Godsend Field

Chapter 230 Demon Test

Chapter 230 Demon Test
Wizard Pavel didn't pursue further, and the people who came to watch the scene slowly dispersed.

Roland followed Wizard Pavel to the middle of the square, and the two mentors also returned to the fifth floor.Taking advantage of the time when the great magicians were meditating, Tianci took out clear water to help Baiying wash away the dust all over his body.Adela also gave up the practice in the morning and helped Tianci wash Shiraoka together.

As Genoa, the capital of freedom, is also close to Xilan Mountain, there are often strong people coming in and out with monsters, and it is not surprising to see many people in the city.But this time is different, the unicorn, known as the purest monster, even with force may not be able to subdue it as a monster, but now it appeared in Genoa!
Before noon, a lot of people gathered outside the attic of the Wells Empire, all looking around and looking inside, but the door of the attic was tightly closed.

Because Genoa still has a lot of mercenaries, the two mages did not let Tianci go outside.The great magicians in the attic are not familiar with Tianci, and they are all busy with their own meditation.Tianci had no choice but to rest against the white shadow in the corner of the square, watching Roland practicing magic under the guidance of wizard Pavel in the square.

"You really are very leisurely! Do you know how many mercenaries are waiting for you outside?" Adela strode over.

Tianci doesn't care about mercenaries.

"It seems that you are quite confident. Do you want to come over and compete with me! The mercenaries outside are much stronger than me. If you can't even beat me, then don't expect to get out!"

Seeing Adela's eagerness to try, Tianci came over and said respectfully, "You are already a fifth-level high-level swordsman, but I have no fighting spirit. How can I be your opponent?"

Adela put on a serious face, "Don't think I don't know, what did you say yesterday? You have no opponent below the eighth level, what a big tone!"

Godsend was dumbfounded, why did he forget that Roland is good at everything, but he is afraid of Adela, as long as Adela speaks, he will take it out thoughtfully.

"I was just talking casually with Roland, don't take it seriously!"

"Tell me casually? Roland can say that you are very serious, and he actually agrees with your statement! I would like to see how you are invincible below the eighth level!" Adela said without waiting for Godsend to respond, The long spear in his hand was already out, and it was approaching Tianci's throat.

Tianci stood still.

The silver slipped past, and the point of the gun stopped at Tianci's heart.

Adela stabbed forward vigorously, but the body of the gun remained motionless.Frowning tightly, he held the gun with both hands and pulled it back vigorously, but the gun body was still motionless!Adela glared at Tianci, showing her dark blue fighting spirit, and pulled back the spear with all her strength.

Tianci suddenly let go.

All of Adela's strength had no target to react on Adela's body, Adela retreated rapidly, staggered before standing still, and almost fell to the ground.

"You..." Adela pointed at Tianci, calming down, "From now on, I recognize your strength, and I challenge you. If you look down on me, you don't have to accept it!"

Tianci reluctantly walked to the open space, "Don't challenge me anymore, let's have a casual exchange!" Shaking his shoulders, Yu'er lazily got up and jumped off Tianci's shoulders. The little head looked at it, and the body stuck to Tianci's back.

Adela almost twisted her nose in anger from Yu'er's little move.

"Look at the gun!" Adela angrily stabbed Tianci's little head protruding from his shoulder.

Tianci stretched out his hand to grab it.

"Phantom of the Gun!"

The spear suddenly turned into two, and the second turned into four, pointing at Tianci's shoulders, chest and abdomen respectively.Tianci frowned slightly, not sure which one was a phantom and which one was an entity.Leaping back quickly, Tianci dodged the shadow of the gun.

Adela was overjoyed, and with a coquettish cry, she took advantage of the victory and went straight to catch up. The gun shadow turned into eight again.

Tianci's footsteps are erratic, and his figure is in a trance. Every time when Adela thinks he is about to succeed, he can dodge and escape unexpectedly.After coming down several times, Adela was very annoyed. She shook her hands, and the gun shadow split again, turning eight into sixteen. . . 32. . . 64!

The spears instantly turned into a spear array.

"Adela, the more your gun shadow spreads out, the slower your movement speed will be, and the more you will be restricted if you want to change direction! It may be a good martial skill to deal with brave warriors, but it can be used against me who rely on dodging For those who make a living, the more gun shadows there are, the less dangerous it is!" Tianci said after a few rounds of understanding.

Adela put away her gun and stood, how could she not know her own martial skills?The powerhouses on the mainland all have battle qi or magic, who would blindly avoid and run for their lives like Tianci in a challenge?

Before Dou Qi reaches level seven, people like Tianci are simply the nemesis of warriors like him.

Yu'er poked her head out and grinned at Adela.

"Don't hide if you have the ability!" Adela was furious.

"Adela, don't be a godsend! You also know that he has no fighting spirit!" Roland stood on the periphery and tried to persuade him.As soon as there was a fight in the corner here, the people in the square stopped and gathered around to watch the excitement.

Adela pouted and glared at Roland.

"I don't see anything wrong! How can he be afraid of Adela even if he can defeat me?" Pavel the wizard said angrily, "Boy, don't hide if you are a man! Adela, I like you !"

Adela single-handedly pointed a gun at God, full of provocation.

Tianci's palm shook slightly, holding a long sword in his hand.

"Swordsman?" The great mages who didn't know the situation around couldn't help but exclaimed.Roland and Adela's eyes widened. This was the first time they had seen Tianci use a sword.

"Okay! From now on, I will take over all your moves!" Tianci said lightly, taking a deep breath, his mind was blank and he didn't think about anything.

Adela was full of fighting spirit, and drew a light blue spear shadow through the spear, piercing Tianci.If you don't move, you're done, move like a rabbit.

"Dang!" Tianci Hengjian opened the spear.

Tianci no longer cares about Adela's attack, and he combines the sword intent he learned in the Spanish Holy Academy with the experience of fighting with Polk of the Killer League in Abanis for a day, and swings it as he pleases, without fixed Moves, only continuous sword intent.The long sword drew circles of different sizes and interconnected in front of Tianci, blocking all Adela's attacks from the long sword.

Adela was shocked!
The strength of the body and the strength of the outbreak of fighting spirit are not the same!Even if one's own strength is not as great as Tianci, as long as one unfolds one's grudge, no matter strength, speed or explosive power can completely overwhelm Tianci.But after these few short attacks and defenses, every time I attack, my fighting spirit seems to be muddy, and my strength is completely exhausted with the opponent's sword move.

Compared with the gun and the sword, it has an advantage in the middle and long distances, but once it gets close, it will have obvious weaknesses.

Under the heaven-given defensive circle, Adela's every shot, no matter how fierce it is, will be dissipated and move with her own sword intent.The sword intent bestowed by God was smooth, and the body couldn't help approaching Adela.

Adela was annoyed at being unable to attack for a long time, and this poor place could only display Level [-] grudge. . .Tianci's approaching step by step made Adela frowned, and began to retreat involuntarily.

On the contrary, Tianci is in a good mood now, with the long sword in his hand, he can open and close as he pleases!It's a pity that the sword skills currently mastered by Tianci are all defensive, and there is no offensive move like blinking fingers.

Adela had to defend tightly and try not to give Godsend a chance.

The corner of the mouth was raised slightly, and the Tianci long sword suddenly stood up and bounced off Adela's spear, and the body spun rapidly.Yu'er usually hooks Tianci's clothes with long claws, no matter how Tianci moves, it will not fall off, but today the naughty Yu'er wants to poke his head out, and the two front claws are only stuffed into the back neckline, hanging on Tianci's back .Tianci turned around quickly and stopped suddenly, Yu'er was thrown away by Tianci with a whoosh, and fell towards Adela's face.

Adela was horrified when she saw a ball of flaming red coming towards her. The spear in both hands was stuck by Tianshun and could not return to defense. In desperation, Adela held the gun with one hand and freed her left hand to make a fist towards the oncoming person. The feathers swept away.

"Crack!" Adela hit Yu'er's little butt with her left fist, knocking Yu'er aside.

As Yu'er flew away, Tianci quickly bullied her.Adela held a gun in one hand, and smashed Yuer away with the other. At this moment, the door was wide open, and it was too late to return to the defense with both hands.

Tianci put his fingers together and pointed towards Adela's heart. The fourth-level grudge could not defend against his own blinking fingers.However, just before the middle of the game, Tianci suddenly remembered the third lady of the George family that he met in the miasma forest that day. . .not good!
Adela is a girl! !
Tianci quickly raised his arms, stretched his fingers and pressed Adela's shoulders, and by virtue of inertia, he rose into the air and rolled over Adela to stand firmly behind her.Put your fingers together and stab towards the shoulder blades on the back.

Adela's spear was slightly surprised by Ka, and suddenly saw Yu'er flying towards him, and without thinking about it, he punched with his left fist, and smashed Yu'er away to relieve his anger, but suddenly saw that Tianci had already rushed in front of him, My door is wide open, my arms are out of inertia and cannot be retracted. If Tianci is a fighting qi warrior, I am afraid that I have already lost. . .Unexpectedly, Tianci suddenly pressed his shoulder and rolled over.

Unable to be surprised, Adela suddenly felt that her fighting energy on her left shoulder blade was suddenly shattered, and a large amount of fighting energy all over her body rushed to her left shoulder. She had never experienced such an abnormal change. Adela was about to turn around in shock, her shoulder blade Even God-sent fingers withstood it. . .He actually broke through his battle qi defense layer and touched his body. . .impossible. . .

"Inch strength!" Tianci spat lightly.

"Crack!" The sound of bone fracture sounded.

Adela swooped down two steps and fell to the ground. The spear in her right hand was dropped on the ground, she was holding her left shoulder, and her left arm was hanging limply.

"Adela!" Roland hurried up and helped Adela up.Adela's eyes were red, and tears were rolling in her eyes. She bit her lower lip tightly with her jade teeth, and forcibly endured the pain to prevent the tears from falling.

Roland looked heartbroken, "God-sent, you..."

Tianci came over, "I didn't exert all my strength, she just had a dislocation of joints, just rub it for a while and it's fine!"

Roland felt relieved, "Then who will set the bone?"

"Since I can correct the bone, I can also straighten the bone, my father taught me since I was a child!" Tianci said, put his hands on Adela's shoulders, and made a gesture, "Be patient, it will hurt, but it will be fine after the pain! "

Adela gritted her teeth and began to tremble all over.

Tianci suddenly smiled, "Adela, do you like Roland?"

Adela was stunned for a moment, before she could react, she suddenly felt severe pain from her left shoulder.

"Ah!!" Adela didn't hold back this time.

"Okay!" Tianci clapped his hands, "Roland, I'll teach you how to do it later, and you help Adela rub it for half an hour, otherwise I'm afraid there will be sequelae affecting her fighting spirit cultivation!"

Adela clasped her left shoulder with her right hand, her left arm was able to move, she turned her head to face Tianci, "I surrendered this time!" After saying that, she ran towards the attic.The tears in my eyes on the road could no longer be held back. . .

Tianci picked up the spear from the ground and handed it to Roland, "Hurry up!"

He took the spear, "Aren't you going to teach me how to do it?"

"Whatever the trick is, just rub it casually to remove the accumulated blood!" Tianci urged.

Roland was taken aback, "Then you just said..."

"Didn't I say that she would let you rub her? I'm creating an opportunity for you!" Tianci said impatiently.

Roland instantly understood, and looked at Sorcerer Pavel with a silly smile.

Wizard Pavel waved his hand, "Look at me! Why don't you go quickly?"

Looking at Roland's back, he sighed, why didn't Roland allocate some of his magical talents to please Adela?

"Boy, I really underestimated you!" Pavel the wizard stroked his burned beard, walked back and forth to look at Tianci, his eyes were shining.


Tianci's expression changed and he ran towards Yu'er with a smile on his face, "I said, Yu'er, why did you fly out just now? Don't catch me? I'm really worried about you. Let me see if you were damaged?"

Yu'er was stunned and stretched out sharp nails.

"Okay, okay! This time, you have made great efforts, so I will give you another military exploit!"

That's about it!Yu'er made a clever move, ran up to Tianci's shoulder, scratched Tianci with her little paw, what does it mean to be an effort, without Benhu's cover, can you get close easily?
Wizard Pavel looked at Tianci even more strangely this time, "I didn't expect you to cooperate so well with monsters! I'm afraid that even high-level monsters that have been subdued for decades are not as tacit as you!"

Tianci smiled and nodded Yu'er, "Our brothers have been together since birth, eating, drinking and sleeping together for more than 20 years, of course no one else can compare!"


"Boy, I thought you were just a mediocre person before. It seems that I was wrong. You can defeat a vindictive person by relying on martial arts alone. You can be regarded as unprecedented! Are you interested in competing with me? I promise not!" It will hurt you!" said the wizard Pavel.

"Hehe, you are an eighth-level magician. My magic is only enchantment, and my martial arts can barely beat the fourth-level grudge. How can I be your opponent? But I really want to experience the eighth-level magic right now. I don’t know if Pavel Sorcerer can fulfill it?”

Wizard Pavel chuckled, "Just want to experience eighth-level magic?"

Tianci nodded.A seventh-level mage cannot break through the magic barrier, so he is not afraid at all.Seventh-level battle qi fighters are not their opponents as long as they spend enough time.I have experienced the eighth level of grudge, and I have no power to fight back!I don't know what the power of this eighth-level magic is?
"Hahaha, good! I will help you, go, go in the middle!"

Tianci followed Pavel Sorcerer to the middle.The fire magicians who watched were even more excited.
"Has the magic barrier opened?"

Tianci nodded. There was a five-meter-thick magic barrier in front of him. The thickness of a finger was enough to block the seventh-level magic with mystery. Now it is five meters thick, and it can't be blocked!
"Then I'll start!" Wizard Pavel looked serious, spreading his hands and gesticulating in front of him.

"Cloud addicted to meteor fire!"

The space in front of Tianci suddenly turned fiery red, and Tianci's eyes lit up, so familiar!Roland was exhausted yesterday. When many great magicians released their magic shields to help resist the Frost Dragon, they saw such a fiery red. After that, all the magic shields disappeared.

The dense fire elements in the red light were extremely excited, but their fluctuations did not change. . .No, Tianci suddenly discovered that all the fire elements were fluctuating horizontally!

The materialization is completed in an instant, not a fireball, not a rocket but a cloud of fire, more like a sunset.Huoyun rushed towards the magic barrier frantically, trembling violently, the magic barrier blocked the fire cloud, and the fire cloud suddenly burst out with incomparable energy, the fire element of the magic barrier began to tremble, and the strongest triangle began to form into pieces The collapse is like a thousand-hundred-pound boulder suddenly falling from a wooden stick tripod with thick fingers, snapping, snapping!

The power and impact of the eighth-level magic exceeded the range that the point distance of the silk shield could bear. The supporting force between each fire element was washed away immediately, and all the fire elements collapsed.

The triangular body is strong because it has no layers, and it depends on each other to survive, and everything exists, and at the same time, everything is destroyed!
The fire cloud rushed like a flood, and the magic barrier it encountered was like a loose embankment, which collapsed in one rush!The five-meter-thick magical enchantment between breaths has disappeared by three meters.

Tianci didn't care about the collapse of the magic barrier at this time, but focused on Huoyun's attack mode.

If the Mystery of Violence increases the amplitude of the fire element, once it explodes, it will instantly release irresistible energy, carrying a wave of fire and destroying everything around it.Then the devouring profound meaning is not so violent, it is deeply attacking everything it can touch.To put it simply, the mystery of violence is to scrape the ground and cut grass, while the mystery of devouring is to dig up the ground and root out!
This is the profound meaning of devouring!Relying on the huge power attack produced by converging and concentrating energy!

Tianci smiled slightly. In front of such a huge fire cloud, the surrounding temperature does not rise, which can best explain the degree of its energy convergence!Godsend has a little understanding!
The fire cloud devoured all the magic barriers and rushed towards Tianci!

"Ice Wall Technique!"

Suddenly a thick wall of ice appeared in front of Tianci, and a terrifying cold air emanated from the ice wall.

Huoyun unscrupulously rushed towards the ice wall.The cold air on the ice wall disappeared instantly, and the entire ice wall was covered by fire clouds. The ice wall burned rapidly, and the blue flame was particularly terrifying.The thick ice wall between the breath completely burned and disappeared in front of him.

Wizard Pavel was about to take back his magic, when he suddenly saw the corner of Tianci's mouth turned up, the magic barrier was broken, and the ice wall was burned. Do you have anything else to rely on?The corners of the mouth are also raised.

The fire cloud did not disappear, and rushed towards Tianci.The bright red fire cloud enveloped Tianci.

"Ah!!" The great magicians all around exclaimed at the same time!Pavel Sorcerer's eyelids and eyelids tightened suddenly, trembling unceasingly.

The fire cloud dissipated, and Tianci stood firmly in the middle with a smile on his face, without any trace of burnt on his body!

With a heavy and gloomy face, Pavel the wizard stared at Tianci, "Good boy, you can even dispel my magic, you can do it! You can do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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