Godsend Field

Chapter 239 Out of the City

Chapter 239 Out of the City
Seeing Roland and Adela disappear into his consciousness, Tianci was relieved.

"Master Godsend, you don't have to think about other city gates, there are people there too! So I hope you can put the overall situation first and follow the public opinion!" the man said.

"Boring!" Tianci dropped a sentence.

"Where should we go now?" Qin'er asked quietly.

"Us? Let's go to the mercenary union!" Tianci turned his head while leading the horse.

"Mercenary union?" Qin'er turned her horse's head in surprise, "Isn't that a self-inflicted trap? Or are you planning to say it? Such words will definitely cause shock in the mainland, have you thought it through?"

Tianci smiled slightly, "Where did you think! I went to the mercenary union to quit the mercenary union, there is no other meaning!"

Qin'er breathed a sigh of relief: "You said it earlier, I was worried! But it's true, since I got this mercenary status, Zijin Coin didn't make any trouble but caused a lot of trouble, and I still have to be bound by its rules and regulations. Come on, it’s better not to be angry with the elders!”

The two led the horse and strode forward, and the mercenaries followed closely behind, just like Qin'er's bodyguards sent by heaven.

"It's really disgusting, a bunch of followers! Why don't stones fall from the sky and kill them all!" Qin'er cursed angrily.

Tianci looked at Qin'er happily, "Forget it, we're almost there!"

Walking into the mercenary union for the second time, the hall on the first floor was empty without a single mercenary, only a few staff members yawned boredly.As Tianci and Qin'er walked in, the empty hall was immediately filled with mercenaries.

"Qin'er, let's go to the bulletin board on the second floor first, I really want to see what Fermi wrote!" Tianci said as he walked towards the second floor.

The second floor was not as empty as the lobby on the first floor, only a dozen mercenaries followed, who seemed to be the heads of the regiments.

Walking to the bulletin board, Tianci and Qin'er were speechless.

All the announcements and messages on the spacious bulletin board have been removed, and only a one-meter-wide white paper is pasted in the middle, on which the entire message is written in bright red.The usual news of the mercenary union is written on a dozen or twenty inches of white paper, written in small black characters. Such a huge announcement is still written in red. It is simply unprecedented. It is strange that it does not cause a sensation!
The content expressed in the announcement is more eloquent and vivid than what the man said.

"Nonsense!" Tianci angrily tore off the white paper, crumpled it up and threw it on the ground.

"What are you doing!" A girl in charge of registering mercenaries on the second floor ran over and picked up the white paper on the ground, "Don't you guys know the rules of the mercenary union? If you tear up the announcement without authorization, I can immediately cancel your registration." Mercenary qualification!"

Tianci sneered, took out his mercenary card and handed it to the girl, "Don't bother, we are here to cancel your mercenary status!"

The girl was stunned, and mechanically took the mercenary card, "Heavenly gift, high-level thief, registered with the Seville Mercenary Union... Ah! You are a gift from God..."

Qin'er also took out the mercenary card and handed it to the girl, "I still have mine, I don't want it either!"

"Qin'er, the great magician of the water system..."

Tianci and Qin'er turned their heads and walked down the second floor.

"Wait!" Qin'er suddenly grabbed Tianci, as if remembering something, she turned around and walked towards the girl, stretching out a small white hand like jade, "We spent gold coins for this, now I will return it to you and refund our gold coins! "

The girl was very embarrassed, "There is no refund for canceling mercenaries!"

"Why don't you return it? Why didn't you say it when you received it? No matter, return our gold coins!" Qin'er stretched her little hand forward.

Tianci was funny, "Forget it, Qin'er, let's go!"

"Whatever it is, do you know how difficult it is to earn gold coins? It's all my blood and sweat!" Qin'er said stubbornly.

God-given heart a little sour!After coming out of Santa La Luca to Seville, she was so dazed that she didn't do anything. Thanks to Qin'er's work as a bodyguard for the caravan for a month, she only earned fifty gold coins through hard work.

"Return the gold coins quickly! If you don't return the money, I will dismantle your mercenary union! Oh, brat, what are you doing with me, they haven't refunded my gold coins yet, let go, let me go! If you don't let go, I will bite you is you!"


In the center of Genoa, in the living room on the fifth floor of the Welsh Empire Loft, Tianci sat on a soft chair and rubbed the back of his hands, a row of tiny teeth marks.

"Hmph!" Qin'er turned her head.

"Crack!" The door was pushed open, and Wizard Buster and Wizard Trunks hurried in. "Godsend, what's going on? Do you really have any equipment?"

Tianci stood up, "Two mentors, I really don't have one! It was all because of Fermi and Enrique who framed me. They didn't catch me, so they thought of this way to make the mercenaries and warriors on the mainland trouble me. "

Wizards Buster and Wizard Trunks are skeptical.

"Two mentors, you can think about it. Why didn't Fermi and Enrique tell you when they came? Even if they locked me up, they didn't announce the news, but I was rescued by Qin'er and Shizu, so they announced it. ?”

Wizard Buster nodded, "That's right! Actually, I'm very skeptical too! But those mercenaries are convinced, they've surrounded our attic three times now!"

Qin'er went to the window and pushed it open, only to see a dense circle of people outside, shouting and cursing, as if Tianci stole all their purple gold coins.

"The problem is that now it's not just the mercenaries outside, even those great magicians have begun to protest. If it's just them protesting, that's okay, but I'm afraid that the mentors of other empires will also start to believe, otherwise we won't They will allow their great magicians to mess around," the Trunks wizard said worriedly.

"Then what about the great magician on our side?"

"The ones on our side are quite honest. Although we can see that they are a little impetuous, we two old men are still a little confident that we can overwhelm them! Godsend, what are you going to do? You can't stay here forever! "

"What are you afraid of, we are not mercenaries anymore!" Qin'er said.

The faces of the two mages sank, "Genoa does not allow private fighting! Besides, they have a large number of people, and there are many masters, so don't be careless!"

Qin'er pursed her lips angrily, "The old rascal doesn't come when he should come, and he goes faster than anyone else when he shouldn't leave! I don't know where my grandpa went again, so I just know to play by myself, and I haven't come to Genoa for so long Me, see if I don't pull out his beard next time!"

The two mages are sweating profusely!
"You two mentors don't have to worry! We naturally have a way to leave! I let Roland and the others leave first in the morning because I had already figured out a way to leave!" Tianci said with a smile.

The three of Qin'er were surprised, "You have already thought about it? How do you get there?"

"Hehe, they all know that my Shiro Shadow is fast, but they probably forgot that Shiro Shadow is a high-level monster!"

The surrounding mercenaries took turns to rest and yell, from the morning Tianci returned to the evening.If it weren't for the scruples about the magic union, I'm afraid they would really rush into the attic.

"Everyone cheer up, I don't believe he will stay inside for the rest of his life!" The man stood at the door of the attic and yelled, which immediately elicited a frenzied response from the mercenaries.

"This is a relic of the ancestors of mankind. It belongs to all mankind, not to a person bestowed by him!"

"Take back what belongs to us and hand over the equipment!"

. . . . . .

The sky was getting dark, but the mercenaries still stayed on, lighting up their magic lamps, and some even camped underneath.

"I'm afraid the city gate has been closed now!" Tianci looked at the blurred city wall in the distance, "Qin'er, we are going to leave soon!"

Qin'er got impatient with waiting a long time ago, "Okay, I'll go lead the horse!"

"You don't need to lead the horse. Besides, can the horse rush out? Now, if you want to go out, only Bai Ying can do it!" Tianci walked downstairs, and took Bai Ying to the hall after a while.

Baiying was tall, but luckily the reception hall on the fifth floor was also unusually tall, so it wasn't too crowded for Baiying to stand in.

"Tianci, you don't plan to jump from the fifth floor, do you know how high it is?" the Trunks wizard asked worriedly.

Tianci smiled slightly, "Don't worry, this height makes no difference to Bai Ying!"

Turning over and sitting on Baiying, Tianci stretched out his hand, "Qin'er, I'm holding you!"

Qin'er's face was on fire, "You... what nonsense are you talking about!"

"Bai Ying won't let you ride on its back, so I can only hug you!" Tianci explained.

Qin'er was at a loss for a moment and twitched.

"Qin'er, hurry up, it will be dawn if you hang on any longer!" The Trunks wizard also persuaded.

With a red face, Qin'er came up and stretched out her small hand. Tianci pulled it hard, and Qin'er rose into the air and landed in Tianci's arms.My heart was beating wildly, and I was so nervous that I couldn't move.Yu'er ran up to Tianci's shoulder, grinning at the rigid Qin'er.Qin'er was so embarrassed that she stretched out her hand and slapped it.


Yu'er covered her head with her little paws, looked at Tianci with aggrieved eyes, and screamed.

Tianci adjusted his body posture to the best position, "Mage Buster, we are leaving now, but this window seems to be a bit small!"

Wizard Buster snorted softly, "The Mystery of Ice—Condensation!"

The window and the entire wall around it were immediately frozen into one piece. "Crack!" There was a soft sound, and the entire wall scattered into countless ice dust, reflecting the moonlight outside.

"Bai Ying! We're leaving, this time it's up to you!" Tianci caressed Bai Ying.

Bai Ying trembled twice, and suddenly his front hoof raised and hissed. Just as the front hoof hit the ground, his whole body rushed out like a bolt of lightning, and stayed in the air for a long, long time before starting to fall.

The mercenaries below noticed the fifth floor from the very beginning of their neighing, and watched Bai Ying leap out of their heads, and when Bai Ying landed firmly on the ground, he was already on the street far away.

"Go after them, don't let them get away!"

"Don't worry, the gate of the city has been closed, they can't get out, let's inform other people, and prepare to search the city!"

When the mercenaries started to disperse, Tianci had already arrived at the gate of the west city.The gate has been closed, and the guards under the bright magic lamp are guarding vigilantly under the city gate, watching the sudden gift of heaven and shouting, "Whoever comes dismounts, the city gate is closed..."

Before the guard could finish speaking, Bai Ying suddenly jumped high. The 20-meter-high city wall may be unattainable in the eyes of others, but it is not a big deal to Bai Ying.
Tianci had already experienced Bai Ying's ability in the gray wetland, so she didn't react much, but Qin'er was surprised from ear to ear from ear to ear. Jumping from a tall building was already very exciting, and this time she was even more shocked.

Watching Bai Ying disappear behind the city wall, the guards widened their eyes, were they dreaming just now?
Qin'er watched the scenery on both sides move back rapidly, and only then did she truly realize how terrifying the speed of the unicorn is!
"Boy, can we catch up with Adela and the others?" Qin'er asked.

"Adela and the others have been walking for seven or eight hours, and we only need one hour to catch up!" Tianci said.

"Really?" Qin'er was amazed, "This is faster than flying monsters!"

"It depends! Now the level of common flying monsters on the mainland is relatively low, no more than five levels. Although the speed is much faster than other monsters of the same level, there is no advantage compared with high-level monsters!"

"Hey, when will I be able to accept a high-level monster!" Qin'er sighed, and glanced at Tianci, this brat actually has two, what luck!

Tianci smiled slightly, "Then there is something to wait for! Low-level monsters are useless if you collect them, and high-level monsters don't have enough power and can't be collected. I don't think Dean Rafael will agree to let you collect monsters for the time being!"

"Hmph, you're not the master, how would you know!" Qin'er said unconvinced.

Tianci sighed, Qin'er often forgot common sense as soon as she got serious with herself!

The combat power of monsters on the mainland is higher than that of humans of the same level. Being able to subdue monsters is undoubtedly giving oneself an extra strength.But there are also some people who do not accept World of Warcraft.The first kind of people are people who have reached the peak of human beings and don't even bother to collect monsters to help them fight. For example, the saints of the four empires, who have artifacts, never accept monsters.The other kind of people are those who are very confident in their advancement. They think that they still have a lot of talent to advance. The usual battle is the best way to motivate and train themselves. If you collect the magic beast, the battle will become relatively It's easy and there is no danger, and it will also increase my dependence on Warcraft, so that I will waste my talent and cannot be promoted again.

Furthermore, a person can only subdue one monster at most, and other monsters would not bother to submit until this one is confiscated and not dead.If a martial artist subdues monsters at a low level, and the monsters are still alive when he is at a high level, then he will not be able to subdue high-level monsters.As a mutual contract, if a warrior deliberately let his low-level monster die in battle in order to pursue a higher monster, it would be an insult to the contract itself, and it would be tantamount to breaking his oath.

So Anrui never subdued Warcraft when he didn't meet the saber-toothed tiger.And even a saber-toothed tiger is not ideal for Anrui.It's just that Anrui focused on living a peaceful life with Jane at that time, and Claire and other hunters had too low fighting spirit, so they really needed a monster to protect everyone, so they chose Baifeng, a saber-toothed tiger with great development potential.

After a while, Qin'er also realized, but she can't admit her mistake!Qin'er simply looked at the surrounding scenery and ignored Tianci.

In less than an hour, a tent was vaguely pitched in front, and a fire was burning in front of the tent.

The white shadow flew there in an instant, and saw Roland and Adela sitting beside the fire, warming quietly.

"Roland, hahaha, it's really you!" Tianci said with a smile, "I didn't disturb your heart-to-heart conversation!"

"You...this is..." Roland and Adela stood up and looked at Tianci and Qin'er in Tianci's arms in amazement.

Qin'er was embarrassed and struggled to get down.Tianci jumped off the white shadow before putting Qin'er down.

"We're not like that... because I can't sit on the white shadow... because only the white shadow can come out... because..." Qin'er hurriedly explained, completely losing her usual vigor of a little tiger.

"Okay, okay! We know!" Adela sat down holding Qin'er, "Let's take a break!"

The four sat by the fire, and Adela took out some supper for the two of them to enjoy.

"Roland, not far ahead is the Xilan Inn, why don't you go there to rest?" Tianci asked.

"There are so many Xilan Inns, and you won't know which one we're staying at, so we'll just wait for you here. Anyway, as long as you can come out, you will definitely come here!" Roland said.

"Oh! Have we reached the peak of Xilan Mountain?" Qin'er suddenly exclaimed, "I almost forgot, our alchemist Master Degar is now on the top of Xilan Mountain! Last time he wrote to me, he asked me if I wanted to go with him. go with him!"

"Xilan Mountain?" Tianci said softly, "When you get to Xilan Inn, you should take a rest first, I might go to Xilan Mountain!"

The three looked at Tianci in surprise.

"I'm showing Bai Ying a way to get acquainted with the Green Bee Queen. In the future, Bai Ying can find the Green Bee Queen as a neighbor if he gets tired of hanging out with us!" Tianci said relaxedly.

"No, I'm going too! Brat, don't forget what you said in Valencia, you still owe me a lot of green bee royal jelly! And I also want to see if Master and the others have any research Results!" Qin'er said immediately.

"Then Roland and I will go too! Although my fighting spirit will be suppressed, Roland still has the strength of level six, so you don't have to worry about us!" Adela also said excitedly, "I want to go too Take a look at this legendary land of miracles!"

Roland's face was extremely embarrassing, "Adela...Actually, I...I am now...only the strength of a fourth-level magician!"

"What? Only level four!!" Adela Tianci and Qin'er were shocked, "It's only been a few days, if you want to regress, you won't be regressing so fast!"

Roland looked embarrassed, "I had already lost the talent to advance when I realized the destruction the size of a fingernail. Now this black hole has expanded to the size of a fist. It can be said that my fire ability is plummeting every day. I can't think of one." Yue, I'm afraid I don't even have the ability to gather fire elements!"

Now even Tianci was dumbfounded, "I used to think that this would only stop you from moving forward, but then I thought it would be so domineering that it would swallow even the strength you already possessed! It's too scary!"

Roland shook his head, "It's not devouring, I feel like it's changing! As for how it will change after the transformation, I'm afraid that only a period of time of meditation will produce results!"

All four were silent!

The bonfire is still burning dead wood!

"Roland, don't be discouraged either. I feel that your destruction is much more terrifying than your fire element. Maybe you will become even more powerful in the future!" Tianci patted Roland and cheered up, "Everyone, be good!" Let's take a rest, when we go to Xilan Mountain together tomorrow, even if the four of us are not good enough, wouldn't there still be Bai Ying? Isn't there still Yu'er?"

Yu'er immediately jumped over, puffed out her small chest and howled, with a confident expression on her face!Then stretch out a small paw.

Qin'er was immediately amused, and took out a piece of stewed meat from the interspatial ring, "Your reward, you have to lead the way tomorrow!"


Yu'er immediately snatched the stewed meat!Don't worry, tomorrow will be covered by Ben Dahu!

(End of this chapter)

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