Godsend Field

Chapter 240 Revisiting

Chapter 240 Revisiting
"Master Saint!" Nero and Anrui saluted respectfully.

"You guys are here!" Dean Rafal put down the book in his hand and rubbed his tired and dry eyes!
"Dean, I have invited the best imperial doctor in the palace, I believe Li'er will recover soon!" Nero said.

"I hope so!" Rafal nodded helplessly. I don't know how many people have been invited in these days, from famous ancestral remedies to folk remedies. However, Lier's legs are still intact. No progress.

Archbishop Makayla said very clearly that although light magic is very powerful in terms of healing, it is not omnipotent!Although the wound can be healed quickly, and those whose lives are hanging by a thread can be turned into safety, but it cannot go against the sky, such as the aging of the human body and the deterioration of organs. . .Even the mercy of God personally displayed by His Majesty the Pope can only be delayed and cannot be completely cured!Otherwise, it is enough to have priests on the mainland, what kind of court doctor, what kind of alchemy apprentice and alchemist are needed.

A moment later, the old imperial doctor in court uniform came up, "Lord Saint, Lord Nero!"

"What's going on?" Nero asked concerned.

The imperial doctor sighed and shook his head helplessly.

Dean Rafal can only accept it.

"It's really so serious, is there no way?" Nero asked eagerly.

"Back to Lord Nero, Miss Lier's leg is not a big problem. Although she has been backlashed by magic, it is not serious. In addition, Archbishop Makayla has used the divine grace technique for a long time. Logically speaking, she should be able to recover completely. Yes, it’s okay to stand up and walk slowly at the worst. But in fact, Miss Lier can’t control her legs at all...so from my experience..."

Dean Rafal immediately stared at the imperial doctor.

"I think Miss Lier's illness is not in her legs, but in her heart!"

"In my heart? What do you mean?"

"Miss Lier's legs are fine. I'm afraid it's because she doesn't want to stand up from the bottom of her heart, which is why there is no progress today!"

Dean Rafael frowned, and Nero was even more puzzled, "How could it be? Didn't Lier always think that she could go to her brother when her leg was cured sooner? Otherwise, so many people would not be allowed to come for treatment. Would you say that she doesn't want to stand up from the bottom of her heart?"

"This..." The imperial doctor hesitated to speak.

"Hey! I understand!" Dean Rafal sighed long, walked to the window and watched Jane pushing Lier downstairs while chatting and walking slowly, "Lier is afraid, she is afraid What if she stood up and couldn't find Tianci! So even though she always wanted to get up and find Tianci, deep down she hoped that she would never get up, so there was always hope! My poor Lil !"

"In this case, let's tell her the truth!" An Rui said.Since Lier came back from the accident, everyone has followed the request of Dean Rafal and kept quiet, so even Claire's family in the village of Yier didn't know that something happened to their daughter. .

"No! Before Tianci returns to Ancona, no one is allowed to say a word! I would rather leave Li'er like this, and I don't want her to be hit twice!" Dean Rafal said firmly.

"That's right, Mr. Saint is right! In fact, Miss Lier is already very strong if she can do this. If she is hit twice, her psychology will be completely defeated. At that time, life and death will be hard to say. Things!" The imperial doctor said slowly.

"What the doctor said is exactly what I'm worried about!" Dean Rafal sighed, "It's really troublesome now! Doctor, how is your Majesty doing?"

"Returner, everything is still normal at your Majesty's place! Your Majesty has been working hard all year round. Every year on busy days, he works hard until late at night. He has already accumulated a lot of stubborn diseases. In addition to our careful service, he also relies on Degar The master's elixir and Archbishop Makayla's divine grace are still maintained, and I don't want to suddenly burst out all of them this time! But Lord Saint, you can rest assured that His Majesty's current situation is stable and there will be no danger."

"Hey, that's good! Anyway, I still hope that His Majesty can survive this test!" Dean Rafal sighed.The palm moved slightly, and a piece of old and yellowed paper appeared, but the writing on it was still clear.Although the font is tall and straight, it is only from the hands of a 15-year-old boy after all, so the strength is quite insufficient.It was this piece of paper that made me make the most proud decision in my life - to kill the second prince and the noble concubine's family!
Walking into the humble inn next to her, Qin'er didn't even need to take out a token, "Boss, give me all your stewed donkey meat!"

The boss looked at Qin'er in surprise, "The second princess is here, please come inside! Are you going to stay in the hotel this time, or is it your grandfather's room?"

"No need, we'll go to the mountain after we've finished eating! Also, sell me all your stewed donkey meat, I'll keep it and eat it slowly!" Qin'er said and sat at the same table with Tianci. beside.Now is not the month when fighting spirit is suppressed and disappears, so there are some merchants and hired mercenaries between them, the number is relatively small and only seven or eight tables are seated.

"Son, cut all our stewed donkey meat into pieces and prepare the ingredients and bring it to the second princess!" The boss yelled loudly.

"Hey, boss! We have already ordered braised donkey meat, how can you do this?" The mercenary next to him immediately became unhappy.

"What's the matter! I haven't accepted your gold coins yet. I won't sell the stewed donkey meat now. If you want to eat it, I'll treat you to it. If you don't like it, please invite me. The gate is here!" the boss said bluntly. .

"That's what you said, so we won't be polite! Another jug ​​of good wine and two plates of mutton! The brothers are free to eat, and the boss said he was a treat!" The mercenary who was talking shouted loudly.The rest of the mercenaries responded immediately, letting go of their stomachs and eating!
Seeing the proud look of the boss, the three of God-given Roland Adela were speechless, Qin'er was also very happy, grabbed a handful of purple gold coins and threw them on the counter, "Boss, I am in a good mood today. I invite everyone here Already!"

"Okay! Women don't give in to men! Three more plates of barbecue!"

"The girl is so beautiful and generous, everyone loves her! Another five pots of good wine!"

"It's our honor to meet the girl! Boss, let's have another table!"

The three of Godsend were completely convinced!

Walking into the mountains, the Dou Qi here is very suppressed, and Adela can barely use level four Dou Qi.The first time I entered the mountains, there were still many monsters here, but this time, there was not a single monster nearby.

Set up camp in the evening, even if you light a fire and barbecue, there will be no monsters running over.

Tianci smiled, and found many monsters in his spiritual consciousness, but he smelled the high-level monster breath from Bai Ying, and tried to avoid them as far as possible.

"Hehe, it's really safe to walk with Bai Ying!" Tianci said with a smile.

Yu'er behind Bai Ying was immediately unconvinced, put down her little paws to marinate the donkey meat, and began to gather her big tail.Tianci hurriedly dispersed it to Yu'er. If Yu'er came here for a while, the monsters nearby might run out of the mountains in fright and attack the inn!

At night, Adela and Qin'er slept in the same tent, and Tianci and Roland slept in the same tent, even the night watch was exempted!

After passing the mountains, there is a zigzag mountain road.Tianci and Qin'er were familiar with each other, and took Roland Adela directly to the fifth passage, and then walked up in a circle.

The top of the fifth passage is the old base of the Green Bee Queen!Nothing has changed here, flowers are still blooming everywhere, the air is full of flower fragrance, and countless hardworking bees are buzzing among the flowers.

It was the first time for Adela and Roland to come, and they didn't expect that there would be such a paradise on top of the primeval forest-like Xilan Mountain.

Qin'er had explained to Roland a long time ago that bees must not be hurt here.

Tianci patted Bai Ying, "This is the Xilan Mountain Garden I told you about. If you are not happy to follow us in the future, you can come here. There are no monsters here that can threaten you!"

Shirai Shadow galloped around in a circle, looking very comfortable.After a while, he ran back again, biting Tianci's sleeve.

"Hehe, I just took you to see the way, I didn't say I'll let you stay here now!" Tianci caressed Bai Ying, "Go, I'll take you to meet your future neighbor!"

Tianci and the others continued to walk in and reached the valley where the Green Bee Queen was.Hearing Yu'er's roar, the Green Bee Queen didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly flew out to greet the little king beast.

The unicorn is born to be a symbol of purity, with vitality and beauty.The Green Bee Queen is not an angry monster either. Apart from protecting her own bees, she also prevents foreign humans from invading the valley where her nest is located. Generally speaking, she is also a peaceful monster.So even if the unicorn lives here for a long time, the Green Bee Queen will not object, and even welcome it a little bit.

Under Yu'er's order, the Green Bee Queen took out a lot of Green Bee Royal Jelly, and now the cola broke Qin'er, and rewarded Yu'er with a lot of stewed donkey meat.

When Tianci wanted to cross the valley and enter the mountainside, Bai Ying suddenly became impatient, and refused to set foot on the mountainside no matter what.Tianci and Qin'er had already expected this.Except for Yu'er, a little king beast that doesn't have any magical beast inheritance, I'm afraid that other magical beasts don't even want to go up the mountainside.

After ordering Bai Ying to wait here, the four of Tianci walked up the mountainside and began to go up the mountain around the road around the mountain.

After a while, they reached the cave. Without the obstruction of the ancient teleportation array, they could clearly see the cliffs on the side of Xilan Mountain.Adela and Roland kept admiring the miracle.

The steps on the inner wall of the cave are connected to each cave in a zigzag shape. If you are tired from walking, the four from Tianci simply go to the cave to rest, and then go up after resting.

Wait until you have passed the last switchback to a smaller ring road and dense fog.Learning the previous method, they used a rope to connect the four of them together. After walking for half a day, they got out of the dense fog and reached the top of the mountain.

"Who?" A roar suddenly came from the entrance to the top of the mountain, and several warriors jumped out holding long swords.

Tianci looked at the warriors and frowned slightly, but didn't know any of them!Spreading his consciousness, Tianci was deeply surprised, the small mountain top was covered with tents, nearly 50 warriors were standing or sitting, and some of them even started to compete with each other.The fighting spirit here will be lowered by two levels, so most of the fighters have light blue fighting spirit, and some even have dark blue fighting spirit!
There are so many great sword masters gathered here!Tianci was secretly surprised!
There are many alchemist dressers around the ancient magic circle, and Master Degar is among them, discussing and pointing with a few people next to him.

"Everyone, we are not bad people. This is Miss Qin'er, Master Degar's apprentice. This time I came here especially to find Master!" Tianci said, pointing to Qin'er behind him.

The martial artist looked at the four Tianci with doubts. Those who can come up from the bottom at this time are definitely not ordinary people, and these four seem to be too young in grades! "You wait, I will inform Master Degar!"

Not long after, Master Degar ran over and opened his eyes wide, "Qin'er, it really is Qin'er, come here and let Master have a look!"

Seeing this, the warrior had no choice but to get out of the way.

The four of Qin'er walked to the top of the mountain.Degar started chatting with Qin'er, complaining that Qin'er stayed in Genoa and didn't come to the top of the mountain with him, and took Qin'er to study the magic circle before long.Adela and Roland were attracted by the magnificence of the surrounding clouds and waves.

"Heavenly gift!" Suddenly there was an exclamation.

Tianci turned his head to look, "Master Finchlan, why are you here?"

Master Finchlan looked at Tianci in disbelief, "It's not about you...it's about you..."

Of course Tianci understood, and smiled slightly, "Qin'er and I are lucky, we didn't fall to our death, we were rushed to the Spanish Empire, and we just came back!"

"It's good that you're not dead! It's good that you're not dead! Come and talk in my tent!" Master Finchlan pulled Tianci towards his tent.The tent is not big, but it is comfortably arranged, and the tea, wine and food are very rich.

"Master, why are you here?" Tianci asked again.

"Me? This age-old mystery has finally been solved, of course I want to come and see!" Master Finchlan was fascinated, seeing the expression of disbelief from God, "Hey, it's actually Degar, an old guy who is here to study the magic circle. Want me to be his bodyguard. Besides, I don't want to stay in Ancona, so I just come out and walk around, out of sight!"

Tianci naturally understood what Master Finchlan meant, "Master, is Ancona in a mess now?"

"It's not a mess, after all, Dean Rafal is sitting, who dares to mess up? But it's always uncomfortable to be bothered by others! Also, your brother is really not easy. I really didn't see it! You and your grandfather are just like the same mold!"

Tianci was taken aback, "Nile? What's wrong with him?"

"Don't you know? Your younger brother has dropped out of Imperial College, and now he is the Deputy Counselor of the Ministry of Government Affairs, and he handles it so well, I really don't realize that he is the only one! Kate is like this, Yar was like that back then, and Nero is like this That’s it, why does your Kate family produce such geeks?”

Godsend chuckled, "Actually, Nero started studying government affairs with his grandfather at the age of 12. I am not surprised that he can do well, and my younger brother's talent in this area is much higher than mine! There is also a master, What's going on with the people here!"

"They, they are all bodyguards sent by the major empires! Since the mercenary union released the news that there is an ancient magic circle here, the alchemists from the major empires have gathered here one after another. You also know that the fighting spirit here is suppressed, Magic is also limited, so all major empires send great sword masters to protect them, and each country has an eighth-level great sword master leading the team! But don't worry, the situation here is relatively stable, we are all here to work together to study , it’s not fighting for something, so no one will use force!”

Tianci nodded, this point is correct.This teleportation array is many times more profound than the existing ones. No one can guarantee that he can completely study it by himself, and if any results are obtained, it will be beneficial to the empires, so there is no People are stupid and fight among themselves.

"By the way, master, look what I got!" Tianci said as he took out the mist stone from the space ring and put it on the ground.

"This is..." Master Finchland looked at the rock on the ground and couldn't help frowning. He squatted down and looked at it carefully, and gently touched the "Mist Stone? Could it be the Mist Stone?"

"Master really has good eyesight. This is the Misty Stone, which was discovered by Nero and I!"

"The mist stone is extremely rare, and it must not be that simple to breed such a rare metal!" Master Finchland said, stroking his beard.

"To tell you the truth, Nero and I found this in the Donglan Valley. It has been shrouded in fog all year round, and I suspect that the fog may have something to do with the King Beast Frost Dragon. Maybe he made it out Got it!" Tianci said.

"Donglan Valley? Did you go in?" Master Finchlan was extremely surprised.

"Well, but the entrance has been completely damaged. It is at the end of the stone bridge outside the magic circle. It used to be an empty island, but it has disappeared now!"

"That's it!" Master Finchlan stroked the Misty Stone, "It's a pity that there is no good fire in the Forge Pavilion, otherwise I really want to refine it quickly and make it into a weapon!"

Tianci rolled his eyes, "Master, I know that there is a place where Ziyan's heart is burning, don't you know if it's okay?"

Master Finchlan's eyes glowed, "What are you talking about, Ziyan is angry? Quick, take me there!"

"It's okay to go, but we don't have the props to refine, and I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the ups and downs!" Tianci said worriedly.

"Haha, how can I not bring all the props when I go out? And I can be invited by Degal to be a bodyguard. Do you think I can only eat dry food? Let me tell you, I have at least six levels of strength!" Master Finchlan said with a smile.

God sent a surprise.

"Don't forget that warriors rely on wielding swords to exercise their bodies and mental strength to generate fighting spirit. And we blacksmiths are constantly forging iron every day, which is no worse than their swinging swords, and our mental strength is extraordinarily strong when we forge iron Concentration, even if you develop fighting energy, there is nothing to be surprised about, but the increased strength of fighting energy may not be able to strike iron, so I don't use fighting energy to strike iron!"

Tianci nodded, that's why!

"Not only me, but also craftsmen on the mainland, including your master Mike, and none of them will be lower than level four. Otherwise, if you are an old man in his decades, how can he hold a hammer and beat for several hours?"

"Then I don't worry about it! Let's go now!" Tianci put away the Misty Stone and greeted Qin'er Adela Roland.Qin'er was beside Degar carefully listening to the opinions of many alchemists.

After admiring the beautiful scenery around her, Adela began to ask the surrounding great sword masters for advice.

Roland pitched a small tent at the very side and started meditating alone!

(End of this chapter)

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