Godsend Field

Chapter 229 Ask

Chapter 229 Ask
Tianci rides Baiying to the Siluo River, the current is fast, and there is no bridge on the nearby river, so Tianci and Baiying plunge into the river.The turbulent flow of the Siluo River is really not a cover, as soon as you enter the water, you will be rushed downstream.

It took a long time in the water to swim to the opposite side.Bai Ying had already reached the shore, and the water droplets all over his body had already been shaken off.Tianci changed into dry clothes before continuing on the road with Bai Ying.

Not far away, he heard the sound of fighting in front from time to time, spreading his consciousness, Tianci was surprised to find that Roland was competing with a great earth magician, and stopped outside the sight of everyone, Tianci Xiao was interested Appreciate the competition.

Roland's magic is getting stronger and stronger, and his casting speed is getting faster and faster!He beat the great earth mage so cleanly that he was powerless to fight back.But the next competition will not be so comfortable!The power of the magic released by the great water magician named Clement is obviously a level stronger than that of Roland.

"This time Roland will taste the taste of failure!" Tianci said to himself with a smile.What happened next was completely unexpected.A magician actually prevented Roland from admitting defeat, and even connived at Clement to make trouble. At this time, Tianci secretly cried out that it was not good. Fortunately, Adela resisted an ancient dragon.

But the last two are Frost Dragons, Tianci can remember clearly.It is many times larger than the Frost Dragon released by Qin'er, and the power of the cold air is also many times greater.

It wasn't until the mysterious disappearance of the first Frost Dragon that Clemente's eyes that wanted to kill people made Tianci feel alarmed, and urged Baiying to rush to rescue.Sure enough, as Godsend expected, all the people were still shocked by the disappearance of the dragon Mo Ming, and no one paid attention to Clement's change.

Although the Frost Dragon is formidable, it only has the power of a sixth-level magic, and Bai Ying, as a seventh-level monster, is not afraid at all.The crystal-clear unicorn firmly pressed against the Frost Dragon.


Shiro Shadow exerted all his strength, and the Frost Dragon was split in half by the horn.

Godsend was furious. If he hadn't arrived in time today, Roland and Adela would have been seriously injured, or they might have died on the spot.And Roland was his best friend since he came to Imperial College.

In rage, Tianci punched Clement into the water without even thinking about it. After confirming that Roland was fine, he still couldn't calm down before going to the wizard.However, it is also considered unlucky for the wizard. If it is not the use of fire magic, I am afraid that Godsend will have nothing to do!
Looking at Pavel, the mage who was fished out of the water by the great magicians, God sent his head in a daze, it's over!

The great magicians of the Gran Empire were already filled with righteous indignation at this time, glaring at Tianci.However, no one came up to find trouble before fully understanding the situation.

"Let's go back quickly!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Adela immediately suggested.The great magicians of the Welsh Empire immediately responded and carried Roland, who was still in a coma, back.

Adela was not strenuous in holding Qin'er, but Adela was also very tired after a fight.Originally, Tianci wanted Adela to be on Shiro's back, but as a high-level monster, Shiro would not let anyone he disagreed with be on his back.

Tianci had no choice but to pick up Qin'er and sit on the white shadow.

Most of the great magicians came in carriages, and only a few came on horseback.Standing up, Bai Ying was quite a bit taller than an ordinary horse, and Tianci was particularly conspicuous riding on it.

Bai Ying's speed was many times faster than that of ordinary horses. Even if he slowed down, he would leave everyone behind after a while.It was almost at the gate of the city that Tianci stopped, jumped off the white shadow and waited for everyone to enter Genoa together.

Yu'er on Tianci's shoulder jumped down, circling around Bai Ying and looking at it.Being looked at by a little monster like this, Shiroying breathed heavily in annoyance.Yu'er turned to the side, kicked her four claws, and rushed towards Bai Ying's back.Bai Ying lowered his head, and slashed at Yu'er with his crystal-clear unicorn, much stronger than Yu'er in terms of strength and momentum.

Seeing that he was about to be stabbed, Yu'er's small claws pushed violently, and Bai Ying didn't completely want to attack Yu'er, so Yu'er flew out of the body and fell to the ground.A Jiling got up, Yu'er was furious and screamed.

The mount of his own mount actually challenged himself!

The fire elements quickly gathered, and the four big red tails swung wantonly.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er roared, as a king beast, he was bullied by a mere little monster?

Suddenly sensing the aura of the king beast, Bai Ying immediately became frightened, got up on all fours and knelt on the ground, shaking his whole body and lowering his head.

Seeing Bai Ying completely surrendered, Yu'er still felt puzzled, jumped up suddenly, and smashed her thick tail towards the unicorn.Shirai Shadow lowered his head and trembled, not even daring to resist.


"Aw~~" Yu'er suddenly let out a strange cry, she was used to smashing the heads of monsters, but she completely forgot that the unicorns had their sharpest weapon horn on their foreheads, and the big fiery tail fell on the horn, Immediately, the cut skin was torn open and blood flowed continuously.

Yu'er bared her teeth in pain, and with the fiery red flowing energy on her tail, the wound healed quickly.The fire element around the body became more vigorous, and Yu'er was extremely annoyed.

"Okay, Yu'er, don't bully Bai Ying, it is an orphan just like us!" Tianci said holding Qin'er.

After the wound healed, Yu'er let go of her tail, and Bai Ying immediately felt relieved.Turning around Shirai Shadow, Yu'er yelped and ran up Shirai Shadow's back, but this time Shirai Shadow didn't dare to resist at all.

Seeing Yu'er sitting on Bai Ying's back in a serious manner, Tianci couldn't help but find it funny.

After waiting for a long time, I saw the carriage team of the Great Wizards of Wales, and Adela rode a white horse at the forefront.

"Godsent, your unicorn is so fast! Where did you catch it?" Adela asked enviously.

Tianci chuckled, "I met it in the gray wetlands of the Spanish Empire. It was not suitable for it to live there, so I brought it out!"

Adela looked at the unicorn enviously, but it was a pity that such a high-level monster had to be subdued by force, and the unicorn had the strength of an eighth-level monster, so he couldn't even think about it now.What's more, the unicorn is different from other monsters. It likes cleanliness and loves life. Even if it is subdued by force, it will rather die than surrender because of disapproval. Otherwise, there will not be only unicorns in the infinite forest on the mainland.

I really don't know why Tianci let the unicorn follow him, and also recognized Tianci letting him sit on its back.

Soon under the city gate, Adela signaled Tianci to come down, "This is the capital of magic, and it can also be said to be the capital of freedom. However, in order to show respect for the magic union, it is better for warriors not to ride horses after entering! "

Tianci understood, and jumped off Baiying's back.

At this time, Genoa is in a busy time, and people are coming and going on the streets.As expected by Godsend, riots arose wherever Bai Ying passed, and people around rushed to watch the unicorn.

Led by Adela, Tianci soon arrived at the attic of the Welsh Empire in the center of Genoa.Expanding the divine sense of heaven, he quickly understood the terrain.Signaling Bai Ying to the square in the middle, Tianci carried Qin'er back to her and Adela's room, put her on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

"Adela, is Qin'er tired recently?" Tianci asked.

Looking at Tianci, Adela was not angry, "After Qin'er arrived in Genoa, she stood on the city wall and waited for you from dawn to sunset every day. Do you think she is tired?"

Tianci's heart was moved instantly, looking at Qin'er on the bed who was sleeping peacefully, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth!

"This may be the best sleep Qin'er has had in the past few months since she came to Genoa! Let's go down, you probably haven't eaten yet! There is an aunt in charge here to take care of everything!"

Tianci gently stroked the hair on Qin'er's forehead, and walked down the attic with Adela.

The hall on the first floor was already full of Wells' great magicians, and some of them went outside to watch Shirai Shadow.As soon as Tianci reached the first floor, two wizards hurried in.

"Mage Buster and Mage Trunks!" Godsend saluted!
The two looked at Tianci in surprise, "It really is you. We didn't believe the report just now! I didn't expect you to escape!"

Tianci smiled wryly, it seems that his story is really spread everywhere.

"Okay, let's all go eat! Tianci, you come up with us!" After finishing speaking, Wizard Buster walked towards the fifth floor with Wizard Trunks.Tianci could only follow silently.

There are a total of six rooms on the fifth floor, the two larger ones at the two ends are used for meeting guests and meditation, the four smaller ones in the middle, the two rooms on the left are the bedrooms of the two wizards, and the two rooms on the right are study rooms. The room is a conference room.As soon as the three entered the meeting room, Wizard Buster immediately closed the door, and Wizard Trunks even drew the curtains.

With the comfortable soft chairs on both sides of the table, Tianci sat down, "The two wizards called me, what's the matter?"

Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks also sat down, "Don't you know? Let me ask you, what did you do in the Spanish Empire to make people arrest you everywhere?"

Tianci knew that they would ask, "I think Genoa also has a mercenary union. Isn't their new nine-star mission clearly stated?"

Wizard Buster waved his hand, "The task only said to arrest people, but not who it was. Although the information given by the Mercenary Union did not include the name, according to the characteristics of the information, it is rumored that you did it! We are now I just want to hear from you!"

Tianci nodded, "It's right! I killed the eldest grandson of the George family, Blair!"

The two mages were taken aback. "It seems that the rumors are true! Besides you, who is the other one? Could it be that your master is secretly helping you?"

"Master?" Tianci was taken aback. "No, I didn't meet Master! And it was only me and Qin'er at that time!"

"Just the two of you?" The two magicians looked at Tianci incredulously, "Those are two great sword masters!"

"Although I don't know what to say, I don't know if I should say it. But there were no outsiders at that time! And I did kill the two great sword masters. Later, when Qin'er and I arrived in Valencia, I was arrested. I fled to the miasma forest and the gray wetland, where I was forced to kill nearly a hundred of their high-level swordsmen for self-protection. I found the unicorn outside in the gray wetland, and it took me through the gray wetland, detoured back to To Seville, Valencia, and finally back here!"

The two mages were shocked again, "What did you say, nearly a hundred high-level swordsmen? You killed them all by yourself?"

Tianci nodded, "I was also forced!"

After a while, the Trunks wizard stood up, "George has recruited many disciples to teach sword skills and fighting spirit. They have a large number of high-level swordsmen, so they don't care too much. But if you really killed Blair and the two Great Swordsman, I'm afraid they won't let it go! Although George himself can't leave the Spanish Empire, his early apprentices are all famous and peerless powerhouses, so we have to guard against them!"

Wizard Buster also agreed, "Heavenly, you should rest for two days and return to Ancona early with Qin'er! As for Roland and Adela, they are fine, and Roland still needs Pavel to guide him for a while!"

Hearing Pavel Sorcerer, Tianci felt guilty, "Second mentors, what kind of person is Pavel Sorcerer?"

"Pavel, he is a stubborn old man. He is more stubborn and has a bad temper, but he has nothing to say about his strength. He should be better than our Weiss in his hands!"

Tianci was surprised, "Does he have the strength of an eighth-level mage?"

"That's right! And he's the only fire mage on the mainland who has comprehended the mysteries of devouring. What's the matter, why are you asking this?"

"I... I accidentally beat him into the Weishui River just now!" Tianci said in embarrassment.

The two mages widened their eyes and shouted in disbelief, "What? What are you talking about!"

Roland didn't wake up until evening, and the first thing he did after waking up was to run over to find Tianci.After seeing Tianci, he gave a bear hug without saying a word, "I've heard it all, this time you arrived in time to save Adela and me! Thank you!"

God sent a smile, "Is there still a need to say thank you between us?"

Roland also chuckled at the same time, "Have you eaten yet, why don't we go out for supper together!"

"Is there any inn open this late?"

"Of course, Genoa is the capital of freedom. There are many hotels and restaurants that are open at twelve hours a day!"

Walking on the street in the evening, the cool breeze blows by.Although Genoa is in the Faran Empire, there is the Magic Federation here. As the master of Genoa, the Magic Federation has formulated its own regulations and taxes, and the Farland Empire has also acquiesced.So Genoa became the only human-inhabited city not restricted by the laws of the four empires.The laws and regulations formulated by the magic union are very loose, so people call this place the capital of freedom!
Ordered a large plate of delicious food that filled the entire table.In order to celebrate Tianci's return, Yu'er lets go and eats.

"Tianci was very sad when we heard about you and Qin'er. Why did you suddenly appear in the Spanish Empire? And... the people who killed others?" Roland asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, I also remember that I fell from the Xilan Mountain Peak, and I was in the Spanish Empire after waking up!" Tianci said casually, putting the delicious food in his mouth.

"Later we found out that you were still alive, and we were really happy! Dean Rafal couldn't leave the capital, and we didn't have any definite evidence, so it was inconvenient to send people to the Spanish Empire... I didn't expect you to escape! "

Tianci nodded, "I can understand! The current form of the empire does make it impossible for the dean to leave easily!"

"But Godsend, I'm curious now, what is your strength? You were able to escape from the George family!" Roland put down his chopsticks and asked curiously.

"My strength?" Tianci smiled slightly, "It should be stronger than you!"

Roland was dissatisfied, "What's the use of comparing me? Let alone now, I was no longer your opponent when I was in the academy!"

Tianci thought for a while, "I'm afraid there will be no more opponents for me below the eighth level!"

"Clang!" The chopsticks that Roland had just picked up fell off, bounced off the table, fell to the ground again and rolled.

Early the next morning, Qin'er still didn't wake up, but according to Adela, Qin'er is sleeping soundly now so don't worry.At the same time, I got another bad news, Pavel Sorcerer woke up!
"You brat! Get out of here! If you don't come out again, I will set fire to your Wells attic!"

The roar was so loud that it almost woke up everyone who was sleeping.

Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks went out first, followed by Roland, godsend.

"Stinky boy, you are finally willing to come out! Let's go, let's fight again, if I can't beat you, I will jump into the Weishui River by myself!" Seeing the gift from God, Pavel was furious.

Although Wizard Pavel had already changed into a new mage robe, his scorched hair and beard had not been tidied up, and his figure was not very tall and burly.So it looks very funny.

Tianci knew he was wronged and apologized quickly.Others also helped Tianci to say good things.

Wizard Pavel insisted on having another contest with Tianci.

"I said Pavel, how old are you, and you still want to fight with a child! Okay, don't you want to compete? God sent you to compete with him! Anyway, he also knows that you don't have fighting spirit or magic, even if you have magic Enchantment, don't you expect to be able to stop his eighth-level magic? When he wins, I'll see if he has the face to say it!" Wizard Buster became impatient and choked back, "Roland De, you go prepare a gong and drum, and we will inform everyone that the majestic Pavel mage challenges a young man who has no magic and no vindictiveness, and asks everyone to come and see!"

The Pavel wizard who had been clamoring for a showdown with Tianci just now was suddenly dumbfounded, with a look of anger on his face!

"That's right!" Wizard Buster turned into a smiling face, "Heavenly gift, you apologize to Wizard Pavel again, he is pointing Roland, even if yesterday's tricks were a bit too much, it was out of kindness !"

Tianci hurriedly apologized again solemnly.

Seeing Buster's black face and white face for a while, Pavel the wizard was annoyed.I don't know how many times I have suffered from Buster's losses in the past few decades!It seems that this plan was in vain!
"Seeing that you are a junior, I won't argue with you this time!" Pavel the wizard turned his head and pointed at Roland, "Have you rested? Come with me when you are rested!"

Roland followed Wizard Pavel and walked towards the middle of the square.Wizard Pavel didn't immediately guide Roland's magic, but kept asking about something.

It's all right here, and Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks walked back to the attic.

(End of this chapter)

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