Godsend Field

Chapter 234 Destruction

Chapter 234 Destruction
Tianci originally thought that this nine-star mission was just an explanation for Saint George.Even if someone behind him killed two seventh-level great sword masters, it would be an eight-star mission at most, how could it be a nine-star mission?There is also the disclosure of their identities. At first, they thought it was just that they were afraid of the Sword Saint Thunder, but they were so attentive. . .

Tianci suddenly looked at the three elders and glared, "How do you know that I went in?"

"Hehe, the mercenary union can know from the mouth of an abolished regiment, can't we know from other people's mouth? Forget it, don't guess, it was Rafal who told us, as for how Rafal knew about us There is no way to know!" Agula Taige said.

"Such an important matter, the dean actually told you?"

"Hey, you don't have to doubt us! We are all old, and now we are just waiting to be buried. And I can tell you that Rafal will come when Roland advances to the great magister. He is also the elder of our magic union, and his talent is the best among us, we have been fooled for more than a hundred years, but we have been defeated by him early, hahaha!"

"So Dean Rafal's master, Grand Magister Mei Si, is also your elder?"

"That's right, the great magister Mei Si has given guidance to us juniors, and we are still very grateful!"

Tianci smiled slightly, thinking about it too.

"Not good!" Tianci suddenly changed his face and stood up. "Besides me, my younger brother has also gone in, and they must also know that my younger brother may be in danger now, I must go back!"

"Sit down, sit down!" Elder Agula Taige pressed Tianci, "Nile is in your capital, and you have Jinju Guard by your side, and Rafal is here, what are you afraid of!"

Only then did Tianci feel relieved and sat on the chair.

"Okay, let's get away from the topic! We called you this time because we hope you don't reveal the life-enhancing magic equipment." Agula Taige continued to return to the topic.

Tianci looked at the three of them, "Why? Isn't your magic guild just studying magic? With this opportunity, you can just study life magic?"

"Hehe, kid, don't talk to us, since we've said it, we'll explain it to you! I heard that you used to be the chief, so you must know the difference between elemental magic and form magic. We humans are all using elemental magic now." Magic, as for form magic, it is now recognized that we humans can use the magic circle to use the superficial, but cannot master it. So even if your equipment with life magic exists, it is great news for alchemists, and for us magic It doesn’t make any sense in terms of trade union research! Of course, the practical significance of this equipment is huge, whether mages, warriors, or others, who wouldn’t want to have such a piece of equipment?”

"In that case, why are you still stopping me?"

"Heavenly gift, do you know what is the most feared force in the mercenary union?"

Tianci thought for a while, "Four Great Empires? Saints? Could it be..."

Agula Taige nodded, "That's right, it's the Guangming Cult! In the past, the Magical Union, the Knights Guild, and the Guangming Cult were three pillars on the mainland. But now we have fallen, and the two largest forces on the mainland are the Mercenary Union and the Guangming Cult! Guangming The reason why the sect is able to prosper is that, in addition to their teachings of promoting goodness, there is also the healing ability of their light system! Whether it is small enough to do tasks or big enough to fight wars, the healing of priests is very important. Often one of the light sects A holy priesthood can sway a small regional war."

Tianci agreed. After a battle, there may be more injured people than casualties, and they need to consume a lot of manpower and material resources to take care of them.If you have a holy •;; sacrificial group, then the wounded soldiers can be recovered immediately, and there will be an absolute advantage in terms of morale and strength.

"The mercenary union does not dare to take too drastic actions because it is afraid of the Guangming Cult. The Guangming Cult has never interfered in mainland government affairs, but they tend to maintain peace. If one day the mercenary union shows its ambitions, the first thing to stop it must be Illuminati! So Godsend, you can imagine, if your equipment is as popular as the space ring, what kind of blow will it be to Illuminati?"

Tianci nodded, "The magic effect of the light system will be greatly reduced, and the prestige of the Guangming Cult will also decline. At that time, it will no longer be able to influence the mercenary union!"

The three elders nodded at the same time, "That's why we beg you not to leak the equipment. Although it can't make people more convenient, it can at least make the mainland less hidden dangers and disasters!"

After listening to the explanations of the three elders, Tianci felt much more relaxed.I didn't have any equipment in the first place, so how did it leak out?

"Three elders, I have written down everything you said, and I promise you!"

The three elders were very satisfied, "That's all right, we can rest assured!"

"Three elders, since you all know it well, why didn't you come forward to stop it?"

"Hey, it's not that we are afraid of getting into trouble, we are really not the material. You can let us study magic with great concentration, but if you ask us to compete with them, we can't do it! Otherwise, the magic union will not be ruled by them like it is today. Hiddenly pressing down!"

Tianci nodded. Those who can become great magisters or sword emperors are all born with extraordinary talent, great endurance and great heart, and more importantly, they are persistent.Such a person is strong in one area, but weak in others.And the members of the mercenary union are engaged in missions all year round, just like a small middleman.Compared with them, how is the magic guild knight guild an opponent?

After bidding farewell to the three elders, Tianci returned to Genoa full of thoughts.After riding not far away, the Trunks wizard was waiting for him.

Walking to the street, there are still many mercenaries watching him. If it weren't for the company of the Trunks wizard, someone would attack him on the road!

Back in the attic, Qin'er sat at the door and waited anxiously. When she saw Tianci and the Trunks mage walking in, she hurriedly greeted her, pulled Tianci and walked out, "You are back! We Go! Let's go!"

Tianci was dragged out of the gate by Qin'er, and stretched out her hand to grab Qin'er, "What's the matter, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

With an anxious expression on her face, Qin'er pulled Tianci hard, "Don't ask, come with me quickly, I won't harm you!"

Tianci grabbed Qin'er forcefully, "What happened? Even if I want to leave, I will call Bai Ying!"

"Qin'er!!" Suddenly there was a roar from the door.

"Oh, it's bad! She found out!" Qin'er exclaimed and pulled Tianci's hand back quickly!
Adela came over angrily and stared at Qin'er, "Didn't you say to watch for me, and call me when you found him? I knew your heart was unreliable towards him. Fortunately, I came out to take a look, otherwise I told you to run away!"

Qin'er blushed slightly, bowed her head and stepped aside.

Tianci was at a loss when he heard this, "What the hell is going on?"

"What's the matter, hum!" Adela snorted coldly, looking at Tianci viciously, slightly moving the spear in his hand, "I'll tell you after I kill you!"

Tianci was startled, seeing a silver light piercing towards him, his body leaned sideways to avoid Adela's blow.Adela was in control, and the spear in her hand was getting faster and more ruthless, and all her moves were aimed at the vital points.

Tianci dodged "Adela, are you serious?"

Adela's anger remained undiminished, and the spear continued to dance.

Although Tianci was very annoyed, he couldn't hurt Adela, so he reached out and grabbed the spear while Adela was changing his moves, "Adela, how did I offend you? Even if you want to fight or kill, you have to tell me!" I understand!"

Qin'er also ran over and hugged Adela, "Yeah, maybe it has nothing to do with him?"

Adela snorted coldly and stared at Tianci, "Did you say anything to Roland yesterday?"

Tianci nodded, "Yes!"

"Did you hear it, don't blame me this time!" Adela said angrily, about to shake the piano away.

"Wait! I was just discussing magic with Roland yesterday, am I wrong?" Tianci asked back.

Qin'er still hugged Adela tightly, "Brat, what did you say to Roland yesterday? He came together today and said that he figured it out, and that you were right!"

Tianci chuckled, "Isn't it good if you figure it out?"

Adela was furious immediately, and broke away from Qin'er, "I'll kill you!"

Qin'er was shaken back again and again, and before she could stand still, she rushed up to hug Adela again, "Stinky boy, why don't you apologize quickly, go and persuade Roland!"

"Persuade him? Did something happen to him?" Tianci was shocked.

Under Adela's struggle, Qin'er was exhausted and panted, "Roland...he went to see Pavel Sorcerer today...thanks for his guidance..."

Tianci was confused, "Isn't this very good?"

While pulling Adela who was about to explode, Qin'er angrily said, "Listen to me, Roland also said that from now on he...he gave up continuing to study and practice fire magic..."

Like a bolt from the blue, Tianci froze, "What... did he really say that?"

Qin'er nodded, "What did you tell him yesterday that made him give up even magic?"

Tianci instantly dispersed his consciousness, and soon found Roland in Adela's room on the third floor. Although he was kneeling on the ground, his eyes were firm without the slightest hesitation!

Released Adela's spear, Tianci rushed towards the third floor.

"Roland, have you really decided?" Tianci rushed into Adela's room.

Roland froze for a moment, looked at Tianci and nodded firmly.

Adela and Qin'er also rushed into the room.

Tianci walked forward and pulled Roland up, "There is a reason for existence! I support you!"

Adela suddenly became angry again, and even Qin'er couldn't stand it, "Stinky boy, what are you talking about, he is the heir of Master! He is the future saint of your empire! And Roland, do you know that you What are you doing, where do you put your empire, where do you put Adela?"

Adela broke away from Qin'er's blurry eyes, "He is him, I am me, I don't want to hear about him anymore, he can do whatever he wants, it has nothing to do with me, you guys get out, get out of here !"

Godsend sighed, "Roland, although I support you, I think you should make it clear to Adela! I believe she will help you! And you two don't force Roland any more, who knows his suffering ?”

Adela trembled, grabbed Roland's shoulders and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you, what are you hiding from me?"

"I..." Roland dared not look at Adela.

Adela threw away Roland impatiently, pointed at Tianci and said angrily, "If he doesn't say it, tell me!"

Tianci took a deep breath, "Roland can no longer comprehend the profound meaning of the fire element, it's that simple!"

Adela caught Roland as if he was hit by a hack, "Isn't it... what he said is not true..."

Roland nodded with difficulty, "Tianci is right. It is indeed impossible for me to comprehend the profound meaning of the fire element. If it were possible, I would have felt it a long time ago!"

Adela suddenly felt dizzy and dizzy, and fell down weakly.

The whole Genoa was in an uproar.

The number one magic genius in the mainland officially announced today that he would give up the practice of fire magic.

Tianci and Qin'er went downstairs, and the great magicians on the first floor immediately surrounded them, "Tianci, Qin'er, is Roland joking with us? You are his best friends, and they will not hide it from you." Bar!"

"Yeah, I went out just now, and everyone was talking about it! And that Clement, who actually went around saying that he gave up because Roland was defeated by him and couldn't stand the blow. Kofi He and Annan are also talking bad things about Roland."

"Roland is the successor personally appointed by Rafael Saint. How could he just give up like this? It's so irresponsible!"

Tianci stretched out his hand and pressured him, "Everyone listen to me, since Roland made such a decision, he must have his reasons. He is not an irresponsible person, he has his own reasons!"

Everyone is silent.

Tianci went straight to the square, and with the help of Qin'er, helped Bai Ying to clean up.

It was not until evening that Roland came down and came to the square.

"How is Adela?" Qin'er asked with concern.

Roland nodded and shook his head again, "She's awake, but she doesn't want to talk to me! Qin'er, go and help me look after her!"

Qin'er didn't say anything, and walked towards the attic.

"Roland, the whole city is talking about this matter now. I'm afraid it won't be long before the whole empire knows about it. By then, you will change from a hero to a bear. You have to be mentally prepared! Regret it now. If there is time, at least 20 years can be enjoyed!" Tianci said.

"Tianci, if we change, will you choose to cheat?"

Tianci shook his head.

Roland smiled easily, "Then you need to ask more questions!"

Tianci patted Roland on the shoulder fiercely, "Whether you are a hero or a bear, I support you!"

"Tianci, can you do me a favor tomorrow? I want to make it clear to Adela, she will understand me, and you will accompany me to strengthen my courage!"

Tianci smiled wryly, "This also needs to be courageous, I really have nothing to do with you!"

At dawn the next day, the guard yawned and opened the city gate, a white shadow rushed out of the gate, the guard's eyes were soft, could it be vertigo?Then the three fast horses also rushed out.

Beside the Weishui River, there was no one in the place where we challenged that day, and the sound of rushing water was clear.

The three horses ran over from a distance, and Tianci had already stood by the Weishui River, patting Bai Ying lightly.

Turning over and getting off the horse, Adela walked in front. Seeing that there were no other outsiders around, she turned around and said, "I only give you one chance, you can speak now!"

Roland looked at Tianci, and Tianci made an encouraging gesture.

Roland plucked up his courage and started from Tianci who accidentally mentioned the art of magic to himself.It was Tianci again, Adela glared fiercely at Tianci, and was about to take out the spear in his hand.Qin'er hurried up to hold Adela's arm.

"Although I didn't understand much at the time, but later, Master asked me to practice wind magic. The more I practiced, the more I felt something was wrong and awkward. By chance, I saw a fire on South Second Street. Zhuowei quickly burned dozens of houses to the ground. I suddenly felt that no matter whether it is fire or wind, they are actually destroying everything. The earth can make all things grow, water can nourish all things, and the sun can It can help all things grow, but what can fire do? What can wind do? They are destroying besides destroying, so I have been thinking that for me, is the power I have in my hands just for destroying? Is destroying everything just My magical arts?"

Adela was terrified when she heard this, "You...why do you think so? Fire can keep us warm, breeze can cool us down, and even help plants pollinate, not all of them will be destroyed!"

"I don't know. In my feeling, they are all violent. They are crazy about their power, and they can destroy everything. Nothing can stop them! I believe in their power."

This time, including Tianci, I was a little at a loss. I didn't expect Roland to be so extreme.

"I just thought about it casually at first, but then this feeling became stronger and more real, so real that I could physically manifest it. And as it first appeared, I had a premonition that myself and fire Hefeng has no fate anymore."

The three of them were shocked by Tianci, "You said you can embody this feeling?"

Roland nodded, "Well, I can't make him very strong yet, but I think its ability has surpassed the fire I believe in!"

The three of them were horrified by God.

Roland took a step back, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, clasped his hands together, and slowly stretched out his right hand. . .As Roland opened his eyes suddenly, two sharp gazes focused on the palm of his hand.

There was a sudden intense tremor above the palm, and a terrifying breath emanated.

Shirai Shadow suddenly screamed loudly and kicked his front hooves impatiently.Tianci caressed Bai Ying and pointed to the front, Bai Ying galloped forward, and left the vicinity tired of it.

A black hole the size of a fist suddenly appeared out of thin air above Roland's palm. It was pitch black, and the black hole swallowed everything, including light.

Adela and Qin'er opened their eyes wide in surprise, holding their mouths tightly with both hands.

Tianci spread out the consciousness, and the fire element and wind element near the black hole in the consciousness escaped quickly, and if it was slower, it would be swallowed by the black hole, and the swallowed fire element and wind element disappeared out of thin air, even if it was consciousness. Neither could be found.

God-given is horrified, what the hell is this. . .Even elements can be devoured. . .disappear completely. . .

Tianci walked in slowly and looked at the black hole carefully, the black hole that made people palpitate.

"Tianci, be careful, don't get close to it, it will be attacked by everyone except me!" Roland reminded.

Tianci stood still, "Roland, the first Frost Dragon was sucked away by it that day, and he should have been the size of a bowl at that time!"

Roland nodded, "I used to control the size of my fingernails at most. But that day, in a hurry, I only wanted to destroy the Frost Dragon, so the black hole suddenly became bigger. And when I woke up, I felt that I had already gotten along with the fire. The Wind Element is running in opposite directions... That's why I will mention this to you that day!"

After Roland cut off his mental power, the black hole completely disappeared.

"Roland, if your black hole just now, can he block magic?"

"I feel that there is no problem with magic within the third level. The mouth of the bowl was so big that day that it could block fifth-level magic."

Tianci smiled awkwardly, "I don't know why, but I hate this black hole from the bottom of my heart! But I must admit its power! Since it belongs to you, you can go to practice! I still say that, there is a reason for its existence!"

Qin'er had seen Tianci use life magic before, so she didn't react too violently this time, and it took Adela a long time to recover from the shock, "This... This is too shocking, I think, I think it's better not to say it Good job out!"

Roland also nodded, "This kind of power should not belong to magic. No one can guide me anymore. I want to practice and study quietly by myself! So please keep it a secret for me?"

"Yeah, you guys have to keep it a secret for Roland!" Adela turned to play the piano.

Tianci and Qin'er looked at each other and smiled, "Okay, we will, as long as you stop yelling and killing me!"

Adela blushed rarely.

(End of this chapter)

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