Godsend Field

Chapter 245 Life

Chapter 245 Life
"Niville!" Brigitte exclaimed, and not far away, he saw Neville retreating rapidly, holding his chest with one hand, bloodshot fingers oozing from his fingers, retreating in pain, his vindictiveness was too dim to maintain. lavender.

Yu'er squatted on the ground, her sharp claws were stained with blood.

The Green Bee Queen attacked unscrupulously in the air with incomparably powerful magic.Yu'er relied on the sharp and hard nails produced by the mutation of the fire element.Each of the two can compete with the suppressed Neville, let alone the two together!In a moment, Neville's fighting spirit was exhausted, and he was exhausted physically and mentally.Yu'er seized the opportunity and flew up, her sharp nails tore through the fragile grudge defense, leaving deep scars on Neville's body.


The Green Bee Queen flapped her wings, and countless wind blades flew out from six pairs of golden wings.

"Puchi!". . .

The wind blade pierced through the bleak grudge, leaving deep and visible scars on Neville's body. Each scar was not very big, but the wounds were torn apart and never healed, and blood flowed out from the wounds.

Facing such a fast wind blade, Neville didn't have enough physical strength to dodge it at the moment. He could only watch helplessly as scars appeared on his body. He rushed to the heart, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out from his throat. All the fighting spirit in his body disappeared. go.


"Buzz!" The green bee queen trembled her golden wings.

Suddenly there was a loud buzzing sound, all the green bees in mid-air shook their wings at the same time, and countless wind blades flew towards Neville like rain, the number and density were so great that even Tianci couldn't help but be moved.

"Boom!" Such a huge number of wind blades suddenly attacked, and the ground suddenly flew up.The surrounding green grass and vines suddenly shattered, and blood was scattered in the air.

"Niville!!" Brigitte called out in grief and indignation.

The soil settled down, except for a piece of bright red, no one could be found, and the space ring of the top-grade long sword fell to the ground.

Broken, all broken. . .

A little blue light in the mid-air slowly fluttered and scattered, and disappeared between the heaven and the earth in a moment!This blue light has formed a dot shape, hundreds of times larger than the blue light emitted by a seventh-level martial artist after death.

"Bridget, do you still say we are not worthy?" Tianci said coldly, "Although you are powerful, even if you stand on the mainland, there are not many people who are your opponents, so you have never looked at your opponents seriously all the year round, especially It's an opponent like me! You don't understand our true strength at all!"

Brigitte's eyes were bloodshot, "With your strength, you deserve our attention?"

Tianci nodded, "If it's outside, even if we add up, we are no match for you alone, but don't forget, this is Xilan Mountain. Half a year ago, an eighth-level great swordsman fell here. Seventh-level great sword masters, it seems that their deaths did not give you any warning!"

"Hmph!" Brigitte gradually regained her composure.

"If you are not so careless and don't let us escape down the mountain road easily, I am afraid that we will not be your opponent in the end. But it is a pity that you don't know that Yu'er is the king beast, and all the monsters in the entire Xilan Mountain here will obey him Even if you are not here, anywhere under the mountainside, you will only have a dead end!"

"King Beast!!" Bridget's heart twitched, and he looked at Yu'er in horror, and at the Green Bee Queen above Yu'er's head. . .

"Before you die, I'll let you know another secret! I've been the only one since I came out of Valencia, and I don't have the elf elders you mentioned. And I don't have any magic equipment!"

"Impossible! If there were no elder elves to hinder us, how could those trees attack us? You don't have life-enhancing magic equipment, why can you block my attack, and why can you recover your wounds quickly?" Brigitte roared.

Tianci smiled slightly, "This is because I know life magic myself!"

Brigitte froze for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Death entanglement!" Tianci raised his hands flat.

The dense weeds and vines on the ground suddenly grew wildly, entangled with each other, crowded and entwined towards Brigitte, one after another densely.

"Shadowless Sword!"

A gust of sword wind roared, Brigitte seemed to be tightly surrounded by tens of thousands of long swords, and the surrounding weeds and vines were instantly chopped into countless pieces and fell to the ground.Before Brigitte could breathe a sigh of relief, the weeds and vines around him grew wildly and entangled again.

Countless sword shadows shone coldly in the sun, and all the weeds and vines could not get close.

Tianci lowered his hands, and all the weeds and vines stopped growing.Brigitte's sword and shadow danced, and all the entanglements around him were cleared away. He was relieved to see that the weeds and vines around him did not attack again.

"You believe it now!" Tianci said coldly.

Brigitte gritted his teeth, and his group had calculated thousands of times and tried all possible explanations, but they just didn't expect that Tianci would have life magic!But how can humans have life magic?Impossible, impossible!

Thinking of the people who died in the miasma forest, the more than 50 high-level swordsmen beside the gray wetland, and Neville who didn't even have a corpse, Brigitte felt great hatred.If I could have known earlier, those senior swordsmen would not have lost their lives.If he knew that this fire fox was the King Beast, he and Neville would not rush to chase after Tianci, let alone let them escape here.

"It's useless to regret, you should think about your own situation now! Have you dealt me ​​with the three of us?" Tianci said.

Brigitte and Neville worshiped under George at about the same time, and their strengths and martial arts are very similar, even the promotion is almost the same.If Neville couldn't block two attacks, how could he block three simultaneous attacks?It seems doomed!

Thinking of this, Brigitte calmed down unexpectedly. Since they are all about to die, it is better to fight with all their strength, at least to use this kid as a backing!

"Kill!" Brigitte roared, raised his sword and slashed at Tianci, and the fighting spirit all over his body suddenly became brighter!

murderous look!Thick murderous intent!
Tianci understands the power of murderous intent, but also knows the short-term nature of murderous intent!Leap back, or block or run towards the valley.He fled from the road around the mountain to the valley, and now he fled from the valley to the road around the mountain.Yu'er followed behind and didn't rush out her claws.The Green Bee Queen completed the task assigned by Yu'er, quickly flew up and hid in her lair.

Tianci avoided his sharp edge along the way, and his figure was dexterous and his movements were weird. Even Bridget could not put Tianci under the blessing of murderous aura.Not long after, Brigitte's grudge had returned to its original state.

Tianci stopped to avoid and turned to face him.

"Wood Spear Formation!"

The neat trees around suddenly sprouted countless branches, with sharp thorns in front of them, stabbing towards Brigitte.Brigitte's long sword slashed horizontally, shredding the branches coming in front of him.

The surrounding branches hit the battle qi defense heavily, as if hitting a copper wall and an iron wall, and all the spikes were broken.Godsend smiled helplessly, the Wooden Spear Formation, which was omnipotent to senior swordsmen, had no effect on great swordsmen.

"Hmph! So what if you know life magic? Just relying on these dead things, do you want to defeat me?" Brigitte sneered disdainfully.

Tianci was shocked suddenly, all the way from the Spanish Empire, all the people who saw his Wood Spear Formation were terrified and died in fear.Brigitte was the first person to disdain the Wooden Spear Formation, calling it a dead thing!

dead thing!
My own life magic is actually called a dead thing!

In an instant, Tianci's body couldn't help shaking.

My father told me that the source of life is the foundation of all creatures, and it is also the most mysterious and ethereal existence in this world.By itself, it can control low-level plants without consciousness.During the countless killings in the past six months, I have gradually realized that in the process of human beings' training towards the strong, only when they reach the seventh level can they condense a little source of life from the powerful vitality of the body. And at the eighth level, there are more sources of life.The source of life can be produced through the strengthening of life!If, on the other hand, one possesses the source of life, can life be produced through it?
Turn so-called 'dead things' into 'alive'

Thinking of this, Tianci's body trembled even more. . .

I have so many sources of life, but I can only use them for healing and controlling plant growth.Perhaps turning death into life is the advanced application of life magic!

"Go to hell!" Brigitte took advantage of Tianci's daze, and suddenly raised his sword to attack!The long sword trembled in the air and went straight to Tianci's heart.


Yu'er suddenly jumped up, her sharp nails firmly stuck on the long sword, pushing and shoving!

"Puchi!" The long sword was slashed from Tianci's chest, leaving a deep wound, and the flesh was turned over to reveal a row of ribs!
"Ah!" Tianci exclaimed, leaping back conditioned reflex, looking down, the wound was shocking.Qingguang followed the blood and immediately began to heal the wound.The huge wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, without even leaving a scar, Brigitte was dumbfounded watching it.

Yu'er stood in front of Tianci, clawing the ground with four claws, roaring, ready to attack at any time!
Tianci laughed at himself, just now he taught others not to underestimate the enemy in battle, but now he was distracted in the life-and-death battle between the two sides, if Yu'er hadn't pushed Brigitte's long sword away from the direction, he might have died. . .

"Bridget, you are right, these dead things really have no effect on you!" Tianci said directly.

Brigitte snorted coldly, facing each other with a sword.

"Then I'll try to find some living things for you to experience!" Tianci said with the corners of his mouth raised.

Life, vitality, produce blue light, condense green spots!This is the pattern I know now.

Conversely, condense the green dots, disperse into blue light, turn into vitality, and generate life!

Tianci raised a hand and stretched out his index finger. A blue dot condensed by countless blue lights was suspended on the tip of the index finger.The other hand spread out, and a huge branch suddenly grew from the trunk next to it.Unlike normal thorns, the trunk continued to evolve this time, forming a 20-meter-long giant dragon in a blink of an eye.The place where the trunks were connected couldn't bear it, and snapped.

"Boom!" The wooden dragon fell to the ground.

Tianci controlled the blue dot on his finger to fly towards the heart of the wooden giant dragon.After Qingdian entered the wooden dragon, the internal material changed immediately.Tianci controlled the blue spots to scatter, and the blue light evenly filled the wooden dragon's body. The control of the blue light was completely the same as usual, but this time he obviously felt the pressure, and the surrounding wood seemed to be blocking the spread of the blue spots.

Finally finished distributing the blue light, at this moment the beads of sweat on Tianci's head began to fall!The blue light flickered, and the surrounding wood began to echo with it.Tianci was surprised to find that the blue light began to merge with the surrounding wood.

"Boom!" The sky suddenly darkened, and countless dark clouds gathered in the originally clear and sunny sky, covering the entire Xilan Mountain Peak.The heavy dark clouds pressed down gloomyly!
Tianci and Brigitte looked at the sky at the same time!

Tianci's heart is heavy, the dark clouds are so low, the world seems to be pressed down heavily by something, and even his chest begins to feel tight!
Such dull dark clouds were only seen when there was an elemental tide on the empty island at that time. How could it appear today?Did the people on the top of the mountain use advanced magic?It's impossible, I don't seem to have seen a magician on it, right?
The dark clouds are getting thicker and darker!

A huge bolt of lightning suddenly appeared, illuminating the entire Xilan Mountain Peak.Along with the disappearance of the huge lightning, countless small snakes began to move and gather in the clouds.

At this time, the top of the mountain is already boiling!

There are layers of dark clouds above the head, thick and solid, and you can reach them with your hands when you jump up.Electric snakes are moving among the dense dark clouds, whistling.

All the great sword masters and alchemists were overwhelmed by this atmosphere.

"Go down the mountain, go down the mountain!" Someone shouted, and all the great sword masters immediately ran down to protect the alchemists.Some even carry the master alchemy directly.


A dragon's chant resounded across the sky, and the incomparable dragon's might was suppressed instantly.

Tianci and Brigitte withdrew their upward gazes at the same time, and the wooden dragon beside them suddenly started to move, raising its huge dragon head and roaring.The bark and branches all over his body have receded long ago, revealing pine-colored skin, dense scales, and sharp minions!

Tianci was surprised to find that the blue light he had sent into the wooden dragon's body had lost contact with him. . .

Brigitte looked horrified at the giant dragon, which was only a wooden carving just now, but it turned into a lifelike dragon, and it was even more frightening that it could move and howl!
Although the dragon-shaped magic composed of elements by human magicians can do various actions under the control of mental power, and those with strong mental power and precise control can even do it vividly, but there is one thing that cannot be changed. It is that no matter how much it looks like it is a dead thing, it is impossible to emit the unique howling sound of the dragon clan and the oppressive feeling of the dragon's might.

Brigitte raised his fighting spirit, and there was an inexplicable pressure and fear on his body. . .That's right, this is the sense of oppression from Longwei!

Tianci had seen the dragon's power of the Frost Dragon before, and this dragon's power was far worse than that of the Frost Dragon!However, the pressure was obviously not exerted on himself.

After the giant wooden dragon roared, it lowered its head and looked at the creatures below, its eyes were dark and without any aura.

Tianci looked into his eyes, as if he was waiting for an order!
Pointing at Bridget, Tianci said coldly, "Kill him!"

The giant wooden dragon roared again, but it was over soon. Its huge body suddenly attacked Brigitte, and its sharp claws aimed at Brigitte's throat and heart!

Brigitte was horrified, he could clearly feel that the wooden dragon had the strength of a seventh-level monster.

"Boom!" The huge dragon claw snapped.Brigitte's figure flickered and jumped out.The wooden giant dragon attacked continuously again.

The dust and mist was confused, and it settled down after a while.A huge dragon paw print was left on the ground just now!
"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Brigitte's sword continued to parry the dragon's attack.Every parry can damage the skin of the dragon, but at the same time it will make your arms numb!The power of the dragon is really too strong!

After attacking for a while and connecting several moves, Brigitte gradually discovered the weakness of the wooden dragon.The body is huge, and the movements are slow and the turns are slow.Brigitte immediately used his dexterous body skills to avoid the dragon's frontal attack, and knocked from the side, leaving the dragon with scars in just a few moves.

Tianci and Yu'er watched Brigitte wrestling with the giant dragon, and didn't go up to help!Although the giant dragon has strong attack power and has the strength of level [-], its attack methods are too monotonous, even inferior to the earth armor demon pig!
Tianci shook his head helplessly, "Although it is said that life can be created against the sky, there is no trace of wisdom and aura! To put it nicely, it is life, but to put it bluntly, it is a walking dead!"

"Kill!!" Brigitte jumped up suddenly, and when the wooden dragon turned around, the long sword pierced deeply into the reverse scale under the neck.The only weakness of the Dragon Clan is Nilin!

"Boom!" The huge dragon body crashed down, its limbs twitching non-stop!

"Huh! Huh! Huh..." Brigitte panted heavily, staring viciously at Tianci and Yu'er who were watching, the vindictiveness in his body was no longer bright.

"Bridget, I once fought against a seventh-level great swordsman in a village in the city of Abanis in the Spanish Empire. I told him that the key to the outcome of our battle lies in his seventh-level grudge How long can it last. It is the same with you now, when your seventh-level grudge disappears, it will be the day you die!" Tianci said.

"Hmph! You are so shameless!" Brigitte spat, but she couldn't help feeling nervous. After bringing down the dragon, she could say that she was about to run out of fuel. . .Although the Wooden Spear Formation has no way to fight against level [-] battle qi, it is facing level [-] battle qi. . .Hard to say!

Tianci didn't give Bridget any time to rest, and He Yu'er attacked again.

The battle is still going on!

"Inch strength!" Tianci roared, and the strength of his fingers suddenly came out.

"Puchi!" Bridget suddenly felt a dull pain in his heart and lost consciousness, his consciousness began to blur, and his body slowly fell down.

"It's finally over!" Tianci sat down on the ground weakly.

The heaven-sent blue light flickered, restoring the abnormal state of the body.

The wooden dragon was still twitching.

The blue light can't be felt now, and it can't be controlled, what should I do now?Is it going to destroy it?Tianci seemed a little unbearable. Although he was a walking dead, he helped him fight after all and consumed Brigitte's fighting spirit.

I can't think of a way!Godsend to take back the consciousness!


Huge lightning suddenly fell from the sky and struck the wooden giant dragon accurately. All the wood was immediately shattered into powder and disappeared into the boundless space by the wind.The path where the dragon lay down was also cut in half.

The sudden thunder made Tianci startled, and instantly unfolded his consciousness. A blue light appeared in his consciousness, and followed Tianci's thoughts into his body.

With the disappearance of the wooden dragon, the dark clouds began to recede, and the sun was shining again in a short while, and the sky was clear!
Godsend suddenly realized that these dark clouds were directed at the giant wooden dragon!

"Abnormal lives are produced beyond the sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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