Godsend Field

Chapter 124 Magic

Chapter 124 Magic
The appearance of Tianci immediately caused panic among the mercenaries on the city wall, and they immediately went to notify the scorching sun and the great magicians.He was unscathed in resisting three levels of six-level magic, and Tianci was like a peerless powerhouse in their eyes.

"Li'er, try to attack me with a wind blade?"

"Attack you..."

"Don't be so unconfident in me, I have a magic barrier, you don't think you can break my barrier, do you?" Tianci said with a smile.

Li'er smiled embarrassedly, chanted the spell softly, and a small wind blade flew out slowly towards Tianci. It seemed that even the seven or eight-year-old apprentices could release it.Yu'er on Tianci's shoulder screamed strangely, jumped out of his little paw with a slap, scattered the wind blade with a slap, and then fled back to his shoulder swiftly.

Godsend is speechless.

"Li'er, I don't mean for you to use small magic, but for you to compress the big ones into small ones."

"Compressed into a small one?" Lier asked puzzled.

"Well, according to the characteristics of the wind element, the smaller the magic form, the greater the power. If you release a wind blade with the wind element of the wind cross cut, I think your wind blade will be more powerful than the wind cross. Slashing is even more powerful."

Li'er's eyes couldn't help but brighten up when she heard this, the wind blade that is more powerful than Fengyao's cross cut is really very tempting.

After calming down her ups and downs, Lier asked Tianci for a magic cane.Slightly closing his eyes, he quietly felt the wind element moving rapidly around him.

Tianci unfolded his consciousness and carefully observed the changes in the wind element around Lier.Lier gathered enough wind elements to unleash a Fengyao Cross Slash, and formed a wind blade, but it was much larger than the usual wind blade.

"Li'er, your wind blades are just one size bigger, try to compress them!"

Lier frowned slightly, trying to compress the wind blade.The wind element is usually gathered by induction, and under the action of mental power, it forms the appearance of wind blade, cross wind blade, wind dragon, etc. Even a tornado speeds up under the action of mental power, and then under the action of the spell, the wind The elements will be automatically arranged together for materialization, forming magic, and I have never interfered with the wind element.But now, according to Brother Tianci's intention, the caster can still intervene during the period from the formation of the wind element to the materialization of magic.

Things that you would never even think about before, you have to practice now.

"Wind Blade Art!"

With Li'er's soft cry, a huge wind blade was sent out instantly, crashing into the magic barrier bestowed by God.

Feeling the force of the impact, Tianci shook his head, its power did not exceed Fengyao Cross Cut.

Seeing Tianci's expression, Lier was a little discouraged.

"It doesn't matter, this is your first time, I think you will improve if you try a few more times!" Tianci comforted.

For this bold assumption, Tianci himself is not very sure.

"En!" Lier nodded, regained her confidence, and tried to compress the magic over and over again.

"Morning Mist, what are they doing, my lord?" Gru asked in puzzlement as Lier bombarded Tianci with magic over and over again.

"I don't know very well, they are probably experimenting with magic or something."

The mercenary group has been besieged by the personal guards for ten days, probably because they were shocked by the heaven-sent day, they stayed in the fortress obediently these days, and did not attack again.

On the outskirts of the camp, truckloads of supplies were transported into the camp.

"My lord, our brothers from Heavenly Wolf Hall and Dilangtang Hall have successfully taken over Karama City and Kemayi City. The first batch of supplies has been delivered today, so we don't have to worry about our supplies in the future," Chen Wu asked. Tianci reported.

"The supply problem has been solved, but we still can't get in. We've been besieged for seven or eight days, and there's nothing we can do. This is the first battle of our personal guards. If we can't win a big victory, I'm afraid it will damage our morale in the future." It will have a big impact," Gru said worriedly.

"There is no way around this. Who told us that there are no magicians in our bodyguard group, and now we can only look at Li'er!" Tianci looked outside the tent, "I don't know what's going on with Li'er?"

Seeing that Tianci was a little absent-minded, Gelu and Chenwu made a hasty report, then retreated and went back to do their own business.Tianci stepped out of the big tent and walked towards the place where Lier was meditating.

On the empty next door, Lier's lonely figure.

"Wind Blade Art!"

A huge wind blade flew into the distance.Nothing has changed from the previous few days.

"Li'er!" Tianci called softly.

Lier wiped the sweat from her forehead, "God-given brother, I...I still haven't made any progress!"

"Don't worry, this is just my imagination, and you've only practiced for a few days. The practice of magic takes time, so don't rush for success!"

"However, our time is running out, if we can't break through the fortress..."

"Li'er, try releasing another wind blade!"

Li'er nodded, holding the cane in both hands, a two-meter-long wind blade faintly appeared above her head.

Tianci unfolded his consciousness, and saw countless wind elements running at high speed without any rules, forming a huge wind blade shape.Ok?Tianci twitched his eyebrows, and there was an obvious distance between each wind element.If you want to compress the size of the magic, you must first compress the distance between these elements.

"Li'er, stay like this and don't move, let me try!" Tianci said.

Lier looked at Tianci suspiciously.

Under the divine consciousness, the god-given idea controls the wind element in Lier's magic, and when they get closer to each other, the shape of the entire wind blade immediately becomes smaller.

Lier's pupils opened suddenly, as if seeing something impossible.

"God-given brother, this is..."

"呵啦啦啦!!" a sharp voice.

Both Tianci and Lier felt the mutation happen at the same time.

The wind elements that still maintain irregular high-speed motion do not have enough space to collide with each other and become entangled. The impacted wind element immediately changes direction and then hits other wind elements. After several collisions, the speed of many wind elements slows down or even stops. , At the same time, there are also many wind elements that have become faster and more tricky in direction.Under the chain reaction, the impacted wind elements multiplied geometrically, and more than half of the wind elements mutated in an instant, and Lier also lost her mind control over them.

The magic is out of control. . .

"Magic Backlash!!" Li'er exclaimed, and immediately felt a little dull in her heart, as if she had lost something.

Terrified by God, he immediately stopped the compression magic, and stopped all the controlled wind elements with a very fast reaction.The wind elements that hadn't changed obediently stopped, and then dissipated, while those wind elements that were out of Lier's control stubbornly resisted the god-given consciousness.The control ability possessed by Tianci far exceeds that of ordinary magicians, great magicians.Although the mutated wind elements can get rid of Lier's control, they can't get rid of Tianci's control.

"Stop!" Tianci roared.

All the wind elements stopped obediently immediately, and the original appearance of the wind blade disappeared.

"Huh!" Tianci exhaled, but fortunately he controlled it in time, otherwise Lier would be devastated. . .

"Are you okay, Li'er!" Tianci asked with concern.

Li'er patted her ups and downs on her chest, "I'm fine, but why did I suddenly lose control just now? And why did the wind element suddenly disappear?"

Tianci felt relieved and walked back holding Lier's arm.

"However, Brother Godsend, I now feel that my spiritual power seems to be missing a small part, as if I can't get it back after using it, or it seems to have been gouged out by something! Last time I was backlashed in the academy, but it didn't seem to be there. This feeling is really strange!"

Godsent was surprised, if it was caused by the magic backlash, it must have been caused by his own intervention to forcefully stop the magic backlash.It seems that forcibly intervening by myself will only destroy the laws of magic itself. Not only will it not be able to help Lier, but it will also cause magic backlash and endanger Lier.

The guard group had enough supplies but was not in a hurry to attack the city, but just surrounded the fortress, neither fighting nor withdrawing.

"My lord, we've been besieging the fortress like this for almost a month. I'm afraid that if it takes too long, they will force a breakthrough if they lose their patience. At that time, with the assistance of the four great magicians, we may not be able to resist it," Chen Wu said worriedly. .

"The leader is right. They are able to stay safely in the fortress this month because of the performance of the adults. After a long time, they will react, or when they run out of food and water, they will definitely jump over the wall. At that time, we will It's very passive," added Grew.

"So what do you mean we retreat?"

Both Chenwu and Gru remained silent, and had no choice but to retreat.

Tianci sighed and could only do so.

"My lord, if we retreat, we'd better retreat part by part at night, so as not to disturb them. By daytime, we will return to Kerama City when they react."

"Okay, let's do as Chenwu said. Gru, you lead the six guard squadrons to withdraw first, and the Lorna squad and I will be the rear for you!" Tianci said.

"My lord, it's better for you and Miss Lier to retreat first, and I'll give you the rear!"

Tianci firmly shook his hand, "Although your fighting spirit is the highest, only Li'er and I can resist their magic here, so let me come to the queen!"

Gru stopped talking, saluted, turned around and walked out of the big tent to notify the squadrons.

As night falls, the crooked moon appears and disappears in layers of dark clouds.

"My lord, we are all ready and can retreat at any time!"

Looking at the thousands of personal guards lined up neatly behind Gru, Tianci waved his hand.

All the personal guards turned around neatly, walking and trotting towards Karama City in a row of ten.An hour later, the second group of personal guards also ran towards Karama City.Two hours after the second group of people left, Gelu led the third group to plead with Godsend.

After getting God's approval, Gru waved his hand, and the guards turned around neatly and ran forward.

"Oh!" Looking at the neat team, Tianci suddenly patted himself on the forehead.

"Gelu, come back!" Tianci suddenly yelled.

Gelu was taken aback, and after waving his hand to order the guards to stop, he came to Tianci's side, "My lord, what's the matter?"

"The third team don't leave now, we will attack the city tomorrow!" Tianci said firmly.

"Yes!" Although he didn't understand why, Gru still carried out the lord's order.

In the early morning of the next day, the camp of the pro-guard group was deserted. There were only more than 3000 people in the camp that could have stationed 1000 people.

"Boom! Boom!"

A burst of rapid drumming awakened all the sleeping people in the fortress.

"Captain, it's bad, they're going to attack the city!" A mercenary ran into the scorching sun room panting.

Lie Yang was startled and grabbed the mercenary by the collar, "What, siege, it's impossible? Are they crazy?"

"It's absolutely true, they've all arrived below!" the mercenary said hastily.

Lieyang threw away the mercenary, "Go and inform the great magician Nandi, and have a look on the city wall!"

Lieyang hurriedly ran up the city wall, which was already full of mercenaries. The guards on the opposite side were lined up neatly. The Lorna team stood at the front, and Tianci and Lier walked over slowly.

Not long after, Nandi and other four great magicians also heard the news and walked to the city wall.

"Lie Sun, are you still planning to fight to the end?" Lier's voice came over.

"Hmph! I, Lie Yang, will never surrender. If you have the ability, you can attack the city. I want to see how capable you are!" Lie Sun said, looking up to the sky and laughing.Siege?Under the protection of four great magicians, it is simply a dream to capture a small fortress.

"Li'er, I'll change your magic later, you don't have to worry, just release it according to your usual rhythm," Tianci said softly.

Lier nodded, clenched the staff tightly in her hand.

"Yu'er, wait for you to attack first, then Li'er is attacking, hit them with your most powerful meteor fire shower!" Tianci ordered Yu'er on his shoulder.

Yu'er jumped off Tianci's shoulder, grinned, and said that this fox is not good at building, but he is the best at destroying it!
Tianci took a deep breath, and his consciousness unfolded instantly.

The fire elements within 800 meters jumped towards Yu'er like soldiers under orders.Although there are not as many fire elements in the northwest as there are in the capital, the number of fire elements within 800 meters is not a small number.

Yu'er was trembling comfortably, the fur stood up one by one, three identical flaming tails gradually appeared behind the big fiery tail, Yu'er raised her head and roared, "Aw~~Aw~~"

In mid-air, it was like a sunset glow, fiery red.

"No, it's a large area of ​​magic!" Nandi's heart trembled. "Etro, Keranti, and Masiqi are about to release defensive magic!"

"Okay!" The other three replied at the same time, taking out their wands one after another.

"Bronze wall and iron wall!" Two huge magic shields of "Ice to the Sky" immediately appeared, horizontally above the fortress.

The fortress is not big, and the two strengthened magic shields can almost cover the fortress.

"Etro, Korandi, what are you doing, hurry up and release the magic!" Nandi roared.

"I..." Ke Randy said in panic, "I still can't gather the wind element..."

As for Etro, it was even worse. He worked so hard to gather a large amount of fire elements, but every moment before materialization, the fire elements suddenly lost contact for some reason, and to be precise, they ran to Yu'er's side. . .

The red half of the sky finally moved.

"Boom!!" Countless huge fireballs appeared, dragging their long tails and roaring towards the fortress.The huge movement and spectacular scene made many mercenaries frightened and fled in a hurry.

"Stand for me, with the magic shield of the great magician, you are all afraid of shit!" Lie Yang roared, but many mercenaries still fled in all directions.

"Trash!" Lie Yang spat out, ignoring it.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!..." The fireball fell on the magic shield, causing ripples.The scattered sparks spread with the heat wave.

For the defensive magic released by the sixth-level great magicians, although Yu'er's attack is very strong, it is not unstoppable. With the enhanced magic shield, it is not a problem to block it four or five times.

The frightened mercenaries were relieved at this moment, and the mercenaries who escaped quietly returned to the top of the city.

"Li'er, it's up to you this time! The blade is so powerful!" Tianci firmly grasped Li'er's little hand, and then let go.

Li'er held the magic core in her left hand, and the guided wind element rushed out immediately.After reciting the mantra softly, the endless wind elements immediately formed hundreds of wind blade shapes about half a meter long in the sky.

Tianci controls all wind elements with his mind.

The last time they were compressed, they didn't have enough room to move, and they collided to cause a mutated magic backlash. That was because they were all moving irregularly. If they moved in the same direction, there would be no problem. , Just like seeing the guards leaving in neat formation last night, although there are many people, there will be no collisions and crowds.

Under the control of Tianci, countless wind elements quickly adjusted their trajectory and unified their directions, and the gaps between them immediately stood out.The wind elements approached quickly. As Tianci expected, the compression was greater this time, but there was no elemental collision and mutation, and there was no magical backlash.

Lier was surprised. Although the length of each wind blade has not changed, the width has obviously become thinner, just like a book turned into several sheets of paper.It's amazing how this is even possible.

There was no time to think about these things, Lier followed her usual feeling to complete the materialization of magic step by step.

"ZZ! ZZ! ZZ!..."

Hundreds of paper-thin, half-meter-long wind blades appeared above Lier's head. The wind blades trembled violently, and their thin bodies oscillated the surrounding air, making a sharp and ear-piercing sound, as if they wanted to tear the entire space apart.Different from the magic that is usually released, with the appearance of hundreds of wind blades, the surrounding wind elements seem to sense something, desperately moving towards the wind blades, and the wind blades are like a huge black hole, constantly devouring the surrounding wind element.

Everyone was shocked by the sharp sound, and looked at the wind blade above Lier in horror.Thousands of sharp voices resonated with each other, piercing everyone's hearts like a dagger, and even the members of the personal guard group couldn't help but panic.


A large number of wind elements gathered around the wind blade suddenly formed wind tornadoes, which erupted in an instant with Lier as the center, sweeping away with the dust and sand on the ground.

The Lorna team who was closest to Li'er were all surprised to see that they forgot to deploy their grudge defense.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and start fighting!" Gru yelled with his dark blue fighting spirit, and Rona's team reacted immediately and deployed their fighting spirit to resist the wind and waves, and their clothes were blown by the wind and waves.

The guards who had no fighting spirit behind were blown so hard that they couldn't breathe, and raised their arms to block in front of them.

"Koranti, what kind of magic is that?" Nandi asked looking at the mutation under the fortress.

Ke Randy has been observing Lier's magic from the beginning to the end. At this time, she was already dumbfounded, "Wind Blade Wanduan? No... Wind Blade Wanduan doesn't have such a terrifying power. Look at that momentum, it definitely doesn't look like Wind Blade Wanduan!"

"Nonsense, anyone can see this, I'm asking what level this magic belongs to!" Nandi roared, and his heart couldn't help but shudder.

"I don't know... My magic can't reach this level..." Ke Randi said timidly.

In the center of the storm, Tianci and Li'er were also shocked by this shocking effect, and it was easy to recover.

"When the wind elements move irregularly, they already have the strongest attack power of all magic. I didn't expect their energy to be so strong after they become regular!" Tianci couldn't help but sigh, "The power of nature is really amazing, maybe this is the wind. Unite the will of the elements!"

"Brother Tianci...I...I can't hold on any longer!!" Lier said with difficulty, beads of sweat dripped on her wrinkled forehead.

"Yuer, the strongest attack again. Lier, wait for Yuer's fireball to be released before you release it!"



(End of this chapter)

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