Godsend Field

232. Chapter [-]

232. Chapter [-]

I was shocked when I heard Roland's words, "How could this happen? If you can't comprehend the mysteries, how will you be promoted to a mage in the future? How will you be promoted to a great magister? How will you succeed as a saint?"

Roland was trembling and frightened, clenched his fists tightly, and closed his eyes in pain, "I felt this way in Imperial College, but I was afraid! I am here today because of my talent, if I don't Talent, if I can't be promoted to a mage, I will lose everything...I will lose...so I am afraid, I dare not say it!"

Tianci calmed down and patted Roland on the shoulder, "I know what you are afraid of. You are afraid that you will lose Adela in the end!"

Roland nodded and his eyes were moist, "I am the son of a servant, if I can only go to the great magician, it will mean that it is impossible for me and her, after all, the big magician is not really a strong person. So this time Later, I hope to get guidance from Pavel Sorcerer, I fantasize that I can comprehend the mystery of devouring, but the more I practice, the more I am convinced that I can't comprehend it. I really don't know what I will do in the future!"

There is no other way for Godsend, if Roland still doesn't understand, then he can learn and research, but if the talent does not exist, then there is really no way.What's more, Adela is not a woman from an ordinary family.

"Roland, don't be sad, can you tell me what you feel?"

Roland shook his head, "I'm not very clear yet, so I can't say."

"Then why do you have this feeling, when did you start?" Tianci asked anxiously.

Roland tried hard to recall, "Ever since you told me about the art of magic, I have been thinking about the art of fire magic, but I have never had a clue. Later, I started to focus on practicing wind magic... Yes, just when I I have this feeling not long after practicing wind magic!"

Tianci looked at Roland suspiciously, really couldn't believe it.

Roland smiled wryly, "Even you don't believe it, right?"

Tianci shook his head, "I believe it!"

"You actually believe it?" Roland said in surprise.

Tianci put her hands behind her back, "There are too many things in this world that cannot be explained! I don't believe what you say, I believe in you!"

"Then what do you say I should do?"

Tianci was silent for a long time, "Any existence is justified! Since your feeling exists, then you might as well cultivate according to your feeling, it's better than comprehending profound things like knowing it's impossible!"

Roland was stunned and murmured, "Existence is the truth...existence is the truth...you let me think about it!"

It was getting late, and Roland walked back to his room full of thoughts.Tianci came to rest next to Baiying, and sat on the ground leaning against Baiying. He had been out for so long this time, and he didn't know what happened to his parents Nero and Lier!

"Brat, why don't you go to bed?" Qin'er walked out alone.

"I want to sit for a while!" Tianci stood up, "Aren't you asleep yet?"

"I'll give you this back!" Qin'er threw a space ring.

Tianci took it and put it on his hand, but the contents inside were still the same.

"After Valencia, how did you escape?" Qin'er asked with concern.

Godsend smiled, it would be very difficult to tell others, but if you tell Qin'er, you don't have any worries, Qin'er knows her secret, "This is a long story, let's sit here and talk!"

Qin'er took out a delicate cushion embroidered with roses and sat beside Bai Ying, hesitated for a moment, then took out another cushion and handed it to Tianci.

After sitting down, Tianci started talking about being escorted on the road by two guests of the George family. Qin'er was furious when she heard that they planned to break up Tianci's spirit.When talking about the battle in the miasma forest, Qin'er couldn't help but get nervous.

"According to what you said, no matter how many high-level swordsmen there are, they are no longer your opponents?" Qin'er asked in surprise.

Tianci thought for a while, "I don't know yet, but if in the forest, I wouldn't be afraid if a hundred high-level swordsmen fight together!"

Ignoring Qin'er's surprised gaze, Tianci continued to talk, and kept saying that he completed the mission with the mercenary group in the gray wetland.Then he took out the complete spirit deer antler and handed it to Qin'er.

After receiving the antler, Qin'er was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

"How many purple gold coins did you spend on this? Sell it to me!" Qin'er held the antler fondly.

"This one is the biggest, I spent three hundred purple gold coins!"

"It's only three hundred, it's not expensive, it's not expensive! I'll give it to you when I return to the academy!" Qin'er said happily, and immediately received the velvet antler into her interspatial ring, for fear that the godsend would regret it.

"You don't need to give it to me, I also found my purple gold coins from those warriors who chased and killed me." As he spoke, Tianci moved his palm slightly, and dozens of space rings appeared.

Qin'er's eyes widened. How many senior swordsmen did he kill?

"And these, I prepared them for you!" Tianci said as he took out the alchemy materials he hunted along the way from the interspatial ring.

Heptapod snake venom, orchid heart poisonous grass, red heart fruit, human-shaped root, dark mushroom king. . .There are also a lot of Warcraft materials.

"These are all for me?" Qin'er said in surprise.

Received into an empty space ring, Godsent handed it to Qin'er.

"Qin'er, we have caused such a big disaster in Spain, I think we should go back to Ancona as soon as possible!" Tianci said.

Qin'er nodded, "Okay, I miss Master too! Let's talk to the two tutors tomorrow!"

Going back to the room, she took out the whole spirit deer antler. Qin'er rested her chin in her hands and stared blankly. This brat didn't forget to prepare a gift for himself when he ran for his life. . .Qin'er smiled foolishly.

At noon the next day, Tianci took Yu'er and Qin'er to the fifth floor of the attic to find Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks, but unfortunately they were not there.

"Let's go to the square and wait for a while, maybe they will come back later!" Tianci said.

As soon as he arrived at the square, a group of people came to meet him.

The leader was furious. It was the great magician Clement who was punched into the Weishui River by God that day. On both sides were great magicians from the Spanish Empire and the Gran Empire. Kofi and Annan were among them. .Clement was thrown into the river by Godsend, drank a lot of water, and vomited and had diarrhea when he came back. He just got better last night.

"Clement, it's him, he's the one who attacked you!" The great magicians all around pointed at Tianci.

"Clement, what do you want to do?" Qin'er stepped out and stood in front of Tianci.

Everyone's eyes immediately fell out. Qin'er, who usually doesn't even want to say a word, took the initiative to defend a man.Could it be that he is the rumored person that Qin'er looks forward to every day?

Seeing Qin'er taking the initiative to protect Tianci, Clement was jealous, "Miss Qin'er, who is this?"

"I don't need to tell you! Tianci, let's go!" Qin'er took the initiative to pull Tianci's sleeve.

"Stop!" Clement roared, his eyes filled with jealousy, "You were the one who attacked me that day?"

"That's right, it's me! You and Roland are just challenging each other, and the outcome is already decided, so why do you want to kill? You can only blame yourself!" Tianci said coldly.

"Hmph, you're not too soft-spoken! You just know how to sneak up on people! I'll challenge you now!" Clement shouted, pointing at Tianci's nose.

Qin'er was annoyed, "Clement, have you had enough trouble! First, we planned to leave! Second, he will not accept your challenge, because you are not a god-given opponent!"

Qin'er's two short sentences deeply hurt Clement.

"Good! Good! Don't accept my challenge! Then I will take you as a mercenary to complete the task now!" Clement said fiercely, flipped his palm, and a mercenary card appeared in his hand.

"Hahaha! Did the little mercenary accomplish the task of our magic union? You really have a lot of guts!" A loud shout came out suddenly.It is the Buster wizard and the Trunks wizard.

"Clement, don't you know the rules to reveal your identity as a mercenary in the Magic Union?" Wizard Buster said angrily in a low voice.

Clement put away the mercenary card in embarrassment, "I was in a hurry, and I hope the two mentors will forgive me!"

Wizard Buster sneered, "This is the first and last time! Remember?"

"I remember! Thank you two instructors for teaching!" Clement said unwillingly.

"And you, you have insulted the Welsh Empire with your words last time, and now you want to threaten the Marquis of our Empire?" the Trunks wizard looked around the crowd and said angrily.

"Don't dare, dare not..." Many great magicians apologized and left.

Clement, Kofi, and Annan walked away unwillingly.

Tianci saluted the two wizards, "Thank you, the two mentors, for making the rescue! Qin'er and I also have something to discuss with the two mentors! We have been away for many days, and we are looking forward to returning home, so we want to bid farewell to the two mentors and return to Ancona!"

"Tianci, you should stay for a few more days!" The Trunks wizard patted Tianci on the shoulder.

Tianci was taken aback, "Why?"

"Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that the three elders want to see you!"

"Ge Lao?" Tianci was surprised.

"Let's go, I'll explain to you as we go" said the Trunks wizard and walked out of the city with the gift of God, while the Buster wizard and Qin'er stayed behind.

Along the way, Tianci unfolded his consciousness, and many mercenaries secretly looked at him and followed him behind his back.If it wasn't for the Trunks wizards by his side, they would have come up to catch him long ago!
This is the attraction of the nine-star mission.

The Trunks wizard didn't take it seriously, and explained to Tianci about the General Union of Magic.

The magic guild and the knight guild were established around the same time, with a long history.The Knights Guild includes all warriors, and he promotes the spirit of chivalry.The magic union mainly focuses on the research of magic elements.Thousands of years ago, the most popular on the mainland were magic unions, knight unions, and the Illuminati Church. However, just 6000 years ago, mercenary unions suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The mercenary union quickly attracted a large number of warriors and mages to join, so that in the next few hundred years, the mercenary union continued to grow, and finally even surpassed the magic union and the knight union, becoming the only low-level Abnormal existence in the Church of Light.

Because of the instruction of the God of Light, the Guangming Sect has been doing things to help the people for tens of thousands of years, and has hardly intervened in the changes on the mainland.Even if there is a big war, at most a group of priests and priests will be sent to rescue the wounded.

The mercenary union is different. They don't have any constraints. As long as someone sends out a mission and the reward is reasonable, there will be a mercenary group to take it, including war!So after thousands of years, the mercenary union has become a faint force on the mainland.

In contrast, the magic guild and the mercenary guild seem to be a bit self-confident. After thousands of years, there has been no progress other than barely maintaining the status quo.But having said that, even so, the magic union still has a lot of influence through the accumulation of prestige over the past ten thousand years.

Tianci heard the general meaning.

"Mr. Trunks, so the mercenary union really has that much influence?" Tianci asked.

"That's right! The model and system of the mercenary guild are much superior to ours. They can support a lot of warrior mages through the task reward model, so now more and more warrior mages think of themselves as mercenaries first, and secondly. Be it a mage, a swordsman or a knight. If this happens for a long time, the influence of our magic union will become weaker and weaker."

"But isn't there a lot of great magicians in the Magician's Guild?"

"Hehe, Godsend, let me ask you, among a hundred apprentice magicians, how many can become magicians, and how many can become great magicians?"

"I'm not very clear about other colleges, but almost everyone can become a magician in Imperial College, it's just a matter of age. As for being able to become a great magician, I'm afraid it should be less than [-]%."

"That's right, but what you're talking about is the Imperial Academy, where the most talented students of the empire are concentrated, so the situation is naturally much better. If it is put in the colleges of various provinces or local colleges, the situation may not be so optimistic. It’s not bad to have one or two achievements!”

Tianci nodded, and it was true.

"Then guess again, how many of the 1 apprentices can become magisters? Great magisters?"

Tianci chuckled, "I don't know about that. But I think there will be no more than ten. As for the great magister, even if there are [-], there may not be one!"

The Trunks wizard sighed, "That's where the problem lies! 1 magic apprentices can produce less than [-] great magicians, and ten magicians. And the really valuable ones on the mainland are Starting from the great magician, what about the eight or nine thousand apprentice magicians? What about the magicians? Our magic union cannot take care of them, and the mercenary union is the best place for them. What you see in the magic union is nothing but Great magicians who hope to advance, for those large numbers of great magicians who have no hope of advancing, they often choose the mercenary union, where they can provide them with purple gold coins that we cannot provide."

Tianci's expression turned serious, "So the mercenary union will grow stronger and stronger!"

"Hey, the magic union and the knight union are indeed ancient, like two bloated elephants. The mercenary union is like a wolf full of vitality. For 6000 years, this wolf cub has eaten the elephant The flesh of the wolf has grown into a male wolf that is bigger than an elephant. The claws of this wolf are already quite sharp!"

"But Trunks Sorcerer, what does this have to do with me? Why does Mr. Ge want to see me?"

"Hehe, you'll know when you get there! But Godsend, although on the surface the Magic Federation is jointly handled by eight representatives from our four empires, it's not us who can really make decisions, but the three elders!"

Godsend smile, just like the mercenary union has the three elders of the upper house, the real trump card power of the Magic Federation is not the eight magicians on the surface, but the three elders, but the three elders are obsessed with magic research all the year round. It was only when people asked about the world that they were gradually forgotten.

"Tranks wizards, I want to ask, you are all eighth-level wizards, what is the level of the three elders?" Tianci asked.

"Hehe, the three elders are much stronger than us, what do you think?"

"Great Magister!!" Tianci stared at the Trunks Magister with wide eyes.

"What are you staring at me for, is it weird?"

"Great Magister, why have I never heard of it before?"

The Trunks mage was amused by Tianci's surprised expression, "The training of a magician is different from that of a warrior. People who can become great magisters will be a little bit of a cloak, so you don't know. If it weren't for Dean Rafal, we The holy one, maybe it's not the elder of the third pavilion, but the elder of the fourth pavilion!"

Godsend is relieved, even Dean Rafal is hiding in a remote attic, let alone someone who is not a department head level.

"Okay, we're outside the city, let's ride there!" The Trunks mage took the two horses from the guard at the city gate.

"I still have to ride a horse. If I had known earlier, I would have called Bai Ying!" Tianci murmured.

"You call it, what about me? Do you eat dirt and drink dust after you?" The Trunks wizard said angrily.

The two of them rode steeds towards the north, which was in the direction of the Donglan Valley, and the roads all went out from the west gate and bypassed the Xilan Mountain Peak, so after running for a while, the road turned to the west, and in front There is no way.Under the leadership of the Trunks wizard, they continued to drive north, and after running for half an hour, they came to a quiet village.There are only three or four families here, surrounded by a circle of fences, and the surrounding fields have long been abandoned and are full of wild vegetables and wild flowers.

Jumping off the horse, the Trunks wizard led Tianci respectfully pushed open the fence gate, and walked in carefully.

The three simple thatched huts are in the shape of a character, with a small courtyard in the middle, a stone table and three stone benches.

Sitting on the stone bench was a man with fluttering silver hair and kind eyes. He was wearing farmer-like clothes. Anyone who looked at him would think he was just a farmer.

"Heavenly gift, this is Mr. Agula Taige of our magic union!" The Trunks mage introduced respectfully.

Tianci quickly stepped forward to salute, "Tianci, the Marquis of the Welsh Empire, pays homage to Mr. Agula Taige!"

"Get up!" Agula Taige sat up and looked at Tianci.

As soon as Tianci stood firm, he suddenly felt a slight tremor under his feet, and jumped back quickly.


The place where Tianci was standing collapsed rapidly, and the collapse spread rapidly. Tianci had no time to think and kept jumping back, but it was strange that such a big movement did not stir up dust.Immediately unfolding his consciousness, two of the three thatched huts were sitting in the old man dressed as a farmer, looking at him with piercing eyes, who is casting the spell?


After Tianci stood firm, the surrounding ground collapsed at the same time, and Tianci seemed to be standing on a hill at this time.

"Is it blocking my way out?" Tianci thought to himself.


Tianci suddenly felt that a large number of fire elements gathered under his feet at the same time and penetrated into the hill. Whether it was the number of fire elements or the magnitude of its fluctuations, Tianci felt palpitations.

"It's him?" Tianci suddenly found in one of the huts that a lot of fire elements also produced fluctuations.

"Up, Yu'er!" Tianci pointed at the cottage.

Yu'er screamed, sharp fiery red nails appeared on her front paws, and rushed up on Tianci's shoulder.

The person in the thatched cottage feels something and smiles slightly

"Molten Explosion Mountain Rock!"

(End of this chapter)

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