Godsend Field

Chapter 231 See Qin

Chapter 231 See Qin
Just when Tianci was about to be engulfed by the fire cloud, a voice like a silver bell rang beside his ears.

"Ice Wall Technique!"

A thick ice wall blocked Tianci, and the fire cloud hit the ice wall and quickly burned it up.Tianci stared at the fire cloud. It would be very easy for Tianci to control the ordinary fire element, but it might not be so easy to control the fire element with increased fluctuation.At least stop its fluctuations first.

It was the first time that he didn't dare to be careless in the face of the eighth-level magic godsend, and his mind quickly spread out under his consciousness, like an all-pervasive net, wrapping the fire element in front of him.Stop the volatility. . .dissipate. . .

The huge fire cloud seemed to be a small hole dug by a mouse, and Tianci was safe and sound in the hole.

Feeling that a small part of his magic had suddenly lost his spiritual connection with him, Pavel Magister was horrified. He had never felt such a feeling after dealing with the fire element all his life, and he made a quick decision. The magic dissipated.Staring at Tianci, Pavel was puzzled for a long time, and walked back to the attic alone to think.

Surprisingly safe and sound in the cloud and fire?
The great magicians watching around were puzzled, even if he is not afraid of fire, what about his clothes, clothes must not be also afraid of fire.It seems that there is only one reason, and that is that Pavel Sorcerer released a godsend code!
Yesterday Godsend caused Pavel Magister to make such a big mess, but today Pavel Magister did not punish him in the slightest. . .

Tianci ignored everyone and ran towards the attic door.

"Qin'er, you're awake!" Tianci said with an excited smile.

Qin'er's reddish face suddenly stiffened, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, a ball of water polo hit the oncoming Tianci, furiously "Stinky boy, why did you leave me, why did you let me go alone, I really It's so unbearable, is it really a burden!"

Tianci jumped to the left on tiptoe, avoiding the water polo, "I... When did I say you are a burden?"

"You still don't admit it? Then you ask it!" Qin'er angrily pointed at Yu'er on Tianci's shoulder.

Tianci looked at Yu'er suspiciously.Yu'er screamed, pointed at herself and pointed at Tianci, stretched out the longest nail from the flesh, then pointed at Qin'er, stretched out the shortest nail, tilted her head for a while and retracted halfway. . .

Qin'er was very annoyed.

Godsend broke out in sweat, "I just asked you to protect her and stop her from messing around. How could you say that about her? Remember that you made a serious mistake and confiscated one of your military achievements!"

Yu'er panicked, yelled in grievance, and her little paws gestured back and forth. This was clearly explained by Tianci before leaving, saying that she would go back if she would not be in danger, and asked Benhu to protect Qin'er and stop Qin'er The son looked back to him, and said that after the matter was completed, he would make a military contribution once.Benhu clearly completed the task perfectly, and Qin'er had to stop Qin'er from running away many times. . .In the past, it was so easy to accumulate three military merits, but I thought it would be possible to reach four. This is a good thing, and one was confiscated in a blink of an eye. Will the fox be allowed to live?
"Admit it now, tell me, am I really that bad? You two are too bullying!" Qin'er felt sore and suddenly wanted to cry, her stubborn character made Qin'er forcefully hold back "I'll let you Look at my strength!"

"Frost Dragon!"

A huge frost dragon hovered and flew towards Tianci.

Tianci was about to dodge, when suddenly he heard Yu'er screaming, scratching Tianci with his little paw.

With a kick of four legs, Yu'er rushed towards the Frost Dragon, the red hair all over her body began to tremble, and her outstretched claws suddenly shot out nearly one meter of fiery red sharp nails just before they touched the dragon's head.

Fire element mutation!
The ferocious dragon head opened its mouth wide and swallowed Yu'er in one gulp.


A sharp sound rang out, and the huge dragon's body burst out with red light from time to time.Just when Longzui was about to annex Tianci, the entire dragon body suddenly broke piece by piece, fell to the ground, and shattered into countless ice crystals.

In mid-air, Yu'er's little claws kicked against a piece of ice suddenly, her small body jumped back to Tianci's shoulder, grinning and stretched out her little claws, showing off her might.How about now, believe in your own credit.

The kicked ice cube flew towards Qin'er opposite, and landed on Qin'er's toes impartially, shattering.

"You..." Qin'er was ashamed and pointed at Tianci with her jade finger trembling. Her strongest magic was broken so easily by Yu'er. nice one!"

God-sent profusely, originally wanted to be beaten a few times to let Qin'er calm down, but then thought that Yu'er would forcibly smash Qin'er's magic in order to show her skills in front of her.

"Qin'er, it's actually not like this, I..."

"Hmph! I see it clearly, you all look down on me, you are not good people!" Qin'er turned and ran towards the attic in shame.

Tianci froze in place, helplessly looking at Yu'er who was expressing his merits.

After a while, Roland ran out in a hurry, lowering his head and covering up.

"Roland?" Tianci held back, and was surprised to see Roland's dark eyes, "You... didn't you go up and rub her to loosen the bruise? How could you be beaten like this?"

"I...I..." Roland stammered, "I was...but she soon found out..."

Godsend discouraged "You can't keep rubbing one place with your fingers!"

Roland looked at Tianci in surprise, "Ah...you...how do you know?"

Tianci was completely speechless "I just said to use a specific technique, but you only use your fingers to rub one place from the beginning to the end, and a three-year-old child can see that there is a ghost! You will not be flexible, around the shoulder blades, fingers and elbows Pressing, pushing with the palm, pressing with the arm...these are all common sense, can't you change it?"

Roland was ashamed and speechless.

Tianci sighed, "Forget it, I know you are not as good as a three-year-old child in front of Adela... I will teach you some basic techniques, so you can deal with Adela's injuries in the future!"

Roland was overjoyed. Adela is a warrior, and injuries are inevitable. Although magic can heal wounds, blood congestion cannot be healed, and it still needs manual rubbing.

Seeing Roland's happy face, God sent a long sigh, mother was so right, beauty is really in the eye of the beholder, and then the hero is sad about beauty!
In a word, Roland is hopeless!
In the corner of the square, Tianci relied on Bai Ying to dictate the demonstration, and Roland listened carefully and recorded carefully.Anrui taught Tianci these techniques since he was a child, and Tianci was often injured when he was a child before he cleared his flow. This is how Anrui helped Tianci massage.God-given old illness turned into a doctor naturally speaks clearly and logically. Roland has never been in contact with it, so he is very interested and asks questions from time to time.

In order to let Roland understand as soon as possible, Tianci used Roland's panda eyes as a demonstration, and also increased the three-point force of the attack. The painful Roland almost didn't shed tears.

It took a lot of time to explain it to Roland. Roland closed the book full of records and felt at ease, "God-given, thank you so much. Without you, I really don't know what I would do now." Just do it!"

Tianci looked at Roland with disdain, "You, you must have done something to Adela in your previous life, and you will be eaten to death in this life!"

Roland smiled foolishly, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot. When I was beaten just now, Qin'er ran to Adela's and cried. Everyone is scolding you!"

Tianci sulked, he offended one, and Yu'er offended one, from now on we brothers will have to suffer!
In the attics of each empire, in addition to providing places for great magicians from all over the world to rest and meditate, there are also food and beverages, but the taste is not very good.Those who can become a great magician will be subsidized by the empire. Although they can't make rich clothes and fine food, they can eat well and drink spicy food.In Genoa, as long as you have the qualifications of a great magician certified by the Magic Union, all hotels and restaurants will give you a [-]% discount.

"Tianci, let's eat something here, I'll call Qin'er and the others!"

After a while, Adela and Qin'er came out arm in arm, and when they saw Tianci snorted softly, they ignored it.

"Ah, unicorn! Look, unicorn!" Qin'er suddenly looked at Baiying with excited eyes, pulled Adela and ran over.

"Don't run away, it won't pay attention to you! It's a shame that I helped it get water for a bath today, and it doesn't appreciate it, and it won't let you touch it!" Adela said angrily.

Qin'er rushed forward, wanting to touch Bai Ying, but Bai Ying breathed heavily and looked at the two who ran over vigilantly.

Qin'er stopped in her tracks, "Why is it here, and whose is it?"

"Who else, it belongs to your brat!"

Qin'er was taken aback, then turned to look at Tianci, and stretched out a small white hand like jade, "Stinky boy, give it to me, and I will forgive you for all your past mistakes!"

Tianci was dumbfounded, "Qin'er, it's a high-level monster called Baiying, and it can't be given away, it can only be approved by him!" Tianci walked to Baiying's side, gently stroked and discussed, "Both of them are my friends, Can you just let them touch it?"

Only then did Bai Ying relax.

Qin'er and Adela approached carefully and stroked gently. The unicorn's fur is more textured than ordinary horses. It is soft and comfortable to touch. Even if you get angry next to the unicorn, you can quickly calm down down.

"Boy, can I ride it?"

Looking at Bai Ying, Tianci shook his head, "Although Bai Ying doesn't reject you, he doesn't approve of you either. There is no way!"

Adela and Qin'er both understand that the more advanced the monster, the stronger its self-esteem, let alone the purest unicorn?

Seeing the disappointed expressions of the two, Yu'er hopped onto the back of the unicorn and sat upright, howling and showing off.

Qin'er frowned and said angrily, "Stinky boy, you lied to me again! Why can Siyu'er go up? It can be such a rascal, can it be that I am not as good as a rascal?"

Yu'er was even more proud, and her tail wagged even more happily.

"This... maybe because Yu'er is... special treatment!"

Qin'er was taken aback for a moment, then thought that Yu'er might be the king beast, so she stopped asking, "Good Yu'er, come here and give me a hug!"

Roland ran in from the outside, and seeing everyone gathered around the unicorn, he also walked over, reaching out to stroke Shirai.

Suddenly, Shiro shadow lowered his head, and stabbed at Roland with his crystal-clear unicorn.Roland panicked and backed away, but a wound was still drawn.Tianci hurriedly tried to persuade Shirai Shadow, but no matter what, Shirai Shadow never let Roland get close to him.

Roland smiled awkwardly, "Maybe it's because I didn't change my clothes yesterday, so it's a bit dirty!"

Finding a dining table near the entrance of the hall, Roland took out special dishes specially bought from Baihua Restaurant and placed them on the table, "Qin'er, you haven't eaten well for a long time, now Tianci is back, you can rest assured , eat more!"

With the sunset glow on Qin'er's face, she said angrily, "What are you talking about, who hasn't eaten well! I don't know how delicious the food I have eaten in the past few months!"

Roland was taken aback, and sat down with a silly smile.

"It smells so good! Then I'm sorry!" Qin'er picked up the chopsticks and kept putting the delicious food into her bowl. "It's delicious!"

Adela carefully shaved the bones of the sweet rose fish in front of her and put it in Qin'er's rice bowl. It has been almost half a year, but Qin'er has not eaten a single Ansheng meal.

"Tianci, do you still remember what you said to me in the Imperial College last time?" Roland put down the bowl and chopsticks.

"That sentence? I remember talking to you a lot before!" Tianci asked strangely.

"The one about art?"

"Oh, I seem to remember, I told you that when I was chatting with the Lord Gnesen in the capital of Central Austria, he mentioned the art of gambling and the art of magic to me. But I don't know much about magic. , so I can’t understand it, why do you understand it?”

Roland shook his head, "I don't know!"

Adela put the thorny fish pieces into Roland's bowl and complained, "If you have it, you don't have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it. What do you mean you don't know!"

"However, Roland, when the Lord Gneison gave me a gift later, he once told me that a gamble of two lives and three lucks seems to be very mysterious. I haven't understood it yet!"

Roland was thoughtful.

"Roland, has Wizard Pavel been teaching you all this time? I think he still seems to hold a grudge against me! I didn't know that day, so I did it!" Tianci said with some guilt.

Qin'er suddenly giggled, "I saw Pavel's beard, it's almost gone!"

Roland was helpless, "Actually, Pavel is a very good mage, but his temper is a bit weird. Master Weiss said that although everyone is an eighth-level fire mage, he is not as strong as Pavel's mage." .This has nothing to do with the mysteries and esoteric meanings that each has comprehended, it's just because there are many miscellaneous things in the master's academy, but Pavel the magician is extremely persistent and doesn't care about anything except magic!"

"Hmph! These are all excuses. My master still has a lot of chores, isn't his magic attainment unparalleled in the world?" Qin'er said disdainfully.

"This is incomparable. How many people are there on the mainland like Dean Rafael?" Tianci said, looking at Roland again, "I heard from them that Pavel seems to be trying to force your potential, because You still don’t have the feeling of mystery or mystery, do you?”

Roland smiled awkwardly.

Tianci put down his chopsticks, "I received the eighth-level magic from Pavel Sorcerer today, and I have a little understanding of the mysteries of devouring, why don't we discuss it?"

Roland was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"You guys have to discuss and go to the side, don't disturb me and Qin'er eating!" Adela pointed to the square outside.

Anyway, they were almost full after eating, so Tianci and Roland walked towards the square side by side. Tianci didn't need to say more about the mystery of violence. Weiss must have explained it thoroughly, so Tianci discussed the feeling and changes of devouring the mystery with Roland.

Qin'er didn't seem to be full yet, so she continued picking.Yu'er rushed to the seat given by Tianci, and jumped onto the countertop to look for something to eat.Although this situation has happened many times, Adela is still not used to eating with monsters, so she put down the tableware and looked at the figure outside.

"Qin'er, don't blame me for being troublesome, have you thought it through?" Adela asked suddenly.

Qin'er was taken aback, "Is it clear? Why do you want to be clear?"

Adela sits closer and points out "I mean him!"


"Don't forget, he's already engaged to Li'er. If you too...then with the special identities of the two of you, one of you must back down!"

Qin'er blushed, put down her chopsticks and said coquettishly, "What are you talking about, why don't you back down!"

Adela sighed, "I really don't know what's so good about him to make you both so determined!"

Qin'er was even more embarrassed, her face was on fire, "Adela, what nonsense are you talking about, what are you determined to do, I have never liked this brat! Don't talk nonsense!"

Seeing Qin'er's appearance of a little woman who is deceiving her ears, Adela finds it funny, "I'm talking nonsense? I don't know who has been waiting on the gate of the city every day for the past few months, and who is not thinking about food all day long?" I don't want to, who ran to me today and cried, who..."

"What, what, what!" Qin'er hurriedly interrupted Adela, "I... I'm just grateful that he saved me, I've never been tempted by him! And... and... I eat I'm full, I'm going to bed!"

He rushed upstairs in a panic, leaving Adela sitting at the table alone, watching Yu Er unscrupulously sweeping across the table, "Oh, I really don't know how they will develop, I hope no one gets hurt! He also suffered the injury, hum!"

"Roland, that's all I know!" Tianci stopped in his tracks.

"Some of what you said has been said by Pavel the Sorcerer, and some he has not. It really benefits a lot from listening to it, thank you for the gift!" Roland said apologetically.

"Thank you! I heard that for a magician with good talent, you can feel it in the middle of the sixth level. Why do you still have no feeling? Your talent is the best on the mainland!"

Roland smiled wryly, hesitant to speak, and finally mustered up the courage, "God-given, you can be said to be my best friend. You have a real temperament and have helped me a lot, so I don't want to hide it from you. I—— have feelings!"

Godsend was overjoyed, and patted Roland's broad shoulders, "So you already felt it, but you still lied to us that you didn't, causing us to worry in vain, and wasting so much of my saliva! Then tell me whether you are the mystery of violence or Devouring the profound meaning?"

Roland had a serious expression, "Neither of them!"

Tianci froze for a moment, "No, then what did you feel? Could it be that there is a third kind of mystery in fire magic?"

Shaking his head "No!"

Tianci stared at Roland.Roland looked up at the sky, inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"You won't believe me when I say it. My own feeling is that my feeling has nothing to do with the fire element!"

Tianci's heart trembled slightly, "You mean that what you feel has surpassed the elemental magic itself?"

"I don't know, but I can be sure that it does not belong to the category of fire magic. That's why I have never dared to say it! And I have a hunch that since I have this feeling, it is impossible for me to comprehend it in my life Any elemental mysteries or mysteries!"

(End of this chapter)

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