Godsend Field

Chapter 246 Kidnapping

Chapter 246 Kidnapping
With an astonishing roar, a huge lightning bolt pierced the sky like a sharp long sword into the mountainside of Xilan Mountain.Before Tianci could react, the 20-meter-long wooden dragon was already wiped out.

Tianci froze in place for half an hour before relieving himself, unfolding the blue light and taking back the blue light that had been sent into the wooden dragon back into the body.The dark clouds in the sky have long since cleared, and the clear sky has returned.

Tianci plopped down on the ground and gasped for breath.

Yu'er enthusiastically held Brigitte's high-grade long sword and space ring in front of Tianci, and Tianci put it into the space ring.Seeing that only half of the people on the road next to him were left blasted by lightning, Tianci couldn't help but feel scared.If he hit his head just now, or got closer to him, it wouldn't directly kill him!
The great power of nature is by no means comparable to that of human beings.

Tianci was lying on the ground, Qing Guang recovering from physical fatigue.

From the moment the blue light merged into the wooden dragon, dark clouds and lightning began to gather in the sky. Tianci originally thought that the people on the top of the mountain released high-level magic to cause this change, but now I know that all of this is aimed at From the wooden dragon.

Tianci thought back, why didn't he attack the wooden giant dragon at the beginning, and insisted on waiting until he withdrew his consciousness, and it chopped down?Could it be related to one's own consciousness?
Tianci looked at the sky, his father said that his own consciousness is the seed of the domain he planted in his body.In other words, his own consciousness actually contained his father's domain.Could it be said that it will not be attacked in the domain?
"For us, the domain is the source of our strength, and in the domain, you are the king!"

in my field. . .I am king!
Tianci returned to the valley after a short rest, and put away the space ring and long sword left by Neville.Yu'er had already jumped onto Tianci's shoulders. If he walked such a long way with such short claws, he would definitely die of exhaustion!

The way down the mountain went smoothly, but when some monsters came out to block the way, they were all buried in the wood spear array.

After a day of rushing, Tianci finally walked out of the mountains and saw the Xilan Inn from afar.As long as you buy a horse from the inn, you can reach the Kate family's fief Dreis City in two days!

Tianci walked towards the inn. The inns here would keep a lot of horses, which could be used to transport supplies from outside or sell them at high prices to merchants.

Tianci walked halfway, and suddenly stopped. The doors of the two rows of neat inns were closed tightly, and no one came in or out.No matter how bad the business is at ordinary times, it is not possible to thank customers behind closed doors!

"You all come out, there is no need to hide!" Tianci roared angrily.

All the doors of the inn were opened immediately, and nearly [-] mercenaries ran out from the hall and both sides of the inn to surround Tianci, most of them were familiar faces, and they all came from Genoa.

"What are you trying to do?" Tianci glared.

The leading middle-aged man said, "We still have the same old saying, I hope that Lord Marquis of Heaven can put the overall situation first and give up selfish interests for the common interests of mankind!"

Tianci sneered, "What's your name?"

"Under Harrison"

"Harrison, are you a member of the Mercenary Union? What's your relationship with Elder Fermi?" Tianci asked.

Harrison was slightly taken aback, "I am indeed a member of the mercenary union, and I was in charge of handling the copywriting under Elder Fermi!"

"You organized them, right?" Tianci pointed to the mercenaries around.

Harrison remained silent, staring at Tianci for a moment, "They were not organized by anyone, they came for the common interests of mankind. We sincerely hope that you, my lord, will give up your ego and become a greater ego!"

"Abandoning the small self to achieve the big self?" Tianci sneered, "I'm afraid it is the ambition of giving up the small self to achieve your mercenary union!"

"Master Godsend, please respect yourself! Since our mercenary union was established for 6000 years, we have served the strong on the mainland, enabling them to use what they have learned, and have made outstanding contributions to the great empires. This is obvious to all, so please Don't talk nonsense, or you will offend thousands of mercenaries on the mainland!" Harrison said lightly, looking at Tianci in his eyes.

"so what?"

Harrison looked into Tianci's eyes, and suddenly felt a chill down his back.
Tianci looked around at the mercenaries around, none of these mercenaries were above the level of a great swordsman.In a place like Genoa, there is nothing important, and high-level warriors will not come here!
In this case, as long as he cooperates with Yu'er's magic cover, and he does not rely on life magic and only relies on magic barrier and sword skills, no one can stop him from running.

"My lord, I advise you not to think about running!" Harrison said, clapping his hands twice.

Get out of the way, and several mercenaries escorted the three of them up.

"Roland, Adela...Qin'er?" Tianci shouted in surprise.

Both Adela and Roland were tied up, and even their mouths were gagged. Seeing Tianci, the two kept struggling and muttering.Qin'er didn't have any restraints. After seeing Tianci, she broke free from the mercenaries and rushed over. The mercenaries didn't stop her.

"Harrison, what's going on?" Tianci suddenly said angrily.

Before Harrison could answer, Qin'er rushed over, and suddenly hugged Tianci's arm with both hands, "Stinky boy, kill him!"

"Qin'er, what happened, didn't you tell you to go back first? How did they catch you?" Tianci asked.

"We... We were surrounded by them as soon as we came. It turned out that they arrived here more than ten days ago, drove away all the shops and waited for us. Roland and I were surrounded by them as soon as we entered the inn. They surrounded it and locked it up! In the past two days, they still..."

"What else?" Tianci asked anxiously.

"They didn't dare to touch me, but they were afraid that I would run to inform you, so they said that if I ran away, they would kill Adela and Roland. And if I resisted, they would beat Roland!"

Tianci felt great hatred in his heart, and the corners of his eyes twitched, "Huh, Harrison, you guys did a good job! Let them go!"

"Yes, but please hand over your magic equipment first!" Harrison replied coldly, confidently.

Godsend coldly snorted, "Listen up, all mercenaries, you kidnapped and beat up the successor of the saint of the Welsh Empire and the sister of the Duke without any mission. Don't you be afraid of us Welsh? Is it the anger of the empire? Are you not afraid of violating the mercenary rules and being punished by the criminal investigation team?"

The mercenaries around suddenly fell silent, and then they became commotions and discussions arose.It would be fine if she was the Duke's own sister, but the crime of kidnapping and beating the successor of the saint is a serious crime.

Over the past 5000 years, the four great empires have experienced dozens of generations of kings, some wise and hardworking while others are incompetent.Even so, the structure of the four great empires can remain unchanged, largely because of the existence of the saints, who guard the empire from being destroyed.Because of this, every empire respects the saint very much, and pays more attention to the successor of the saint. In the empire, the successor of the saint can be said to be more important than the crown prince!
There have also been vacancies in the four great empires, but even so, the country will not be destroyed.The simplest example is that the saint of the French Empire is currently vacant. If the Spanish Empire attacks with all its strength and threatens the survival of the French Empire, Vicari will naturally become a saint again.If Vikri is not there, the other two empires will not tolerate this kind of thing happening.After all, one saint and one artifact in each empire can still be balanced. Once there are two artifacts and two saints in an empire, it will inevitably cause an imbalance in the form, which will lead to a dominant family slowly annexing the other two. .So when the time comes, the Welsh Empire and the Gran Empire are bound to break out of a full-scale war with the Spanish Empire, and try their best to prevent the Spanish Empire from destroying the French Empire.

So even if there is a saint vacancy in a certain empire, it will not have much impact.Even a hostile country would not be so stupid as to murder the successor of the other party's saint, because it was unnecessary.In the long period of 5000 years, although many successors of the winner died young, none of them were murdered.

It is also because of this that Dean Rafal will let Roland come out to practice at ease.But I never expected that I would be kidnapped and beaten by these mercenaries here!
The mercenaries panicked at this moment.Ever since I saw the announcement of the mercenary union, I was dazzled by the momentary excitement. I besieged Tianci in Genoa, and then chased here, and even kidnapped Roland and Adela. I never thought that Roland was Rafa Successor of the Holy One.Kidnapping and beating the successor of the saint will undoubtedly make the entire Welsh Empire angry. How can his own little mercenaries withstand the anger of an empire?What's more, it violated the mercenary rules. . .

"Everyone be quiet!" Harrison raised his arms and shouted loudly, "I got the approval of Elder Fermi and Elder Enrique before I set off. Special treatment should be given in special times. And we are seeking the gospel for the entire human race. The Urs Empire wants to blame it, and it also blames someone's selfishness, not us! If anything happens, the mercenary union will also stand up for us!"

Harrison's words were like a sedative, and the mercenaries who had been in a commotion just now calmed down, and the voices of denouncing Godsend came again.

"Yes! Roland has made it clear that he will give up fire magic, so he is naturally no longer the successor of the saint!"

"We work for the benefit of mankind, will the mercenary union ignore us!"

"Hand over! Hand over!"

. . . . . .

Tianci has a great hatred in his heart. If he was alone, he would not be afraid at all, but now that Roland and Adela are in their hands, he will be scruples no matter what he does. "Harrison, this matter has nothing to do with them, let them go." Walk!"

"Hehe, Lord Godsent Marquis, we have already made a mistake in Genoa, do you think we will make the same mistake twice? We won't let them both go before you hand over your equipment!"

Roland and Adela heard it clearly and kept struggling, but the guards in charge of them were all six-level battle qi experts, and there was no possibility of breaking free.

The gag fell from Roland's mouth as he struggled, "Godsend, leave us alone, run quickly, as long as you run away, they won't do anything to us! Hurry up... ah..."

The martial artist next to him punched Roland in the stomach.Roland immediately bowed and retched his mouth.Adela next to her struggled violently, but her skills were inferior to others, and she had no way out.

"You!" Tianci's eyes widened, pointing at Harrison, his eyes were bloodshot, hatred!

"Master Tianci Marquis, it is purely helpless for us to do this, I hope you can cooperate, don't make it difficult for us! Of course we know that your martial arts are invincible, and the monsters are more mysterious and weird, but you don't want to be able to rescue them, we are all mercenaries , you are aristocrats, if you fail, you will be the ones who suffer!" Harrison said with some complacency.

The warrior forcibly pulled Roland up and gagged his mouth again.Roland was a mage who had suffered such an attack, and a painful expression appeared on his face, except for his stubborn and firm eyes.

Facing the naked threat, Tianci was furious but could do nothing!
Slowly put down the hand pointing at Harrison, and said calmly, "I can promise you, but I have to think about it for a few days!"

The mercenaries around immediately boiled up and cheered everywhere.Qin'er looked at Tianci in surprise, and Roland Adela struggled.

"Harrison, you can't embarrass them when I haven't thought it through!"

"That's natural! But we can't keep thinking about it with you, so how about we limit it to three days?" Harrison waved his hand, and the warrior took Adela Roland to the rough inn on the far side, and then pointed The luxurious inn at the other end said politely, "This way please!"

Tianci didn't leave right away, took out the long sword from the interspatial ring, and cut off a large bunch of red hair from Yu'er's tail.After that, he nodded Yu'er's little head, "I have to think about things in the past three days, and I don't have time to play with you, so go find your little brothers to play!"

Yu'er screamed, kicked her little paw, like a ball of fire, jumped out of the encirclement of the mercenaries, and ran towards the mountains.

"My lord, don't expect your magic beast to report to you. You can go back and forth from Genoa in the last three days. It is impossible for the two mages from the Welsh Empire to help you. Even the ones on the top of the mountain Great sword masters, to tell you the truth, we have already met Brigitte and Neville great sword masters, besides, there are great sword masters from the four countries, not just your Welsh Empire!" Harrison said proudly, full of confidence Full.

Tianci glanced at Harrison, "I didn't count on them!"

Harrison breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I didn't take you seriously either!"

Sitting in the room, Tianci and Qin'er took out their own food and ate it.

"I don't know what happened to Roland and the others over there?" Tianci sighed.

"Don't worry, it's nothing special except that it's tied up when you come out, and it's all mercenaries outside!" Qin'er put down the pastry in her hand and asked with concern, "Are you Are you really going to tell the story?"

Tianci smiled slightly, "Of course not! If you say it out, it will definitely cause an uproar. Now it's a time of trouble, so you can have less trouble. It's not too late to say it slowly when you settle down in the future!"

"Then why did you promise them just now? How are you going to pay them three days later?"

Tianci didn't answer, "Qin'er, tell me why you were caught by them, Bai Ying?"

"Hmph, how dare you mention Shirokage! As soon as we came here, we were surrounded by many mercenaries. We couldn't resist and asked Shirakage to help, but we didn't know that it ran away without us! I'm so angry, what a high-level monster , is simply a coward!" Qin'er said angrily.

"Hehe, don't blame Baiying!" Tianci said with a smile, "You also know the character of unicorns, they don't like to fight and kill, and the mercenaries don't dare to attack it, so naturally it won't attack There are mercenaries!"

"Hmph, does it mean that even if the mercenaries kill us, it will just stand by and watch?"

"This..." Tianci thought for a moment, "If it's just you, it will, but if it's me, it won't!"

After hearing this, Qin'er became even more angry, "Why, why do you know how we can't. What method did you use to charm the unicorn, tell me the truth!"

Tianci was taken aback, Bai Ying had followed him for so long, and he had never thought about why the unicorn followed him!In the history of mankind, it seems that there has never been anyone whose monsters were unicorns, and they are all in the glorious town under the infinite forest in the south, where elves and unicorns occasionally appear.

But think about it carefully, unicorns like purity and life by nature, and the source of life gifted to them by their father is extremely powerful, which may be the reason.No wonder the unicorn enjoyed it very much when I used the source of life to heal the defect on the unicorn's horn!
"Is this possibly related to life magic? You also know that unicorns love life! By the way, where is Bai Ying now?" Tianci asked.

"I didn't know, it disappeared in the blink of an eye that day, and we were all imprisoned here again, how could we know! Besides, it is so fast, who can catch up with it, what are you worried about!"

Tianci nodded.

"Tianci!" Qin'er moved her body and approached Tianci, "Can you tell me how your life magic is doing?"

Tianci suddenly smelled a fragrance from Qin'er, and couldn't help but tremble. He could smell this fragrance when he was with Qin'er, but for some reason, he suddenly felt very special and intoxicated.

"I remember you and Li'er once told us that life magic and space magic are not graded like ordinary elemental magic, they are used in high and low levels. What you saw in Santa La Luca that day was nothing but life It's just a low-level use of magic!"

Qin'er's body trembled, "That's low-level use? Eight high-level swordsmen, two great swordsmen!"

"No, the eight high-level swordsmen were indeed killed by life magic, but the two great sword masters were not! I don't think it is possible to kill the great sword masters within that period of time with the low-level use of life magic!" Tianci answered.

"Didn't the life magic kill them? Then how did they die?" Qin'er asked.

"I must have fainted at the time. I don't remember anything after waking up, and I can't remember how I killed them! Anyway, it can't be life magic."

Qin'er looked at Tianci, her face full of disbelief, "Just now you said the low-level use of life magic, so can you know how to use it at a high level?"

Tianci suddenly smiled happily, "It seems that I know a little bit!"

"What's that like? How powerful is it?" Qin'er asked excitedly.

"Hehe, if I were to meet a seventh-level great swordsman now, I believe it would take less than an hour!"

(End of this chapter)

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