Godsend Field

Chapter 129 Decision

Chapter 129 Decision
Five days have passed since Tianci was assassinated.

During the five days, Tianci spent every day like a year, never leaving Lier's side.

In the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Chen Wu explained all the relevant matters properly, and the six squadron leaders and Lorna all left to carry out their respective orders, leaving only the two slightly tired captains sitting on the chairs.The blockade of Yanhua City has been lifted, and the number of merchants who come and go every day has not decreased but increased.Since the city lord showed up in public, all the citizens have let go of their hearts, but the rumors about the future wife are regrettable. . .

The first batch of goods from the Barr Chamber of Commerce and the Meister Chamber of Commerce has entered the newly established market in Salt City.Representatives of the two chambers of commerce came to visit the Lord Santo with gifts one after another, but they failed to do so because the only reason was that the Santo did not want to see anyone.Putting down the gifts and blessings, the two representatives of the chamber of commerce left in a hurry, because they had a big news to report to the president. Mr. Clark, a senior official in Yanhua City, promised that there would be a lot of Northwest produce in the coming days. The iron needs to be transported out of the northwest, and I hope the two chambers of commerce can make preparations in advance.

"Chen Wu, how is Lier?" Gelu asked, this is already the seven times today.

"Hey! I still haven't woken up. But the breathing is much stronger than before. I don't think it will be long before Lier wakes up!"

Gru took a deep breath, "That's good! That's good!"

"Gelu, you have been with your lord for the longest time, there is one thing I can't figure out no matter how much I think about it..."

"Tell me, if I know, I will tell you the truth!"

"At that time, the sharp arrow with vindictiveness should have penetrated the lord first and then hit Miss Lier, but why didn't the lord do anything? At that time, I clearly saw the lord sprayed a lot of blood, but when we arrived In front of him, I only saw two big holes in the front and back of the adult's clothes, and the skin was exposed without any scars at all!" Chen Wu said incredulously.

Gru thought for a while, "Although I didn't see the whole process with my own eyes, I heard it from my brothers afterwards. Although this incident is very weird, I won't be surprised!"


"It's very simple, because this is the second time I've seen it!" Gru stood up and walked in front of the morning mist, "I'm sure you've all heard that my lord and I killed the moon wolf on the way here, but Does any of you know how we killed it?"

Chen Wu widened her eyes and listened curiously.

"That night, if it weren't for the adults, I'm afraid the four of us would have become lonely ghosts!" Gelu then explained to Chen Wu carefully how he killed the moon wolf that day, "At that time, we all felt It’s unbelievable, and because of this weirdness, we never mentioned it to others afterwards, the recovery ability of adults is peerless!”

"According to what you say, isn't your lord immortal?"

"I don't know if I'm dead or not, but I know that if you can't kill me with one blow, then there is no threat to my lord. In addition, my lord's martial arts are superb, and my magic is unfathomable. Sometimes I even suspect that my lord is not people!"

"Isn't it a human? Is it a god?"

"God? Is there really a god in this world? Both the Goddess of Ice and Snow and the God of Light are just fabricated by humans to comfort themselves. Has anyone really seen God?"

"You're right. Actually, I don't believe in the existence of gods in this world!" Chen Wu echoed, and stood up at the same time, "Okay, business matters are settled, let's go see your lord!"

Gru nodded and followed behind the morning mist.

In Lier's room, Tianci held Lier's hand, and Lier's pale face had begun to turn red again.Although Bing Xin's water healing magic is relatively slow, the effect is still good.

"My lord, you go out for a while, I'll help Li'er wipe her body!" Chen Wu said, winking at Gru.

"Yes, my lord, Miss Lier loves to be clean the most. And you haven't closed your eyes for so many days, you should take a break!" Gru said.

Although Tianci didn't want to leave, what Gru said made sense. If Lier woke up that day and found that she was dirty, she would definitely blame herself.Putting down Li'er's hand and covering the quilt, Tiancicai and Gelu walked out the door.

"You get out too!" Chen Wuyu pointed at Yu'er on the bedside.

Yu'er cast a disdainful glance at Chen Mist, twisted her body and walked out.Although I haven't accepted the inheritance of the fire fox family, I also know that the most beautiful in the world is the fox girl. The so-called beauties of human beings, Ben Huzheng, don't even look at them!

After preparing all the hot water, I thought Tianci would go back to his room to rest, but unexpectedly the stubborn city lord was sitting on the stone steps in the courtyard at the entrance.Gelu didn't know what to say, so he just stood guard at the gate of the yard.

There was the sound of splashing water in the room.

More than half an hour passed, and suddenly Chen Wu opened the door and shouted excitedly, "My lord... My lord... Lier is awake!"

Tianci's heart was shocked, with ecstasy on his haggard face, he rushed into the room without saying a word, but suddenly retreated out with his head lowered, "Chen Wu, you... you still...help Lier finish washing first! "

"Ah!" Chen Wu screamed, she was so happy just now that she forgot that Lier was still there. . .still. . .nude!
Chen Mist quickly retreated to the room, and slammed the door hard, fearing that any more spring would leak out.

Gru stepped forward, "Congratulations, my lord, you can rest assured now!"

Tianci nodded with a smile, and the tears flowed down again.

The morning mist in the room continued to help Lier scrub. Although Lier was still very weak, she could barely speak.Seeing that the face that was still pale just now turned red, Chen Wu said teasingly, "Why are you so ashamed, you are already engaged, what are you afraid of if you take a look at it once or twice!"

Lier was even more ashamed, and said weakly and slowly, "What's the difference? If Gru saw you in the shower, would you still say that?"

Chen Wu's face flushed, and she suddenly remembered that she had slept on Gru's shoulder all night on the stone steps, and even wet his shoulders. Besides, you are husband and wife, we are nothing!"

Chen Wu didn't dare to say any more, she moved her hands faster, and quickly cleaned Li'er, put on clean clothes, and called Tianci and others in.

Seeing Li'er waking up, Tianci was very excited and hurried to the bedside.He lifted Li'er up, leaned against his solid chest, and tightly wrapped his hands around Li'er, "You're awake, great, great!"

Feeling the heat in her ears and slightly wet cheeks, Lier slowly raised her hand, wiped Tianci's tears and said weakly, "Brother Tianci, I'm fine, don't be sad!"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er jumped onto the bed, licking Li'er's little hand.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Chen Wu's eyes were a little moist.

Gru patted Chen Wu on the shoulder and whispered softly, "We have nothing to do here, let's go together!"

Chen Wu was stunned for a moment, blushing and said, "If you want to go, you go by yourself, why come together!" Said and ran out.

Gru scratched his head, "Didn't we come together?"

Another explosive news broke out in Yanhua City. The wife of the future city lord who was originally determined to die miraculously came back to life. . .Many people think that it was the city lord's good deeds that moved the heavens and the earth, while some people advocated that the prayers of the Fengxue Sect were heard by the Fengxue Goddess, and thus performed miracles, bringing the future city lord's wife back to life.

In the empty courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, Tianci handed the drawn sharp arrow to Gru.

Gelu took it, put the bow on the arrow, and suddenly his whole body's fighting spirit surged, and the dark blue fighting spirit filled the sharp arrow.


A sharp arrow flew across the yard like a blue lightning bolt to the other end.

"Bang!" The sharp arrow pierced into a thick log surrounded by it, and the vindictive energy surrounding the sharp sword shattered the log.The instant sharp arrow pierced through the log and pierced the moon wolf cloak behind it.The Moon Wolf's cloak was swiftly flew back by the sharp arrow.

"Bang!" It stopped when it hit a solid wall.

Gru and Tianci quickly ran over and picked up the cloak.Apart from leaving a little trace, it did not cause any damage to the moon wolf cloak.Tianci received the sharp arrow into the space ring, and his face was particularly gloomy.

Back in the study, Chen Mist was already seated.

"Is Lier okay?" Tianci asked.

"Well, I'm much better now after taking supplements! I heard that adults need supplements, and almost all the people in the city have sent them the best supplements. If they didn't stop me, the yard outside would be full of piles." Chen Wu envied "My lord, how is your experiment?"

Godsend said nothing, and sat in the middle seat.

Gru shook his head, "I tried my best and still couldn't break through the moon wolf's cloak..."

Chen Wu was startled, "That means the assassin is at least at the level of a great swordsman?"

"Gelu, did you find anything when you chased the assassin that day?" Tianci asked.

"No, I only caught one, and that person resolutely chose to commit suicide after knowing that he was defeated by me! I didn't find any clues on him either."

"Since others dare to assassinate Lie Yang and others, why would they leave clues for us to investigate?"

Tianci stared, recalling the details of that day, "No, their goal is not the scorching sun, but me!"

Gru and Chen Wu were taken aback, "Your Excellency?"

"Yes! I can tell you clearly. All the people who attacked Lieyang this time were masked by men in black. Among the people who attacked Lieyang, only two of them used this ordinary type of medium-grade sharp arrow made of refined iron. They are not higher than Gru, everyone else uses ordinary sharp arrows. The person who attacked me was dressed as an ordinary villager. Division level. So we can think that their shooting of Lieyang may be one of the goals, but it may also be a cover to cause our confusion and let Gru leave, and their main goal is probably to take advantage of the chaos and shoot me.” Analysis of Godsend arrive.

As for the distribution of assassins, only Tianci knows best. Gru and Chenwu don't know much about it, and they haven't even seen the face of the last assassin.

"If it is true what your lord said, then we can confirm that their real target this time is actually you, my lord!" Chen Wu agreed after thinking for a while.

"But why did they harm you, my lord? And who wants your life so badly?" Gru asked rhetorically.

"I don't know either!" Tianci shook his head.

"My lord, don't be so disappointed, we can analyze it!" Chen Wu continued, "This incident should be related to our suppression of the iron mines and the capture of Lie Yang alive, that is to say, they don't want Lie Yang to return to the capital alive, so I think it should have something to do with The three princes are inseparable!"

"Could it be the eldest prince who did it?"

"When the scorching sun arrives in the capital, it will definitely be detrimental to the eldest prince, but if the scorching sun dies suddenly, it will be even more detrimental to the eldest prince. It is inevitable that people will think that the eldest prince is killing people, so I think if the eldest prince has a little brain, I will Such means will not be adopted. However, we cannot rule out that the eldest prince will do the opposite, calling out for thieves to catch thieves."

"The third prince's motivation is the biggest. First of all, his relationship with the lord and the Kate family is not good, and by doing so, he can put the blame on the eldest prince, taking the opportunity to worsen the relationship between the first prince, the Kate family, and the Rafal saint. , It can be said to kill multiple birds with one stone. But this is also very risky, because everyone will naturally think whether it is the third prince who is provoking?"

"The last is the sixth prince!"

"It can't be the sixth prince. According to the news, this sixth prince has been at the Imperial Academy all along, and there is basically no movement!" Gru said affirmatively.

Chen Wu rolled his eyes at Gru angrily, "It's scary just because there's no movement! Everyone in the empire knows that the three princes are vying for each other, but one of them doesn't move at all. Don't you think it's strange?"

Gru was speechless!

"So, all three princes are possible. The third prince is the biggest, and the sixth prince is the youngest!" Chen Wu concluded.

"I have been avoiding participating in their struggle, but I still can't avoid it. I have clearly told them that I will only manage the Northwest entrusted by His Majesty. I will not help any side, but they still want to deal with me! As Tianci said, he suddenly stood up and slapped the table, staring at the front with a pair of angry eyes, "If anyone of them hurts the people around me again, I will definitely not let him go!"

Both Chen Wu and Gelu were shocked by the sudden burst of momentum from Tianci, and shuddered all over.

"My lord, what are your plans?"

"Eliminate the influence of all three princes in the Northwest Province, not one left!"


Just as Chen Wu was formulating plans to eliminate the two mercenary groups Jianmang and Rose, Oliver craftsmen and ten personal guards had already left Yanhua City for the city between Karama City and Kemayi City. Iron ore exploration, but also worked out a detailed mining plan.Clark took the map that recorded the different iron mines provided by the craftsman Oliver, and sent seven teams to investigate. Just like the craftsman Oliver said, there were indeed iron mines of various sizes there.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Tianci was holding a small bowl and feeding Li'er spoonful by spoonful.

"Li'er, I've thought about it for a few days, and I think you should go back to the capital first, at least your grandpa is there!" Tianci said.

Li'er seemed to have been prepared for a long time, bowed her head in silence, and shook her head firmly after a while.

"I thought the Northwest would be safer, but now it doesn't seem so. As long as you go back to the Imperial College, no one will dare to hurt you! And when I've settled the matter here, I'll go back and find you," Tianci tried hard to persuade arrive.

Lier remained silent and shook her head firmly.

Godsend had no choice. Although Lier was usually soft and weak and listened to her in everything, if she really decided on one thing, she might be even more stubborn than herself.

Suddenly, Lorna's voice came from outside the door.

"My lord, good news! Good news!" Rona trotted all the way to Lier's room.

"what news?"

"It is said that the Jianmang Mercenary Group and the Rose Mercenary Group have quietly left our Northwest Province two days ago! We can directly send people to take over Berna City, Boxi City and Bocheng Forest!" Rona said happily "I didn't expect these two mercenary groups to be so useless. I wanted to lead the team to kill them all, but they ran away with their tails between their legs!"

Tianci was in a good mood, "That's fine, kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred! Such a peaceful solution is what I most hope to see."

"Hmph!" Lorna snorted dissatisfied.

"Your Excellency is right, attacking the city is the bottom line and attacking the heart is the top priority, and the best strategy is to subdue the enemy without fighting." At this time, Chen Wu also came in with a smile on his face, "My lord, congratulations!"

Tianci smiled, "Chen Wu, why did they retreat suddenly?"

"Does it need to be said? My lord, you have been nesting in the gentle village these days, so you don't know our hard work outside!" Lorna said with a smile, "We have spread a lot of rumors in the three cities of Berna these days, especially when we wiped out all the The Lie Sun Mercenary Group, we also said that it will not be long before the adults will lead the personal guards and the Northwest Wolf to attack them, but I didn't expect it to be really good, which scared them away!"

"Is it really that easy?"

"My lord, I think Lorna is only half right! The other half is because their master gave them a decree for them to voluntarily retreat," Chen Wu added, "everyone can tell since the First Battle of the Scorching Sun, my lord They are determined to clean up the northwest and even use force to solve it, and they all know that as long as there are adults around, they can no longer get involved in the Northwest Army. strength!"

Tianci put down the bowl and stood up, sighing softly, "According to what you said, now I have fulfilled His Majesty's entrustment. Thinking back to His Majesty's [-]th birthday, I thought that these cities in the northwest were granted to me with great vigor. What a good thing, then think of so many twists and turns in it."

"Hehe! Your Majesty, please don't forget that our Majesty is not ordinary. He can be called the most wise Majesty in the history of the empire, and every word and deed of him has a deep meaning. But I can see that His Majesty is still very serious. I value you, otherwise I would not have entrusted you with such an important task!"

"I hope His Majesty will let me go and let me go blacksmithing and wandering around the mainland. I don't want to join them," Tianci said helplessly, "Actually, I really yearn for the life of my parents in Yier Village! "

Lier also nodded, Anrui and Zhen were the idols of everyone in the village of Yier back then, a brave man deserves a beautiful woman.

"My lord, I know you don't like right and wrong in the officialdom, but there is a good saying, people can't help themselves in the mainland! Some things are not that they don't come to you if you don't want them, but that the more you want to hide Open, but the more you can't dodge."

"I know too! Forget it, don't think so much, let's go to Clark to discuss the defense of Berna City!"

On the second day, more than 3000 Northwestern wolf brothers brought back by Sosa and stationed in Yanhua City became the city defense army and were officially transferred to the three cities of Berna. The population of the three cities of Berna was roughly the same as that of Karama and Kemayi. .

Clark selected fifteen trusted aides to go with the new tax system.The people of the three cities of Berna have long heard about the reforms implemented by the new lord in Yanhua City, and they have long been looking forward to the arrival of the new city lord. The name is enduring.

(End of this chapter)

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