Godsend Field

Chapter 125

Chapter 125
"Pay attention, they are going to attack with all their strength." Looking at the red half of the sky again, Nandi shouted, "Massie's magic shield is strengthened!" After finishing speaking, Nandi released the magic shield in front of himself A single-body armor that defends against magic soil.Masiqi also imitated Nandi's appearance and released an ice wall in front of him.

Seeing the dignified expressions of the four great magicians, Lie Yang yelled inwardly that it was not good, and immediately launched his fighting spirit, "Get out of here if you don't have fighting spirit!"

Many mercenaries didn't see the depth, they looked at the great mages and then at Captain Lie Sun, not knowing whether to go down or stay.

"Boom~~" Yu'er's meteor shower rained down.

Just when the huge fireball was about to hit the magic shield, Lier's Wind Blade was finally released.


The paper-thin wind blade pierced through the space like a cyan light and shadow and quickly attacked the fortress.And Lier sat down on the ground as if collapsed, maintaining such a terrifying wind blade that Lier exhausted all her spiritual power.

Above the fortress, just as the fireball hit the magic shield and shook violently, the wind blade had already arrived, and directly cut the fireball that had not yet exploded from the middle. . .

"Pfft! Bang!!" The fireball that was attacked from both sides exploded immediately.A layer of fire waves spread rapidly along the two magic shields.Burned the entire magic shield into red.

Under the impact of the meteor fire shower, Nandi and Ma Siqi shook violently. They didn't feel much after receiving the meteor fire shower just now. Why did the power suddenly increase this time?
At this time, Tianci's body also shook violently, and his eyes were wide open. The moment Yu'er's meteor fire rain was cut from the middle by Lier's wind blade, the amplitude of the burst fire element suddenly increased, although it was not as good as That day when I hard-wired the magic of the three great magicians, the increase of the fire element was more than [-]% larger than usual.

Could it be that. . .

Just when Tianci was still thinking in a daze, the fortress was turned upside down.

When the mercenaries were still looking up at the magic shield surrounded by fire waves, the shield suddenly cracked small holes, and blue lights rushed down, and Lier's wind blade, which was as thin as a piece of paper, cut through it directly. The magic shield continued to attack the mercenaries below.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!......"

Countless wind blades cut down like sharp swords, and the mercenaries crowded on the tower were cut in two by the thin wind blades before they had time to react.Limbs were shattered, blood flowed horizontally, screams of panic and pain immediately rang out, and the city wall suddenly became a hell on earth.

The mercenaries in the city didn't know what happened, and they were all confused.

"Master Nandi, what's going on here!" Although Lie Yang had a sixth-level grudge, he was still scratched by the wind blade, leaving a small but deep wound on his arm and chest.After hastily treating his wound, Lie Yang panicked.

Nan Di remained silent, struggling to maintain the magic shield.If he hadn't released the strongest defensive magic in advance, he might have become a corpse on the ground now.Yu'er's meteor fire shower was originally comparable to a human's sixth-level magic, but now under the influence of the wind blade, the fire element suddenly increased by [-]%, and its power also more than doubled. Lier's wind blade was cut in tatters, so the two great magicians resisted it with great difficulty, and they couldn't be distracted in the slightest!
"Don't disturb them, this magic is very strange! The sixth-level shield can't resist it!" Etro, who was hiding behind Nandi, roared loudly.

Looking at the sea of ​​flames above the fortress in the distance, and hearing the tragic shouts in the fortress, the guards were extremely excited. These days when they can only watch but not fight, they almost suffocate the bad guys, especially the Lorna team. The revenge of seduction and rape under the city has not been reported yet.

"Adults" Chen Wu and Gelu ran to Tianci's side, and Chen Wu hurriedly helped Tianci lift Li'er up.

"My lord, shall we attack now?" Gru asked.

"Well, I'll hold the great magician, and you lead someone to attack!" Tianci said and gathered a large amount of fire elements again. Yu'er didn't feel tired at the moment, but was in high spirits, wagging her four tails quickly.

"Gru, you go to deal with the great magicians, but remember not to hurt them, after all, they are all from the great prince," Chen Wu hurriedly confessed.

"Boom!" Another shower of meteors and fire appeared in the sky.

"Come on!" Gru pulled out his long sword and swung it vigorously.

"Kill!!" All the guards shouted loudly and rushed towards the fortress like a tide.

At this moment, the scorching sun suddenly panicked.Usually relying on the presence of four great magicians, there are no archers on the city wall. "Mage Etro, Mage Nandi, Mage Korandi, Mage Masci, they are attacking the city now, don't you..."

"Shut up, I told you not to disturb us! If they get distracted, we're all going to die!" Ke Randy yelled with a gloomy face.

The scorching sun touched his nose, and he was full of enthusiasm. He shook his hands and walked down the city wall, "Go, let me go down and guard!"

Without the protection of the great magicians, the entire fortress would be nothing to worry about. In the blink of an eye, Gru rushed to the main entrance of the fortress with Lorna's team and his personal guards.The gate made of thick wooden boards more than three meters high was tightly closed.

Gelu Chong was at the front, his dark blue fighting spirit burst out suddenly, and his long sword trembled, exuding light blue fighting spirit.

"Tiger Roar Slash!"

Gelu's fighting spirit rose sharply, his speed suddenly increased, and he clenched the long sword with both hands and slashed towards the wooden door with all his strength!

"Bang!" The wooden door shattered open.

Once the wooden door was opened, there was nothing to stop the guards from advancing.Gelu rushed to the forefront, and the mercenaries who were in a hurry all the way retreated and fled for their lives.As soon as the two sides came into contact, the mercenaries broke up and dispersed.

"Let me resist all of them, and whoever dares to retreat from me will be chopped off!" Lie Sun screamed strangely.

It's okay not to call, this call immediately caught Gru's attention.With a back slash, Gelu cut the two mercenaries in front into two, and then jumped to attack the scorching sun.

Lieyang is also a level [-] warrior, and Gru's howling sword wind has already caught his attention.

"Dang!" The two swords collided together.

Lieyang frowned, and the wound on his right arm that was cut by Lier's wind blade burst open as the muscles tightened, and blood spurted out immediately.Even the wound on his chest began to bleed.

The strength of Gru's hands became more fierce.The scorching sun immediately bared his teeth, and beads of sweat protruded from his forehead.

what!Gelu drew the long sword with both hands and cut out the scorching sun abruptly. The junction of the long sword flashed, and the scorching sun stepped back quickly, whoosh!The long sword slammed into the ground to support the retreating body.

"Scorching Sun, you'd better grab it without your hands!" Gelu said coldly, flicking his long sword.

"Humph!" Lie Yang panted, "I want Lie Sun to surrender, just dream!"

"Stubborn and unrestrained!" Gelu's long sword flicked, and the forward-moving sword struck at the scorching sun's strength.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!" In the blink of an eye, they saw four swords attacking and defending.

Gelu's combat skills were already superior to Lieyang's, and Lieyang was seriously injured at this time and his physical strength was gradually weakening. After several rounds, it was already difficult to parry Gelu's attack.

The sounds of fighting all around became stronger and stronger, the mercenaries fell down from time to time, and the guards became more courageous as they fought.

"All mercenaries surrender immediately, and they will not die!" Gru yelled, smashing the last line of defense in the hearts of the disintegrated mercenaries.

Faced with the overwhelming defeat, many mercenaries dropped their swords and surrendered.There were still many mercenaries who hesitated, but following the strong killing intent of the guards, the mercenaries no longer hesitated and dropped their weapons one after another.

Looking around at the mercenaries who collapsed and surrendered, the scorching sun was furious, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Wiping off the blood around his mouth, the scorching sun glared at Gru, holding the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, gritted his teeth and suddenly became angry, and slashed at Gru like a hungry wolf, ah~~~
After more than ten years of mercenary career, Gelu calmly held out his sword to block the blow of the scorching sun.

"Dang!" Lightning flint.

"Lieyang, you'd better give up, it's impossible for you to defeat me in your current state!" Gru said coldly, flicking away Lieyang forcefully.Lie Yang staggered a few steps on his hind legs before barely standing still, with the long sword across his chest, and the grudge on his body gradually dimmed.

The personal guards were so imposing, they quickly collected the weapons of the mercenary regiments, and all the mercenaries who surrendered gathered together.

"Gelu, quickly resolve the battle! And this scorching sun must be captured alive!" Tianci had arrived in the fortress at some point, and Yu'er on his shoulder was lazily watching the battle in the fortress, not showing any interest in clawing out his claws.

"Yes, my lord!" Gru moved his right hand slightly, and put the long sword into the space ring.

With a sudden movement, Gru ran towards the scorching sun, his hands clenched into fists in a bow shape.The scorching sun was already exhausted at this time, and his movements were much slower.Just as he was about to raise his sword, Hu's right wrist was firmly grasped by Gru.Terrified by the scorching sun, he punched Gru with his left hand, and Gru opened his right fist to grab the incoming fist.Gelu pulled his hands violently, and Lie Yang's body immediately leaned forward. When he was about to hit Gelu's body, he suddenly felt a huge pain in his stomach, and his internal organs kept rolling.The sudden attack made Lieyang bow involuntarily.

Gelu dropped his right knee, and the sword palm fell straight to hit Lieyang on the back of the neck.The scorching sun slowly fell to the ground.

"You tie him up and take strict care of him!" Gelu ordered the guards next to him to arrive.

After dealing with the scorching sun, Gru glanced at the whole fortress where the fighting was still going on sporadically, but overall the mercenary group had lost their fighting spirit, and only a few members were still stubbornly resisting.

"Gelu, let's go up!" Tianci pointed at the city wall.

Since rushing into the fortress, all the personal guards have been fighting below, and no one has gone up to the tower.

"Assemble all of Lorna's team, go to the city wall with your lord!" Gru roared.

Soon, many team members who had already finished fighting gathered towards this side, and those who were still fighting, seized the time to finish off their opponents.

Under the protection of Lorna's team, Tianci quickly walked up the city wall.The relatively narrow city wall was crowded with mercenaries, and behind them were two exhausted great magicians, and two energetic great magicians.

"I declare in the name of the Lord of Yanhua City and the honor of the Earl of the Empire, if you put down your weapons and be good, I will not harm your lives, but those who resist will be killed!" Tianci said solemnly, with a loud voice.

The mercenaries began to hesitate.

"I'm just a small mercenary. It's your regiment leader, Lie Yang, who violated the imperial law and openly opened the iron mine. And you have no benefit at all. There is no reason to lose your life for someone else's fault." Gru loudly roared.

"Clang!" Who knew that the mercenary suddenly dropped the weapon in his hand, and the rest of the mercenaries felt as if their hearts had been knocked out, trembling all over, and the weapons in their hands fell down involuntarily.The sound of weapons falling to the ground rang out!
"You idiots, do you think he will really let you go?" Etro cursed angrily, the sky was reddish, and countless fireballs roared down, hitting Tianci and the mercenaries.

The mercenaries who had just put down their weapons were horrified and squatted down in exclamation.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

The fireball shot out above everyone's heads and was resisted, making a huge explosion sound, and the heat wave hit everyone instantly.

"Magic enchantment!" Etro exclaimed.

The mercenaries were still in shock, looking at the great magicians who wanted their lives, and the new lord who rescued them.

A red shadow flashed past, and rushed straight to Etro, Yu'er's sharp nails stretched straight from the palm, shining coldly.

"Yu'er don't want to live!" After feeling Yu'er's anger, Tianci knew that Yu'er would not let it go, and hurriedly stopped him.

On the way, Yu'er retracted her nails reluctantly, twisted her body slightly, swung her tail and slapped Etro hard on the face.

"Ah!" Etro flew back and landed on the ground with a bang.A tail flick of the fifth-level monster hit the weak great magician on the face. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen immediately. Blood began to drip from the corners of his nostrils and mouth, and he lost consciousness on his entire face.

"What are you still doing here, the adults have already said to forgive you, why don't you go down?" Grew shouted.

The mercenaries on the city wall ran down the city wall in desperation.In an instant, only the four great magicians were left.

Tianci and Gelu go ahead.Among the four great magicians, Nandi and Ma Siqi were already exhausted from the confrontation with Yuer and Lier, and the remaining mental power was not enough to threaten Tianci and Gru, so they simply behaved rightly. Sit on the ground and rest.Etro was tailed by Yu'er, and he might not recover within a day or two.Only Ke Randi was left without any loss, but in the eyes of Tianci, he was also the least threatening one.

"Lord Earl, you have won this time! Now that we have no ability to resist, what are you going to do with us?" Nandi recovered a little and said slowly.

"You are all sent by the eldest prince to the northwest! I don't understand why Deken has already gone back, why are you still staying here!" Tianci said directly.

The hearts of the four great magicians were shocked. After they came to the northwest, except for Etro, they rarely showed their faces in front of outsiders, let alone Deken.

"Hmph! Your Excellency Earl is very well-informed! Now that you know, we are not afraid to tell you clearly. We are all the prince's guests, and this time we came to the Northwest by the prince's order. It's a pity that the prince told us Neither of the two things has been done!" Nandi snorted softly.

"Two things... One of them should be to assassinate Chen Wu and capture the Northwest Wolf. Could the other be related to this iron mine?" Tianci asked.

"No comment!" Nandi said coldly, "Your Earl, if you want to kill or scrape, please do it. If you want to find out about the eldest prince from me, then don't waste your time. I won't tell you! "

"You are the eldest prince's people, I will not embarrass you!" Tianci said straightforwardly, "But please go back and tell the eldest prince that as long as I am here, I will not let anyone interfere in Yanhua City." Yes, our Northwest is no longer a bargaining chip for either of you!"

The four great magicians were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect Tianci to let them go so easily. What surprised them even more was what Tianci said. The Northwest management for many years, the schemes and calculations for many years are in the simplicity of Tianci. In a few words, it becomes the moon in the water and the flower in the mirror. . .

"I will tell the Eldest Prince, but I want to remind the Earl that today you wiped out our Sun Mercenary Group, but there are still two mercenary groups over there," Nandi said, pointing in the opposite direction.

Tianci smiled lightly, this Nandi only saved his life and started to provoke the third prince and himself.

"This is our business, don't bother you!" Gru said coldly from the side.

"Okay, let's go! You are no longer welcome in the Northwest!" Tianci turned around and left after speaking.

"My lord, please stay a little longer. That Lieyang belongs to the eldest prince, so we hope you can hand him over to us and bring him back to the capital to be punished by the eldest prince!" Kelandi said suddenly.

A godsend meal, and the guards of Lorna's team were even more furious. It's for the sake of the eldest prince to spare these four people, but even let the scorching sun go, so what's the point this time?
Godsend frowned and stared at Kolandi, "Scorching Sun mines iron ore without the permission of the empire. I came here to crusade under the order of His Majesty the King. If I hand him over to you, how can I reply to His Majesty's order? "

Ke Randi was speechless for a moment!No matter how big the eldest prince is, he is still just a prince, how can he be compared with His Majesty the King!
Ignoring the four great magicians, Tianci and Gelu went straight down the city wall.The battle in the fort ended.All members of the Sun Mercenary Corps were either killed or captured!

Only two squadrons were left this time, and the squadron leaders had already begun to deal with the post-war affairs.

"Gelu, go and count the prisoners of war, and let go of those who are useless, as long as a few main leaders are left!" Tianci ordered.

"Yes! My lord, I'll do it now!" Gru cupped his hands and went to deal with the prisoners.

Tianci did not stay in the fortress, but hurried back to his tent.The main contributor to the victory this time is Lier. I don't know how Lier is doing now!In fact, judging from Lier's current level of magic, she had already started to struggle when the wind blade was formed, but in order to be able to take down the fortress, Lier persisted until the magic was finally released.

I hope there will be no side effects on Lier this time!

(End of this chapter)

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