Godsend Field

Chapter 233 Calculation

Chapter 233 Calculation
Following the voice of the old man in the thatched hut, a huge opening was instantly split under Tianci's feet, revealing a fiery red area inside the hill.

To my horror, the fire element in the hill had already materialized, but it was not a raging fire, but a rolling magma.The flames unknowingly melted the rock and soil in the hill, and the magma was bubbling and bubbling. . .

No, it's going to be a storm!
The tumbling of the thick magma became more and more intense, and the bubbles became bigger and bigger.Tianci jumped towards the periphery, no longer caring about the collapsed ground. . .Tianci just ran a few steps, and suddenly stopped.

wrong!There are low valleys all around, and the first thing that will be submerged by the eruption of magma is the low valley. I don't have any protective magic, and I have to be stewed by then!Tianci turned his head and ran back to the hill.

"Boom!" The hill trembled suddenly, Tianci's eyes were filled with flames, and a large amount of magma erupted, like a huge fountain, which sprayed high into the sky and then spread out and fell to the surroundings.

Tianci stood in the middle of the mound, shocked, staring blankly at the magma erupting above his head, and then looking around, the magma had already flooded the surrounding valleys.The surrounding temperature rose instantly, Tianci's clothes had already started to smoke, and the skin began to crack due to the intense heat, and the blue light immediately recovered the damage to the body.The top of the hill continued to erupt, and the magma level was churning and slowly rising, reaching the bottom of Tianci's feet. The surrounding plants were engulfed by the magma, and there was no trace of life like hell.

Oh!Tianci's shoulder suddenly hurt, and a large drop of magma fell on his shoulder, burning his clothes and scorching his skin.Tianci looked up and saw that a large amount of magma was falling from the sky due to the weakening of the eruption.Without any time to think, Tianci quickly unfolded the magic barrier.

A large amount of magma baptism crashed down, hit the magic barrier and slid to the sides.

The storm was finally over, and there was lava all around, steaming hot, and the surrounding scenery was distorted and trembling.

Tianci was trapped on the hill and had no way to do it. Although the area of ​​magma around him was not very large, it was not something he could jump over by himself.Don't even think about going out unless you can fly.Looking at the trees around, Tianci shook his head, did he really want it. . .

"Aw~~" With a scream, Yu'er fell out of the hut.Yu'er immediately turned upside down, looked at the hut viciously, and was about to attack again.

"Yu'er, don't attack again!" Tianci shouted loudly.Just because Yu'er was hit, he knew that Yu'er was not his opponent.

Yu'er turned around and ran towards Tianci, ran to the side of the magma without any scruples, jumped into the magma with a whoosh, her little paws kicked casually to the side of the hill, shaking her body comfortably, unharmed.

Tianci's eyes lit up, and he whispered in Yu'er's ear.

Tianci found a direction with the least amount of magma, and ran at the same time as Yu'er, leaping into the air.

"Huh?" Old Agula Taige frowned.The Trunks wizard was even more horrified, rushing up and shouting, "No!!"

Tianci soared into the sky, and when it fell, Yu'er had already jumped to Tianci's feet, Tianci kicked hard, Yu'er sent it hard, Tianci rose into the sky again, higher and farther than the first time.

With a splash, Yu'er, who was kicked by Tianci, fell into the lava.

Even so, Tianci did not jump a third of the lava.Just as Tianci's rise was weakening and falling, a fireball suddenly erupted from the lava, and the high-speed fireball hit Tianci's back accurately from the back and below.

"Boom!" The fireball burst, and Tianci's back was in a mess and his body flew forward again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Driven by seven or eight fireballs, Tianci finally stood on the ground, panting, his clothes had already been burned, revealing his strong muscles.Yu'er had already swam over and jumped onto Tianci's shoulder, looking angrily at the thatched cottage.

The sky was bright red, and countless huge fireballs fell towards the thatched cottage in the sky, with a threatening momentum.Agula Taige looked up at the fireball and sat quietly, very leisurely.

Tianci's expression suddenly changed and he pointed to the left, "No, they are there!"

"Boom~~" The fireball fell down, destroying everything in an instant, and the flames spread.

"Hahaha, it's rare to be able to see through the old man's 'mirage' at a glance, really rare!" Agula Taige laughed.

The light distorted strangely, Tianci and Yu'er's eyes blurred, and they were actually facing an empty field, the weeds and flowers on it had been burned, and there were obvious traces of Yu'er's fireball bursting on the ground.On the left, Elder Agula Taige and two other elders sat safely on the stone bench, and the hut was safe and sound.

"Tianci, these are the three elders, you must not be rude!" The Trunks wizard ran over quickly and pulled Tianci, "Put on your clothes quickly!"

Tianci looked at the three old men and saw that none of them had any intention of making a move, so he took out his clothes and put them on.

Pulling Tianci over, the Trunks wizard respectfully introduced, "These three are the elders of our magic union, the elders of Agulatai, the elders of Barrett, and the elders of Hyde Krueger!"

Tianci bowed his hand and did not salute.

"Hahaha, why are you still guarding against us three old guys?" The elder Ge called Barrett laughed.

"Tianci, do you think that the power of Heide Kruger's molten rock is only so small? This is forbidden magic!" The Trunks wizard hurriedly pulled Tianci to salute.

"Forbidden magic?" Tianci was taken aback. The magic just now had earth and fire elements. It seems that the Trunks wizard was right.

"If Mr. Ge wants to harm you, even if you have wings, you won't be able to escape!"

Godsend is sincerely convinced, in fact it is.The lava just erupted and didn't attack him. If he really wanted to attack him, he might have already been turned into ashes.

Only then did Tianci salute respectfully, "Three elders!"

The three pavilion elders nodded their heads as a gesture of Godsend.Elder Barrett even stood up and walked around Tianci, "Not bad, not bad! No wonder Vikri can show off in front of us, he is indeed a formidable young man!"

"The three pavilion elders know my master?" Tianci was surprised.

"Hahaha, he has become a saint of the Faran Empire. If he doesn't even know the strong people in the territory, what will he do as a saint?" Agula Taige laughed loudly, "But Vicoli is also a talent , to be able to resist the temptation of the divine weapon, it's rare, rare!"

Godsend profusely, even Dean Rafal didn't call him Shizu boy, these three actually did. . .

"Don't be surprised, don't talk about Vikri, even if Rafal is here, why don't we call him a boy?"

Tianci was sweating even more profusely.Dean Rafal is already two hundred years old. Could it be that these three are over three hundred years old?

"Three pavilion elders, don't you know what you want from me?" Tianci asked.

"Tranks, there's nothing wrong here, you should go back first!" Agula Taige said.

"Yes!" The Trunks mage saluted and left.

Elder Barrett took out a seat and handed it to Tianci, "Little friend, sit down!"

After Tianci sat down, Elder Agula Taige said slowly, "Actually, besides being curious and wanting to meet you, we have come here this time to ask you for one more thing."

Tianci hurriedly stood up, "The old three elders are serious. If you have anything to do, just tell me, if I can do it, I will do it!"

"Sit down! We heard that you caused a lot of trouble in the Spanish Empire. You were able to kill so many of their masters, and you were able to escape from Brigitte's hands..."

Tianci sat down, "It's all because of the martial arts that my ancestor taught me, and also because of that unicorn that saved my life!"

"We all know this, but it seems to be circulating recently that the reason why you escaped from Brigitte's hands is because you have a piece of equipment that blesses life magic. I wonder if it's true?"

Godsend was taken aback for a moment, and he was able to survive such serious injuries that day in the gray wetland, so that Brigitte mistakenly thought that he had a piece of equipment that blessed life magic.Presumably, because Brigitte didn't catch him, the forty or fifty high-level swordsmen he brought with him were wiped out. He couldn't explain it when he went back, so he had to make a big fuss about his equipment and divert his attention.

Tianci hesitated for a moment, and the three elders knew it in their hearts.

"Tianci, don't be nervous, there are not many people who know this news. The three of us are already people who are going to be buried, not to mention that we haven't reached the peak in our respective magic, so how can we be greedy for you? What about the equipment? I'm just curious!" Agula Taige said.

"That's right. Back then, people thought that space magic and life magic were taboos for human beings. However, with the creation of the space ring and the short-distance space transmission, people saw hope. Now there is the use of life magic, which can't help us I'm curious. But don't worry, we just want to make sure, if it's possible to see it, it's worth living!" Heidekrugge said sincerely.

Tianci secretly thought that this secret might not be kept. Instead of letting others know that he knows life magic, it is better to make others think that what he has is the equipment that blesses life magic.What's more, my life magic all depends on the blue light, so let's treat it as equipment for the time being.

After figuring out this verse, Tianci felt relieved, "Three old elders, I'm sorry I can't take out some things, but I can demonstrate them to you!"

The three elders nodded.

With a little feather from Tianci, a fireball fell from the sky, and Tianci waved his hand at the fireball.The bursting flames burned the back of Tianci's hand beyond recognition.In front of the three pavilion elders, the heaven-sent blue light began to restore.

Seeing the shocking wounds recovering to their original shape in the breath, the three elders all exclaimed in amazement.

"Agulatai, this is faster and much better than your divine favor!" Elder Hyde Krueger sighed.

Agulatai smiled wryly, "That's true! I just saw you were hit by a few fireballs in the back, and thought you did it by using the magic enchantment accurately. It seems that you don't need it at all!"

"Three pavilion elders, you have seen what you want to see, is there anything else?" Tianci asked.

The three pavilion elders sat upright, "It turns out that it can really bless life magic!"

Agula Taige pondered for a moment, "Heavenly gift, we really have something to ask of you now! Although we don't know how to make this equipment and whether it consumes a lot of money, we hope you don't spread this method of life magic blessing, especially It's the mercenary union!"

Godsent was taken aback!
"In fact, the early establishment of our magic guild was to popularize magic more widely and improve the level of magic, and at the same time provide a platform for communication for magic research. More than 1 years ago, the reputation of the magic guild could be said to have reached its peak. Then it started to slide slowly, so that by now it seems to be insignificant."

Tianci nodded, "I heard about this, it must be because of the impact of the mercenary union!"

"This is just one of them. The other point is that the research of magic has reached a bottleneck. From the first-level magic to the ninth-level magic, he has almost used the profound meanings in between, and the research of the holy level has not been done for thousands of years. A little bit of progress. So after that, people thought that the ninth level was the pinnacle of human beings. If you want to reach the holy level, you must get the help of the gods, so there is no motivation to study. About 6000 years ago, an elder at the time He once asserted that it is impossible for human beings to break through the ninth level! Because of this sentence, he was kicked out of the magic union. In a rage, he created a new union by himself. He is the founder of the mercenary union, Mr. Lei Wenhu Kege "

"At that time, Mr. Leiwen Hooker created the mercenary union to help lower-level magicians and swordsmen through this model, so that they could support themselves within their ability. This starting point was good, and they also got magic at that time. The recognition and help of the trade union and the knight union. But with the growth of the mercenary union, it is no longer what it looks like today! It is now not only meddling in the mainland's government affairs, but also meddling in the mainland's military affairs... Its ambitions are too great ..."

Tianci was shocked, "That's right... when I went to the Northwest Province, I found that there were three mercenary regiments who forcibly occupied my territory. Even though they had the support of some forces in the empire, the mercenary union Why not manage it? Hearing what you said, it turns out that they acquiesced!"

"It's not just your place! I don't know how many places in the four major empires on the mainland are controlled by mercenary unions, especially those in remote places. In name, they are hired to protect the safety of those places, but in fact they control them. place."

Tianci was even more shocked, "Don't the kings of the great empires know? Doesn't our Majesty Ai Xin know too?"

"Hey! The four empires seem to be in harmony with each other. They seem to be peaceful, but there are small movements and constant battles. Even if they know it well, they are not willing to take the initiative to offend such a behemoth! That's why the mercenary union is so unscrupulous!"

"What on earth are they doing this for?"

"Why? Hehe! Can't you see it? Why did their mercenary union issue a mission to find Donglan Valley for thousands of years? Why do they still hide your identity even though they know it?"

Look for Donglan Valley. . .Look for Donglan Valley. . .

Tianci suddenly felt a great chill in his heart, trembling all over, couldn't help but blurted out "The world of those who win Donglan??"

The three elders nodded.

"Impossible, this is just a folk rumor, how can it be true?" Tianci exclaimed.

Agula Taige sighed, "I also hope this is just a rumor! Godsend, have you ever read history?"

"I've read the general history of the mainland several times! The general history of the mainland course has been analyzed by Mr. Ou Ling twice!"

"Hehe, as expected, he came from the Imperial College of Wales. He has the same problem as Rafal, who loves to read history! Then let me ask you, how many times has our mainland been unified?"

"Three times! Emperor Wu of Zhou destroyed the Northern Qi and unified the mainland 3 years ago. The First Emperor of Qin destroyed the other countries and unified the mainland 2 years ago. Emperor Flan was born 1 years ago and unified the mainland!"

"Emperor Zhou Wu made his first Northern Expedition and was defeated in the Battle of Luopo. Then where did he escape?"

"In the Battle of Luopo, Emperor Wu of Zhou misused General Flying Tiger, so that he fell into the trap of the Northern Qi Dynasty. In the end, he was defeated and fled. He ran all the way to Donglan Valley to save his life!"

"The two countries went to war, and the Great Qin Shidi, who was a hostage, fled in a panic. Where did he go?"

"The Great Qin Shidi fled to the village of Seville, where he met General Bai Qi. Later, he was chased, and Bai Qi almost died in order to protect the Great Qin Shidi, while the Great Qin Shidi fled to the vicinity of Donglan and disappeared."

"It's said that Emperor Flan was born out of nowhere, so do you know where he was before he was born?"

Tianci was taken aback, "This is not recorded in the history books, no one knows!"

"Hahaha, the history books didn't record it because it didn't want to record it!"

Tianci was even more confused. "The general history of the mainland is edited by the Guangming Sect. His Majesty and the archbishops have personally checked and reviewed it. How could they deliberately not record it?"

"We still don't understand this! However, Emperor Faran once said a word to his subordinates when he was drunk, 'If you don't enter the Valley of Donglan, you don't know how to achieve hegemony!' And this sentence can only be said by the Faran Empire. There are records in the history of the imperial court, but the Guangming Sect clearly checked it but deliberately ignored it!"

Tianci sighed, "It turns out that Emperor Flan also went to Donglan Valley... the three great emperors who conquered the mainland all went to Donglan Valley... This may just be a coincidence!"

"If you just went there, it might be a coincidence. But the words of Emperor Fran's drunkenness make us no longer think of it as a coincidence. If you don't enter the valley of Donglan, you don't know how to achieve hegemony! On the contrary, it means "to know hegemony." He Cheng must enter the Valley of Donglan!'”

"Whoever wins Donglan wins the world!!" Tianci trembled all over his body, "Is this true??"

"No one knows whether it is true or not, but many people would rather believe it than believe it. What's more, all kinds of things vaguely indicate its existence. That's why the mercenary union will make great efforts. The nine-star mission, it has a history of the mercenary union. There have only been two since then, one of which is Dong Lan, and the other is to catch you for George!"

Tianci shook his head, "Why is it involved with me again! Besides, isn't Dong Lan's mission revoked!"

Agula Taige laughed loudly, "Little friend, you can't just look at the surface when thinking about things, you are thinking deeply, for example, you have been there..."

Tianci's expression changed drastically in an instant, the muscles on his face began to collapse, and he clenched his fists and said fiercely, "I understand...I understand..."

The mercenary union took the initiative to pull away the Donglan mission because they learned from the head of the Tenglong mercenary group Taylor Sen that the sky island where the entrance to the Donglan valley was located had been destroyed.So the task is meaningless.And the only two people who have entered Donglan Valley before are themselves and Nero.

The George family didn't want to use the power of the empire to find themselves and be forced to do something against their conscience after being owed favors from the princes, so they issued a task to the mercenary union and gave the mercenary union a secret.The mercenary union obviously checked the information of himself and Qin'er from the villagers of Santa La Luca, and guessed his identity, but he chose to disclose Qin'er's identity, because Qin'er's identity is special, in order to avoid accidents in case of accidents. That's why Qin'er's identity was announced in advance to shirk responsibility.But the most important reason is that Qin'er never entered Donglan.

And since I have entered Donglan, according to the rumors, I am very likely to be the winner of the world, so the mercenary union does not care that I am an important minister of the Welsh Empire, the grandson-in-law of Dean Rafael, and the grandson of the sword emperor Vicoli, If you want to get rid of it, hurry up!They don't disclose their identities because they want to borrow a knife to kill someone!With the hands of mercenaries who are greedy for fame and wealth, and with the hands of the George family to maintain their dignity. . .

Tianci was furious, they were so ruthless and calculating! !
(End of this chapter)

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