Godsend Field

Chapter 237 Imprisoned

Chapter 237 Imprisoned
The meaning of Fermi, the executive elder of the French Empire Mercenary Union, is very clear, that is, to take away the gift of God.

"No!" Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks said in unison.

"Second elders, this is the attic of our Welsh Empire. If you just let you take away the marquis of our empire, what face do we two old men have to stay?"

Wizard Buster stood beside Tianci, "Don't worry, as long as we're still alive, we won't let them touch your finger!"

Among the two elders of the French Empire Mercenary Union, the executive elder Fermi became an elder because of his relationship with the third elder of the House of Lords, not because of his strength.Therefore, only Elder Enrique is the strongest, but in Genoa, the capital of magic, no matter how strong Enrique is, he will definitely not belong to Buster and Trunks after being lowered by a level. opponent.

Elder Fermi sneered coldly, "Mage Buster, we could have gone directly to Weishui to get people. The reason why we came to say hello to you is to respect your Welsh Empire. I hope you don't go too far, don't forget Since you have come to the Magic Union, you should give up the national disputes. Don't forget the agreement between our two unions!"

The Trunks wizard snorted coldly!
Back then, the Mercenary Union was established and received strong support from the Magic Union and the Knights Union.However, because mercenaries are often composed of magicians and swordsmen and knights, friction is prone to occur in terms of system spirit or principles, especially in terms of punishment.Later, in order to avoid this kind of thing, the three parties at that time reached an agreement. For magicians or warriors with dual identities, if they violate the rules of that union, that union will come forward to punish them, and other unions must not find various excuses to protect them. shelter.

So over the years, even if the mercenaries who were punished by the mercenary union criminal investigation team were members of the magic union or knight union, the magic union knight union never protected them.

"Two mages, there is one more thing you need to understand. Tianci is a registered mercenary, not a magician, so this matter has nothing to do with your magic union! Our two unions have coexisted peacefully for thousands of years. In [-], I don’t think there will be a rift between us because of an outsider!” Elder Fermi said indifferently, looking at the elder who punished him, “Elder Enrique, our criminal investigation team should be nearby, right?”

Elder Enrique nodded, "That's right! Two mages, we are indeed not your opponents here, but don't forget our agreement! I don't think you want any earth-shaking things to happen on the mainland either! "

Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks were annoyed, but there was nothing they could do.Tianci is indeed not a member of the Magic Union, and even if he was, he would not be able to intervene according to the agreement of the year.

Seeing the resentful but helpless expressions of the two tutors, Tianci knew it in his heart.

"Godsend, I don't care what your status is in the Welsh Empire, or who you are related to. I only know that you are a mercenary now, a mercenary who violated the mercenary code. As the sentencing elder, I must You arrest it!" Enrique walked towards Tianci.

The two mages looked helpless.

"Stop!" Qin'er shouted coquettishly, turning over the palm of her hand, the token of Sunset Villa appeared in her hand, "I want you to let him go!"

"Sunset Villa?" Elder Fermi frowned and paused for a while. "Miss Qin'er, this is an internal matter of our trade union. Even if Senior Lei comes, there is no reason to interfere!"

"I don't care, I want you to let him go!"

"Miss Qin'er, it's okay to talk about other things, please forgive me for not being able to follow my orders on this matter!"


"Qin'er, forget it!" Tianci said, and walked in front of Elder Enrique, "What are you going to do with me?"

Elder Enrique didn't speak, Elder Fermi "Because the matter has not been clarified yet, we will first imprison you in the mercenary union in Genoa. When everything is clear, we will naturally deal with it according to the rules!"

"Okay, I'll go with you!" Tianci said coldly.

"Stinky boy, you're crazy!" Qin'er said anxiously, reaching out to grab Tianci.

Tianci smiled slightly and put down Qin'er's hand, "Don't worry, they won't kill me!"

Genoa's mercenary union is in Nancheng.

Many onlookers along the way, most of them are mercenaries.At the entrance of the mercenary union, members of the Chiyan mercenary group who had fled arrived, even Clement was among them.Seeing Tianci walking into the mercenary union under the custody of the two elders and the criminal police team, he immediately cheered and cursed.Qin'er, who came along, stared at Clement fiercely.

"Clement, if something happens to the brat, I'll let you be buried with him!"

Clement was shocked and stayed where he was.

Qin'er followed the two elders into the mercenary union.There is not a single mercenary in the spacious hall.Knowing that there was going to be a big event here, the staff arranged for the mercenaries who came to drink and stay early, and arranged for the connection and handover of tasks to be carried out outside.

In addition to the three-story attic above the mercenary union, there is also a prison cell underground.

"Miss Qin'er, please stop!" Elder Fermi stopped Qin'er, "Except for the elders and the criminal police team, even the person in charge of the cell below is not allowed to enter!"

Qin'er gritted her teeth with hatred, took a look at Tianci, stomped her feet, turned around and walked out of the hall.

Under the custody of the criminal investigation team, Tianci walked into the basement, a house four to five meters long and wide, surrounded by refined iron, with a prison door with iron bars on the front.There was only a dilapidated bed in the cell, and nothing else.Tianci snorted and walked in, and immediately a member of the Criminal Investigation Team locked it with a special iron lock.

"Tianci, this monster of yours..." Elder Fermi pointed to Yu'er, who was weak on Tianci's shoulder.

"We worked on the case together, and we killed the people together! You are not even afraid of two eighth-level wizards, so why are you afraid of an underage Firefox?" Tianci sneered.

Elder Fermi smiled wryly, "However, we heard that your monster is probably not an ordinary monster. This is the first time I have seen a fire fox that can kill a seventh-level great swordsman. But even so, don't try to rely on it." It escapes!"

Walking back and forth, Elder Fermi looked around, "Everyone from the Criminal Investigation Team goes out first, Elder Enrique and I are now going to interrogate the prisoner alone!"

"Yes!" All the Criminal Investigation Team walked out.

Tianci lay down on the bed bored. Although it was a bit worn out, there was no dust.

"Heavenly gift, the implementation is now confirmed. According to the mercenary code, you have committed a serious offense. Do you know what kind of punishment you will face?" Elder Fermi asked.

Tianci turned over and ignored it.

"Hmph! Don't know how to live or die! Don't think that the two old men outside can do anything, tell you, none of the people who entered the prison of our mercenary union can be rescued by their magic union!" Elder Fermi said angrily, "Self-infighting, Cannibalism, according to the mercenary punishment regulations, should kill you directly, do you understand?"

Tianci remained unmoved.

"However, seeing that you have only become a mercenary not long ago, and you are a rare high-level thief, we can forgive you! And you also understand that people from the George family are rushing here now, and it may take less than two days That's it, even if we don't punish you, as long as you are handed over to them, you will definitely die!"

Only then did Tianci sit up and "speak directly!"

Elder Fermi was taken aback for a moment. He originally thought that Tianci would beg him to forgive him at this time. How could he be so calm?
"Hmph, it's not that we can't forgive you, but you should also show something!"

"Show something? Could it be that your so-called principles can show something!" Tianci sneered. If you haven't met the three elders, I'm afraid I don't know. They just want their own life equipment that they don't need. One of you is the standing elder and the other is the sentencing elder, if you don’t stay in Marcel and appear in Genoa at the same time, you really have a heart!"

The two elders suddenly changed color.

"You don't need to say anything, I know exactly what you want, and I can tell you clearly, no! There is no such thing as what you want!" Tianci said coldly.

"No? If not, how did you take Brigitte's attack? Just because you, a person with no fighting spirit and no magic, can escape from the hands of an eighth-level great swordsman, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"I've said everything I need to say, believe it or not, it's up to you!" Tianci continued to lie down and ignored the two of them.

"Okay! Let's go!" Elder Fermi was furious, and walked out of the cell with his sleeves thrown.

I don't know how many hours later, it was estimated that it was almost dark, before the criminal investigation team brought the food, put down the food and went out, leaving Tianci alone in the small prison.I don't know where I bought these cheap goods, and I didn't see a trace of meat when I pulled them out to the bottom of the plate, and even the oil and water were pitiful.

Yu'er jumped aside annoyed, this is for foxes, it's not bad for humans!
Tianci chuckled and gathered the meals that had been scattered by Yu'er.Tianci, who was used to simple food since childhood, is not as picky as Yu'er.I remember that when I was a child, Yu'er was not so picky, even Yu'er would snatch half of the radishes he ate, Chinese cabbage, wild vegetables, and even elm fruits on elm trees, why did he become like this now? look?Thinking about it carefully, it seems that after Yu'er absorbed the magic core and evolved his own magic core, and could rely on elements to maintain his life, he began to become picky, eating delicious ones until he died, and not eating bad ones!

Halfway through eating, Tianci suddenly felt a little dizzy, "No, there is something wrong with these meals!"

Tianci immediately spread out the blue light and took the medicinal essence scattered on his body.They used such despicable means, Tianci was annoyed in his heart, they must have wanted to search themselves while they were unconscious.Although there are a lot of things in his space ring, there is nothing worth purple gold coins, only the Lingjian Heyan that Qin'er embezzled, and the rare metals found in Donglan Valley.But I think these mercenary elders didn't have much research on ore.

Tianci took out a vegetable leaf and stuffed it into Yu'er's mouth, "Let's pretend to be dizzy, I want to see what they want to do?"

When the protest was ineffective, Yu'er had no choice but to obediently put a broken vegetable leaf in her mouth, fell on the bed and pretended to be dead.

After a while, the door of the cell opened slightly, and Elder Fermi and Elder Enrique crept in.Opening the iron fence, Elder Fermi patted Tianci's face, but didn't respond, and looked at Yu'er next to him, who fell on the bed with a vegetable leaf in his mouth.

"He's already fainted, let's hurry up!" Elder Fermi Cui arrived, and began to search Tianci.

Elder Enrique stood aside without any action. As an eighth-level powerhouse, it was already very difficult for Elder Enrique to do such a thing. If he went to search again, it would be unacceptable anyway.

Elder Fermi checked Tianci back and forth three times, except for a space ring, there was no other equipment.

Take off the space ring bestowed by God, wear it on your hand, and the things in the space ring appear in your hand one by one, "No...not...nor this...neither..."

Putting the space ring back on Tianci, Elder Fermi stared at Tianci, "Where is it hidden?"

"Femi, is the news from Spain wrong?" Elder Enrique asked.

"Impossible! The news confirmed that he was blocked by Brigitte between the miasma forest and the gray wetland. You also know Brigitte, and you know his abilities very well. Do you think he can escape from him? ? And our people did hear Brigitte himself say that this kid has life-enhancing magic equipment, so he was hit by Brigitte and survived! Not to mention the last confession..."

"If the news is correct, then this kid must have known to hide the equipment in advance!" Elder Enrique guessed.

Elder Fermi nodded, with a fierce look in his eyes, "I wanted to use Chi Yan to scare him into taking it out, but after seeing the scene just now, he doesn't seem to be fooled. If that's the case..."

"Femi, don't act recklessly! You forgot what the abbot gave us when we set off!" Enrique was so vigilant that he stopped in front of Fermi.

"Elder Enrique, although I took the position of elder by virtue of my relationship, you have seen my hard work for the past ten years. In my conscience, do you think I can do my duty? Do you think I am competent?"

Elder Enrique nodded, the fact is indeed the case "Among the four executive elders, you are the youngest and the least experienced, but you are the most dedicated one! I have nothing to say about this!"

"Thank you, Elder Enrique, for agreeing! According to what the three elders said, if this kid is willing to hand over his equipment, he will be allowed to become the lower elder of the Mercenary Federation! Now the four major empires have routinely punished the two elders for not showing up. If there is a vacancy, if he becomes an elder, who will give up his position?"

Elder Enrique is silent!Of the eight subordinate elders, only Fermi has the least qualifications and strength. If he needs to be replaced, it will naturally be Elder Fermi.

"But Fermi, hasn't he handed it over? And he might not be willing to hand it over?"

Fermi nodded, his eyes softened, "If he really refuses to pay, then we will implement the second plan!"

"Femi, I'm not very clear about one thing! Since this thing is so good, and we have already prepared the second plan, why do we need to implement the first plan?" Elder Enrique asked.

"Elder Enrique, you don't know anything about this! If this kind of equipment is in the hands of our mercenary union, it will undoubtedly be a magic weapon to control the Guangming Church. At that time, we can coerce the Guangming Cult to obey us arrangement. Think about it, what kind of existence is the Guangming Cult, should you control it for your own use or destroy it?"

Elder Enrique pondered for a while and suddenly realized, "It turns out that the third elder of the Upper Court thinks so! Sure enough, he is much smarter than us!"

The corners of Fermi's mouth turned up, and he smiled coldly. This was thought up by the three old men, and it was clearly him. . .

"Okay, let's go out, and tomorrow we will set off to take him to Marcel!"

After the two elders walked out, Tianci slowly sat up. As expected by the three elders, the mercenary union was too ambitious. He was already the second largest force on the mainland, and he wanted to control the largest. The power of the Light Sect!This alone can't make them succeed.

The next day, Tianci was about to be taken out of the city by the two elders and the criminal investigation team, and Tianci began to think about how to escape.

As soon as she walked out of the mercenary union, there were already many mercenaries around outside. Qin'er sat on a chair facing the door, and when she saw the two elders coming out, she immediately stood up with her waist crossed, "You two, let me go!" That brat!"

The two elders looked at Qin'er, "Miss Qin'er, we made it very clear yesterday. And you are also a mercenary, I hope you will respect yourself!"

Instead of being annoyed, Qin'er smiled, "Okay, taking advantage of so many mercenaries here, let me ask you, why do you detain that brat!"

The two elders looked at Qin'er wearily, "He provoked internal strife and killed each other! Miss Qin'er, there must be a limit to nonsense. If you keep messing around like this, I will disqualify you as a mercenary!"

"Hmph! Who cares!" Qin'er tossed her beautiful hair, "You are saying that this stinky boy killed each other and that's why he was arrested, so what if he hurt others in self-defense? Is that still a problem?"

"Injury in self-defense certainly doesn't count! But in fact He Lu didn't mean to hurt him, and he did kill He Lu. With the witnesses and evidence, do you have anything to say?" Elder Fermi said with a sullen face.

"Well said, witness and evidence! Is the witness your mouth?"

"Of course not, Chi Yan's other mercenaries can testify, and Clement can also testify!"

Qin'er smiled, showing two small canine teeth, and as soon as she stepped back, a few mercenaries stood behind them. They were the members of the Chiyan Mercenary Group who ran out that day and Clement, "They are all here, you can ask !"

The faces of the two elders suddenly changed, a bad premonition.

Qin'er looked at the mercenary, "Listen, who was the first to commit murder that day, the one who wanted to kill first?"

Clement and the mercenaries looked at each other in embarrassment and said, "Yes...it's Captain He Lu!"

"Wow!" The surrounding mercenaries suddenly made noise, even Tianci was confused.

The faces of the two elders became even more embarrassing. They walked up to Chi Yan's mercenary and stared at the mercenary. The mercenaries didn't dare to look at each other, and all lowered their heads, even Clement did the same.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Elder Enrique roared angrily.

The mercenaries trembled in fright, "We...but... indeed... the regiment leader wants to kill him!"

The two elders were so angry that they almost went crazy, wishing they could go up and kill these mercenaries.

"Okay, you all heard it, everyone heard it too! You can let him go!" Qin'er said proudly.

"No!" Fermi suddenly yelled, "They must have been threatened by you to change their confession temporarily.

Qin'er smiled innocently, "I, Qin'er, swear by my soul, I never threatened them. Besides me, the great wizards of the Welsh Empire, the Buster wizards and the Trunks wizards also Never threatened them!"

After Qin'er finished her oath, she looked at the two elders, "Now you have nothing to say!"

(End of this chapter)

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