Godsend Field

Chapter 126

Chapter 126
"Li'er, are you okay!" Tianci asked with concern as soon as he entered the tent.

Li'er, who was lying on the bed, was pale. Seeing Tianci walk in, she sat up with her hands supported, shaking her head weakly, "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired!"

After confirming that Li'er was fine, Tianci was relieved, "It's really thanks to you this time, if your magic hadn't broken their magic shield and consumed their mental power, we really couldn't break through this fortress so easily !"

"Did it really break through? Was their defense really broken?" Li'er was a little confused after casting the magic, and Chen Wu helped her into the tent to rest, so she didn't see the attack from Tianci and others.Hearing what Tianci said, Li'er couldn't believe it, "They all have level-[-] magic shields, have I really broken through them?"

"Li'er, how did your strength grow so fast, especially the magic, we all felt trembling when we stood behind, and the voice felt like it was attacking the depths of my soul. It was really terrifying! "Chen Wu recalled the situation at that time.

"I don't know either. I cast magic as usual, but I don't know why the magic suddenly became so strong that my mental power is almost out of control."

"But no matter what, your magic still broke through their magic shields. They are all sixth-level magicians. After this calculation, Lier, don't you have the level of a seventh-level magician?" Chen Wu sighed, with envy on his face.

Lier's face was full of surprise, even Tianci was in disbelief.

"Hee hee! Alright, I won't bother you here anymore. My lord, I'll go out and see what's going on outside!" After saying that, Chen Wu bowed to Tianci and walked out of the tent.

Tianci sat on Li'er's bed, helped Li'er to lie down, pulled up the thin quilt and covered it gently, and leaned on the bed by herself, "Leave the rest to them, let's have a good rest!"

During the whole process, Tianci not only helped Yuer gather fire elements, but also helped Lier compress the magic, and at the same time prevented the two great magicians from sensing and gathering magic. The consciousness of Tianci was consumed so much that he couldn't get up on the city wall later. Continue to prevent Etro from sensing the fire element, and can only release the magic barrier to block it.Now Tianci is exhausted, what he needs most is rest.

Although Lier often goes out with Tianci or even alone, they sleep in their own tents at night, or Lier sleeps in a tent and Tianci keeps vigil.It was the first time that they rested on the same bed like today.Lier secretly pulled up the thin quilt to cover her cheeks, leaving only a pair of big eyes exposed.

"Brother Tianci, how did you manage to change my magic? No one on the mainland can sense the magic elements gathered by other people's induction, let alone change it. Even my godfather can't do it. Are you How did you do it?"

After waiting for a long time without hearing Tianci's answer, Li'er looked at Tianci strangely, and saw that Tianci's eyes were closed tightly, his chest heaved, and he had already fallen asleep naively. This was the first time Li'er saw Tianci so tired!
Pulling off the thin quilt, Li'er breathed a sigh of relief, sat up with support, and carefully looked at Tianci's face, which she had seen countless times since she was a child.The face gradually became smaller, and Li'er seemed to see the immature face of Tianci when she was eight years old.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" There was a hasty knock on the door.

Jane put down the book in her hand, walked out of the house, and opened the door.

"So it's Xiao Lier, what are you doing at my house so early!" Zhen asked with a smile.

"I... I... I..."

"Don't worry, speak slowly!" Jane looked at Lier's flushed little face, and couldn't help stroking it gently with her hand.

"I... Grandpa... I'm looking for... Brother Tianci... I have something to do!" Lier said with difficulty in her immature voice.

"Huh? Didn't the village chief just look for Tianci yesterday? Why did he look for Tianci again today?" Jane asked strangely.

"Mom, it's the village head and grandpa looking for me!" Little Tianci had already walked out at some point, and when he saw Tianci coming out, he quickly jumped onto Tianci's shoulder "Then I'll go and have a look. If there's nothing wrong, I'll be there soon." return!"

Before Jane could reply, Tianci took Lier's little hand and ran towards the village chief's house.Nero looked at his brother enviously. . .

At the side of the wooden pile in the woods beside the village, Tianci pulled Li'er and ran over in one breath, as if being chased by countless people.Tianci has been training for three years, coupled with her good physical fitness, so she didn't feel any strain at all, Yu'er was even more relaxed, but Lier was suffering, and she was already out of breath after being dragged.

"Hahaha, it's finally out!" Letting go of Lier's hand, Tianci laughed.After laughing enough, Tianci put on a straight face, "Li'er, why did you say that your grandpa is looking for me again? Have you forgotten what I taught you yesterday? If mom meets the village chief's grandpa that day, then we will be at odds." It's all bad luck!"


"But what, remember to think of a better reason tomorrow, otherwise I will..." As he spoke, a thump hit Lier's big forehead.

"Oh! Why are you playing me again? I won't help you tomorrow!" Lier covered her forehead.

Tianci didn't worry about apologizing at all, "Come on, let's go to the tree hole yesterday to have a look, I've cleaned it up, and I can sleep with some hay!"

"Brother Tianci, I can't help you anymore tomorrow!" Lier said, shaking her two braids.

"Huh? Why?" Tianci asked strangely.

"Mom said that lying to others is not a good boy, and no one will want him when he grows up!" Lier said solemnly with her eyes widened, her eyes full of fear.

"What's so scary, no one will want you in the future, I want you!"

"Okay!" Lier immediately followed Tianci happily.

. . . . . .

The face gradually became bigger. Looking at this face that had bullied her so many times since she was a child, Lier stood up gently, stretched out her right hand, and gently touched her face with her fingers. The feeling of a call coming from her fingertips was very strange. !Gently stroking her tired face with her palm, Lier's heart went blank, and her red and tender lips couldn't help approaching Tianci. . .Just as he was approaching Tianci's forehead, he suddenly stopped. . .

As if Tianci had a sweet dream, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Li'er, who heard the movement, was like a nimble rabbit, lying back on the bed like lightning, quickly pulled up the thin quilt, and covered her eyes together.Probably because of too much movement, Lier, who was lying down, was panting suddenly, her heart was beating continuously. . .

"Head, my lord..." Gru asked outside the tent.

"My lord hasn't woken up yet, and it's the first time I've seen him so tired. I didn't even see him so tired after meditating for more than ten days last time!" Chen Wu said.

Gru nodded silently. I am afraid that he is the only one who has the most contact with Tianci.The God-given endurance was the scariest he had ever seen, and the resilience was simply a perverted existence.

"Is it all counted?" Chen Wu asked.

"Not yet, but everything is under our control. It is estimated that the statistics will be released later!" Gru replied, "However, before leaving, my lord ordered that if it is an ordinary mercenary, just let go, look... "

"It's useless to keep the little soldiers, just let them go! Just catch Lie Yang and a few captains!"

"Well, I'm going to let them go!"

Back in the big tent, the new wolf king Zeda, the head of the Blood Wolf Hall, Xi Wu, and the head of the Wind Wolf Hall, Sousa, were already waiting in the big tent. When they saw Chen Wu come in, they all stood up.

"Sister, what's going on here! Didn't you say you were going to retreat yesterday? Why did you break the city?" Xiwu asked suspiciously, and Zeda and Sosa also looked at Chenwu.

"It's all thanks to your lord and Li'er. Their magic made the four great mages so embarrassed that they didn't have time to help Lieyang defend, that's why we took the fort smoothly!"

The faces of Zeda and the three of them made the four sixth-level great magicians feel embarrassed. What kind of concept is this? . .

"Okay, no matter what, we won a big victory this time. Zeda, you send someone to notify the masters of the Heavenly Wolf Hall and the Diwolf Hall, and ask them to camp the two thousand brothers outside the city and wait for the Lord to send someone Come and compile, and then take our 500 original brothers back to Pingliang City first! Sister, you leave [-] people to garrison the fortress. Sousa, you take the remaining brothers to garrison outside Yanhua City. "

"Yes!" The three stood up and took orders.

Tianci didn't wake up until late at night!

Opening her eyes, she lay on the bed with all her clothes on, and covered her body with a scented blanket.Throwing off the thin quilt, Tianci sat on the edge of the bed, and slept soundly!Wake up refreshed and full of ideas.

"Hehe! If it wasn't for the sudden enlightenment on the way here, and the increase in thoughts, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold on that day!" Tianci lay back on the bed again, thinking with luck with his hands under his head.

This is already the second time. Every time I realize the epiphany, my thoughts will be improved like never before, and even the scope of my spiritual consciousness will be expanded a lot.It took me a whole year in Yaster to expand my spiritual consciousness by one meter, and I suddenly realized that I could directly extend my spiritual consciousness by hundreds of meters. It seems that my spiritual consciousness did not rely on exercise. . .But why is this? What exactly is one's divine consciousness?
While Tianci was wondering, Lier and Chenwu walked into the tent.

"Brother Tianci, have you finally woken up?"

"Yeah!" Tianci sat up, "How is everything going outside?"

"It's almost the same. Except for Lieyang and some bosses, all other mercenaries have been released. The iron mine has also been taken over, and the poor people who mine are staying. As long as you give an amnesty, you can continue to produce! We Northwest Wolf people They have all been evacuated, leaving only 500 people stationed in the fortress. In addition, I have notified the other two teams to station near Karama City and Kemayi City, waiting for you to send people to receive them and form a city guard. We The personal guards have already returned to Yanhua City except for the Lorna team," Chen Wu simply reported.

"You guys are pretty fast!" Tianci said with a smile.

"Quick? You've been asleep for a day and a half, so of course you think we're going! It's good to be an adult, and you can talk yourself out of the way!" Chen Wu muttered softly.

It seems that this day and a half can be busy with the morning fog!Tianci chuckled and pretended not to hear.

"Brother Tianci, are you alright, I'll go get you something to eat!" Lier said.

"Okay, let's go together, I want to go out for a walk too!" Tianci sat up and put on his boots, and walked out of the tent with Lier.

The sky is full of stars!
"Brother Tianci, how did you change my magic? I tried it again today, and I couldn't release such a powerful wind blade..." Lier asked Tianci who was devouring it.

"It's not clear, and even if you say it, you won't understand it!" Tianci replied vaguely, "But at least we know that the power of wind magic depends on the shape of the magic, that is, the degree of compression of the magic. ! I think Li'er, you can try to practice the compression of wind magic now, it is much more powerful than the six-level strengthening magic!"

"I know, but I tried compression today and it still didn't work... Am I too stupid?"

Tianci stuffed his mouth full and shook his head like a drum.

"It's not that you're stupid, it's because you don't know the characteristics of the wind element! Let me tell you, the movement of the wind element is irregular. There is no principle of similar attraction and different repulsion between them, and there is no distance between the points of the shield." , so they can collide with each other at will. Do you still remember that day, because we compressed too much, they did not have enough space to move, so they collided with each other, causing some wind elements to become weak and some to become strong, and It is these strong wind elements that are out of your mental control and caused magic backlash!"

Lier nodded slightly, "No wonder the teachers told us not to be careless or distracted when we entered the first-level magic school, and said that wind magic is the most likely to cause magic backlash. so!"

"However, if we can control the wind elements and make all the wind elements move in the same direction, just like soldiers lined up, so that they will not collide and can be compressed, the wind blade Wanduan you released last time is Released in this way, the power is so great that even the sixth-level strengthened earth magic shield can penetrate."

Li'er took a deep breath, "Penetrating level [-] earth magic is something that only level [-] magic can do!"

"Li'er, I know you can't sense every wind element yet, and you can't control them to be in the same direction, but I've thought about it for you for a long time, you can try to make the cloud-like wind element you said in the process of meditation Divided into separate shapes, divided into strips, the more the better, the thinner the better! You can’t make each one consistent, but make the strips consistent!”

"Well, I understand, I'll try it later!" Lier said happily.

Three days later, after Gru and Chenwu had completely dealt with the garrison of the fortress, God gave a pardon to enable the iron ore to start new production.Half of the iron materials produced must be transported to the capital of the empire intact and handed over to the empire. The remaining half can be handled by the lords themselves.

According to Clark, this iron mine can at least bring him an income of [-] purple gold coins per month, and then the poverty and embarrassment he faced before will be solved easily!

"Gru, you have selected someone from the Rona team who is more capable and brought a few personal guards to temporarily take over the Northwest Wolf brothers here. From today onwards, they are no longer our Northwest Wolves, but Karama City and Kema. Yicheng's city garrison "Morning Mist" handed over the amnesty written by God to Gru.

Gelu received the pardon and quit the big account to select the manpower.

"My lord, everything has been settled, do you want to visit Karama City and Kemayi City?" Chen Wu asked.

"Well, I'll wait for Mr. Clark to arrive, and we'll go together again! Mr. Clark is better at city management and planning!"

Clark, who received the news the next day, rushed to the fortress with Si Ni and several staff members.

"Young Master, congratulations!" Clark said with a smile, "Now we have captured Karama City and Kemayi City, which is even more powerful for adults! These two cities have a population of 150 million, which is not a small scale in the Northwest." Yes, but the most gratifying thing is that this iron mine has been won, and from now on, the young master will no longer have to worry about a shortage of funds!" Looking at the iron mine not far away on the city wall, Clark couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

"Who would have thought that there would be such a huge wealth in the Northwest!" Tianci sighed.

"That's right. When we came here, we only planned to help the young master to save money and make ends meet. Then we thought that there are such iron mines in the northwest, and the dwarves seem to have more than one idea. We just need to sell these iron mines. If the power is handed over to the Masto Chamber of Commerce and the Barr Chamber of Commerce, I can assure you that they will die of joy."

"Hehe, I believe this. Although I am not a merchant, I also know that salt and iron are the most profitable. Otherwise, the great empire will not take it as state-owned, and private development is expressly prohibited!" Tianci was in the mood at this time. Very cool.

"Young Master is absolutely right!" Clark took out a roll of paper, "These are some of our recent plans, Young Master, please have a look!"

Tianci pushed away the scroll, "I won't read it, you can simply say something!"

Seeing Tianci's cool look, Si Ni laughed in her heart, "What does it mean not to read it, it is clear that Master Tianci doesn't understand...every time I see myself making a plan, I say it gives me a headache!"

"It's like this. Although our market in Yanhua City has not been fully completed, it can still start to operate. In addition, we plan to repair and rebuild some facilities... The last and most important project is road construction. Let's go northwest This road in the province has been in use for decades, and it is already dilapidated. We had long wanted to suggest that the young master rebuild it, but the young master was short of funds at that time. Now there are Karama and Kemayi cities. For this iron mine, our capital is no longer a problem, so I think we should be able to start working, and this can also absorb a lot of labor.”

"Well, you're right, since we don't have to worry about purple gold coins anymore, let's do what you want!"

Clark smiled with satisfaction, and handed the scroll to Si Ni.

"Young Master, let's go to Karama City and Kemayi City to have a look. At that time, Young Master can also issue new taxes in public. This will not only appease the frightened citizens, but also raise the burden of the adults. Prestige in the Northwest! We have even written the announcement this time, and all taxes and taxes are connected with Yanhua City, and we will wait for the young master to issue it!"

"Okay, I also want to visit Karama City and Kemayi City soon! Let's go together!"

(End of this chapter)

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