Godsend Field

Chapter 241 Smelting

Chapter 241 Smelting
Tianci and Master Finchlan greeted everyone and went down the mountain.The Great Swordsman of the Welsh Empire was worried about the safety of Master Finchlan and insisted on following him. The inseparable protection of the Master was a death order from the military. Even Master Finchland couldn't do anything about it. Finally, an agreement was reached. The Great Swordsman They went to the mountainside and waited outside, while Tianci and Master Finchlan entered the valley of the Green Bee Queen.

Master Finchland has also heard about the power of the Green Bee Queen, so he came up this time to avoid the fifth passage.It was a pity to learn that Ziyan's heart fire was in the valley of the Green Bee Queen at the beginning, and he walked into the valley under the guidance of Tianci's explanation.When I saw the respectful appearance of the green bee monsters and the green bee queen all over the sky, I was very surprised.But before he calmed down, he saw the tall unicorn turning around Tianci again, and he didn't know what to say.

"Master, we can refine it!" Tianci said.

"Okay? Is it here?" Master Finchlan looked around. The soil here is moist and the flowers and plants are lush, and there are no traces of volcanoes. How could there be Ziyan's heart fire?

"Hehe, master, you don't need to doubt, you will know when the time comes!" Tianci said with a smile.

Master Finchlan was dubious, but he still took out the simple metal refining stove from the space ring and put it on the ground.Tianci put a large piece of mist stone into the furnace in the middle.

The entire furnace is made of purple gold.

Zijin is a very special rare metal.Its texture is like a rare metal, but its output is far higher than other rare metals.Purple gold is difficult to melt, but if some kind of alchemy potion is added, purple gold is easier to melt than any other metal.Based on these two points, Zijin is used as the currency in circulation on the mainland.

For alchemists, Zijin Dan Furnace is the best choice for refining medicine.As for blacksmiths, the furnace made of purple gold can refine any rare metal.

Tianci nodded Yu'er on his shoulder, at this time only Yu'er could provide a sufficient source of fire.

With the cooperation of Tianci, Yu'er, and the Green Bee Queen, a purple flame lit up in the stove instantly, and the temperature rose rapidly, and other metals around the stove could not bear the heat and melted one after another.Fortunately, the support of the furnace is also made of purple gold so as not to collapse.

Seeing the purple flame, Master Finchland's eyes widened excitedly, panting non-stop, "Ziyan's heart fire, it's really Ziyan's heart fire!"

The temperature of Ziyan's heart fire was hundreds of times higher than the usual smelting fire, and after a while, a lot of molten iron was produced in the Zijin furnace.All the molten iron is divided into two layers, the upper layer is dark blue, and the lower layer is rougher.

"The Misty Stone is light and hard, and can be used to create long swords and spears. It is suitable for martial artists who are good at martial arts!" Master Finchlan said, "The upper layer is the Misty Stone, and the bottom layer is impurities!"

Tianci nodded and poured the molten water of the Misty Stone into the new purple gold basin together with Master Finchland.An oily substance was applied on the surface of the basin, and when molten water poured in, it would solidify, but it would not stick to the purple gold basin.

Carefully pour all the molten water from the upper layer into the purple gold basin, Tianci and Master Finchlan then dealt with the remaining impurities.According to common sense, the metals attached to the surroundings of rare metals are basically waste products. The entire mine where some serious rare metals are located is extremely rough iron materials, and the essence is absorbed and fused by rare metals.So in a large iron mine with good quality, if a pile of low-grade scrap iron suddenly appears, you should pay attention to it. There may be rare metals in the scrap iron.

After disposing of the waste, Master Finchlan put the Misty Stone into the purple gold furnace again, and continued to heat and smelt it.He poured out again and again and refined again and again, so four or five times, he finally got the purest mist stone.Compared with the first large piece, it has shrunk by more than 20 times.

After refining, Yu'er released the green bee queen back to her lair to rest.

"Hehe, Godsend, your luck is really good this time, to be able to get such a large piece of mist stone. You must know that the rare metal that absorbs and emits cold energy independently, such as mist stone, is more precious than ordinary rare metals. It can be said that It's the rarest of the rare!" Master Finchlan looked at the large foggy stone in front of him with satisfaction.

"Master, this mist stone should be able to forge a long sword!" Tianci said.

"Enough, enough! Tianci, let me discuss with you, can this mist stone let me temper it with the strength of Ziyan's heart fire?" Master Finchlan stroked his long beard, and looked at Tianci longingly. "I have been casting all my life, and I have never used Ziyan Heart Fire, nor have I refined such precious and rare metals!"

Tianci smiled, it seems that the master must be itchy!
"No problem, but there is a condition!" Tianci said seriously.

"What condition, tell me quickly?" Master Finchlan's eyes were burning.

"It's very simple, you must let me see the whole process of your training, and answer my questions!" Tianci said with a smile.

"I thought it was something, no problem! Hahaha, how come you have learned from the dwarf Oliver boy!" Master Finchlan said happily, "But Godsend, I have a question that I have always wanted to hear from you. Reply!"

Tianci was taken aback, "What's the problem?"

Master Finchlan stared at Tianci, and asked solemnly after a while, "Are you a craftsman?"

Tianci pondered for a moment, "Yes!"

Master Fen Qilan looked up to the sky and sighed, "Hey! Really! You really are! Although I can guess it every time, I still don't want to face it and dare not believe it. I am afraid that these are facts. Hey! Today Even after hearing you admit it, I still can't believe a 20-year-old craftsman!"

"Master, in fact, I have been a craftsman since I was 17 years old! The medium-grade long sword in my brother's hand is my first work!"

"17 years old!" Master Finchlan was completely shocked and speechless. "You should have started learning casting when you were 14 years old! Can you become a craftsman in three years?"

"Master, how did you know that I am a craftsman? It shouldn't be leaked by my master and younger brother!" Tianci asked.

Master Finchlan waved his hand, "It's not them, I guessed it myself! Every time you ask me a question that can only be understood by a craftsman. And don't forget that you once auctioned twelve middle-grade weapons, and I always After checking, it is impossible for Craftsman Mike to make such a rough weapon! The only answer is that someone stole his name, and Craftsman Mike didn’t investigate or pursue it after you came back, why do you say?”

Tianci's face was slightly red, and his technique at that time was indeed not comparable to that of Master Mike.

"Hey, let's keep this matter a secret for the time being, otherwise it will cause too much fluctuation! Besides, even if you are given the title of craftsman, I am afraid there will only be disadvantages and no benefits! We still have to discuss what you plan to make of the Misty Stone. What about the weapon?"

"Is this..." Tianci really had a hard time asking.Dad doesn't need it, it's still too early for Nero to reach the sixth level of grudge, and Nero pays more attention to momentum than dexterity, this long sword may not be suitable for him.Among Chen Wu, Gru, and Lorna, Gru already has a high-grade long sword, and there are two more in his interspatial ring, and Adela also has a high-grade long spear. . . "Hey, I don't know who to give it to?"

"I said Godsend, why do you always think about other people, don't you need weapons yourself?" Master Finchlan said.

"Me?" Tianci shook his head helplessly, "Although I know how to use a sword now, I don't have fighting spirit after all, and top-grade weapons are a waste for me!"

"Other high-grade weapons may be, but this is not! Don't forget that this long sword itself attacks with cold air, and you don't need any talent! I think it's better to build a long sword for you, Then I will ask Degar to draw a magic circle to store fire magic, which can also make up for your shortcomings!"

Tianci nodded, "Then thank you Master!"

"Tianci, you go and ask the great swordsman outside to go up, and say that I have a hundred thousand urgent calls to Degar to come down. Wait, tell the great swordsman to tell him that if he doesn't come down this time, my friendship with him will be severed." Never contact!" Master Finchlan ordered, "I can just use this time to think about how to build the next change!"

Master Finchlan held the Misty Stone and meditated, while Tianci went out and informed the Great Swordsman to call Master Degar down.

After waiting for a day, Master Finchlan still held the Misty Stone, Tianci ordered Yu'er to take care of the master, and went outside to wait for Master Degar.

"Finchlan, come out! Don't you know that I am studying magic circles? How dare you threaten me? Who do you think you are? If you break up with me, you break up with me. Do you think I'm afraid? If I'm afraid, then... just won't come down!"

Accompanied by Tianci and Qin'er, Master Degar walked in cursing.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing!" Master Finchland stood up, "The magic circle is dead, even if you die on it, it won't be broken! I asked you to come down for another legacy!"

Master Degar eyes a "handed down to do, what?"

Master Finchlan pointed, "Mist Stone! We want to make this a high-grade long sword that is designed to release magic rather than integrate grudge!"

Master Degar turned around the Misty Stone with fascinated eyes, and reached out to touch it, "Yes, yes, it really is the same as in the legend."

Tianci was a little confused, "Master, what do you mean by top-grade weapons that specialize in releasing magic?"

Master Finchlan smiled, "Heavenly gift, Qin'er, you all come and listen, this is about spiritual weapons!"

"As you all know, Reiki basically comes from high-grade weapons, and high-grade weapons are made of rare metals. But rare metals are also different. Most of the rare metals that are seen more often have no attributes, and only a few rare metals can It will have attributes. In the process of incubating spiritual weapons with magic circles, we often breed rare metals with no attributes into a kind of attribute, and those with attributes don’t need it, so the spiritual weapons we see now are basically It has attributes!"

"Let's talk about the stored magic on the spirit weapon. Many warriors can release low-level magic even if they have no talent or affinity with the spirit weapon. That's because they can use the magic circle carved on the spirit weapon instead of spell release. Benefits It can be cast instantly without any physical consumption. The disadvantage is that the power of magic is very small, and it will not be effective in a duel with a master!"

"Once the spirit weapon is formed, it is impossible to engrave a magic circle on it, so the magic circle on the spirit weapon is engraved on the top-grade weapon before it is conceived. Generally, the magic circle depicted will not be very large. If If it is too large, it will dilute or materialize the elements of the magic circle that conceived it, thus affecting the entire gestation process!"

It turned out to be like this, Tianci and Qin'er nodded.

"The Misty Stone itself has the characteristic of absorbing cold air, so we can give it another attribute, engraved with a magic circle, it will become a masterpiece! But what attribute is better to conceive?" Master Degar thought.

"I suggest the fire attribute. Although the wind attribute or the earth attribute will not conflict with the cold itself, there is nothing special about it. It is better to enable the fire attribute, so that the two attributes restrain and stimulate each other, and the power will be more powerful. Big!" said Master Finchland.

"You're right. Mutual generation and mutual restraint are the principles of alchemy. It often seems that mutual restraint is actually mutual generation, and seemingly complementary is actually mutual restraint. Your idea is very good, but it may be very difficult in the actual breeding process in the future. , it may become a waste product! You must know that water and fire are incompatible, and the magic circle of the fire element is full of cold air, you can imagine what the consequences will be!"

"Well, I've thought about this too. But it's hard to say, everything has two sides, maybe it will be the best?"

"Why, you plan to die and live!"

. . . . . .

Tianci and Qin'er looked at the two masters discussing with their heads down, confused.

"Qin'er, what are they talking about, why can't I hear it clearly!"

Qin'er tilted her head, "I don't understand what I heard, they are worrying about what attribute to give this long sword!"

Tianci was puzzled, "Should I decide what attribute to assign now?"

"Of course, if it is decided in advance, how to describe the magic circle? You must know that the magic circle of each attribute is different. Our current alchemy magic circle can describe five attributes, respectively wind attribute, earth attribute, fire attribute , water attribute, and space magic. Among them, space magic has only the simplest kind of teleportation and no second kind. The remaining four can be described according to the size and type of magic. In general, it can reach hundreds or even thousands species," Qin'er said.

Tianci seems to understand but does not understand, "Qin'er, why can't the light and dark elements describe the storage of the magic circle?"

"This..." Qin'er coughed, "I'll tell you about this later!"

Looking at Qin'er's expression, Tianci didn't ask any further questions. Obviously, Qin'er must not know why!
Seeing Tianci's expression, Qin'er was annoyed, "Stinky boy, do you think I don't know?"

"Hehe, in fact, there are so many things in the world, it's not surprising that there are one or two things that we don't know. We'll just ask Master Degar later!"

"Hmph, then I'll tell you, so as not to be underestimated by you! Although we often talk about light elements and dark elements, they are actually one, not two elements!"

Tianci was slightly taken aback, "One kind?"

"Well, the light element is the dark element, and the dark element is the light element! This element is quite special, it has two characteristics. It is affected by the sun during the day, and most of the elements have become light elements, showing light elements. Only a small part of them are in the state of dark elements. At night, under the influence of the moon, most of the light elements begin to slowly transform into dark elements, showing the characteristics of dark elements, and only a small part of them are in the state of light elements .Do you know the magical day that happened a few years ago? At that time, the sun and the moon appeared at the same time, and the rare balance of light and dark elements appeared, which also led to the activation of other magical elements!"

"So, isn't light magic and dark magic the same type?"

"You can't say that! Although it is very likely that they are sensing the same magic element, the magic element has undergone radical changes before and after, and it is no longer the same!"

Tianci immediately understood, "I understand this, does it have anything to do with the magic circle?"

"Of course, the light element in the magic core will not be affected. If it is exported by a light magician or priest to release magic, there is no problem. But if the magic is released through the magic circle, in the magic circle It will be affected by the sun and the moon. For example, if you use a light magic circle during the day, it’s fine. If you use it at night, most of the elements will be transformed, then this magic circle is no longer suitable and will cause serious consequences. "

"Then we can use it during the day, but not at night!"

"You are right, but you need to know that auxiliary and healing magic cannot be realized through magic circles! Moreover, light magic and dark magic are not very powerful offensive and defensive magic. Instead of this It’s better to use other types of magic!”

That's right, Tianci completely understands!

"Qin'er is right!" Master Degar had already discussed with Master Finchlan.

"Master, have you decided on any attributes?"

"Fire attribute with cold air! I will go crazy with Finchlan this time! Godsend, I heard that Finchlan said it was built for you. What kind of magic circle do you want to carve?" Master Degar asked.

God sent a smile, "What kind of magic can be added?"

"Well... two fourth-level magics can be engraved on both sides of the sword body, one for attacking and one for defending! But they are all ordinary magics instead of top-level magics. You can choose the one you like more!"

"Master, can you describe the magic of the fourth-level peak?" Tianci asked

"Magic at the peak of the fourth level is not impossible, but the required magic circle is too large. In the future breeding process, the elements of the breeding magic circle will be absorbed, which will affect the breeding process and success rate!"

Tianci thought for a moment, "Master, I still want to create a fourth-level peak magic 'Purgatory Fire Dragon', do you think it's okay?"

Master Degar frowned, "Heavenly gift, you have to think clearly, the bigger the magic circle, the more waste and consumption of magic elements it will cause! The magic elements released by the magic circle are originally required to be more magic elements than the magician. The magic element released is more than double. If you have scored the fourth-level peak magic "Purgatory Fire Dragon", I am afraid that it is difficult to activate the general magic core, even the seventh-level and eighth-level magic core. You should think it through!"

"That's right! Godsend, you should know that the material of the spirit sword is special, and it consumes very little fighting energy, magic elements, and so on. Even so, all spirit swords use fourth-level magic due to the serious consumption of the magic circle. The most taboo thing in the battle of the strong is wasting nothing. The effect of the same magic core that activates the fourth-level magic is much better than that of the fourth-level peak magic! And the long sword I made for you is not a spirit sword. Excluding the consumption of the magic circle, it will consume a lot of magic elements, so I advise you to reconsider!" Master Finchlan also persuaded.

"Yes, I also forgot the consumption of the long sword itself. The consumption of the long sword is no worse than that of the magic circle. From this point of view, if the seventh-level magic core can maintain the fire dragon of purgatory for three times, it is considered home!" Master Degar added. .

"Oh! That's how it is. I said why only spirit swords are equipped with magic, and none of the top-grade long swords are attached!" Qin'er suddenly realized, "Stinky boy, don't be so greedy, just listen to the master and the master and use the fourth-level magic! "

"Two masters, Qin'er, don't worry, it's okay! Just help me carve a magic circle of 'Purgatory Fire Dragon'!" Tianci said firmly.

Master Finchlan shook his head helplessly, "Degar, just follow what this child said!"

"Wait!" Tianci suddenly remembered something.

"Why, now that you've figured it out, you need to change your mind?" The two masters said in unison, "That's right, we are all masters, and you're right to listen to us in this regard!"

Tianci smiled slightly, "No! I just want to ask, can't two magic circles be engraved on this long sword? Besides the 'Purgatory Fire Dragon', can I also want a 'Wind Illusion Dragon'?"

The three of them froze in place, looking at Tianci in astonishment.

"Madman, you are simply a lunatic! You blacksmiths are all lunatics! It made me go crazy with you!" Master Degar cursed and looked at the Misty Stone with heartache, "Qin'er, let's go, let's design the magic circle, Don't stay with this pair of lunatics!"

Qin'er curled her lips and followed Master Degar to the side.After a while, he ran back again, "Master Finchlan, my master asked you for the shape of the long sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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