Godsend Field

Chapter 227

Chapter 227
Roland took the red challenge book from the magician, glanced at it and couldn't help showing disgust, "Why are they again, so boring!"

"What's wrong, Roland? Received the challenge letter again?" The magicians next to him were used to it.

Roland smiled helplessly. Adela took the challenge book and looked at it, and immediately became furious, "They are also arrogant, and even we have tolerated them very much. I didn't expect them to be so ignorant!"

The magicians around came over one after another, picked up the challenge book and passed it on, and they were all furious, only to see that it said
"Representatives of the Great Magicians of the Three Great Empires, Kofi, Annan, and Clement challenge the cowardly Great Wizard of Wales Roland!"

The magicians of Wales were very angry. In the previous challenge books, they only wrote "Wales Cowardly Roland". , This is an insult to the great magicians of Wales!

"Roland, what are you going to do?" asked one of the great wind magicians.

Roland frowned, his face gloomy!

Since Qin'er arrived in Genoa, the Buster and Trunks wizards immediately arranged for Qin'er to return to Ancona, but Qin'er stubbornly insisted on staying and waiting for Tianci to return.There was no way for the Buster and Trunks wizards to pass the news to Dean Rafael in Ancona as quickly as possible.Dean Rafael wept with joy when he heard the news, and immediately arranged for Roland and Adela to go to Genoa in the name of traveling abroad. In addition to learning magic to increase experience, the most important task is to take care of Qin'er.

Qin'er stood on top of the city tower in a daze every day. Given her special identity and appearance, she caused quite a stir, and her suitors even stayed under the city wall day and night.

The arrival of Roland once again set off another storm.

The title of 'the number one genius magician in the mainland' is particularly dazzling, but even more dazzling!It hurt the eyes of many other great magicians of the empire who came here to study.

Apart from the monthly public lectures, the world-renowned Pavel mage usually hides in his room to study magic, and even the great magicians of his own Gran Empire come to ask for advice and ignore them.But since Roland's arrival, Wizard Pavel has been uncharacteristically, going to the square in the middle to teach Roland every day.After a few months, I saw that Roland was promoted from a sixth-level magician to a sixth-level magician in the middle stage. It was like flying through the distance that others would take several years or even ten years. I really envied others, but more More than jealousy!
"Roland, usually you can bear it when they scold you for hurting you, but this time they went too far and even scolded our Welsh Empire. It is tolerable, which is unbearable! If you don't go, then Let's go! Even if we are not as good as them, we can't let them be so domineering!" The earth magician next to him said angrily.

"Yes! The great magician Lovech is right! We can't let them think that our Welsh empire is easy to bully!" The great magicians next to them all agreed.

"What's the matter, it's so noisy!" A loud shout came, and Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks walked out slowly.

"Mentor!" All the great magicians saluted.

Mage Buster and Mage Trunks are the representatives of the Welsh Empire in the magic union. They are fully responsible for the interests and daily life of the great magicians of the Welsh Empire who came here, so they come here The great magicians in the world call them two mentors!

Wizard Trunks took the challenge letter handed over, glanced at it and passed it to Wizard Buster.

"In any case, this is a private challenge. It is not good for everyone to expand the matter. This will only affect the interests of our Welsh Empire in the Magic Federation. Whether or not to accept the challenge is Roland's private matter. How to do it is his own business, none of you should influence his decision, otherwise don't stay here! Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Although many great magicians were not reconciled, they still obediently obeyed!
Wizard Buster handed the challenge book back to Roland, "This is your own business, you decide what to do, we will not make things difficult for you!"

Roland took a breath, "Thank you two mentors for your care! If it's just insulting myself, I won't care! But I can't tolerate others insulting my country, so I decided to accept the challenge!"

"Okay!" The great magicians around shouted vigorously, feeling extremely excited.

The two mages didn't say anything, they turned their heads and walked towards the stairs.

Roland looked carefully at the challenge letter, "Tomorrow afternoon, by the Weishui River thirty miles away from the west gate!"

"The Weishui River? Is it the largest branch of the Siluo River?" Adela exclaimed as she grabbed the challenge book and looked at it carefully, "What are they? Challenge them, are they ashamed?"

Hearing Adela's complaint, that's why the great magician carefully looked at the time and place written in the lower corner of the challenge book. He was irritated by the insulting words just now, so he didn't read it carefully.

"Roland, what are you going to do? Are you really going to the Weishui River?"

Roland nodded, "They have already decided on the location. If I don't go, I'm afraid I will only be laughed at by them!"

The Great Magician of Lovech walked forward, "Roland, although we are all older than you, I am afraid you are the strongest among them! What's more, you are the successor of our saints and will represent all of our Welsh Empire. Great magicians, great magicians, this battle is a battle of honor, you must not lose it! Kofi, Annan, and Clement are basically at the sixth-level intermediate or peak level, you must not underestimate the enemy! !"

"Thank you for your concern, I understand!" Roland smiled reluctantly, and looked at Adela, "You can accompany Qin'er to rest first, I want to go out for a walk!"

Roland was walking in the center of the square. At this time, there was no one in the square.

Raising his hand, a fist fireball should be born, floating on the palm of his hand.Looking at the blazing flames, Roland was stunned and muttered, "The art of magic! The art of fire!"

"Roland, you haven't gone back to bed yet. If you don't go to bed early, are you planning not to practice tomorrow?" Pavel the wizard came out from the attic opposite to the south. What I am afraid of is fishing for three days and drying the net for two days!"

Roland dispersed the fireball in his hand, and explained the reason to Pavel Mage.

"It turns out that the three of them are making trouble! That's fine, it's better to go shopping once than to train a hundred times! I'll go and see tomorrow!" Pavel Sorcerer nodded and said, "But you don't have to be afraid of them, No matter how strong the magic is, the most important thing is to use it, come here while you still have some energy, I will teach you another trick!"

The day had barely passed, and news of Roland's acceptance of the challenge had already spread.People with nothing to do started to prepare to go to the Wei River outside the west gate.Unlike Genoa, the suppression of fighting spirit here is not so strong.

The Weishui River is more than 20 meters wide, the water flow is slow, and the water volume is sufficient.Walking around a huge rock, and hundreds of years ago, this huge rock has been trimmed into a platform, surrounded by green grass and dense jungle.It is one of the famous scenic spots near Genoa.

It was already full of people before noon, and they all came to watch the challenge.In fact, in Genoa, the great magicians from the four empires often had disputes and challenged them, but this time it was different, because the one who was challenged was the most talented magician in the mainland.

Under Adela's strong force, Qin'er finally walked down from the city wall and came here to watch the competition.

"Boom!!" There was a violent explosion, and dust stirred up all around.

"Wall of Sighs" Kofi, who was wearing a khaki mage robe, struggled to support himself, and the sweat from his forehead had already wetted his collar.From the beginning of the competition, he has been passively beaten, and Roland's attack magic is one after another, there seems to be no pause in the middle, does he not need to chant a spell?

The last fireball fell on the earth wall, and the exhausted Kofi finally couldn't hold on, and the earth wall was wiped out in ashes.The fireball did not fall towards Kofi, but exploded with a bang.

"Coffey, admit defeat?" Roland asked with a fireball in his hand.

Kofi fell to the ground, his clothes were burnt badly, and he looked unwilling!
Roland dispersed the fireball in his hand and walked back to the Welsh Empire.

"I haven't lost yet!" Kofi struggled to get up, enduring the fatigue and pain on his body, and prepared to gather the earth element again.

"Come back! Don't embarrass me here!" Pavel the wizard roared, "The others didn't use their full strength, haven't you seen it yet? It's no big deal to lose, and don't challenge if you can't afford it! "

"Yes, mentor." With a look of shame on his face, Kofi lowered his head and walked back.Annan on the side was also angrily unwilling.

Wells immediately erupted in joy. Roland's defeat of two sixth-level Annan and Kofi in one breath was enough to make Wells' great magicians feel proud.

Adela smiled at Roland rarely, "Is the fight not bad?"

Roland shook his head, "They are only at the sixth level, and the remaining one is the peak of the sixth level, and he is the most difficult to deal with!"

After Roland rested for a while, he walked back to the center, "It's your turn, Clement!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to recover so quickly, it's really enviable!" Clement stood up.The great magician of the water system, Clement, is 45 years old this year, but because of his practice, his appearance is only 30 years old. He is a graduate of the Holy Academy of the Spanish Empire. After graduation, he came to Genoa to concentrate on training. It has been 15 years, and now it has reached the sixth-level peak. It is said that in three or four years, it will be able to break through the bottleneck and become a wizard.

To be a wizard before the age of 50 is already a genius!

Before Roland came, Clement had always been the hottest figure in Genoa, but since Roland came, Clement obviously retreated from the aura, and everyone focused on Roland.

Clement walked to the opposite side, looking through Roland to Qin'er behind him.Qin'er was expressionless, staring blankly at the middle, her gaze was empty.

Roland sighed, "Clement, if you want to win Qin'er's favor by defeating me, I think you have found the wrong opponent! I am not the one in Qin'er's heart, and even if you find him, I will I don't think you have a chance to defeat him!"

"Who is he? A wizard or a great swordsman?"

"Neither, I'm afraid he still can't cast any magic and fight qi, but you have absolutely no chance of defeating him!"

Clement laughed, "It's a joke, a mediocre person wants to compare with me? I'll extinguish your aura first!"

"Freezing Technique!"

As Clement shouted, a thin layer of ice appeared in front of him and spread towards Roland along the ground, and everything it passed was frozen into ice sculptures.


The sky turned red, and hundreds of fireballs made traces and hit the ground.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!..."

All the thin ice on the ground shattered.The fireballs continued to increase, attacking towards Clement.

Clement took it easy, "Ice Shield!"

The fireball dissipated, and the two stood still and stared at each other.The brief contact with Little Magic made both sides understand their opponents a little bit!

Clement swung his cane horizontally, "O ancient dragons that flow endlessly in the depths of the endless ocean! In the name of God, I call you to come! Destroy my enemies! --Ancient Ice Dragon"

Following the incantation, seven huge ancient ice dragons appeared in mid-air, with hideous faces, and hovered over Clement's head with their teeth and claws open.There was bursts of cold air around every ancient ice dragon, and the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly.Many magicians tightened their clothes.

It is already considered a sixth-level magic to be able to release four spells, but a total of seven spells were released here, covering almost half of the sky above the head.

"Hell's Fire Dragon Dance!"

The air above Roland's head was reddish, and at the same time, six huge fire dragons with their teeth and claws soared into the air, with flames all over their bodies.The six fire dragons circled around, and the surrounding areas were already glowing fiery red. The surrounding temperature suddenly rose, the air around the fire dragon began to twist, and the heat wave slowly radiated.

Both sides were serious and used their strongest magic.The thirteen magical dragons confronted each other, and the sky was divided into two parts, one side was extremely cold and the other was extremely hot, and the onlookers in the middle were the most unlucky, with hot and cold days.

"Boom!" The thirteen magic dragons rushed together.

The flame dragon entangles the ancient dragon, and the ancient dragon tears the flame dragon.The cold air corrodes the flame, and the flame is also dispelling the cold air at the same time!Ice and fire are intolerable, and there is no end to death!

And just as the giant dragon was churning in the sky, an idle ice dragon swooped down towards Roland with great momentum.

"Fire Shield!"

When Roland raised his hand, a huge shield stood in front of him. The difference was that ordinary flame shields were based on the ground, but this flame shield actually floated in front of Roland.


The ice dragon hit the flame shield and trembled.

"In the depths of hell... the dragon of fire! In the name of God... burn my enemies! ——The fire dragon of purgatory"

With the sound of rapid spells, a fire dragon of purgatory landed in front of Roland out of thin air, opened its huge claws, hit the neck of the ancient ice dragon and smashed it towards the ground.

"Boom!!" There was a crackling sound, ice dust flying and flames splashing in all directions, both the Purgatory Fire Dragon and the Ancient Ice Dragon disappeared, and a burst of dust splashed on the ground.At this time, the battle in the sky gradually came to an end. The purgatory fire dragons were all shattered, sporadic flames fell, and were blown away by the wind like the nearby Weishui River.There are still three ancient ice dragons in the sky, but they are all damaged.The broken ice dragon turned to face Roland.


The sky was half red, and the fireball quickly condensed and blasted towards the ice dragon that was still there.

"Bump! Bump! Bump!" Three loud bangs sounded, and the three ancient ice dragons disappeared into the fireball.

The corner of Clement's mouth was slightly raised. It was also a sixth-level magic. Roland's hellfire dragon dance had no way to compete with him.Roland also relied on releasing magic faster, and with the help of two magics, he managed to draw evenly with his own magic.

"Roland, everyone says you are a genius, but that's all! Let me show you my ice rain!"

Following Clement's incantation, the sky above suddenly became cold, and countless palm-length ice cones condensed. The ice cones also exuded cold air, and the cold air condensed the surrounding moisture into raindrops that fell one by one.

With the help of raindrops, the Frostbolt whizzed down.

"Wall of Flame!"

Roland quickly placed a wall of flames above his head, and the raging flames instantly evaporated the raindrops.The Frostbolt pierced deeply into the wall of fire, and the cold air emitted from the wall of fire weakened rapidly, and the flames also completely melted and evaporated the Frostbolt at the same time.

Clement concentrated and lowered countless ice cones again.dense!

Having withstood a round of attacks, the firewall was riddled with holes and could no longer withstand the second round of attacks.Seeing Clement releasing magic unscrupulously, Roland gritted his teeth, he must not be so passive in defense. We must know that defensive magic often consumes more mental power than offensive magic.

"Meteor shower!"

Pieces of huge fireballs hit the ice cone in the air, and smashed towards Clement with the momentum of falling.

Facing the ice pick on one side and the fireball on the other.

"Ice Wall Technique!" The huge fireball hit the ice wall and burst, and the scorching flames began to spread.A faint white mist suddenly emanated from the ice wall, and the spreading flames stopped immediately, and began to shrink and dissipate.

On the other side, countless ice cones fell rapidly, and the wall of flames could no longer withstand the sudden dissipation.Roland, who released the attack magic, has no time to strengthen the wall of fire, let alone release the wall of fire again!
The ice pick flew straight towards Roland, and one meter out in front of Roland, it shattered and dissipated as if hitting a solid wall.

Ice dust surrounds it.

"Magic enchantment!"

The surrounding onlookers exclaimed at the same time.

Although there are great magicians around, but there are not many people who really know magic enchantment.

Clement dispersed the ice wall and continued to release powerful attack magic.Roland, on the other hand, defended passively.Clement is currently at the peak of the sixth level, but he has just entered the middle of the sixth level, and his mental power is not as strong as the opponent's. At the same time, the water element in the surrounding environment is obviously more abundant than the fire element. In the process of transformation, I have to consume much more mental power than the opponent, so I can't fight so hard with the opponent, if I continue to consume it, I must lose!

The competition is still going on, and Clement's attacks are getting sharper and sharper. After being immersed in the realm of a sixth-level great magician for a long time, Clement has a deep understanding of the use and power of magic.Although Roland also has level [-] strength, his magic power is weaker than Clement's.

What's more, water and fire are incompatible, fighting with water is much more difficult than fighting with other types!
At the beginning, Roland could use his magic speed to make up for his lack of magic power, but after a meal, Roland began to struggle as his mental strength weakened!Beads of sweat could not help falling.

The great magicians in Wells were all sweating for Roland, especially Adela, who was so nervous that he couldn't breathe. He had never seen Roland struggling so much.The only person here who didn't take the challenge to heart was probably Qin'er.

Clement suddenly stopped attacking, "Roland, I didn't expect you to be able to resist until now? To be honest with you, I don't have much mental strength, but I can still release a sixth-level magic. I don't know if you still have it." I have no ability to resist! Hahaha"

"The ancient dragons that are constantly flowing in the depths of the endless ocean! In the name of God, I call you to come! Destroy my enemies! --Ancient Ice Dragon"

Following the spell, seven huge ancient ice dragons reappeared in midair.

(End of this chapter)

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