Godsend Field

Chapter 127 Attacked

Chapter 127 Attacked
It has been five days since the return journey from Karama City and Kemayi City.

As soon as the lord's pardon came out, the whole city erupted, and everyone ran to the streets to celebrate!The harsh taxes on the top of the head are finally relieved!Wherever Godsend went, all the people cheered.

After Clark selected ten experienced staff to take over the entire Karama City and Kemayi City, he set off back to Yanhua City together with the Tianci Guards.

Lier has been staying quietly in the room these days. Since Tianci released a compression magic last time with the help of Tianci, and Tianci explained some characteristics of the wind element, Lier seems to have found something. While meditating, he decomposed the wind element he could feel according to the meaning of Tianci, but it was difficult. . .

Gru led the Lorna team to personally escort the carriage cage where Gu Lieyang and others were imprisoned, and followed behind the Tiansend carriage.

The road has been in disrepair for a long time, and the carriage bumps non-stop.In the carriage, Tianci, Lier, Clark and Chen Wu sat in it.

"My lord, what are you going to do with the scorching sun?" Chen Wu asked.

"What else can I do? Of course, I will escort you back to the capital and hand it over to His Majesty!" Tianci replied.

"The young master is right. This scorching sun committed a serious crime under the law of the country. What's more, His Majesty personally issued a heavenly amnesty to arrest him. It is best for our local noble officials not to deal with it, and directly hand it over to His Majesty, and let the judicial officials handle it." Deal with it!" Clark nodded in agreement.

"It would be the safest way for ordinary people to handle it this way, but this scorching sun is clearly the man of the eldest prince. If we just hand it in like this, wouldn't it be telling everyone that you, the earl sent by God, sued the eldest prince? In this way, we Wouldn't it be a formal break with the eldest prince?" Chen Wu reminded, "And..."

Tianci glanced at Chen Wu, "And what, just say it!"

"And don't you find it strange?"

"Strange? What's strange?" Tianci and Clark asked at the same time.

"Even if he committed a heinous crime by opening iron mines privately in the scorching sun, the Minister of State, Duke Kate, should issue an amnesty to arrest and investigate. Why did His Majesty personally issue an amnesty?"

The three of Tianci looked at each other. From sending people to lure the Jianmang mercenary group and the Rose mercenary group to discover iron ore, to spreading wind and rain in the capital, to His Majesty personally issuing the decree of amnesty, all these things have been going smoothly. By the way, they didn't have any doubts.

The empire has always been the judicial officials under the minister of state to manage the country's criminal and prison justice. All those who violate the imperial justice are handed over to them for interrogation and conviction. His majesty the king will hardly intervene except for rebellion or threats to the foundation of the empire. matter.Even if Lie Yang belonged to the eldest prince, his Majesty the King would not order him to arrest him if he was accused of opening iron mines privately.

Clark patted his forehead, "That's right, what Chen Wu said is not bad at all! I've been with the Duke for many years, and I've seen countless cases. In the past, the ones that were more vicious than the scorching sun were at most the Duke who personally ordered the arrest and conviction, and opened the iron mine privately. Although the crime is serious, but he is not alone, there is no need to bother His Majesty to personally intervene!"

"Sister Chenwu, tell me what you think!" Seeing Tianci's anxious look, Li'er asked.

Chen Wu snorted softly, the young lady in the future really took good care of the adults!

"I think there are three possibilities! The first possibility is that His Majesty's personal interrogation is just to shake the mountain. Now that the eldest prince has the military as his backer, he is already far ahead of the three princes, and he is becoming more and more arrogant. This time, His Majesty also wanted to use this matter to give the eldest prince a warning. The second possibility, if His Majesty does not care, then Duke Kate must personally intervene in this matter, and how Duke Kate handles it represents your grandfather's position. The lightness of handling If it is done, it means that your grandfather and Marshal Lankers support the eldest prince at the same time. If the handling is serious, it means that your grandfather opposes the eldest prince to support the third prince or the sixth prince. No matter what you do, it will cause shocks in the capital. And I think His Majesty may not want to see it It's because your grandfather showed his attitude too early! The third possibility is that His Majesty wants to warn the third prince!"

"Warning the third prince? How do you say that!" Tianci asked in bewilderment.

"My lord, if you think about it, this matter can cause such an uproar. Doesn't your majesty know why? It's because your majesty knows that the third prince did all of this, so he took over the matter himself and told the third prince that he knows! And I don't think His Majesty will embarrass the Eldest Prince because of this matter, at most he will reprimand him privately, so we can't just send him to the capital like this, and offend the Eldest Prince in vain!"

Everyone nodded. If it wasn't for Chen Wu's thorough analysis, they wouldn't have figured it out.

"Then tell us how we should deal with the scorching sun!"

"I'm also worried. I can't just send it to the capital like this, but I can't stop sending it... Trouble!" Chen Wu supported his head.

Even Chen Wu had no choice, and Tianci and Clark were even more helpless.

"Didn't this scorching sun turn into a hot potato, which can't be taken or thrown away? Damn it, it's better to let him die!" Clark, who couldn't think of a way, suddenly cursed.

"It would be great if we could die. Now everyone knows that we captured Lie Yang alive. If he died suddenly, what do you think others will think of us?" Chen Wu said.

"Hey!!" Tianci sighed, "Forget it, don't think about it if you can't think of it, it's not too late to think about it in Yanhua City!" Tianci said helplessly.

The carriage continued to move forward, creaking and creaking all the way to Yanhua City.

Back in the study, Godsend slapped the left side of the map, and finally solved a piece!
"My lord, it's easy for you now! There are still two sides to be resolved!" Chen Wu reminded.

"Come on a little bit, it's already very good that the adults can solve the threats from both sides in a short period of time! The next thing will be much easier." Gru said.

Chen Mist glanced at Gru, "Deputy Captain, you mean we Northwest Wolves are also a threat?"

Gelu choked, how could he forget this again, the trouble came out of his mouth!
"Then there will be Jianmang and the Rose Mercenary Group! But the most hateful thing is this Fengxue Sect!"

"Sir, don't think about that for now, let's think about how to deal with the scorching sun!" Chen Wu said dissatisfied.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Tianci slapped his forehead, "Clark, you and I will go meet Oliver Craftsman. Morning Mist, please trouble you, Gru and Lil to think about how to deal with the scorching sun!"

After speaking, Tianci pulled Clark out of the city lord's mansion irresponsibly.

"Hmmm!! That... I'm going to see if Lie Sun's prisoners are secure. These days I'll be standing by to prevent them from escaping!" Gru also slipped out of the city lord's mansion with his hands clasped.

"Sister Chenwu, I have gained some experience in magic recently. I need to meditate now, and I will trouble you with the matter of Brother Godsend!" After saying that, Lier slipped into the inner hall with her tongue out.

Watching them run away one by one in a legitimate way, the morning mist didn't blow up everywhere, and they lined up on the table, "What, what is this!"

Tianci and Clark came to the blacksmith shop all the way. After several months of training, craftsman Oliver has fully recovered, and is now teaching all the dwarves in the blacksmith shop how to forge.The little book bestowed by God has long been circulated among the dwarves, and many dwarves have copied the contents of the little book respectfully and memorized it by heart. At this moment, it is accompanied by a personal demonstration by Oliver craftsman, and all the dwarves will benefit. a lot.

"Craftsman Oliver, we're here to see you!" Tianci walked in with a smile.

Oliver was stunned for a moment, then put down the thing in his hand, patted his dusty hands, and greeted him with open arms.

Tianci has long been a distinguished guest of the blacksmith shop, and it is not surprising for the dwarves to see him like this.The shopkeeper took a clean coat from inside and put it on Oliver.

"Solved?" Craftsman Oliver asked mysteriously.

Tianci nodded with a smile.

"That's good, let's go inside and talk!" Craftsman Oliver led Tianci and Clark into the hall.

After they were all seated, Tianci briefly talked about the battle with the scorching sun.

"Artisan Oliver, we have checked that iron mine. Currently, there are only three mining openings, and it is still very unstable. We can't see how big its reserves are from the outside, and it is not easy to formulate a mining plan, so we I'm here to help you!" Clark said.

"Hahaha, that's really the case, I knew you would come!" Oliver laughed happily, "You don't have to doubt the reserves of the iron ore, although I haven't investigated it carefully, I can guarantee its scale It won’t be lower than the top five on the mainland! As for how to mine it, I’ll have to wait until I have a closer look to find out!”

Tianci nodded, "Now the iron mine is in our hands, you can go there anytime!"

"Okay, I've been panicking these days too, and I'm just about to go out for a walk! Then please write me a pardon, so that I can investigate carefully, and then formulate a mining plan for you!"

Tianci shook his right hand, and a rolled up paper appeared in his hand, "Hehe! I've prepared it for you a long time ago!"

"Craftsman Oliver, you must have known a lot of iron mines in the Northwest for so many years! Can you tell us a thing or two?" Clark asked tentatively.

Tianci's eyes lit up, "Yes, if you can tell us, we can share the profit with you!"

"Hahahaha!" Oliver craftsman laughed loudly, "I'm looking for mines purely for personal interest, what do I want those purple gold coins for? Besides, we dwarves are plain by nature and don't like luxury and luxury. It's enough to be iron-struck. What's more, with our craftsmanship, who of you has ever heard of a dwarf who will starve to death?"

Tianci drink Clark's face changed, revealing a disappointed look.

"However, it is indeed a waste to bury so many high-quality materials deep in the ground." Oliver's craftsman changed his tone.

"Really?" Tianci and Clark jumped up from their seats excitedly.

"We dwarves never lie to people, but you humans often lie to us dwarves! Although I don't ask for anything in return, I hope that after you mine the iron ore, you can give [-]% of the high-quality iron to our blacksmith shop for us to use. The dwarves here use it to make sure they always have iron strikes."

"Of course! Clark, you write an agreement right away, and I will issue it now!"

Putting away the agreement issued by the lord himself, the Oliver craftsman nodded in satisfaction, "Hehe! With this agreement and the previous amnesty, I can be considered unimpeded in the northwest!"

"Master, I suggest sending ten experienced personal guards to follow Oliver craftsmen's dispatch, which can also play a protective role by the way! When you have news, you can inform us as soon as possible," Clark suggested.

"Well, not bad!" Tianci and Oliver were very satisfied.

After negotiating everything with Oliver craftsman, Tianci and Clark returned to the Santo's Mansion!

it's getting dark!
The light was still on in the living room, and Chen Wu sat alone in a chair thinking!
"You haven't rested yet!" Tianci saw the morning mist as soon as he entered the door.

"You throw me such a difficult potato one by one, do I dare to delay?" Chen Wu said angrily.

Tianci smiled embarrassingly, because he was the one who took the lead.

"No, I can't think of a good way, but I can't delay it, so I suggest that we take the scorching sun on the road tomorrow, but walk slowly on the road, and then we will send people to find your grandfather, my lord, and see if he can do anything!"

"This is a good way! My grandfather will definitely have a way!"

At noon the next day, Gelu led three hundred guards and stood neatly at the east gate with a heaven-sent petition.Tianci, Lier and others personally came to see Gru off outside the city gate.

"Gelu, be careful this way!" Tianci ordered, and then leaned into his ear, "The slower the better!"

Grew understood and nodded.

Tianci walked to the high platform, waved his arm, and set off!

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!..."

A dense sound came from all directions outside the east gate of Yanhua City, and then countless black spots flew from inside the city wall, from the houses outside the city gate, and from the nearby woods. . .This is the sound of sharp arrows flying rapidly, forming a soul-stirring music.

At this moment, I don't know how many sharp arrows were shot at the carriage of the prisoner Gu Lieyang and the others, especially the two sharp arrows hidden in it that were frighteningly flashing blue fighting spirit, and they carried incomparable momentum. Stabbed directly on the carriage!

With a bang.

The imprisoned carriage bounced helplessly, and the shaft was cracked by the two sharp arrows mixed with the power of fighting spirit, and jumped on the ground at the gate of the city. It looked like a beast waiting to be slaughtered. frog.

Then the prison car suddenly fell apart.

At the same time, the well-trained guards were no more flustered than that, but quickly launched their fighting spirit, "Protect your lord!"

Except for a few sharp arrows with fighting spirit aimed at the prison car, the other sharp arrows were not accurate enough to threaten Tianci at all.Li'er didn't have time to release the magic shield and simply blocked the moon wolf's cloak in front of her. Even if the sharp arrow with no aim was shot on the cloak, she could only sigh in amazement, and couldn't pass through it at all.

Tianci quickly unfolded his consciousness, and all the assassins within a range of 800 meters suddenly appeared one by one.

"Whoo! Whoosh! Whoosh!..." The second round started quickly!

Different from the first round, all the sharp arrows in this round flew towards Lieyang and the others in the broken prison car as if they had eyes.

The sharp arrows ruthlessly pierced into the skulls of Lie Yang and the others, and into the chest, abdomen, and eye sockets of the horses, piercing and tearing, tearing these living flesh and blood away from the life they were attached to.

There was no way to avoid it, Lie Yang and his cronies died under the rain of arrows, and those horses hissed miserably and fell to the ground, blood stained the sand and stones on the ground, It looked horrible.

The personal guards all have grudges, and those without grudges are equipped with armor or shields.Most of the sharp arrows shot were not accurate or attached to fighting spirit, and could not penetrate the defense, so the guard group did not suffer any casualties.

But the most important criminals are all dead!
The rain of arrows subsided, and all the assassins left quickly.Because the divisions were too scattered, Tianci didn't know where to start, and just pointed to the direction with the fewest assassins, "Gru, there!"

Gelu didn't say a word, and ran towards the direction pointed by Tianci with his fighting spirit!
Looking at the hedgehog-like corpses of Lie Yang and the others, as well as the scattered arrows nearby, the uncoagulated blood, and the undissipated breath of death, Tianci's heart was particularly gloomy.

This is my territory, this is my base camp!The assassination of the wanted criminal happened here!

The guards under the platform began to clean up under the command of Chen Wu, and Li'er ran up the platform to stand beside Tianci.

At this moment, on the houses not far away, a long bow was drawn full, and a sharp arrow exuded the light of fighting spirit. . .A middle-grade sharp arrow two or three times thicker than a normal sharp arrow reflected light in the sun.

"Swoosh!" The air trembled!

At this time, Lier was facing the private house, and the reflection of the sun was reflected in Lier's eyes.

"Brother Tianci, be careful!" Lier didn't know that the courage suddenly flashed out to block Tianci, with her hands open!

When Tianci turned his head and saw the sharp arrow approaching in an instant, the unprepared Tianci hugged Lier and turned around suddenly.


A sharp arrow with a thousand average strength pierced straight from the back into Tianci's belly. . .puff!The blood sprayed out in a swirling motion, and the blood was stained red.If it was just a sharp arrow, at most it would pierce into the body, but it was a sharp arrow with grudges, and the grudge directly smashed Tianci's body, leaving a fist-sized hole in Tianci's belly and burst out.

The strong grudge didn't stop there, but stabbed Li'er in Tianci's arms.

Li'er was wearing the moon wolf's cloak, and the sharp arrow pierced the cloak violently. Although it didn't pierce through immediately, the powerful force rushed Li'er out of Tianci's arms in an instant, and flew towards the opposite city wall. The weak Li'er There was no chance of resistance.

boom!At this time, Tianci's mind was blank, and he lay back on his back in a daze, stretching his hands unwillingly, screaming in pain - Li'er! !

Snapped!Li'er, who was rushed into the air, slammed into the city wall heavily.The sharp arrow did not dissipate, finally broke through the moon wolf cloak, pierced through Li'er's weak body without hindrance and nailed it to the city wall.

All the guards were stunned by the huge change in Tu Lai, and stood there dumbfounded.

The god-given consciousness was quickly recovered, passed by the houses, and swept across the assassin's body. . .An assassin dressed as a villager. . .An assassin who has never shot and endured until now. . .And he actually has hands. . .

The blue light flashed!

In the broken hole in Tianci's belly, the blood no longer flowed out. To be precise, it was blocked by a fist-sized night pearl. . .Just like when she was assassinated at the age of 14, Ye Mingzhu frantically absorbed the outflow of blood from God. . .The blood is shining!The red sandy soil under Tianci's body returned to its original color again.

(End of this chapter)

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