Godsend Field

Chapter 238

Chapter 238
Qin'er swears in public, so is it false?
Elder Fermi and Elder Enrique glared at Qin'er sullenly, and the mercenaries around began to whisper.

"Two elders, in the face of the facts, do you still plan to detain him?" Qin'er asked intentionally.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Fermi clapped his hands suddenly, with no anger on his face, "Of course! Since it has been confirmed that Tianci is purely self-defense and hurting others, we will naturally not hold him accountable! Elder Enrique, let's let him go!"

"Fermi! How can..."

Before Enrique finished speaking, Fermi stopped him, "Elder Enrique, in fact, he did self-defense and hurt others, let's go! I was still worrying about how to deal with this gift from God yesterday, but I didn't expect someone to help us today. Why don't we do it?"

Although Enrique didn't understand, he still waved his hand, and the Criminal Investigation Team released Tianci.

Tianci walked up to Qin'er suspiciously.

"What are you looking at, I saved your life, you have to remember it!" Qin'er said angrily, "Hurry up and go back with me!"

Tianci followed behind Qin'er, and walked to the attic of the Welsh Empire in a short time.Going straight up to the fifth floor, the god-given consciousness spread out, and with great joy on his face, he rushed directly into the living room on the fifth floor.

There were three people sitting in the hall, besides Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks standing respectfully, there was also an old man with a flying look, who was his master Vicari!

"Master!" Tianci pushed the hall away and rushed in.

Vicari put down the tea in his hand, and looked at Tianci, "Well, yes, there is no missing piece of meat! Hahaha"

Tianci was embarrassed, "Master Zu, why are you here?"

Viccoli's eyes were fascinated, "You asked me, you caused such a big incident in the Spanish Empire, how can I not know? I don't know how many times I went around in the Spanish Empire, but I just couldn't find you. Later, I thought, since so many people from the George family failed to find you, I must have nothing to do by myself. It’s better to sit on the sidelines and wait, knowing that you will come to find this little girl as soon as you get out of trouble, so I rushed here! But I seem to be a lot slower than you, but I arrived behind you, so I managed to catch up!"

"That's because I'm riding a unicorn, which is more than ten times faster than a human being!" Tianci chuckled, "Master, those members of the Red Flame Mercenary Group and that Clement were all threatened by you." Let's do it!"

"You are talking about those little guys! It was Lei's granddaughter who asked me to threaten them overnight. But Lei, this granddaughter is really a ghost. Once I go, you will come back, hahaha!"

"Hmph! Who are you talking about?" Qin'er walked up and said dissatisfied.

Vicari was taken aback and pretended to be puzzled, "Didn't you hear that? Of course it was you!"

"You..." Qin'er was very embarrassed, staying with grandfather Lei and master Rafal all year round, which made Qin'er not in awe of the peerless powerhouse at Vicari's level, but it didn't mean that she could easily offend them.

"Godsend, I have followed George's family around a lot in the Spanish Empire this time, and I heard that they suffered heavy losses. What's going on?" Vicoli asked casually.

Tianci chuckled, his palm moved slightly, and fifty or sixty middle-grade long swords fell to the ground, including a few top-grade weapons. They planned to arrest me and break my spirit, but I was forced to do so!"

Qin'er had known for a long time that it was better, but Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks were deeply taken aback.Vicari's eyes lit up even more, "You killed it all by yourself? Have you improved again?"

Godsend nodded!
"Hahaha, good disciple, I'll teach you a lesson!" Vikri burst into laughter from ear to ear.

"Hmph! What's there to show off!" Qin'er said unconvinced, and a long sword appeared in her hand with a slight movement of her palm, "I even captured this!"

The two wizards and Vicari looked at Qin'er, Qin'er deliberately clamped the blade with her fingers, exposing the hilt to the outside.

"Hey Flame, Hey Flame, is it the Spirit Sword Hey Yan?"

Qin'er proudly raised her head.God-sent horrified, seized. . .It was clearly seized from him!
The two mages looked straight. If it was a magic staff, they would have come up to grab it long ago.Qin'er smiled very satisfied, and suddenly put away the flames, "Hmph, you know how good I am!"

"Only you?" Viccoli shook his head, "Your grandpa is pretty much the same!"

Qin'er was embarrassed, rolled her eyes and then smiled happily, "Grandpa Vickoli, you and my grandpa and master can be regarded as having some friendship, and I can also be regarded as a junior, so I dare not expect extravagant expectations for this meeting gift! But today I am a rescuer." If you have given your precious disciple and grandson, you can figure out how to handle this thank you gift!"

Vikri was immediately happy, "I just heard Rafal say that you are a troublesome ghost, how can a big girl reach out and ask someone for a gift?"

Qin'er didn't care, and stretched out her white hand.

Vicari had no choice but to think for a moment, then took out a purple gold coin from the space ring, "Come on, I know you are short of this, you are welcome!"

Qin'er's cheeks were puffed up angrily, and she stretched out her hand to pat Vicari's hand holding the purple gold coin, "Hmph, you're so generous to Lier, and so stingy to me!"

Viccoli chuckled and put away the purple gold coin, "Of course, Lier is my grandson's daughter-in-law, so I will naturally give the best one. As for you, I'm willing to give it to you. Do you want to take it?"

Qin'er was ashamed, her face was as red as a rosy glow, and she said coquettishly, "You...you are old and unscrupulous, no wonder my grandpa said that you are no different from bandits and hooligans!"

Instead of being angry, Vikri smiled, "Hehe, I never expected that the majestic Sword Saint Lei would speak ill of people behind his back. What else did he say?"

"Grandpa also said that both your disciples and grandchildren have the same virtue. If the upper beam is not upright, the lower beam is crooked. Keep me as far away from you as possible!"

"The farther the better? Then why are you still here? I heard they said that you have been waiting here for several months!" Viccoli still had a smiling face, but no matter how you look at it, the smile is very evil.

Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks watched in amazement, a majestic sword king actually confronted a little girl, and the needle point was arguing with the wheat mang.

"You... old rascal!" Qin'er's face was flushed, she pointed at Vickery and cursed, then turned around and ran to the door, creaked, and opened the door.

"Oh!" Roland and Adela fell in.

Because they were worried about God's gift, Roland and Adela secretly went up to the fifth floor and posted them at the entrance of the living room.It never occurred to me that just after posting, Qin'er suddenly opened the door, and the two of them fell in without standing still.

Qin'er ignored the two of Roland and fled out of the hall in a panic.

Adela and Roland quickly got up, and stood aside in embarrassment, "Teacher, we are actually...we are worried about Godsend..."

The two wizards did not blame the two.

"Roland, you are really capable, I have heard about you!" Viccoli turned to look at Roland.

Roland lowered his head in shame, "I am incompetent and have failed everyone's expectations!"

Viccoli laughed loudly, "I don't care who you fail, but I like your courage like me! Both of us are people who can resist the temptation of artifacts!"

Roland was very ashamed, he had no choice but to resist the temptation of the divine weapon, but the Sword Emperor Vikri did resist the temptation of the divine weapon, which is admirable!Adela looked at Vicari with reverence.

"Okay, seeing that you and I are so close, let me point out your little lover!"

Different from Qin'er's shyness, Adela immediately jumped out and clasped her fists to salute, "Thank you Vicari Sword Emperor for your guidance!"

Viccoli nodded, "Well, that's fine! I only have half a day to give you instructions, let's go to the room where you often practice now!"

Adela was overjoyed, hurriedly led the way, and brought Vicari to the room where she practiced.

In the living room, two mages, Tianci and Roland, sat on the seats
"Adela is really lucky, to be able to get half a day's advice from the Sword Emperor Vicari is better than ten years of hard training!" Wizard Buster said enviously.

Tianci smiled happily, "I heard from my father that the master seldom gives advice to others. Some people are useless even if they kneel for a few years. At most, the master gives a few words of advice. This time it takes a long time to give advice." , Roland, your face is really not small!"

Roland smiled naively, "Actually, I'm also very surprised, why did the Sword Emperor Vikri say that! There's no misunderstanding, right? Or what are the conditions?"

Godsend photographed Roland, "No, Master did things rashly. If he sees you and Adela pleasing to the eye, he will give pointers. If he doesn't pleasing to the eye, he might even kill you. I'm not sure!"

Roland felt relieved, "With this half-day, Adela's trip was worth it! Hehe, it should be said that he returned with a full reward!"

Originally, the half-day guidance was from morning to afternoon, but they hadn't come out until almost evening.For Tianci and Roland, this half day is still very long, but for Adela, this half day is like a meteor passing by in the blink of an eye.


Viccoli came out, and Adela followed behind with a look of excitement and regret.Godsend, Roland also has two wizards guarding the door.

"Master!" Tianci greeted him happily.

Viccoli kept shaking his shoulders, as if it was covered with dust, "What kind of broken place is this? Every time I come here, I feel this way. It's so fucking annoying! It's so fucking uncomfortable to press on my body!"

The two mages walked forward, "King Emperor Vicari, we have prepared delicacies upstairs, just for you..."

"Go! Go! Go!" Vicari waved his hand, "I don't want to eat anymore, I'm leaving!"

"Ah, master, why are you leaving now? Besides, you can see that the sun is almost setting outside, so if you want to leave, you have to wait until tomorrow!" Tianci said anxiously.

Vickery patted Tianci on the shoulder with pity, "Master has something important to do. If I hadn't heard about your accident in the middle, I wouldn't have rushed here in such a hurry. Now that you are safe, Master is relieved! And you Even the sword intent has been mastered by myself, I have nothing to teach you!"

Tianci knew that it would be useless to try to keep him, "Then take care of yourself, come to Ancona to find me and Dad if you have nothing to do, Dad and brother still need your advice!"

Viccoli nodded, looked at Tianci and smiled complacently, "Invincible under the eighth level, good, good!"

Everyone sent Viccoli out of the attic together, but Viccoli stopped suddenly, turned around and shouted at the window of the attic, "Little girl, I'm fully prepared with presents, when will you come to get them?"

"Crack" the window opened.

Cups, porcelain vases, pillows, stools, low tables, flower pots. . .

Everything that could be moved flew out with a crash, and fell on Vikri's head.

"Killer, help!" Viccoli yelled, his figure flickered, leaving a string of floating figures in the air already hundreds of meters away.

"Damn it, level eight is so fucking slow..."

Including the two mages, everyone shed a big drop of sweat.

Khan, this is Sword Emperor. . .

Khan, the eighth level is really fucking slow. . .

"Crack!" "Bang!" "Crack!". . .A crackling sound woke everyone up.

Walking back to the attic again, the two wizards had no choice but to call God-sent Roland Adela and Qin'er to enjoy the delicacies prepared upstairs.

"Huh? Godsend, why didn't you see Yu'er?" Roland asked.

Tianci was shocked, just now he and Yu'er came out to welcome the master, why did he just send it to the master and why did it disappear?The consciousness dissipated in an instant, and Tianci was speechless, "Teachers, I think we should go out to eat. How about I invite the two mentors today?"

In the private room of Baihua Restaurant, two wizards sat in the middle, Tianciqin'er, and Roland Adela sat on both sides.

"Tianci, what are you going to do now?" Seeing that the food was almost ready, Wizard Buster put down his chopsticks and asked.

Tianci looked at Qin'er, "We plan to return to Ancona soon!"

The Trunks wizard nodded, "You should go back! Godsend, although the elders of the mercenary union don't bother you anymore, but don't forget, you are still the key figure in the nine-star mission, The mercenaries want to catch you! Buster and I have already joined the Magic Union, and we want to protect Wells' interests in the Magic Union, so we can't come forward in many things, let alone help you!"

"I understand! The two mentors have helped us a lot! I can't thank you enough!" Tianci stood up and saluted.

The two magicians quickly stopped Tianci, "Don't say that, ashamed!"

Roland also stood up at this time, "Second mentors, Adela and I have also discussed it, and we are planning to leave Genoa!"

"Well, that's fine too. It doesn't make much sense to stay here. It just so happens that the four of you go back together! Roland, you should think about it on the way, and at least think about how to explain to Dean Rafal. Ah Della gained the most this time, I really envy the dead!" Wizard Buster said with a smile.

Adela chuckled, stuffing delicious food into her mouth non-stop.

After a good night's rest, the four of them from Godsend recharged their spirits, woke up early, prepared some water and food, and put them in the space ring.Tianci patted Bai Ying, let's go together!
Four people led four tall horses.Although Bai Ying recognized him, he was a high-level monster after all and he didn't have a contract with him, so he could ride as little as he could. What's more, Bai Ying's speed was too fast, and he was a class higher than a horse. It will be very inconvenient for the three of them to communicate.

Yu'er was not polite, and jumped directly onto Bai Ying's back, sitting upright with her toes high.

There are not many people in the city early in the morning.

The four of them talked and laughed happily on the road, especially Qin'er and Adela, it was the first time they came out alone, and they were very excited to think that they would be able to go back soon, especially Adela. Get up early in the morning and practice in the training hall on the first floor.

Just when they were about to reach the west city gate, hundreds of mercenaries suddenly appeared from both sides, blocking the road.

Tianci frowned, "What are you planning to do? Do you still want to arrest me?"

A middle-aged man walked out from among the mercenaries, "Although we really want to, but unfortunately we don't have the strength, today we are not doing the nine-star mission, but for a piece of equipment on your body!"

Tianci's face darkened, "I don't know what you are talking about! Please step aside, we are leaving the city!"

"Master Godsend, why do you pretend to be confused? The mercenary union has made public the results of Donglan's mission last night. Because you and your brother arrived early, you got the key and used the ancient magic portal to enter Donglan. Valley, although I don’t know what your younger brother got, but you got the life-enhancing magic equipment! My lord, although you got this equipment, but these are left by our human ancestors, it belongs to We are all human beings, not you alone, so we hope you can think about the overall situation and lend this piece of equipment to our mercenary union. We will invite the best alchemists on the mainland to study together, and we promise not to If there is any damage, once the research is completed, we will definitely return it!"

All the mercenaries immediately became excited, clamoring for Tianci to hand it over.

Qin'er and Roland Adela looked at Tianci in amazement, with incredible expressions on their faces!Equipment that is blessed with life magic, what kind of concept is this, it can definitely cause a sensation in the mainland.

Tianci smiled contemptuously, "Where did you hear the news, it's just nonsense!"

The man frowned, "Master Tianci, please respect yourself. This news was announced by our Mercenary General Union, and Elder Fermi and Elder Enrique personally announced it. Could it be false?"

It was these two people again, Tianci knew it well, no wonder they released themselves so readily yesterday morning.They knew that they couldn't get anything from themselves, so they released themselves according to their tricks, and then spread this kind of news, trying to use all the warriors on the mainland to force themselves!It seems that they don't intend to control the Guangming Cult anymore, but choose to destroy the Guangming Cult!
Tianci looked at the excited mercenaries in No. [-], "I'll tell you again, I don't have any equipment with life magic! Please get out of the way!"

The mercenaries suddenly boiled, and the sound of resentment and cursing was mixed together.Everyone leaned closer together, and it was obvious that Godsend would not let them go until they handed over.

"Tianci, what should I do?" Qin'er asked nervously.Both myself and Tianci are still mercenaries, so I can't argue with them.Now that Viccoli was gone, no one could threaten them.

Tianci sneered, "Femi and Enrique can really calculate the time! They announced the moment the master left. Didn't they let us go? We won't leave!"

"Heavenly gift, are you leaving?" Roland asked puzzled.

Tianci pointed to himself and pointed to Qin'er, "I mean we won't leave, I didn't say you won't leave! This matter has nothing to do with you, and they won't and have no reason to stop you, so you and Adela go first, let's go The sooner the better!"

Roland understood, and led the horse with Adela and walked towards the west gate.

The mercenaries reluctantly gave way to Roland Adela. As soon as they walked out of the city gate, Roland Adela mounted their horses and galloped out with a whip.

(End of this chapter)

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