Godsend Field

Chapter 235 Warning

Chapter 235 Warning
The water of the Weihe River comes slowly, bypassing the huge rocks and flowing to the Siluo River.The water of the Siluo River rushed to the border quickly and flowed into the Spanish Empire.

On the giant rock, two young girls sit clinging to each other by the edge of the rock, swinging their calves on the surface of the Weishui River, their hair rippling as the breeze caresses them.

"Qin'er, do you want to tie your hair back? I bought a lot of buns last time. They are very beautiful. I'll give you a few!" Adela pointed to the coiled hair behind her head.

Stretch out the white jade fingers and put the blown hair behind the ears, "No, I prefer to wear my hair loose. Besides, I'm not a warrior, and I don't do strenuous activities, so let's wear it!"

Adela looked at Qin'er's hair enviously, and stretched out her hand to help Qin'er smooth her hair, "That's right! There are very few people on the mainland who have golden hair like yours. It would be a pity not to show it!"

"Actually, your hair is pretty good too!" Qin'er showed a smug smile on her face, she turned her head to look at the two god-sent Roland who were walking side by side and discussing in low voices not far away, and touched Adranunu with her elbow, "You Will you forgive him now?"

"Hmph! Luckily for him, I'll spare him this time. If he comes up with any bad ideas next time, be careful of his life!"

Qin'er was taken aback for a moment, then giggled, "I mean your Roland, why did you get involved with that brat?"

Adela's expression became heavy and worried, "I didn't blame him, I'm worried now, what will become of him when he goes back, and his black hole, I'm so worried!"

Qin'er held Adela's hand, the palm of which was soaked in cold sweat.

"I can understand how you feel. I was also very scared at that time!" Qin'er felt the same way, and couldn't help recalling the light of fighting spirit that disappeared in the darkness of San La Luka.

"What are you two talking about?" Tianci and Roland strode over.

Qin'er and Adela also stood up, Qin'er patted the dust behind her and rushed to say, "Adela said she was very worried and scared!"

Adela pouted and glared at Qin'er.

"Adela, you don't have to worry. I just shared my experience with Tianci. Although this black hole is scary, I have confidence!" Roland said confidently, clenched his fists.

God-given smile "In fact, whenever we human beings face strange things, we will feel fear and terror. This is normal. Teacher Ou Ling also often tells us that nothing in this world is for nothing, and things happen for a reason. As long as we Overcome your own cowardice and bravely explore the root cause, and you will surely gain something.”

Tianci and Roland looked at each other, and said in unison, "There must be a reason for existence! Hahaha!"

After being laughed by the two, Qin'er and Adela also let go of their respective burdens, and both felt relaxed.

"By the way, Roland, since you have decided to explore your ability with all your strength, you must give him a name. You can't always call him black hole and black hole in the future!" Qin'er said suddenly.

Roland nodded, "I felt the anger and destructive power of fire and wind before I realized it, and thus created this black hole. Why don't we call it destruction!"

"Destruction, life! Life, destruction?" Tianci frowned slightly and said to himself.

The major shops in Genoa City have already opened their doors to do business, and the four city gates are very busy with people coming and going.On the main road of the west city, there is the largest restaurant in the city. In the private room on the third floor of the restaurant by the window, seven or eight people are drinking fine wine and eating delicious food.

"Clement, I haven't seen you for a long time, and this time I'm asking you to clean up the dust for us again! By the way, you should be promoted soon!" One of the big men drank his wine and wiped his mouth.

"It's almost time, it's only been a few years! I'm sorry, the old captain, I'm really honored, Clement!" Clement picked up the jug and poured it on the big man, "Today everyone comes to Genoa to hand in the task , I just took the opportunity to toast everyone! Come on, do it!"


Everyone raised their glasses and drank it down.

"Hahaha, water magician, once you get promoted, you will be worth more than my elder brother!" The big man called the team leader put down his wine glass, "When the time comes, don't forget your elder brother, He Lu!"

Clement quickly waved his hand, "Old leader He Lu, how could you say that? If you hadn't taken us to practice, I wouldn't have been able to comprehend the heart of soft water, let alone achieve today's achievements! And the old man Commander, you are also a seventh-level great swordsman, and I will need your care in the future!"

"You can't say that, even though they are all seventh-level powerhouses, there is still a difference between a great swordsman and a wizard!" Captain He Lu said with a smile.

Clement accompanied him with a smile, as a sign of agreement.

As far as the strong are concerned, there is no difference between a mage who has comprehended the profound meaning of the elements and a great swordsman whose fighting spirit has undergone a qualitative change.Even if it is a duel, it is difficult to say the outcome, but overall, the Great Sword Master is slightly better.The reason lies in the diversity of elements, but the singleness of vindictiveness.Strictly speaking, Dou Qi is just Dou Qi, which has strong attack power and the formed Dou Qi has strong defense.There are many kinds of mages, and the wind type mages have the strongest attack power and the weakest defense power.Earth-type mages have the strongest defense, but their attack power is relatively weak.The dark magician has the strongest state ability and weak attack defense.The light magician has no healing ability, but the attack magic is pitiful.Of course, this slight gap will be filled when the Grand Magister arrives. After all, the Grand Magister can be said to be two Magisters.

All the great magisters in history basically have two elements, and few people have three elements like Dean Rafael, water element, earth element, wind element.If Dean Rafal can improve the wind system to the level of a mage, I am afraid that his ability will surpass other great magisters, even the sword emperor.

This is just a comparison between the strong, but for the country, the role of a magician is often more than that of a great swordsman.The reason is simple, a great swordsman is invincible on the battlefield, but how many enemies can he kill?But the magician is different. Once he makes a move, he can wipe out tens of thousands of enemies in an instant.Because the attack range is much larger and the number of wizards is much smaller than that of great sword masters, in the empire, the status of wizards often exceeds that of great sword masters.In the Welsh Empire, there are court magicians, all of whom are composed of mages, but there is no court great swordsman.

Of course, this gap will also be filled when he advances to Sword Emperor.The Sword Emperor's sword energy is also a terrifying existence. If it can be matched with a divine weapon, it will be a nightmare for the army.

"Push! Pedal! Pedal!" There was a rush of stairs, and Kofi and Annan ran up panting, and ran into the private room, whispering in Clement's ear.Clementine nodded, motioning for the two of them to sit down together.

"Clement, who are these two?" Captain He Lu asked.

"Oh, they are my friends, this is Kofi, this is Annan. This is the head of the mercenary group where I went out to practice before, great swordsman He Lu" Clement introduced to both parties.

Kofi and Annan quickly got up and saluted, and He Lu returned the salute slightly.

"Clement, these two friends of yours seem to have something to do with you!" He Lu asked, "Is there any trouble?"

"It's nothing to worry about, Captain Lao. They just came to inform me that one of my enemies left the city early in the morning!" Clement said casually, pouring wine for He Lu.

"Enemy? Who is it? Why don't you chase after you are out of the city? Is it better than you? Do you want my brother to help you?"

Clement smiled, "They will come back. As for how powerful that person is, I can't say that he just sneaked up on me when I was competing with others! But his identity is very special, so he can't be easily offended!"

"Who is so big on face?" He Lu was aroused.

"This man is the young Marquis of the Welsh Empire, the grandson-in-law of Saint Rafael, and the grandson of Sword Emperor Vikri. So even if he hit me, I can't do anything but knock out teeth and swallow blood Already!" Clement sighed, and then greeted, "Okay, I won't mention him on this happy day, come on! Let's continue drinking!"

"Wait!" Captain He Lu suddenly pressed Clement's toasting hand, and his eyes became sharper, "Clement, I'll drink the wine later, let's finish talking first. Is this enemy you're talking about?" The one called Tianci? The one with a red fox?"

Clement pretended to be surprised and nodded, "Yes, how does the leader know his name?"

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!" He Lu suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "It's really hard to find a place to find, and it doesn't take much effort! God help me Chi Yanye, God help me Chi Yanye, hahaha, hahahaha!"

The few mercenaries present were also overjoyed.

"Captain, what do you mean?" Clement asked pretending to be puzzled.

"I said Clement, don't shut yourself up in your room and meditate all day long. You don't even know what happened on the mainland! Come on, lead the way, and take us to find the one called Tianci. Brother, I will personally I will avenge you!"

A row of fine horses galloped out of Genoa, to the annoyance of the gate guards, who dared to ride horses inside the city.

"So that's how it is!" Clement finally realized suddenly, "But Captain, you have to be careful, there is a level [-] monster beside this Tianci!"

"Level [-] monster!!" He Lu was taken aback, and stopped his horse. All of them together were not enough to beat a level [-] monster.

"Well, there is indeed a unicorn beside him!"

"Unicorn! Huh~~" He Lu took a breath, "Clement, you've said it all at once, unicorn, as long as we don't hurt it, even if the master orders it, it probably won't hurt anyone of!"

The crowd galloped quickly, and soon arrived at the side of the rock in the Weishui River. From a distance, they saw the four people from Tianci still standing on the rock and discussing something.

"Hahaha, Clement, your guess is quite accurate, they are indeed here!" He Lu laughed, and whipped his horsewhip, "Fight!"

The four of Godsend are discussing.

"God sent someone to come!" Adela was the first to notice, looking at the black spot from a distance.

God sent a smile, "Clement, it seems that you are here to trouble me!"

Several steeds came galloping and stopped in front of the four Tianci.

"Clement, why is it you again? I have already told you that Godsend will not accept your challenge!" Qin'er said disgustedly.

Clement said embarrassingly, "Miss Qin'er, I'm not here to trouble you this time, but my former team leader wants to talk to Tianci for something!"

He Lu got off his horse and walked up to Tianci, "Bring a fire fox, you are Tianci!"

Tianci walked forward and looked at He Lu, "Yes, I am! You are the one, what can you do with me?"

"My name is He Lu, the head of the Chiyan mercenary group. I have nothing else to do with the Marquis of Tianci this time. I just want to be a host. Please go to the major attractions of our Spanish Empire!" He Lu said carelessly. Said.

The faces of the four Tianci immediately sank.It is clear that they are here to catch Tianci to complete the nine-star mission.

Tianci raised his lips and sneered, "The Spanish Empire claims to be like spring all the year round, and the scenery is picturesque. I have traveled to many places a few days ago, and I always feel that it is too monotonous. It is not as good as our Welsh Empire with ice, snow, wind and sand in winter, and scorching sun in summer." So I thank Captain He Lu for his kindness in advance, I'd rather go back to the Welsh Empire!"

"Hahaha! The God-given Marquis has the demeanor of everyone, He Lu admires it! But today's matter may not allow you to decide! If you go to the Spanish Empire, you will go, or if you don't go!" He Lu Leng Humph.

"It's unreasonable!" Qin'er, who was listening next to her, was very annoyed, and she stretched out her hand to see a water polo, which exuded infinite coldness.


He Lu scattered the water polo with a wave of his hand, his lavender fighting spirit was particularly conspicuous.Being next to the Weishui River, one is no longer bound by Xilan Mountain.

"Great Sword Master!" Qin'er and Roland Adela exclaimed at the same time.

"Heavenly Marquis, I respect you as a Marquis and a nobleman, if you don't cooperate, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing!" He Lu sneered.

"Godsent!!" The three of Roland pulled back Tianshen nervously.

Tianci pushed away the hands of the three, and smiled easily, "Roland, have you forgotten what I told you?"

Roland withdrew his hand, "Invincible below level eight!"

"Roland, although you are starting to regress, I don't think you can't protect the two of them!"

Roland nodded, pulling Adela and Qin'er back.I and Qin'er are at the back, and Adela is at the front. It's not a big problem if I want to defend for a while.

"Captain He Lu, I have no enmity with you, but if you want to arrest me and go to the Spanish Empire, then don't blame my subordinates for being merciless!" Tianci warned.

Many mercenaries suddenly burst into laughter.

Tianci nodded Yu'er on the shoulder, "It will take me a long time to deal with the seventh level, so I leave it to you! How about I help you?"

Yu'ertan is on Tianci's shoulders.

Tianci couldn't help but hug Yu'er and put it on the ground, "I'm not Qin'er, this trick is useless to me!"

The consciousness unfolded in an instant, and the fire elements within a radius of 800 meters frantically gathered, rushing towards Yu'er.Yu'er roared in a low voice, four big fiery tails gradually grew behind him, and five tails entangled with each other and swung back and forth.

Faced with Yu'er's change, all the mercenaries could no longer laugh, and hurriedly drew their long swords to fight.

The midair turned red, and a huge fireball fell instantly.

"Ice Wall!" Clement shouted, and an ice wall lay across the air, blocking all the fireballs.Yu'er didn't comprehend the mystery of the fire system, so its magic was only at level six.

Yu'er glared at Clement.

"Kill!" He Lu showed his fighting spirit, stabbing at Yu'er with his long sword.

Yu'er jumped and dodged lightly, and Tianci took out his long sword at the same time and stabbed towards He Lu.

"Dang!" He Lu flicked away Tianci's long sword, and pressed it against Tianci's shoulder with his backhand.To subdue Tianci, but not to hurt his life.The Tianci long sword turned around and stuck to He Lu's long sword, and a clever force pushed He Lu's long sword away.

When Yu'er's front paw landed, she immediately turned around and rushed towards He Lu.

The surrounding mercenaries were divided into two waves, half of them surrounded Tianci, and the rest blocked Roland and the three of them.All the mercenaries looked at it relaxedly, don't you believe that this one person and one fox can stump the regiment leader?

"Roland, you'd better not be too fussy, otherwise I can't guarantee anything!" Clement said with a cold snort.

"Clement!!" Qin'er roared angrily, and was about to rush over to help Tianci.

Roland pulled Qin'er and shook his head.

The exquisiteness of Tianci's long sword is far beyond He Lu's comparison. After a while, He Lu's sword began to move with Tianci, drawing gardens of different sizes.He Lu was terrified, but he was helpless.But fortunately, Tianci didn't have the vindictiveness to hurt himself.Just watch out for that firefox that doesn't know what's going on.

Yu'er has a fifth tail, her strength has reached the level of a seventh-level monster, and her speed and strength have greatly increased. She scurry around He Lu's side, and her little claws kept attacking He Lu, but He Lu couldn't help it. His seven-level grudge defense is too strong, and his claws are still invincible.

He Lu suddenly roared, and the long sword withdrew the space ring.Anyway, the long sword can't hurt Tianci but is restrained by it, so it's better to put away your fists and kicks to attack.Tianci smiled slightly, put away his long sword, unfolded his soft fist and continued to fight He Lu.

After a while, He Lu began to sweat profusely.

He never expected that the unarmed martial arts bestowed by God were exactly the same as the sword skills, with his arms drawn so that all his attacks would be invisible.

Yu'er couldn't attack for a long time, kicked her little claws and flew towards He Lu's face, turned around in mid-air, and threw her big red tail towards He Lu's eyes.The turn in the air made Yu'er's speed obviously slow down.

He Lu was so angry that he reached out and grabbed Yu'er's big tail, and slammed it to the ground.

"Touch!" Yu'er was grabbed by her tail abruptly and fell to the ground with her head on the ground.

Yu'er got up in a jerk, and was thrown to the ground by the opponent, which made Yu'er very annoyed, the dignity of the king beast cannot be desecrated!The red hair all over the body stood up, and liquid red energy began to appear on the body, gathering on the front paws, gradually spreading and elongating. . .


With a loud roar, Yu'er jumped into the air, with three burning nails more than half a meter long sticking out from her front paws.

He Lu couldn't help trembling in shock, he jumped back in a hurry to dodge.


The fiery red sharp nails pierced through the lavender defensive grudge, and penetrated deeply into He Lu's body.

"Ah!" He Lu cried out in pain, and quickly jumped back.

Blood was flowing, and three deep blood holes appeared in He Lu's abdomen.Holding the wound in pain, blood seeped from between his fingers.Yu'er jumped up again, even faster than before.He Lu, who was seriously injured, slowed down and looked in front of him in horror, only seeing a fiery red.


A stream of blood gushed out from He Lu's neck, and He Lu's body fell limply to the ground.

"Captain!!" All the mercenaries looked at He Lu and shouted in disbelief.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er roared again!A red light flashed, and two more mercenaries fell down.

All the mercenaries panicked and ran away one after another!

"Tianci, should we go after him?" Roland asked.

"No need, let them go back! At least you can tell the other mercenary groups and give them a warning!" Tianci said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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