Godsend Field

Chapter 243 Swear

Chapter 243 Swear
Qin'er put away her surprised expression, "Boy, what shall we do next?"

Tianci couldn't put it down holding the long sword, "Let's go up and call Adela and Roland down first, and then we'll go back to Ancona together!"

"Okay, I just went up to say goodbye to Master, I guess they won't come down for a year or so!" Qin'er said.

Tianci put away the long sword and walked towards the mountain together with Qin'er.Walking through the cave, Qin'er hugged Yuer and walked in front, Tianci followed behind, walking up from here, I'm afraid it will be really difficult to reach the top of the mountain without taking a long time.In order to gain time, whenever Qin'er was tired from walking, Tianci walked up with Qin'er on his back, which made her walk faster.

"Stinky boy, you seemed to put your heart into carving the saint that day, and I saw that you... seemed to have kissed the statue, aren't you afraid that the Guangming Cult will find out and trouble you?" Qin'er asked secretly .

Tianci shrugged Qin'er on his back, "I don't know. At that time, I just thought that the saint was very kind, like my own relatives. It's like lying in the arms of my mother when I was a child!"

"I see, I thought you liked saintesses better!" Qin'er said, stretching out her little hand to gently pat her bulging chest.

Tianci smiled slightly, "Miss Mia should go back to Ancona if I think about it, and I'm going to participate in the election of the saint in a few days!"

"Well, it's almost time! I think Mia should have no problem this time! She brought the Guangming Cult to your Yanhua City. Who else can compare with her contribution? And between you and Li In the days when my son went to the northwest, Archbishop Makayla asked Mia to support Ancona's pilgrimage when she said she was sick, so I think she will be able to succeed immediately this time and win the praise for your Welsh Empire!"

"Qin'er, I remember that when you were in Spain, you said your Spanish Empire, and now you say your Welsh Empire, so which empire do you belong to?"

"Our Sunset Villa is not in any empire, so we don't belong to any empire!" Qin'er said bluntly.

"Then which empire do you prefer?"

"I don't know. I traveled with my grandfather when I was very young. I have basically been to every empire. There is no special image. But then my grandfather sent me to your Welsh Empire to worship Master I usually don’t have any friends, I only met some friends at Imperial College. Generally speaking, I probably like the Welsh Empire more, and then I hate the Spanish Empire a little more!”

"Hehe, I don't like the Spanish Empire very much either!"

"I know what you mean, you mean you don't like the Spanish Empire, but you like someone from the Spanish Empire, right?"


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I was talking too fast, I..."

"Hehe, it's okay. Actually, I miss Miss Alice a little too. Maybe this ending is a relief for her!"

"Godsend...you...do you really like Alice?"

"I don't know. I felt that Alice was very poor. She lived in darkness since she was a child and never really had a happy time. But that day when I knew that she gave up her life to protect us, I was really heartbroken. I I hated myself for being incompetent and unable to protect Alice, but let her protect us with her life!"

Qin'er's eyes were also moist.

The short chat was immersed in a little bit of sadness.

Without another word, Tianci and Qin'er came to the top of the mountain.Putting down the qin'er and walking to the top of the mountain together, all the great sword masters immediately stopped their movements, and even the alchemists around the magic circle surrounded them.

"Master, why don't you study the magic circle? Is there any clue?" Qin'er said in surprise.

Roland and Adela also ran over at this time and stood beside Tianci, "Tianci, they are..."

"Master Marquis of Heaven, I am Bernard, the master alchemist of the Faran Empire, and we want to confirm something with you!" An old man of the same grade as Master Degar stood up, "It is rumored that you once got a A piece of equipment that blesses life magic, I wonder if it is real?"

Tianci's face darkened, and he frowned, "Master Bernard, who are you listening to these rumors?"

"Huh!" A great swordsman next to him snorted coldly, "You don't have to quibble! We heard about it when the four of us went down the mountain to replenish supplies. We also went to the mercenary union in Genoa. The announcement board has already been posted, and we have copied a copy!"

As he spoke, the great sword master moved his palm slightly, and a piece of white paper one meter long appeared in his hand to show everyone, "Everyone, this is an announcement issued by the mercenary union. If you don’t believe me, you can ask your own people to see if I copied a word by mistake, or distorted the original text!”

Everyone nodded, obviously asking privately long ago.

"Boy, is what they said true?" Master Degar jumped out and asked.

"Master, they are crazy, why are you crazy with them?" Qin'er took Degar's arm and shook it up. "I came back from the Spanish Empire with the brat. If he exists, how could I not know?"

Master Fen Qilan walked in front of Tianci with an unusually serious expression, "Tianci, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that the matter is too big, I want to hear you give me an answer!"

"Master, no!" Tianci said firmly.

"Well, I believe you!" Master Finchland turned and pulled Master Degar, "Okay, let's go, we have nothing to do here!"

Master Finchlan walked up to a warrior and bowed slightly, "Daguerre Great Swordsman, you are an eighth-level Great Swordsman, and you are the leader of this team. The Marquis of our empire is being questioned for no reason. I hope you can Let go of the third prince and his grievances, and maintain the dignity of our Welsh empire!"

The great swordsman Daguerre returned the salute, "Master Finchland's words are timely, even if you don't tell me, I won't let others bully our Welsh Empire!"

The great sword masters around immediately frowned and put their hands on the long sword.

"Master Finchlan is surprised by this remark!" Master Berner said loudly, "Everyone, think about what we came here for? Isn't it to be able to unlock a little more secrets of space magic, so that we can bring more magic to us humans?" To gain more benefits. I think our predecessors persevered and finally discovered the low-level application of space magic, so there will be space rings. You all have space rings in your hands. Just imagine, if there is no such ring today, what will it be? What kind of scene is it?"

Everyone nodded.If there is no space ring, how can Master Finchlan walk around with a full set of casting equipment?How could so many people stay on the top of the mountain for several months without worrying about food or drink?
"If we can unravel this teleportation magic circle, then everyone can imagine that the distance from the Welsh Empire in the north to the Gran Empire in the south is several months away. If the teleportation circle may only take half a day or even less, that will How much time will it save everyone?" Master Berner continued, "This is just space magic. We have never come into contact with another kind of taboo magic life magic, but we can imagine if we can use simple life magic Magic, how many lives will be saved and how many human beings will be benefited? So Godsend Marquis, we sincerely hope that you can show it. We swear that we will never covet your equipment. We just study it. If you succeed, your name will go down in history. Century!"

All alchemy masters were excited.

"Yes, we only do research and never covet!"

"If you are worried, we can stay on the top of the mountain or go to your Welsh Empire, or go to your house to study, so you don't have to worry!"

Although Tianci was moved by the enthusiasm of the alchemists, he still saluted slightly, "Masters, I know that you are not greedy, but I can also confess to you that I really don't have any equipment that blesses life magic. Four great swords The master has been to Genoa before, and he must know that I caused some trouble in the Spanish Empire and offended the George family. They sent two guest officials to arrest me, and finally let me escape to the miasma forest, and finally escaped smoothly. Presumably It was also those two guests who deliberately spread rumors to frame me for the sake of their family's face."

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

There was applause, and two warriors came out from the nearest tent, "The Marquis of Heaven is indeed a good eloquent, black and white seem to be easily reversed in your mouth!"

Tianci's face darkened, "Bridget, Neville, is it you?"

Tianci suddenly remembered that in the prison of the mercenary union, Elder Fermi had told him that the people from the George family would come soon. Forgot about it!It took fifteen days to cast the long sword by myself, enough for them to come here.

"Who are they?" Qin'er approached Tianci and asked quietly.

"Guests from the George family, two eighth-level great sword masters!" Tianci replied.Qin'er, Roland Adela and the three of them were secretly surprised!
"Everyone, Neville and I were in charge of guarding this kid that day. Later, we were attacked by the elders of the elves, and this kid took the opportunity to escape into the miasma forest, and I fought him next to the miasma forest and the gray wetland. I saved my life in my hands, I think everyone should be very clear!" Brigitte said loudly.

Everyone, especially the warriors, was boiling again. There were not many people who could reach the eighth level of Dou Qi, so everyone knew each other's strength very well, especially the children of famous teachers like Brigitte and Neville.Being able to save his life from his hands has already explained everything!All warriors began to move around.

The equipment that blesses life magic is much more attractive than the glory of the nine-star mission.

The Daguerre sword master immediately stood in front of Tianci, and the warriors of the Welsh Empire who came with him also stood in front of Tianci, directly facing the warriors of the other three empires.

"Daguerre, we get along very well these days, and your responsibility is to protect the two masters, there is no need to confront us for a selfish person!" said the great swordsman opposite, it seems that it should be An eighth-level great swordsman, who belongs to a team led by an empire.

"I don't know what selfishness is, and I don't know if he really has the equipment as you said, but I know one thing, he is still the Marquis of our Welsh Empire!" Great swordsman Daguerre Said coldly.

Tianci was slightly moved in his heart.

Since all the descendants of His Majesty Ai Xin were martyred in a certain turmoil, His Majesty Ai Xin arranged a strong protection force around his future descendants.Even when the third prince invited him to the banquet that day, he personally admitted that every prince would have such a force around him.Presumably the Daguerre sword master is the one responsible for protecting the third prince.Because Master Finchlan was here this time, the third prince sent Daguerre as the team leader to lead a lot of seventh-level sword masters to protect the two masters to the Xilan Mountain Peak.And Daguerre was willing to help him even though he knew that he had a grudge with the third prince.

"Thank you, Daguerre Great Swordsman!"

"You don't need to thank me, I'm just safeguarding the dignity of the empire!" Daguerre said coldly.

Brigitte gritted his teeth in hatred for Godsend, "What else is there to say, it's clearly that the Welsh Empire wants to take it for themselves! Why don't we take them all down and find out his equipment!"

"No!" Master Berner hurriedly stopped, "Bridget, we can slowly advise the Marquis of God, never use force to kill evil! And you, do you want to cause turmoil in your respective empires and the Welsh Empire? ?”

"Master Berner, do you think he will hand it over? We kill a selfish person to benefit all mankind, who can say that we are doing something wrong? Masters, wait a little longer, and the matter here will be handed over." Give it to us, just wait and study!" Brigitte said, pulling out the long sword.


The sound of drawing swords was everywhere, and the situation became extremely tense.A few months ago, the top of the mountain was used as the entrance of the Nine-Star Mission Donglan Valley, and it had become a purgatory for mercenaries. Unexpectedly, it was not long before it would become a purgatory again because of an unnecessary piece of equipment.

The situation is imminent!
Qin'er pulled Tianci nervously, Adela's spear was in hand, Roland also began to relax all over, and slowly raised his hands.

"Stop!" Tianci roared, pushing away the Daguerre sword master who was standing in front of him.

"Great sword masters, before I start, I would like to ask, how many levels of battle energy can you use on this mountain?"

"Hmph, two levels of vindictiveness are lowered here, some of us can use level [-] vindictiveness, and the rest are all level [-]. Are you asking knowingly if you want to delay time?" Neville said disdainfully.

Tianci nodded, "So none of you can use the seventh-level grudge? Then if there is a seventh-level monster here, I wonder if you can resist it?"

"A seventh-level monster?" All the great sword masters looked at each other, looked at Tianci, and finally focused their eyes on Yu'er on Tianci's shoulder.

"Hahaha!" Laughed loudly.

Tianci Dianyuer "They seem to look down on you!"

Yu'er was annoyed immediately, she jumped down and landed in front of Tianci, as soon as her four little claws touched the ground, a large amount of fire elements were immediately brought along.Tianci instantly unfolded his consciousness, and all the fire elements within 800 meters were concentrated.Xilan Mountain is located relatively high, and the fire element is relatively thin, but within 800 meters, it is enough for feathers to change.

Yu'er was trembling all over, her red hair stood on end, and amidst the roar, four big fiery red tails appeared behind her, swinging back and forth around the big furry tails.Red liquid flows between the soft hairs, and a large amount of fire elements are gathered in front of the front paws.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er roared angrily, and immediately exuded an aura.

All the warriors immediately put away their smiles, their faces were heavy, even fearful.Dealing with monsters all the year round, they know the strength of monsters at a glance.Yu'er's roar just now was full of momentum, and his strength was comparable to that of a seventh-level monster!
Just now, he was obviously a young fox with little strength.Suddenly it was upgraded to the strength of a seventh-level monster, and the four extra tails, what happened?

"The fire element has changed!!" One of the great sword masters said, his bloodshot eyes fixed on Yu'er's tail.

It is definitely not an ordinary monster that can change the magic element.

"Everyone, are you still planning to continue doing it now?" Tianci asked slowly.

A seventh-level magical beast that can mutate magic is comparable to a seventh-level great swordsman, but the great swordsmen here are suppressed and their fighting spirit strength is not higher than the sixth level. It is really hard to say whether they will win or lose.You must know that the gap between the seventh level of battle qi and the sixth level is like a gully, if you don't do it well, all the people like yourself will die under Yu'er's little claws.

"Cang!" One of them sheathed his sword and walked aside, and the rest of them also sheathed their swords one after another and scattered.

"Hmph!" Brigitte put away the long sword unwillingly again.Last time it was the unicorn who saved Tianci, and now there is a firefox who can change magic, this kid is really lucky!

Yu'er jumped up suddenly, and slapped her claws towards Brigitte's face. Half a meter long fiery red nails had already grown on the little claws, and the sharp light was hidden in the flames.

"Yu'er, it's alive!" Tianci hastily exclaimed.

Brigitte had already sensed that Yuer had started to dodge when she took off, but her speed was a step slower than Yuer's. The sharp flame nails directly tore off Brigitte's dark blue defense layer, leaving a deep scar on her face. , from the corner of the eye to the neck.

There was a smell of burnt flesh.

As soon as Yu'er succeeded in the blow, she immediately jumped back.Brigitte endured the pain, her face was burning hot.

The great sword masters around watched in astonishment. It was Tianci who yelled just now, and Yu'er showed mercy, otherwise Brigitte's life would have been killed.Even if the eighth-level great swordsman is like this, let alone think about it!
"Heavenly gift, why are you holding Yu'er down! People in George's family are furious!" Qin'er muttered, "Go and teach Yuer a lesson again, and I will reward you!"

Yu'er's watery thief eyes lit up, ready to claw again!

"Yu'er!" Tianci stopped, "Forget it, they don't threaten us, and we don't want to touch them for now. They are all important figures in the empires, and I don't want to cause trouble for the empires!"

Tianci took the first two steps, "Great sword masters, masters of alchemy. I, Tianci, swear by my soul that I have never obtained any life-enhancing magic equipment in Donglan Valley. If there is any falsehood, I will not Good death. The soul cannot rest in peace after death!"

(End of this chapter)

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