Godsend Field

Chapter 242 Jian Cheng

Chapter 242 Jian Cheng
Master Finchlan took out a stack of paper from the space ring, on which he outlined all the styles of long swords he had created.

"Tianci, which style do you prefer?" Master Finchlan asked.

Tianci took the drawings and looked at them carefully one by one.Master Finchland began to forge long swords as a blacksmith, and he has handled more than hundreds of long swords. The thick stack of various weapons is dazzling.

"Let me help you see it!" Qin'er took half of it from Tianci's hand.

There are three types of long swords on the mainland: thin swords, long swords and giant swords.

The rapier has a narrow blade and a correspondingly short length.Generally, female warriors prefer it, and the sword skills of the thin sword are often known for their dexterity.Tianci had seen the long sword used by the third daughter of the George family.

The giant sword is also known as the broad sword.Long swords and giant swords are similar in length, depending on different warriors, but giant swords are wider in shape and thicker, usually three to four times heavier than long swords, and are more suitable for powerful warriors.Because some rare metals have a higher density, the same volume is many times heavier than ordinary metals, so even if it is made of the same type as a long sword, the weight will be heavier than a giant sword. This kind of sword is often called an epee , the spirit sword Thick Earth commanded by Jinjuwei Gauss is the epee.

Among the weapons, the representative work of the rapier is the artifact sword in George's hand.The representative work of the long sword is the artifact Sunset Excalibur in the hands of Juggernaut Lei.The masterpiece of the epee is the glory of the epee, an artifact once owned by Vicari.

"Godsend, your ancestor used the epee Brilliant, but unfortunately this mist stone is light and the quantity is not much, otherwise I will help you imitate an epee Brilliant!" Master Finchlan said, stroking his beard.

"This one! How about just this one!" Qin'er took out one from a stack of papers and handed it to Master Finchlan.

"This one, why does it look so familiar..." Master Finchlan looked at it fascinatedly, "Isn't this the drawing of your grandfather's Sunset Excalibur?"

"Yeah, why don't you help him imitate a sunset sword!" Qin'er said with a smile.

"I have no problem, it depends on whether Tianci agrees or not!"

Qin'er handed the blueprint to Tianci, "Stinky boy, this is my choice, see if it works!...Stinky boy..."

Qin'er yelled three times in a row, but Tianci still didn't respond, and stared blankly at a drawing.

"Stinky boy!" Qin'er yelled suddenly close to Tianci's ear.

"Oh!" Tianci was awakened, ignored Qin'er, and walked quickly to Master Finchlan with the blueprint instead. "Master, look at this long sword. I feel very special and comfortable!"

Master Finchlan took the blueprint, and Qin'er came up curiously, and saw a long sword on the blueprint with a flat body, smooth blade and no edge, no different from other long swords, but especially in its hilt , there is a statue of a long-haired woman carved on the handle of the sword hilt. The statue is so finely carved that even the wrinkles in the hair and clothes are clearly visible, and the woman's facial features are even more lifelike, beautiful and loving.A pair of white wings on the woman's back spread out to form handguards, and the woman clasped her hands tightly on her chest, as if praying, wishing the safety of her loved ones!

"Hmph, I thought it was something, I think you chose this because you saw the beauty of this statue!" Qin'er pouted.

"Qin'er, don't talk nonsense!" Master Finchlan frowned and shouted.

Both Qin'er and Tianci were shocked, but Tianci didn't care. How could Master Finchlan be so serious?

"Do you know who this statue is? This woman is the first saint of the Illuminati Cult. Her achievements in the past are hard to beat even if all the saints in the future are combined! And according to the legend, she But the adopted daughter of the God of Light!" Master Finchlan said seriously.

"The first saint!" Qin'er couldn't help becoming serious.Even if the people on the mainland are not believers of the light, they may not know what the god of light is called, or what the popes are called, but they all know the name of a person, that is the first saint, Maria Scholes!A great woman who dedicated her life to mankind!
"According to the classic history of the God of Light, the first saint, Maria Scholes, was an orphan picked up by the God of Light from the world. She grew up beside the God of Light and was deeply loved by the God of Light. It's a pity that she died relatively soon Morning, hey!"

"Master Finchlan, why would someone engrave the statue of the saint on the hilt of the sword? This seems to be a bit different from the peace advocated by the Illuminati!" Tianci asked.

"This started more than 1 years ago. I once told you that there was a couple of famous foundry masters at that time. They used their own blood and life to complete the characterization of two rare metals. Later, their good friends The foundry master Yezi completed the finalization of the shape and thus had the only male and female twin spirit swords Guyun and Xiaguang on the mainland. And Master Yezi was a kind-hearted believer of the Light. At that time, the world was in chaos and wars were everywhere. The king of the empire invited to cast a long sword, and Master Yezi designed this long sword and announced it to the world, implying that fighting can be transformed into martial arts! Later, no one invited Master Yezi to cast long swords. Never forged a weapon!"

"Stop fighting for fighting!" Tianci said silently, "Master, I want this long sword!"

"But Godsend, this is just a blueprint designed by Master Yezi, and no one has ever made it. Even if it is made, how can it be used without a blade? You have to think about it clearly?" Master Finchlan said.

Tianci nodded, "Please master!"

"Hey! It seems that we are old, I really don't know what you think!" Master Finchlan handed the blueprint to Qin'er.Qin'er turned to the blueprint and walked towards Master Degar.

"Tianci, do you want me to modify it and help you sharpen it?"

"Thank you master, no need! If you open the blade, it will no longer be this sword!" Tianci said with a smile, "Master, I will trouble you for the sword body. I want to carve the hilt myself, can I?"

Stroking his beard, Master Finchland took out his own carving tools and handed them to Tianci, "Well, I heard from Mike that your and A Yin's exquisite carvings are still acceptable. But what kind of wood do you want to use for carving? Does the surface need to be covered with iron?"

Tianci shook his head and walked towards the woods outside alone.

The original trees on Xilan Mountain have been around for thousands of years, and God sent them back with the next best branch.Master Finchlan and Master Degar are arguing about something.

"Tianci, you came back just in time. I told you that this magic circle can be drawn, but the installation of the magic core must be on the hilt of the sword. The hilt you chose is flashy, so replace it as soon as possible!" Degal said the master.

"Master, can you tell me how the magic circle is materialized using magic elements?" Tianci asked.

Although Master Degar didn't understand why Tianci asked such a question, he still explained the principle.Tianci listened carefully, the magic circle is actually solidifying the magic spell.For example, the fire dragon of purgatory, magicians concentrate a large amount of fire elements and materialize them through spells, and the fire dragon of purgatory can appear in no time.But the magic array is different, because the magic core provides magic elements not all at once but continuously. For simple attack magic and defense magic, it can be completed instantly, but for the peak purgatory fire dragon, it can only be completed part by part. It looks like It's like the fire dragon drilled out of the magic circle.

"I understand! Master, you only need to help me describe the magic circle. As for the magic core, I don't need it!"

"What? You don't need a magic core?" the two masters said angrily.

"Stinky boy, are you sick? Although magicians can gather magic elements, they can't control the magic elements to enter the magic circle. Only through the guidance of the magic core can they enter the magic circle. What are you thinking? ?" Qin'er was also anxious.

"Hahaha! Are you making fun of us two old guys?" Master Degar laughed angrily, "Okay, okay! If it was normal, I would call you bloody, but this time I will press Do what you say, I want to see what you are playing! Qin'er, let's go, let's redesign, don't be with lunatics!"

Master Finchland also shook his head helplessly.

Tianci took out the branches and carved them carefully.

Soon, Master Degar's design came out, and Master Finchland was ready for the qualitative.Tianci unfolded his consciousness again, and with the full cooperation of Queen Yu'er Green Bee, he burned the Misty Stone.

Unlike ordinary blacksmiths and craftsmen, Master Finchland's own tools are all made of purple gold, which is so luxurious that Tianci and Qin'er are envious.

"Hehe, you don't have to be envious. When you reach the casting master, you will naturally have a set of purple gold equipment. Rare metals with changeable properties and ordinary tempering tools may produce impurities, but this purple gold is the best and will not produce impurities!" Fen As Master Qilan said, he took out the Ziyan Heart Fire from the Misty Stone, put it on the iron pier on the surface of Zijin, and began to temper it.

Master Finchlan tied his long beard around his body, took off his shirt, and made a final decision.The temperature of Ziyan's heart fire is so hot that it completely burns the Misty Stone, and it is not easy to dissipate heat even during the tempering process.Tianci used the time of tempering to carve the hilt.After two meals, the Misty Stone cooled down, and Master Finchlan wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Heavenly gift, bring some blood!" Master Finchland said suddenly, taking out a small bottle.

"Forge a sword with blood!"

Tianci cut his wrist and shed a bottle of blood!

Master Finchlan carefully dripped a few drops of blood on the Misty Stone.The blood didn't flow out but directly seeped into the mist stone.

"It's really possible! I thought the sword made of blood was just a legend!" Master Finchlan sighed in surprise, and even Qin'er and Master Degar looked at it with bright eyes.

"I'll try it too!" Qin'er curiously condensed an ice pick, pricked her finger, and a drop of blood fell down.The blood fell on the Misty Stone, and began to slide down the surface, before being evaporated by the residual heat before it even touched the iron pier.

"Hmph!" Qin'er walked aside angrily.

Yu'er, who was tired for a long time, saw Qin'er angry, and immediately jumped over, rubbing Qin'er affectionately.

"You still have a little conscience!" Qin'er pouted, took out the best stewed donkey meat, tore open one by one and fed it to Yu'er.

Master Finchland practiced over and over again.Every time he tempered to cool down, Master Finchlan would inject a few drops of Tianci's blood, and if there was no more, he would ask Tianci for it.In the whole process, although with the help of Ziyan's heart fire, the Misty Stone could be burned more thoroughly and tempered more easily, but this is a rare metal after all, and Master Finchlan has been busy for ten days before taking a short rest.

Degar and Qin'er set up several tents beside them, discussing the matter of the magic circle.

"Finchlan, why did you decide so quickly? I remember that you usually need a month!" Master Degar put down the things in his hands and asked with concern.

"This time I have Ziyan's heart fire, the burning is more thorough, and the fixation is smoother! Well, it's almost there, just do it again! You also need to prepare, I will be finalized soon! You too It's time to start drawing the magic circle!" Master Finchlan said.

"Understood! I said Finchlan, he doesn't know how to fight, what are you working so hard for, really! If he can't give us an explanation after finishing it, even if he is a member of the Kate family, I will not spare him!" De Master Gal said angrily, looking at Tianci who sat on the ground and carved with his heart.

Master Finchland finally completed the qualitative analysis, and began to study the stereotypes with Master Degar.The finalizing process does not require Zi Yan's anger, Tianci and the Green Bee Queen are both liberated, only Yu'er continues to work hard driven by Qin'er's reward.

Tianci concentrates on carving.The sword hilt and the woman's body and wings have been carved out by master Finchlan's tempering time a few days ago, but the face has not been done for a long time.

Looking at the portrait, Tianci felt extremely kind, and this feeling was very comfortable and reassuring, just like lying in Jane's arms when she was a child, warm and warm.

Imprinting the faces on the portrait deeply into my mind, a three-dimensional face began to emerge.

Don’t want to pick up the carving knife quickly, Tianci’s hands are flying like flying without hesitation, the sawdust keeps falling down, a delicate face gradually takes shape, slightly convex forehead, slender eyebrows, kind eyes, high nose bridge, smiling lips. . .

Putting down the carving knife, Tianci looked affectionately at the perfect statue in front of him, couldn't help feeling a little sad in his heart, couldn't help but put it on his mouth, and gently kissed the forehead of the statue.

Seeing Qin'er next to her, she inexplicably felt sour.

After the two masters worked day and night, the shape and fine carving of the long sword were finally completed on the fifth day.

Tianci took out the hilt and installed it.

The sword is 1.2 meters long, and the sword body is as wide as a thumb. The flat body of the sword is covered with neat, regular and faint magic patterns.

Tianci waved it twice in his hand.

"How? Is it all right?" Master Finchland asked with satisfaction.

Tianci smiled happily, "Well, it's very smooth, and I feel that this long sword can echo me!"

"Oh? Still have this feeling?" Master Finchlan was slightly startled. "It seems that this blood-forged sword is really famous. It seems that I have to study it carefully!"

"Stinky boy, your gauntlets haven't been coated with iron yet, be careful that someone else will cut off your statue!" Qin'er said sourly.

Tianci closed the curtain slightly, and the blue light scattered into the hilt, and the structure inside changed drastically. "Hehe, no, unless it is a spiritual weapon or a divine weapon, other weapons may not have such great power!"

"Godsent boy, you are now satisfied! Finchlan did not open the blade according to your intention, and I also portrayed a magic circle without a magic core according to your intention. Should you give us an explanation now?" De Master Gal glared at Tianci and said angrily.

"Thank you two masters for your fulfillment. As for how to use this long sword, please forgive me for not being able to demonstrate it now! If I have a chance, I will demonstrate it to you!" Tianci said apologetically with a deep bow.

"What?" Master Degar immediately raised his blue face, "Humph! Humph! So you admit that you are playing tricks on us this time? Don't think that His Majesty appreciates you and Kate defends you, so you can do whatever you want, tell You and I are not afraid of them, I..."

"Okay, okay!" Master Finchlan put away his casting equipment, pulled Master Degar away, "God has given this kid to do things properly, I believe he has his reasons!"

"What's the reason to say it! We two have been busy for half a month, so it's over after a salute?..."

"Let's go, let's go! Aren't you going to study the magic circle? Have you got a clue?"

"Not yet. The magic circle is too complicated. We've been thinking about it for a while, but we still haven't made any progress... Finchlan, don't deliberately challenge us. Let's say that kid is messing with us... Let go of you. . . ”

"Okay, Degar, if you don't go up, they will probably untie the magic circle!"

"Just them? Although everyone is a master alchemist, I'm not boasting, none of them... Finchlan, you are deliberately interrupting me again. I want to settle accounts with that kid, and you dare to play us two!"

With Finchlan's fighting spirit not lower than level six, Master Degar was dragged out of the canyon cursing, and set off towards the top of the mountain under the astonished eyes of the great swordsman outside.

Come cursing, scolding go!
"Hey, are you planning to keep it from me if you don't tell them?" Qin'er pouted while hugging Yu'er.

Tianci smiled slightly, Qin'er knew that she had a lot of secrets, "I can demonstrate it to you, but why don't you ask me?"

"Okay, I will definitely not ask you why!" Qin'er said happily immediately.

Tianci looked at the different magic lines engraved on both sides of the long sword in his hand, and suddenly smiled helplessly discouraged.

"This side is the magic circle trace of the Purgatory Fire Dragon, and the back is the magic circle trace of the Wind Phantom Dragon!" Qin'er saw the helplessness of the godsend at a glance, and stepped forward to explain.

"Thank you!" Tianci walked ten steps before, dispersed his consciousness, and a small part of fire elements within 800 meters surged in, and entered the magic circle under Tianci's control.The magic patterns on one side of the long sword immediately turned fiery red, and this side of the long sword seemed to be affected and turned red.

"Purgatory Fire Dragon!"

Tianci shouted loudly, and the long sword slashed into the air!
The place where the long sword passed was suddenly filled with fiery red, and the temperature rose accordingly. A fire dragon more than ten meters long appeared suddenly and flew towards the air as if it had drilled out of the fiery red.

"Ah!" Qin'er covered her small mouth with her hands in surprise.Yu'er in his arms fell freely to the ground, and his little butt was covered with mud.

"Wind Phantom Dragon!"

A 30-meter-long cyan wind dragon shot out instantly and slammed into the mountain beside the valley.

"Boom!" A big hole was knocked out of the mountain by the wind dragon, and scattered stones fell down one after another.

The God-given long sword made a sword flower in his hand, "You can control the power of magic by the amount of magic elements you input. The difference between level [-] magic and level [-] magic is the amount of control over magic elements. You only need to input four times in a row Release is equivalent to a sixth-level magic! The only problem now is that because there is no spiritual connection with magic, it is impossible to control the direction of the magic follow-up!"

"You...how did you do it?" Qin'er rushed up, pulled Tianci's sleeve, and asked earnestly.

Tianci was shaken by Qin'er shaking his sleeves, "Qin'er, you promised me not to ask!"

Qin'er pursed her lips, puffed her cheeks, and threw off the sleeves of Tianci, "Hmph! I just promised you not to ask questions, but now I'm just asking!"

(End of this chapter)

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