Godsend Field

Chapter 236 Deep Enlightenment

Chapter 236 Deep Enlightenment
He Lu fell down slowly in panic, and the mercenaries who came with him panicked and ran away one after another.Blood slowly flowed out from He Lu's neck, forming a patch on the ground.

Yu'er scattered her tail and jumped back to Tianci's shoulder.

The three of Roland walked to Tianci's side, looked at He Lu on the ground in surprise, and then looked at Yu'er on Tianci's shoulder, not knowing what to say!This is a great swordsman, and he died under Yu'er's claws.

Godsend was panting.

"Hmph, I thought you were really invincible below level eight, and you didn't rely on Yu'er? If it weren't for Yu'er, I think you would have to escape for your life at most!" Adela said resentfully, her heart was full of Mo Ming's jealousy.

"This..." Tianci looked at Yu'er, and smiled: "Yu'er and I are inseparable from each other. If it can kill a seventh-level great swordsman, it means that I can also kill a seventh-level great swordsman. I am not afraid of seventh-level demons." Being a mentor means that it is not afraid!"

Seeing Tianci's shameless appearance, Roland, Adela and even Qin'er were speechless!Fortunately, no matter how surprised I was at the time, I still firmly believed in Tianci.Invincible below the eighth level, it was the combination of him and Yu'er who had been arguing for a long time. . .

Yu'er was even more dissatisfied when lying on Tianci's shoulder, this shameless brother always used his reputation as a big fox to show off!

Give fake Yuwei?

"Let's go back quickly, why does it feel like this place is very dangerous!" Qin'er said anxiously.

The three nodded and were about to lead the horse.Tianci was stunned suddenly, and at the place where He Lu lay down, the blood from his neck had accumulated into a pool, and in the bloody water, a blue dot loomed, slowly floating out of the bloody water, Leaving the blood plasma floating in the air.

source of life!

He Lu's source of life rose slowly, and stopped at a height of one and a half meters. The blue light began to dim, and the periphery seemed to collapse.Between breaths, the source of life has disappeared into the air, completely disappeared.

Looking back at the corpses of the other two mercenaries, Tianci also had two puddles of blood, but there was no reflection.

Tianci suddenly had a special feeling. He sat cross-legged on the ground, retracted his divine consciousness, adjusted his breathing mood, and slowly entered a emptiness.Since my father saved me and gave me the source of life, I started to recall every battle, every use of the source of life, every enemy and comrade who fell to the ground. . .

In the first battle after possessing the source of life, what did he do outside San La Luka? . .Tianci tried hard to remember, but it was all blurry.Except for that one, every scene of the rest of the battle is vividly visible.

In the mercenary mission, I killed myself. I saw a lot of third- and fourth-level vindictive fighters killed, and they didn't respond after they died.Also in the miasma forest, there were quite a few level [-] warriors who killed themselves beside the gray wetland, and they also didn't respond.In Abanis, he was forced to fight Polk from the seventh-level Great Sword Master Assassin Alliance, and at that time he saw a faint source of life erupting from Polk's body.But today, He Lu, who is also a seventh-level great swordsman, also has the source of life flowing out after his death, and it is obviously much larger than Polke's.

Could it be said that only those who have reached the seventh level of great swordsman or abnormal people like Alice will have the source of life?

On the mainland, the limit of human lifespan is 150 years old. Ordinary people often live to be more than 100 years old, but the stronger the person, the closer to this limit.However, once they break through to the seventh-level magician and great swordsman, their lifespan limit will be greatly improved, usually around 250 years old, a full increase of 100 years!And at the eighth level, it will increase to the limit of three hundred years old, and at the ninth level there will be a significant increase, and it will reach the limit of four hundred years old.However, there are too few saints in ten thousand years. A holy sword master like Lei may only appear once in ten thousand years. Even His Majesty the Pope, who can be blessed and baptized by the God of Light, is not blessed every time. According to historical records, there are only three popes who were lucky enough to be blessed.And these three popes and the rare sword masters in the past have not lived to be four hundred years old.

Tianci seems to have grasped something. It is said that through practice, the body can be strengthened to increase life span, but why didn't the life span increase from level [-] to level [-]?If the first level cultivation base is too bad, is the sixth level cultivation base also bad?Why would there be such a substantial improvement at level seven?Is it because they have the source of life?

It is also cultivation, below the sixth level, one does not possess it, and the life limit has not increased, but at the seventh level, one has the source of life, and the life limit of the seventh level has been greatly increased. . .

source of life. . .source of life. . .

Tianci's heart trembled. Could it be said that besides the so-called dou qi and magic, there is another important symbol for the symbol of reaching the seventh level, which is whether he has the source of life?

So where is the seventh-level powerhouse the source of life?
Tianci suddenly recalled that when he and Nero were young, they insisted on practicing regardless of winter, summer and summer. Sweat and tears were sprinkled on the stakes and on the long sword. Day after day, he and Nero were getting stronger and stronger Stronger and more vital.Roland closed his eyes and meditated, calm and calm, which also made people feel powerful and reassuring.

Yup! !
The source of life, the source of life, of course it also comes from life.Myself and Nero, including Roland's hard training, inspired vitality, and this vitality must be the source of the 'source of life'!When it comes to the seventh-level powerhouses, they can condense this kind of vitality to form such a little source of life.

This explanation makes sense!Tianci smiled slightly!
No, if it is only about lifespan, then those big trees, dwarves, and elves, why are their vitality so powerful?Dwarves and elves are indifferent and have no desires. Compared with humans, although they are few in number, they have a long lifespan.If the elves stay with the Mother Earth Tree all the year round, there is nothing wrong with their long lifespan, what about the dwarves?Although they claim to be the most industrious on the mainland, their living environment seems to be similar to that of humans, or even worse, so why do they live so long?

There are also plants, just the trees around the Yilin Mountains, many of which are thousands of years old.

Are these all predestined by God and have nothing to do with the existence of the source of life?
Tianci fell into deep thought again.All the battle scenes kept coming to mind again and again, all the possibilities and assumptions appeared over and over again, and were denied.All kinds of things in the miasma forest began to make Tianci feel strange.

One thing that can be determined now is that all living things have vitality.And this kind of vitality is the source of the source of life.Human beings have reached a certain level through practice, and they have condensed into the source of life invisibly, but for plants, they have such a stronger vitality, why can't they condense the source of life?
Tianci pondered hard, how many towering trees, long vines and green grasses were destroyed by the Faran Empire on this trip, but they have never seen a single plant with the source of life!
On the edge of the rocks of the Weishui River, two bonfires were lit.

"Roland, although your magic is constantly declining, these two bonfires are still burning very well!" Qin'er laughed.

Roland was speechless and buried himself in the fire.

"I said, Qin'er, if you have time to laugh at Roland, why don't you care about your one. He sits on the ground suddenly and can't get up, what is he thinking! Since he wants to sit so much, pull him back and sit for a long time !” Saying that, Adela stood up, ready to pull Tianci.

"Hey, don't!" Qin'er jumped up and held Adela.

Adela looked at Qin'er with a sneer, and there was a mockery in the corner of her mouth.

"Hmph!" Qin'er was ashamed, and then realized that she was being molested, and pushed Adela away, "Go, go! I won't stop you!"

Adela became even more enthusiastic, and walked towards Tianci, "You said this, so don't blame me!"

Qin'er blushed, turned her head and walked towards the bonfire, ignoring Adela's sighs.

"Okay, Adela, stop messing around, if you disturb Godsend, aren't we doing it for nothing these days?" The Buster and Trunks wizards stood beside another bonfire. Said.

"Yes, mentor!" Adela stopped, walked back to the campfire, and sat beside Qin'er.Qin'er moved to the side, turning her head and ignoring Adela.

"Roland, come here!" Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks beckoned to Roland.

Roland stood up and walked over respectfully.

"It's been three days. How do you think about what we told you? If you change your mind, it's still too late. The letter we wrote to Dean Rafal has not been sent yet!"

"Thank you two mentors for your concern and care, I have made a decision!" Roland said firmly.

"Hey!" Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks sighed deeply at the same time, "If you continue to persevere with a talent like yours, I'm afraid it won't be worse than the dean, and it may even surpass the dean's level." My lord, what a pity! What a pity!!"

"What happened to our Welsh Empire these years? First, His Majesty was unconscious. Now if you do this again, it will make the situation worse. It will make the people of the Empire sad and lower the morale of the soldiers in front!"

Roland bowed deeply, "It is I who have failed the empire, failed the two mentors, failed the master, failed the dean, and failed the expectations of all the citizens of the empire!"

"You didn't fail us, you failed yourself, you failed her! The two of us have finished talking, so please do it yourself!" Wizard Buster said, looking at Adela intentionally or unintentionally.

Roland knew in his heart that he saluted respectfully without saying anything, and walked back to his bonfire, and there was another sigh of regret behind him.

"Oh!" Tianci suddenly wanted to pat himself on the head, "For any plant, although they have strong vitality, they have no wisdom, they can't think, they can't speak, they can't even move, so what? What about condensing the source of life through practice?"

After figuring this out, Tianci seems to have figured out a lot.

In terms of creatures on the mainland, only middle and high-level monsters, humans, dwarves, elves, and orcs have wisdom.Dwarves have the longest life span, but they don't know how to fight or do magic, and they have never heard that a dwarf can become a strong man, let alone condense the source of life.Although Warcraft can also produce wisdom, their strength is much stronger.Although human beings have a shorter lifespan, they can condense the source of life, prolong their lifespan and obtain powerful power.

This may be what Teacher Ou Ling said, there is no absolute fairness, but there is no absolute unfairness either!
On the other hand, thinking about it, the so-called life magic is actually just infiltrating the green light into the plants. The source of life makes the vitality of the plants become extraordinarily strong, which is why they emit such terrifying attack power.

Tianci smiled slightly, it turned out to be like this!When I opened my eyes, there were many people around me.Many people have seen it, and they are all great magicians of the Welsh Empire in Genoa.

Tianci stood up and walked to Roland next to him, "What's wrong here, there are so many people!"

Roland was speechless, and Adela gave her a godsend look, "You are so embarrassed to ask! So many of them came here from Genoa to protect you. You sat down without saying a word, and we can just stay here dryly." It’s been four or five days! Don’t you thank us for asking?”

Tianci was taken aback for a moment, and then understood, "Hehe, thank you! Thank you everyone!"

Many great magicians also returned their salutes, "Although this Genoa is not the territory of our Welsh Empire, if our marquis is captured by them here, do we still have the face to stay?"

Qin'er walked over with Yu'er in her arms, "Heavenly gift, when you go back next time, you should also thank Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks. If it wasn't for them two working so hard to guard you here In three days, I don’t know how many mercenary groups will come to harass you!"

Godsent was surprised, "Why are Wizards Buster and Wizard Trunks here?"

"Well, they have been guarding you until this morning and didn't go back. I heard that the elders of the mercenary union from the French Empire came to Genoa to look for you, so the two mentors went back to find out what happened!" Qin'er Said.

"The elders of the mercenary union are the elders of the lower court! What do they want from me?" Tianci asked puzzled.

"What else can there be? It's not about the Chiyan mercenary group that day. If you kill their leader, they will definitely not let it go. I heard that they went to the elders to sue you!"

Tianci couldn't help but sneered, "It was they who wanted to catch me, so I was forced to do it. Why are they suing me now? And even if I killed their regiment leader, so what? There were so many mercenaries that day there were no casualties? "

Qin'er was a little anxious, "It used to be but, but God sent you, don't forget our identities!"

"Identity?" Tianci was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly, "I almost forgot, both of us are still mercenaries!"

One of the mercenary guidelines of the mercenary union is that fighting between two mercenary regiments or individuals is absolutely prohibited.Even if there is an irreconcilable conflict, it must be challenged with a notary to decide life and death, instead of fighting privately.The mission of the mercenary group is rarely related to a certain mercenary group, let alone capture it. If there is a mercenary group whose mission is to capture another mercenary group, they can't be private to each other. If you want to fight, at most, go to the mercenary union to clarify the matter and ask.

All in all, mercenaries cannot fight and kill each other.

Tianci and Qin'er looked at each other, "We've gotten into trouble now!"

With the support of many great magicians, Tianci and other talents returned to Genoa in a mighty way.

As soon as he entered the attic, Tianci found Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks in the living room on the fifth floor. There were also two men in the living room, a younger man One is tall but with piercing eyes, while the other is middle-aged.It must be the elders of the two mercenary unions. They may have come to the attic of the Welsh Empire of the magic union to find the gift of God, and they were dragged by the two mentors.

Tianci went straight to the fifth floor, while other great magicians, including Roland and Adela, stopped on the first floor. They could not go up without the permission of the Buster and Trunks wizards. on the fifth floor.Qin'er didn't seem to care about these things, and followed Tianci to the fifth floor.

Knocking on the door and entering, the two mages looked at Tianci in surprise, "Tianci, you are back so soon? Come, let me introduce you! This is Fermi, the executive elder of the French Empire Mercenary Union, this It was the French Empire Mercenary Union who punished Elder Enrique."

Tianci saluted slightly, "The two elders don't know what's going on this time?"

The two elders sneered slightly, "We are here just for you this time! We recently received an appeal from the Chiyan Mercenary Group, they said that you innocently hurt their leader and killed two members, so we came here specially Investigate it! If there is no such thing, we will punish those who cause trouble for nothing, but if it is true, we will also act in accordance with the mercenary code!"

"So we would like to ask, at noon four days ago, did you kill He Lu, the leader of the Chiyan Mercenary Corps, and their other two members?"

Tianci stared at the two elders. Everyone knew that Yu'er was his uncontracted monster, and there was no difference between what he killed and what he killed. "Yes, I did."

The elder sentencing Elder Enrique sneered, "You're so quick to admit it, do you know how the mercenary code is stipulated? A while ago, the Federation of Trade Unions issued a mercenary shame day just to prevent internal fighting. You The better the crackdown, the more violations!"

"Two elders, this is not exactly the case. They were the first to arrest us!" Qin'er anxiously argued, and at the same time asked Tianci, "Tell them about the situation at that time!"

Tianci shook his head.

"This is Ms. Qin'er. If we remember correctly, you are our official mercenary just like Tianci. Although this kind of situation rarely occurs in the mercenary union, the most basic way to deal with it is to go with them The mercenary union should investigate clearly, instead of fighting among themselves! Let me ask you, did they ever say they wanted to kill you when they wanted to arrest you to complete the mission?" asked the middle-aged executive elder Fermi.

Qin'er was slightly taken aback, "But, but we can't let them catch us, who knows if they will hurt us!"

Executive Elder Fermi smiled, "We have already investigated the Chiyan Mercenary Group, and they have always had a good record, so we believe that this time it was Godsend who deliberately provoked internal fighting and hurt the Chiyan Mercenary Group, so Godsend, we have to Take you back and punish according to the mercenary regulations!"

(End of this chapter)

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