Godsend Field

Chapter 131

Chapter 131
Viscount Sephiroth has been away for almost a month, and Salt City was almost turned over by Clark!Everywhere in the city is under construction. After the Viscount Sephiroth's suggestion was carefully studied by the staff, he immediately proposed a plan to make a big change to the city!When Clark applied to Tianci, Tianci didn't think too much about it. Since it was designed by his experienced staff who spent several days without sleep, it must not be wrong. The only worry is whether the supply of purple gold coins can keep up. Huge project progress!
"Your Excellency, you can rest assured. Oliver craftsmen have revised the iron ore mining plan, and now the mining capacity has been increased by more than three times. In addition, the other seven places have already started construction, so we don't need to use purple gold coins. I'm worried, I even paid off the purple gold coins you owed the dwarves and the blacksmith last time for you!"

"In that case, let's do as you want!"

Just as Yanhua City was undergoing a makeover in full swing, Northwest Yanhua City ushered in another distinguished guest!
Accompanied by Tianci, Lier completed a complete set of aerobics.

"My lord, there is a woman asking to see my lord and Mrs. Li'er!" the personal guard reported.

"Me and Li'er?" Tianci was taken aback, except for Dean Rafal's cronies, outsiders always only look for themselves and don't mention Li'er, could it be. . .Tianci was shocked, and looked at Lier with a bitter face, "Lier, have you lost a hair recently?"

"Puchi!" Li'er couldn't help laughing, "Let's go, my grandpa won't do anything to you!"

Walking into the living room, I saw a young girl wearing a milky white robe, and came forward with a smile, "This must be the famous Earl of Godsend, right Lier?"

Tianci's eyes were dull, and her breathing stopped instantly. Is it her?The dusty shadow in the depths of his mind emerged.Tianci stammered nervously but excitedly, "I...I am, Miss Mia...how did you come...to the northwest?"

"Master Earl knows me? We probably haven't met before!" Mia asked strangely.

Lier and Mia are quite familiar, and she stepped forward and held Mia's hand affectionately, "Mia, we haven't seen each other for a long time, please sit down and talk!"

Tianci suddenly felt out of composure, and tried to calm down, "I saw you before when I was setting up a street stall in Yaster City, and you also visited our street stall with Master Pusda."

"Is there? A few years ago, I went to Yaster City to buy the magic core of the light system, but I don't seem to have seen you!" Mia tried hard to recall.

Tianci was a little anxious, "At that time Pusda satirized us, or I told you that his ear was bitten off by my little fox!"

"Puchi!" Mia laughed suddenly, "I remembered, you had another person who seemed to be selling kitchen knives!"

Tianci finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally remembered himself!
Lier was very surprised, "Brother Tianci, have you ever set up a street stall to sell kitchen knives?"

"That's right! That was the first time Ah Yin and I made kitchen knives, but unfortunately we didn't sell any of them. It was only after that time that Ah Yin and I realized that the finely crafted appearance is more important than a weapon. How important it is to say!"

"It's a pity that Master Pusda died young, otherwise he would never have dreamed that the boy who was bullied by him would be the famous Earl of Heaven today. Just like what our Guangming teachings say, all living beings are equal and respect each other When you love each other, you must not be fooled by external appearances, nor seduced by worldly fame and fortune!" Mia said with emotion.

"Mia, you didn't come to Northwest just to see us this time, did you?" Lier asked.

"Of course I came to see you, but there is another important thing!" Then Mia explained the reasons and consequences of coming to the Northwest this time.

It turns out that in the near future, the Guangming Cult will elect a new saint woman candidate in its holy place, St. Fevin Mountain.The saint is an existence second only to the pope in the church, and the person who is chosen to be the saint must also be a high-ranking candidate with both ability and integrity.

The current way to select the saint is to provide candidates from the Church of Light among the four empires, and then go to St. Fevin Hill to be selected by the Pope and all the cardinals and white-clothed archbishops.In addition to the operation of light magic, the selection basis is more important than virtue and contribution.

Under the guidance of her grandfather Makayla, Archbishop in White, Mia has always been very good. The Welsh Empire is obvious to all. Although Mia's talent is not good at light magic, she still practices hard.However, it is impossible to be selected as a saint based on these alone, because contribution is the most important and most difficult indicator.

Speaking of contributions, there are many kinds of contributions. Healing patients can be regarded as a contribution to the Illuminati Cult, appease the restless people can be considered a contribution to the Illuminati Cult, and presiding over a church worship can be considered a contribution to the Illuminati Cult.Ms. Mia followed Archbishop Makayla for a pilgrimage three years ago, and now she can preside over a pilgrimage alone. This result is considered good among the four candidates, but some time ago there was news that the French Empire was The so-called Bourgisse's flower saint candidate also completed a pilgrimage to Marseille, the capital of the French Empire, and the reaction was quite sensational, and the name of the Bourgisse's flower spread throughout the French Empire.

In order to gain greater confidence, Archbishop Makayla in white and Mia decided to move forward to greater contributions after discussion.

Since ancient times, the heroes of the empire have been respected by those who pioneered the territory, and the Church of Light is no exception.

After countless years of development, the Church of Light has penetrated into any place where humans exist on the mainland.Apart from the orc empire, the elf forest, the dwarf tribe, and the powerful and mysterious Dragon Kingdom, the Illuminati can be said to be pervasive, except for the northwest province of the Welsh Empire.Since the establishment of Fengxue Sect, the pope at that time even withdrew a small number of members of the Church of Light, and destroyed all the Churches of Light at the same time.The subsequent popes seemed to have acquiesced to this fact, and never encouraged the archbishops of the Welsh Empire to expand to the northwest. This tradition has continued until now.

If you want to make the greatest contribution to the Guangming Cult, bringing the Guangming Cult to the Northwest Province is undoubtedly the best choice.

After listening to Miss Mia's narration, Tianci and Lier nodded silently.

"Master Earl, I came here just to ask you to help me, so that I can bring the brilliant light of Illuminati to the land in the northwest." Mia stood up and gave a gift to God, requesting.

Godsend was flattered.

Lier quickly helped Mia back to her seat, "Mia, you don't have to do this, Brother Tianci and I will definitely help you!"

Mia looked at Lier gratefully. They both grew up in Imperial College and were also five golden flowers. The relationship between them is naturally much deeper than others.

Lier pushed Tianci who was still in a daze, "Brother Tianci, don't you think so!"

It was only after a godsend meal that I came back to my senses, "Yes, yes! I will definitely help you. Tell us what we need to do to help you?"

Mia smiled relaxedly, "Actually, my request is very simple. I hope that the Earl can give me a place in Yanhua City. I want to build a light church to facilitate the spread of teachings. As for other matters, I don’t have to trouble the Earl. Already!"

"It's that simple? I promise you!" After finishing speaking, Tianci signaled the guard outside the door to invite Mr. Clark over.

After a while, Clark trotted all the way to the door of the living room, stopped to calm his breath, adjusted his clothes, and then walked into the hall steadily, "Young master, do you have any orders for me?"

"Clark, this is Miss Mia, the granddaughter of Archbishop Makayla in the capital, and a candidate for the Holy Maiden of our Welsh Empire. She came this time to build a church of light in our northwest to spread the teachings of light. You see Seeing that the location in Yanhua City is better, let's build a better Guangming Church!" Tianci ordered.

The entire topographical map of Yanhua City was in Clark's mind, and he thought for a while, "Master, there is an open space on the street not far to the west of us that has not yet broken ground. It was originally planned to build a college in your name to facilitate the study of children in the Northwest..."

Godsend didn't think about it, "Let's just go there. You should immediately arrange for people to build the Guangming Church. As for the academy, you are discussing with your staff to see if it can be built elsewhere?"

Clark looked at Tianci's non-negotiable eyes and said helplessly, "Yes, young master! I'll arrange people to do it right now!"

When Clark left, Mia stood up gratefully, "Thank you Earl!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do!" Tianci panicked again.

"Mia, let's go to my room, we haven't chatted for a long time!" Lier took Mia's hand and walked towards the inner hall.

"Li'er, I heard that you took it...how do you feel...what's your level now?"


"That's amazing! Your fiancé is really good to you, hee hee! Don't scratch me...don't blame me for fighting back..."

Seeing the two daughters smiling intimately and running out of the inner hall with infinite amorous feelings, Tianci suddenly felt a sense of loss. . .

That afternoon, Clark gathered a large number of laborers and began to build the Bright Church.The construction of the Church of Light is not a large project. Under normal circumstances, this kind of construction takes three to six months. However, under the request of God, Clark mobilized nearly twice as many people to start the work day and night, striving to be able to Completed in one and a half months.

"Crack!" A stack of thick paper was smashed on Tianci's desktop.

"My lord, Gru and I have only been away for a few days, and you are messing around!" Chen Wu said angrily.

Tianci was taken aback, "I...did I do something wrong again?"

"You are still pretending to be confused, what is the land that was originally planned to build the academy used for?"

"Oh! You mean this matter!" Tianci suddenly realized and cleared his throat, "Actually, I had thought about this matter carefully at the time. Since the Illuminati Church is coming, we might as well be a favor. On the one hand, we can use the Illuminati Church to come. Weakening the influence of the Wind and Snow God Sect, on the other hand, can also show our tolerant attitude, so why not do it?"

"Huh! Do you think I don't know? That Mia came on the front foot, and your back foot is called Clark. Then it's time for you to think carefully? Have you forgotten the advice that Viscount Sephiroth gave you before leaving? We can only Relying on time to defeat the Fengxue Sect, other means will not work, you are so blatantly helping the Guangming Sect, what will the Fengxue Sect think? Aren't you making it clear that you are forcing them? If they do something radical, How will we end then?"

Tianci was taken aback, and said with a guilty conscience, "It's not that serious, is it?"

"I can't even see this thing clearly. My lord, I think you must have made that Mia stunned. You already have Lier, why are you still like this..." Chen Wu was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Tianci was embarrassed when he was pierced by the morning fog.

"Ahem! I don't think your lord is such a person, maybe..." Gru helped to smooth things over.

"What could it be? You men are all the same, including you!" Chen Wu shook his head and walked out angrily, "If something really happens, don't bother me then!"

Gru stood there in a daze, why did he blame me?This is a grown-up who is overheated and confused, so it's none of his business!
"Gelu, do you think things will really be as Chen Wu said?" Tianci suddenly asked timidly.

"My lord, I'm not very clear, but what Chen Mist said is rarely ineffective. And the Viscount Sephiroth also has the same attitude, I think..."

Tianci leaned back on the chair weakly, "You've been told to talk about this, and you still can't explain it clearly!"

"Hey! I hope there's nothing wrong!"

The project on Clark's side is progressing quite smoothly. In just over half a month, the outline of the Church of Light has been built.Although the citizens of the city can see the buildings rising little by little every day, they can't guess what they are used for.In the end, no one knew who leaked the secret, and immediately let the whole city and even people within hundreds of miles know that the city lord was building a bright church.The news spread in the northwest like a bomb, and all kinds of speculations and rumors spread everywhere. . .But what is surprising is that the Fengxue Sect is surprisingly calm!Tianci's heart gradually relaxed.

At this time, Ancona, the capital, was also rumored by a piece of news.A sage who lives in a simple and unpretentious manner is going to celebrate his birthday in public this time, and it is still a 210-year-old birthday. . .

Miss Mia has been living in the Heaven-given City Lord’s Mansion during this time. Just three days before the completion of the Guangming Church, Archbishop Makayla in white selected more than 20 shrewd and capable priests from the Guangming Church from all over the empire to come together Go to Yanhua City in the Northwest Province to help Miss Mia spread the teachings of light here.

Two days before the completion of the Guangming Church, many famous and prestigious businessmen from nearby cities came to Yanhua City in twos and threes.

The day before the Guangming Church was about to be completed, Tianci and Lier helped Miss Mia prepare what she needed as usual.

Finally, after a lapse of 5000 years, the first Bright Church is located on the land in the northwest.

"Li'er, are you ready? Let's hurry up, or we'll be late!" Tianci urged at the door.


"Crack~~" The door opened, and Li'er changed into a clean white suit with a silver moon wolf cloak on it.

"Hehe, if you dress like this, when you stand with Miss Mia, people will not be able to tell which of you is the real saint!" Tianci laughed.

"Brother Tianci, you are talking nonsense again. Mia has been bathed in the aura of the God of Light in the Church of Light since she was a child, and she exudes a sacred and solemn atmosphere. How can I compare with her?"

Tianci curled her lips, "It's only been more than a month, and you have been influenced by her to become a light believer!"

"What's wrong with that? At least the Illumination Cult is teaching people to be good. I've learned a lot from listening to Mia explain the Illuminati Doctrine these days. It's a pity that every time I ask you to come, you always find a reason to shirk, which is terrible. Mia thought you were very repulsive to the Illuminati!"

Tianci shrugged his shoulders, "Actually, I told you that I don't reject any church, but I don't believe in any church either. The strong only believe in themselves, and I have to work hard to be a strong one, so that I can protect you from harm and Save myself!"

"Hee hee!" Li'er smiled happily, and held Tianci's hand, "Let's go, don't make Mia wait!"

Before the two could walk out of the gate, a personal guard hurried over

"My lord, something is wrong!"

Tianci was startled, and had an ominous premonition, "What are you talking about?"

"Just now, quite a few people surrounded the Guangming Church, saying that they wanted to smash the church and drive away Miss Mia, and they also said that they only believed in the Fengxue God Sect, not any Guangming Sect..."

"Why is this happening, Brother Godsend, let's go and have a look quickly, I hope Mia is fine!"

Tianci's heart was also suspended at this moment, and he pulled Li'er and ran towards the Guangming Church.The dozen or so personal guards guarding the gate hurriedly followed with half of them.

After running two streets, before reaching the Guangming Church, I heard the voices of people on the opposite side, yelling and cursing, one after another, and some people even scolded the head of the city lord given by God.

"The city lord is here!" The guard shouted loudly.

The crowd's voice immediately became much quieter, and everyone focused their attention on Tianci.The personal guard quickly opened a path ahead, and Tianci and Li'er walked quickly to the entrance of Guangming Church.Tianci instantly released his consciousness, and he couldn't help but be surprised. The protesting crowd in the not-so-large square in front of the Guangming Church turned out to be more than [-] people. Seeing the bright church splashed, the stone in his hand hit the door of the church.

The door of Guangming Church was closed tightly, and there were a lot of stones, filth and other objects scattered around the door. Even the white walls were painted in a mess, and insulting words were everywhere.Seeing the scene in front of him, Tianci was furious, and suddenly turned around to stare at the few troublemakers in front.

Being stared at by Tianci, the few leaders in front of the trouble suddenly trembled with fear, and their legs trembled.

"Who did this?" Tianci asked coldly, pointing to the smear on the church behind him.

The troublemakers in front looked at me, I saw you were at a loss, one of them stood up straight and looked like a hero, "It was me, so what if I splashed it?"

"Guard, take it down for me!"


The two guards couldn't help but move forward and moved the arms of the big man who stood up, and detained him.The personal guards were originally chosen by the villages, and they had all been specially trained by Gru, so it was no problem to deal with a hooligan, and seeing his vicious attitude towards Tianci, his heart became more angry, and his strength increased.

"Ah!!" the man yelled in pain.

All the onlookers were taken aback, suddenly at a loss, and were surprisingly quiet for two seconds.I don't know who in the crowd suddenly yelled, "The city lord takes people for no reason, the city lord oppresses the common people!"

The crowd seemed to wake up, and suddenly shouted loudly

"The city lord takes people for no reason, and the city lord oppresses the common people!"

"The city lord takes people for no reason, and the city lord oppresses the common people!"

"Let people go! Get rid of the Guangming Cult!"

"Let people go! Get rid of the Guangming Cult!"

. . . . . .

The momentum was higher and higher, the voice became louder and louder, and the scene was out of control.Lier held Tianci's hand tightly in worry, Tianci frowned, and suddenly relaxed, patted Lier's little hand, "Don't worry, it's okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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