Godsend Field

Chapter 130 Visit

Chapter 130 Visit
Time flies and before you know it, it has been more than a year since Tianci came to the Northwest.The last time Tianci was assassinated at the gate of Yanhua City, it quickly spread to the capital Ancona, and the capital was shocked.A blatant assassination of the Count of the Empire, the lord of the Northwest and the future Governor. . .His Majesty the King and Duke Kate were very angry, but the one who was the most angry was Dean Rafal, the Holy Guardian of the Empire. The dean sent his cronies to Yanhua City in the Northwest Province three times, and the cronies followed the saint's wishes. He scolded Tianci so badly that Tianci was speechless and ashamed.The confidant finally proposed that Dean Rafael wanted Li'er to return to the capital immediately, but Li'er refused. In the end, Li'er had no choice but to write an emotional letter to her godfather to prevent the saint from coming. But the sage also put aside his words, if Lier loses another hair, Tianci will never want to marry Lier in this life, and of course he will not want to marry anyone else, the sage will personally send him into the palace as a servant. . .

"Li'er, you are so cruel to grandpa!" Tianci said with a bitter face.

"Hee hee! Then you can protect me well, my godfather has always said that one is the same!" Li'er said with blinking mischievous eyes, and Yu'er next to her also grinned with a small mouth.

"What are you laughing at? We brothers share blessings and difficulties. If I become a servant, I will let you accompany me as a servant!" Tianci said angrily.

Yu'er was trembling with fear, ran to Lier's side and rubbed her fiery little head against Lier.

At this moment, Rona ran in, "My lord, you can go to dinner!"

In the past year, Tianci has always eaten with Chenwu Gelu and others in the city lord's mansion, the so-called more people eat better.

"My lord, Your Majesty didn't blame you, did you?" Gelu asked.

"That's not true. Your Majesty said that since the scorching sun is dead, let's forget about this matter, and let us feel at ease. His Majesty has sent someone to investigate the person who assassinated us last time!"

"Can you find out? You'll say something nice!" Lorna said dissatisfied.

"Nana, don't talk nonsense!" Gru reprimanded.

Lorna pouted and lowered her head to continue eating.

"Why are you so vicious? Is Lorna wrong? If they have the ability, they will check it out for me. I bet you that this case is the same as the assassination case of Duke Kate, and it will be a headless case in the end!" Chen Wu Pressing on Lorna's shoulder, she made a gesture of supporting you.

Now it's Gelu's turn to hold back. In the entire Yanhua City, only this head is the most terrifying, let alone the deputy head of the small bodyguard group, even if it is a godsend, you have to be courteous when you meet her three points.

Seeing her brother's suffocation, Lorna suddenly became active again, "Sister Chenwu, do you think this case is really so difficult to investigate?"

"Difficult to investigate? How difficult it is to investigate! How many strong people of the seventh level can be found in the entire empire, and it will be closed if they are not checked one by one. I don't believe that this case will be done by strong men sent by other empires!"

"Then why do you still say that it must be a headless case in the end?"

Chen Wu looked at Lorna, and suddenly felt that those eyes were innocent. "The case will definitely fall to a certain prince in the end. Once the prince and important ministers are involved, what do you think His Majesty will do? It’s really a deadlock! So Your Majesty will never let the truth surface!”

"Oh! I see!" Lorna suddenly realized.

Clark also put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, "Morning Mist is right. I still remember the assassination case of the Duke back then. His Majesty was also thunderous and rainy. If it weren't for the young master to be fine, the Duke would never let it go. When the time comes, the entire capital will All will, hum! hum! The world is turned upside down!"

After finishing speaking, Clark suddenly realized what was happening and quickly apologized to Tianci, "Master, I don't mean..."

Tianci smiled slightly, "Needless to say, in fact, I also understand. But in general, grandpa treats me well, but he loves my younger brother more. As long as my younger brother is fine, other things are not important!"

Clark wiped off the sweat on his head. Fortunately, the young master is open-minded by nature, he can see everything, and doesn't care about anything.

"But this assassination is considered a good thing!" Chen Wu continued.

Everyone was taken aback, good thing?
"Because of His Majesty's respect for His Majesty and His Majesty's sake, I think the three princes will be more honest in the future, at least they will not attack His Majesty again, so not only His Majesty, but also our Northwest Province will be much more stable. !"

Everyone looked at each other and thought carefully about Chen Wu's words, it seemed to be the case!
"Hehe! If it's true as you said, I hope I can take a few more hits so that they don't bother me in the future!" Tianci said with a smile.

"See if you can do it!" Chen Wu said disdainfully, "You have to suffer by yourself, don't drag our Li'er to suffer with you!"

"That's not right, sister Chenwu, it seems that Li'er ran into the adult's arms first!" Lorna said in a daze.

"Pfft!" Li'er spurted out the rice she had eaten, and her little face turned red.

"Hehe, my lord, let's stop talking about this, let's eat quickly!" Gru made a timely rescue.

After everyone had eaten, a personal guard suddenly ran over, "Report to your lord, there is a visitor!"

Have a visitor?

Walking into the living room, I saw Viscount Saphiroth sitting steadily on the VIP seat, holding a new cup of tea in his hand and slowly tasting it, while four personal guards stood majestically behind him.Seeing Tianci and others coming in, Viscount Sephiroth didn't stand up immediately, "Master Tianci is really frugal! You have made such a fortune in the northwest recently, why is the tea served to the distinguished guests such a low-grade tea?"

"What kind of goods match what kind of people!" Lorna muttered softly, and Gru immediately grabbed Lorna, "Just talk about it behind your back, don't say it in front of you, don't embarrass the adults!"

Although Lorna refused to accept it, she also knew that insulting nobles face to face as a commoner was a serious crime. If he, Viscount Sephiroth, really pursued it, Tianci would definitely be very embarrassed.

"So it's Viscount Sephiroth, how are you doing recently?" Tianci said with a smile.

"Thank God for the richness of my lord, since I don't have the important task of managing the Northwest, I feel much more relaxed and in a better mood. I eat more and sleep enough every day. Do you think I am fatter than before? A lot?" Said Viscount Sephiroth stood up and shook his weightless body, feeling complacent.

"That's good, I'm much more at ease now!"

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, not only my health has recovered, but I have also made a breakthrough in martial arts!" Viscount Saphiroth added immediately, as if he was afraid of forgetting.

"It's not only level four, but it's just the same as me, far worse than my elder brother!" Lorna saw Viscount Sephiroth's high-spirited look, and couldn't help interjecting.

Viscount Sephiroth was not angry, but smiled foolishly, "That's right, Gelu is a well-known strong man in ten cities and hundreds of villages nearby. How can I compare? But when it comes to being strong, who can compare to Li Miss Lier!" Viscount Sephiroth stretched his head to look for Lier, and finally found the shy Lier behind Tianci, "It's a pity that Miss Lier can break through the bottleneck of a fifth-level great magician at such a young age. , that day in the battle of the iron mines, it was even more heroic to block the four great magicians alone. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I admired it very much!"

Lier was a little embarrassed when she was said, "There, it's all thanks to my brother God-sent!"

During these days, Li'er has been healing in the City Lord's Mansion without knowing the latest rumors outside.According to the latest rumors in the empire, Lier relied on her unparalleled strength and talent in the Iron Mine Battle for [-] rounds alone with four six-level great magicians, and finally defeated the four great magicians one by one. And the Northwest Wolf is also under the protection of Lier's magic to break through the fortress and capture the scorching sun alive!
"Respected Viscount Saphiroth, your visit this time will not be as simple as just visiting our lord!" Chen Wu asked.

"You are... familiar..." Viscount Sephiroth frowned and thought, "Oh! By the way, you are the new wolf king Chen Wu. We met a few years ago when we were negotiating in the four cities of Pingliang. At that time, you Even I feel ashamed of the swords and swords, why don't you become the new wolf king and become the head of the personal guard?"

"This is my freedom, it seems that I don't need to return it to you! Viscount Sephiroth!"

"Don't say that, Chen Wu! I think you know very well that your two good uncles have been peeping at the location of your new wolf king for a long time, but why have they been reluctant to do it all these years? No? I am here to claim credit now because I have clearly warned them that if you die in Chenwu, I will immediately reclaim the four cities of Pingliang and wipe out the Northwest Wolves!"

Chen Wu smiled slightly, "I believe! One of the things Viscount Sephiroth did in the northwest that Chen Wu admired the most was that he could evenly disperse the city of Yanhua and its surroundings into the hands of different powerful forces, and at the same time send us one by one. Isolating, provoking, threatening, quarrelling, crowding out... In short, we are not allowed to unite. If it were me, Morning Mist, I'm afraid I wouldn't be as capable as Viscount Sephiroth!"

"Hehe! It's just a means, small measure, small measure!"

Chen Wu smiled slightly and said no more.

"Brother, look! That's our ancestral long sword!" Lorna suddenly saw the saber on Viscount Sephiroth's waist, and screamed.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and focused their gaze on Viscount Saphiroth's waist.An extremely ordinary scabbard, the surroundings have been worn out, and the hilt is wrapped with an old red thread. If it is not known in advance, no one will think that this is actually a high-grade weapon.

Gru and Lorna's eyes suddenly burst into flames. . .He snatched his own things, and even blatantly carried them on his body to show off. . .

"Viscount Sephiroth, this long sword should..."

"Earl Tianci!" Before Tianci finished speaking, Viscount Sephiroth forcibly interrupted, "This is indeed one of my trophies that time. I still say the same old saying, if the village chief of Thirteen Village comes to me and says that this long The sword belongs to him, so I will offer it with both hands without further ado! And I, Viscount Sephiroth, can swear to God that I never threatened him with a single word!"

Speaking of this, what else can Godsend say?Even Gru and Lorna were speechless!

"Okay, I'll go back now and try to persuade Dad, just wait!" After speaking, Lorna rushed out of the living room!

"Don't worry, I'm going to stay for three to five days this time, and I have time to walk slowly!" Viscount Saphiroth shouted loudly towards the outside.

"Viscount Sephiroth, please tell me what you want to see me this time!" Tianci asked after everyone sat down again.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just stopped by to see Earl Tianci before returning to the capital!" Viscount Saphiroth said lightly.

"If you're going to the capital, you've taken a long way this trip, so how could you be on the way?"

"Hehe, I also recently received His Majesty's order to return to the capital to wait for my reappointment. I am a nostalgic person. I am afraid that I will never return to the northwest when I return to the capital this time. No matter how I say it, I stayed in Yanhua City for three years. It’s been a place for more than a year, longer than I have stayed in Hotan City, and I have feelings for this place, so I came here to take a look before leaving!”

"So that's the case, how does Viscount Sephiroth come to Salt City this time?"

"Good! Very good! Count Tianci, if you stay here for one year, it's better than my three years. Just look at the merchants who come in and out every day. I think you will double the size of the city gate in a short time! "

Tianci smiled slightly.

"Earl Tianci, now that you have subdued the Northwest Wolf, wiped out the scorching sun, and scared away Jianmang and Rose, you will probably have to attack the Fengxue Sect with all your strength next?"

"Well, I have this plan recently!"

"Hehe! The Fengxue Sect is no better than those shabby mercenary regiments. They have only been in the northwest for a few days, and they have no foundation and strength. If they hadn't acted as watchdogs for the two princes, I am afraid that a gust of wind and a fart will kill them." They blew away. But the Wind and Snow God Sect is different. They have been in the northwest for more than 5000 years, and the penetration of deep-rooted forces is intricate. If you want to wipe them out like a scorching sun, I am afraid that you, Earl Godsend, do not have the strength. The so-called death of a bird. Mourn, death speaks kindly. Now that I am leaving, I sincerely advise my lord that sometimes swords are not as good as time!"

Tianci nodded, "I understand this!"

"Earl Tianci is really smart! Well, I have seen everything I should see and said everything I have to say when I came to you today. Now I want to visit Yanhua City. To be honest, I really miss this place. As for the evening, I'm afraid I still have to ask Earl Tianci to arrange a place to stay, won't it be too disturbing?"

"No, welcome!"

Viscount Saphiroth laughed, and walked out the door, and stopped when he came to Chenwu, "Chenwu, I am the most optimistic about you, Earl Tianci is still young, and I need your advice on many things. You have to think twice before speaking. Don't let Your Majesty... let us down!"

Seeing Viscount Saphiroth walk out of the City Lord's Mansion, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.I finally left, I felt so depressing just now!

"My lord, Viscount Sephiroth gave you a lesson just now, did you understand it?" Chen Wu asked.

"Class?" Tianci said in surprise, "What class?"

"Official class!" Chen Mist said solemnly, "Although I know that you don't like Viscount Sephiroth, and I don't like him, but I admire him very much. Among so many people I have met, only Viscount Sephiroth He is truly capable of bending and stretching, and his joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are not displayed. His city is so deep that even the morning fog can't match it. Especially his decisiveness in doing things, and his fierce and vicious methods make me admire. Take the cities around us for example. He said that he let the two forces born in the northwest occupy the richest and poorest cities on the upper north and the lower south, and let the forces of the eldest prince and the third prince occupy the left and right cities of equal strength. The means made us all have concerns and dare not act rashly, and without a single soldier, the major forces in the northwest can be balanced and the political situation in the northwest is relatively stable... I am ashamed of myself for this alone!"

Everyone was silent. If it wasn't for the morning mist, I'm afraid I would still be blinded by Viscount Sephiroth's evil deeds, ignoring all his strengths and strengths.

One ugliness covers one hundred beauty!

"And Viscount Sephiroth's last words are to tell my lord that we don't have the strength to deal with the Snow Wind Sect now, we can only rely on time to reduce his prestige little by little, and wait until the day your lord's prestige surpasses that of the Snow Wind God When teaching, it will be much easier for us to do it again, and from what Viscount Sephiroth said, I am afraid that the strength of the Snow Wind God Sect is not trivial, and it is not like what you saw when you went to Tianlei Mountain last time!"

Tianci and the others were surprised. Could it be that Fengxue Sect still has some hidden strength?

"Morning Mist, Viscount Sephiroth is going to stay in our Yanhua City for a few days, why don't you do my best for me as a landlord and guide him for a few days, and by the way, ask him how to deal with the Fengxue Sect!"

Morning mist gave Tianci a look, and he didn't have his own share in any good things, and it was his turn to push such hard work on himself.

Viscount Sephiroth really wandered around the city as he said.I have been staying in the city lord's mansion for three years, and I have no time or mood to go out for a stroll, but now I am fine, I can go shopping in peace with nothing to do.Every snack is tasted, and every shop is visited.Because the people didn't know each other and Chen Wu, the head of the bodyguard regiment, personally accompanied him, everyone warmly entertained this "Master the former city lord"

Viscount Safeiros was in a good mood, and from time to time he put forward some suggestions for the future development of Yanhua City, as well as some dissatisfaction and personal views on urban planning.The morning mist is recorded in my heart one by one, and I will record it on paper and give it to Godsend when I come back at night.To everyone's surprise, when Clark held the paper that recorded Viscount Sephiroth's suggestion, he was so excited that he shouted "Wonderful! Wonderful!" Start researching implementations today.

Now even Gru is impressed by Viscount Sephiroth.

"Chen Wu, apart from these, did he say some ways to deal with the Fengxue God Sect, or suggest something?" Tianci asked eagerly.

Chen Mist shook his head in disappointment, "Although Viscount Sephiroth speaks freely these days, he seems to be very concerned about the affairs of the Snow Wind Sect. Don't even give me a chance."

"Could it be that Viscount Sephiroth is also afraid of the Snow Wind Sect?"

"I can't see it! If he was really afraid of the Snow Wind Sect, he wouldn't have told us so much that day. And I think he was deliberately not telling us, as if leaving us with a problem, Test us the same!"

"What a cunning fox!" Tianci patted Yu'er on the shoulder.

Yu'er immediately scratched Tianci's ear with her paw in dissatisfaction, anyway, this guy is not afraid of getting hurt. . .

Chen Wu was teased by this person, "He is an old fox!"

On the fifth day, Viscount Sephiroth finally left Salt City and headed for the capital Ancona!

When Viscount Sephiroth stepped out of the east gate, Rona entered through the west gate.

"Lorna, it's been five days. Why did you come back? Did the village chief call you back?" Tianci asked with concern, and stretched his head to look behind Lorna, but there was no one.

"Why did you come back so early, waiting to be laughed at by him! I don't even know what Dad thinks, such a good opportunity, as long as you come, you can catch him personally and get it, let's see how he denies it!" Luo Na said unwillingly .

"Forget it, it's not like you don't know Dad's temper, he's more stubborn than you and me!" Gru said helplessly.

"Don't blame the village chief. Since Viscount Saphiroth can come here so blatantly, he must be sure that the village chief will not dare to come to see him. I wonder if the village chief has something in his hands?" Tianci guessed arrive.

"Handle?" Lorna and Gru looked at each other and shook their heads.

"By the way, big brother, I have gained something this time. Dad was pushed by me that day, and he accidentally said a word!"


"Father actually said that the long sword belonged to him!!"

(End of this chapter)

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