Godsend Field

Chapter 244 Resolved

Chapter 244 Resolved
Tianci even swore an oath in front of so many people, so everyone has nothing to say.

"It seems that he really didn't!"

"Could it be that the mercenary union got the information wrong?"

"No, I have also joined the mercenaries before, and they have always been very careful in posting announcements. If they are not fully sure, they will not post them, let alone post them so conspicuously..."

"Then what happened?"

Seeing that the great sword masters around them became more and more suspicious, Brigitte and Neville became anxious.

"If it's true as you said that you don't have the equipment to buff life magic, then let me ask you, how did you survive my attack?" Brigitte asked.

Tianci smiled slightly, "This is my secret, do you think I will be so stupid as to tell you, and then ask you to come and kill me again?"

What a stupid question to ask!Some great sword masters around laughed disdainfully.Only a fool would answer this kind of thing, and only a fool would ask.

Brigitte's face suddenly turned green and white.

Tianci and Yu'er stood at the entrance to the top of the mountain and did not relax their vigilance at all. "Qin'er, Roland, Adela, go down and find Shirai Shadow first, and let him protect you from here."

Qin'er pouted, "It's like this again, if you want to go together, why do you let us go first every time!"

Adela has been on the sidelines, but she is very clear about the current situation, and quickly walked over to play the piano, "Don't complain, let's listen to him, now we can only be a burden if we stay here!"

"What does it mean that we are a burden? Isn't he relying on Yu'er?" Qin'er refused to accept it, and suddenly remembered the terrifying magic outside the village of San La Luka and couldn't help but feel discouraged. "Let's go! Let him be good!"

Tianci looked at the second princess helplessly, "You wait for me in the city of Dres first, it's my grandfather's territory, so they don't dare to mess around!"

After Qin'er said goodbye to Degar, she followed Adela Rowland down the mountain.

"Everyone, you have been wronged to stay on the top of the mountain in the past two days!" Tianci smiled and apologized, sitting cross-legged at the door.Yu'er roared twice, gave everyone a mighty look, and then jumped onto Tianci's shoulder.

What the hell is going on!

The more than 50 fighters on the top of the mountain are all senior fighters of the great sword master level. The ones on the mainland who are not intimidating are admired by people, but now they are all blocked on the top of the mountain by a child who can't even fight.

Even if Tianci didn't speak, they wouldn't go down the mountain these days, but after listening to Tianci's words, they felt that they were threatened so they didn't dare to go down the mountain.The noses of all the proud warriors turned crooked in anger.

Fortunately, the warriors of the Welsh Empire had no idea what to do when they returned to their tents.The warriors of the other three empires, especially Brigitte, don't know how disgusted they are at this moment. If anyone dares to say that in normal times, they will definitely die without a place to bury them. With Yu'er's domineering appearance, she couldn't help but weigh it in her heart.Although not reconciled, but now the fox is stronger than the human, let's bear with it.

Seeing so many high-level warriors gnashing their teeth, and Tianci sitting firmly at the entrance, one man guarding the gate, Master Finchlan thought it was funny.

The master alchemists also returned to the ancient magic circle and continued to study. Whether they could go up and down the mountain was meaningless to them.

Two days passed quickly, with Bai Ying following, two days was enough to get out of the mountains.Only then did Tianci stand up slowly, "I have been taken care of by the audience for the past two days, I will keep it in my heart, thank you here!"

Everyone was angry, and it should be their own side that should not forget.

After Tianci saluted and bid farewell to Master Finchlan, Master Degar, he walked straight down the mountain.

There is only one road from the mountainside to the peak.

Tianci walked out of the cave and sat quietly at the door.Yu'er jumped down and stared at Tianci, biting the corner of Tianci's clothes and pulling forward.Not to mention just walking down the mountain, even going up and down may not make Tianci too tired to walk.There was no food or drink in this kind of place, Yu'er didn't want to stay there, besides, Qin'er's ring was clearly full.

Tianci stretched out his hand and hugged Yu'er into his arms, "Okay, just sit with me for a while. We have to do some things, and I don't want to leave any hidden dangers for the future. If those two people don't come down within half an hour, we will leave , if they come down...then let's have one each!"

Yu'er immediately jumped out of Tianci's embrace, and circled around Tianci twice, looking at Tianci with big rogue eyes, pouted.The little paw drew twice in the air, and then made a sweeping movement.

Tianci chuckled, "Don't underestimate them. When they come down, they will be able to recover level seven battle qi. I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it alone! And don't underestimate me."

"Wood Spear Formation!"

Without any warning, countless thorns suddenly sprouted from the surrounding tall trees and pierced towards Yu'er.

Yu'er jumped away in a panic, the sharp spikes followed Yu'er as if her eyes were open, and the sharp spikes behind her also pierced.The fire elements were densely concentrated, and three big tails were born accordingly, and several sharp long nails appeared on the small claws.The big tail swung back and forth to protect the whole body, and all the sharp thorns were broken in an instant.The four claws kicked hard, the body jumped up, and the small claws waved, sweeping a path in the dense thorn array.

When Yu'er landed again, looking back, the stab formation had long since disappeared, and the surroundings had returned to calm.If it weren't for the countless broken branches on the ground, I really thought it was an illusion.After removing the tail nails, Yu'er looked at Tianci in surprise.

Tianci picked up Yu'er, "Don't be surprised, I practiced these when I was fleeing. Although its power is not bad, I always think that these are just the simplest uses, just like the storage function in space magic, I don’t know what his advanced application is?”

Half an hour can go a long way for a warrior.

Seeing that the hour was approaching, Tianci stood up and was about to leave, but stopped again, sighed and shook his head helplessly, they are still here after all!

A moment later, Brigitte and Neville came out of the cave. They were slightly taken aback when they saw Tianci, and then smiled wickedly.

"You guys caught up after all!" Tianci looked at the two of them and said coldly.

"Hmph, it seems that you are quite courageous. You didn't escape early, and you are still waiting for us here!" Brigitte scoffed.

"Both of you are guest servants of the George family. You must have heard about what Blair did. In all fairness, I don't think it's a big deal even if you kill Blair. Why do you bother to push each other so hard?"

"We don't care about Blair's life or death, but we will never let you go, public or private!" Brigitte said fiercely, the huge scar on her face was shocking.

Tianci nodded, "Grand Yu, you must keep the face of the George family and your status as guest ministers, and privately, you covet my unnecessary equipment. It seems that our conflicts are irreconcilable. Today, we can only let you die here. It's over!"

"Hahaha!" Brigitte and Neville laughed loudly, "If you say this on the top of the mountain, maybe we will still be scruples. Don't you think it's ridiculous to say that when you get down from the top of the mountain?"

"I didn't do anything on the top of the mountain because I didn't want to cause conflicts between the empires, but here we are the only ones. Even if there are any casualties, it is all private fighting and has nothing to do with the empire!"

Neville sneered, "You are really the Marquis of the Empire, you have considered everything so carefully, but I wonder if you have considered how to deal with the two of us?"

"Z! Z!"

Brigitte and Neville immediately launched their fighting spirit, a lavender fighting spirit.

Yu'er burst out from Tianci's arms and jumped in front of Neville.Tianci took out the newly forged long sword and held it horizontally in his hand.

"Niville, go and kill that little bastard, let me take revenge on this man!" Brigitte roared, thrusting his sword straight at Tianci.At the same time, Neville stabbed at Yu'er.

Yu'er was small and dexterous, and had an absolute advantage in speed. She circled around Neville and attacked with her claws when Neville turned around or returned to defense.Neville and Brigitte both came from George's school, and they practiced fighting qi martial arts similar to George's, focusing on fast, ruthless, and accurate.She has put in a lot of hard work in physical skills and martial arts. Yu'er didn't take advantage of Neville for a while, and she was almost stabbed by Neville. Fortunately, her flame nails were hard and sharp enough to match her. The opponent's long swords exuding fighting spirit collided with each other, and immediately made a scorching flame and harsh sound.

Yu'er was not good at martial arts, this time Yu'er screamed in pain, and with a wave of his little paw, a fireball fell down.Neville was full of grudge, and the fireball bounced off when it hit the grudge defense, without hurting Neville at all.

This is the second time Tianci and Brigitte have played against each other.Compared with the first time, Tianci is no longer so dangerous this time.

Fighting Qi training has undergone a qualitative change from the seventh level, which is called advanced fighting qi, and there is a big gap between advanced fighting qi every time it is upgraded to a level.As Vicari once said, the gap between level [-] and level [-] is like a ravine, but the gap between level [-] and level [-] is like an abyss.Brigitte can only use Level [-] battle qi now, and his strength is equivalent to shrinking several times.

Compared with Brigitte, who is in the eighth level of grudge in normal state, Tianci can be said to be powerless to fight back, and can only fight back without any effect.But in the face of Brigitte whose strength has shrunk several times, Tianci can handle it with ease.The long sword stretched out, completely dispelling Brigitte's fierce attack. Faced with circles of circles, Brigitte had no effective means for a while.

Brigitte was stunned in his heart, the opponent clearly had no fighting spirit, and was able to contend with him all relying on this weird martial skill.

"I don't believe you can defend them all!" Brigitte said angrily, and his subordinates no longer paid attention to any skills or positions.

Tianci smiled slightly. If Brigitte used the fast, ruthless and accurate skills he was good at to fight against him, he would be afraid of three points, but he gave up what he was good at and used brute force.Ordinary people can't compete with fighting qi fighters, because fighting qi has a great boost to strength, which can instantly increase the impact several times. Even if normal people catch it, their arms will be numb and unable to continue.But Tianci's blue light can be restored in an instant, making Tianci not afraid of the impact of fighting spirit at all.

"Dang!" The long swords collided heavily, splashing out fire.Tianci's arms were slightly numb, but he was still able to withstand them.The corner of Brigitte's mouth was raised, and he drew his sword and slashed horizontally, with even greater force.

"Dang!" The Tianci long sword blocked it horizontally, but instead of carrying it hard, it leaped back lightly with the help of Brigitte's horizontal slash.Tianci stood firm and kept a distance of 15 meters from Brigitte.

"Wind Phantom Dragon!"

The God-given long sword swept across the void, and a ferocious wind dragon more than 30 meters long came out of a ray of blue light, rushing towards Brigitte whistling.

"Store magic?" Brigitte frowned slightly. He had seen a lot of stored magic, but he hadn't seen anyone storing peak level [-] magic on a weapon.Brigitte stood still, holding the long sword high, and fell down instantly when the wind dragon arrived. The battle energy on the long sword rattled, and it forcibly cut the wind dragon into two pieces.

"Wind Phantom Dragon!"

Another huge wind dragon rushed towards Brigitte.The long sword slashed horizontally, and once again cut into pieces the wind dragon bestowed by God.

Tianci released more than a dozen wind phantom dragons in a row, and Brigitte landed one by one without moving half a step.Tianci stopped releasing the magic, and released the magic through the magic circle on the long sword. The consumption was not ordinary, but the effect was negligible.

"Why don't you release it? I want to see how many times you can release it!" Brigitte sneered.

Tianci secretly pays attention to Yu'er. Although Yu'er has level [-] strength and can compete with Neville for a period of time, but Neville's combat experience and skills are far superior to Yu'er. It may not be good for Yu'er after a long time , not to mention that Yu'er's seven-level strength is inseparable from the environment he created for it, and it will consume a lot of his thoughts if he continues like this.

Tianci suddenly smiled and jumped back, "Yu'er, let's run!"

Yu'er slammed down with a fireball, turned around and ran towards Tianci.

Brigitte and Neville sneered, and chased after Tianci.

It is very close to the entrance of the ring road, which is just above the fifth passage.Brigitte and Neville didn't use all their strength to chase them. In their eyes, the more they ran out, the better for them. After they ran out completely, Godsend was sure to die!

Tianci and Yu'er ran into the valley and stopped.

"Aren't you going to run away?" Brigitte and Neville arrived later, and looked around. "The scenery and climate here are pretty good, and you really will choose a place for yourself!"

Tianci didn't care. "I remember that when the master taught me to practice kung fu, he told me and the hostile team not to stick to the rules, fight as you win, without any moves or any scruples, but there is one thing that must be kept in mind, that is, don't underestimate the enemy!"

Brigitte and Neville were even more contemptuous. "You mean we underestimate the enemy? Are you alone worthy of our attention?"

"Whether you deserve it or not, you will know later!"

Tianci and Yu'er attacked Brigitte and Neville at two ends.

Brigitte and Neville launched a battle of vindictiveness, similar to that in front of the cave just now, the two sides were evenly divided in a short period of time, and no one could do anything to the other.But overall, it seems that Brigitte and Neville have the upper hand.

"Hmph, I thought you could turn the world upside down here, but it's not the same!" Brigitte sneered as he stabbed Tianci with his long sword.

"Dang!" Tianci flicked Brigitte's long sword, and pressed down with his backhand, "The two of us seem to have no way to defeat you in a short time, but if there is a second seventh-level monster, I don't know if you can still be so easy Woolen cloth?"

"The second level seven monster?" Brigitte and Neville frowned.

"Yu'er, call your little brother out!" Tianci shouted.

Feather's big tail jumped up in the air and threw it at Neville. Neville blocked it with a horizontal sword, and the fiery red big tail smashed off a section of the sword.With this pause, Yu'er's hind paws stepped on the blade of the long sword, and her whole body flew out and landed on the ground.


After standing firm, Yu'er looked up to the sky and screamed.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!  …"

There were noises everywhere, and countless third-level green bee monsters appeared all over the sky.The green bee was flying in mid-air, and the queen of the green bee was flying behind Yu'er, her two wings flapping slightly.

Brigitte and Neville paused, looked at the green bees all over the sky, and didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, when they saw the lonely green bee queen behind Yu'er, their expressions were a little stalemate, "The sixth-level monster green bee queen, how could it appear here?"

"Yes, it's the Green Bee Queen. I think it's the first time you two have come to Xilan Mountain. This valley is the old nest of the Green Bee Queen. I dare not say it in other places, but here the Green Bee Queen is comparable to a seventh-level monster. !" Tianci said relaxedly, looking at Yu'er, "Can the two of you work together to get rid of him?"

Yu'er screamed and rushed towards Neville, while Tianci attacked Brigitte at the same time.

"Buzz!" The Green Bee Queen spread out her six golden wings.

The green bees around trembled their wings at the same time, and the breeze blew past.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The slender wind blades flew towards Neville, and the thin wind blades tore through the air like a light and shadow whistling rapidly.Neville was entangled by Yu'er and couldn't separate himself, so he could only use his fighting spirit to bear the magic attack of the Green Bee Queen.


The tiny wind blade directly pierced through the powerful seven-level grudge defense, and drew a wound on Neville's body.Although the wind blade that contains the mystery of form can penetrate the seven-level battle qi defense layer, it also consumes most of its power. The wind blade that touches Neville's body has only about one level of power, and can only shake his body surface. scratched.

Neville was shocked. With the number of attacks from the wind blades, it was a trivial matter that he was injured. The violent loss of fighting spirit was what made Neville truly terrified.

The Green Bee Queen flapped her wings suddenly, and the wind blades continuously attacked Neville.

If it was just Yu'er and Neville, he wouldn't be very worried, but now there is an extra green bee queen who can attack through his own defenses, and the wind magic all over the sky makes it impossible for Neville to dodge.

With the appearance of scars all over his body, Neville's clothes were torn, his breathing was messy, and his grudge gradually faded.

Yu'er's attacks became more and more fierce. The fire-element-mutated nails on her little claws were half a meter long and burned with hot flames.Niville's long sword swung, blocking Yu'er's nails, and the mutated nails could completely tear through his fighting spirit defense.

"Neville!" Brigitte found that Neville's battle spirit was gradually dimming, as if it was about to fade, and he couldn't help feeling anxious.The long sword in his hand flicked away Tianci forcefully, intending to step forward to rescue Neville.

"Want to help? It seems that you didn't think so just now!" Tianci said coldly, and the long sword in his hand stabbed like lightning.Brigitte didn't care about it at all, not to mention that Tianci has no fighting spirit, even if he has fighting spirit, he can't break through his own fighting spirit defense with a long sword with no edge or point.

The corners of Tianci's mouth were raised, and the weeds and vines on the ground suddenly twisted together to form a strong grass vine wrapped around Brigitte's legs.With a pause, Brigitte was almost tripped, his legs were forced, and the grass and vines suddenly broke.

Just as Brigitte paused, Tianci flashed in front of Brigitte, and the long sword spread out to block Brigitte's way forward.


Suddenly, Neville's tragic cry came from behind!

(End of this chapter)

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