu'er's Fengyao Cross Cut and yours?" Tianci asked.

"The difference?" Li'er looked up slightly at the top of the tent and thought, "His Fengyao Cross Slash may be a bit longer than mine, and the wind blades are very thin, not as thick as mine."

"Crack!" Tianci clapped his hands, "That's right!"

Lier looked at Tianci strangely.

"Through the comparison between the wind element and the fire element, I feel that the wind element is light and thin, while the fire element is relatively stronger, so I think this may be the case. The magic of wind should have the same characteristics as its element. The thinner it is, the more powerful it is. The bigger it is, the fire magic has the same characteristics as the fire element. The more the number, the stronger it is, the greater its power. Do you remember the last time we killed mice in the foggy valley? Although your wind blade and hurricane are very powerful It’s big, but it didn’t kill many mice. Although Yu’er’s meteor fire shower was only released twice, its power and radiation range far surpassed yours. Maybe it’s because your magic doesn’t match the characteristics of elements. , and Yu'er's magic should go with the characteristics of the fire element!"

Lier thought for a while, and said in a puzzled way, "We were in Imperial College at the time, and the department heads and wizards didn't tell us this. They just asked us to make the wind blade as big and long as possible. Even I That's what my grandpa taught me."

"I think it's because you are still magicians and your level is not high enough, so learning is mainly based on basic parts such as magic affinity and spiritual power, not the power of magic itself!"

"Brother Tianci, what you say makes sense, why don't we go outside and try it out!" Lier suggested.

"Okay! Anyway, the morning fog will urge me to show up at the gate of the fortress!"

(End of this chapter)

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