Godsend Field

Chapter 247 Warcraft

Chapter 247 Warcraft
Locked in the small house, Qin'er paced back and forth, lying on the window sill and watching from time to time.

"Stinky boy, since you are so powerful, let's save them!"

Tianci sat on the seat and instantly dissipated his consciousness, "Qin'er, it's not that I don't want to save them. You saw it just now. Roland was beaten after he said a word. If we make any moves, I'm afraid it will happen." Threatening Roland's life! And I advise you to sit down obediently, do you know how many mercenaries we have guarding Roland?"

"How many?"

Tianci walked to the window and pointed to the inn where Roland was staying, "There are at least 100 fighters outside their room, and at least 200 people in these inns in the middle, but our inn has the most! The two of us are on the third floor , there are more than 30 people on the roof, and there are people in the rooms next to it, and there are people on the second floor and the first floor below. In general, there should be no less than 300 people!

"Ah, how many people have they come?"

"Roughly, there should be more than 600 people! And most of them are from Genoa! The leader should be that Harrison, I think Harrison also came under the instruction of Elder Fermi!"

"Hey, they have been chasing here from Genoa, are you annoying! Brat, have you ever thought that besides Genoa, Ancona also has a lot of mercenaries, and there may be more mercenaries than Genoa, etc. They won't stop when we return to Ancona, so you have to think of a way in advance!" Qin'er said.

Tianci sighed, "This is what the mercenary union did on purpose. They are really unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals. Although I don't really want to, but this time I must teach them a painful lesson!"

Qin'er pouted, "I want to teach them a lesson, how dare you kidnap us!"

If it was just to chase after equipment, Tianci felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and if he swapped himself with the mercenaries, he might be tempted.But they threatened themselves by kidnapping Roland and Adela, that's intolerable.Adela Rowland can be kidnapped today, but can Lil, An Rui and Jane be kidnapped tomorrow, and even his younger brother Nero?
This possibility cannot be allowed to arise!
"Boy, I'm going to see Adela, do you want to go with me?" Qin'er asked.

"No need, they won't let me meet Roland. But you can go over and have a look, and you pass a message to them, saying that no matter what happens in the past two days, they should not panic!" Tianci from the space Take out the red hair cut from Yu'er's body from the ring, divide it into three evenly, take out three slender ropes from the curtain in the room, and bundle the red hair into a pen shape and give it to Qin'er, "You let the two of them Wear this on your body, and take the other with you!"

Qin'er reluctantly took the three pinches of red hair, and looked at it, "Stinky boy, what the hell are you playing with, let us bring this thing! I don't want Smelly Feather's hair!"

Tianci rarely elongated his face, "You must wear it! Did you hear that?"

Qin'er: "I...huh! Wear it as you like, what's the big deal!"

Only then did Tianci's expression soften a little, "Qin'er, you must make it clear to them that this is a matter of life and death!"

Feeling slightly flustered, Qin'er put two pinches into the interspatial ring, and tied the other pinch to the belt around her waist, opened the door and went out.Within three steps, three mercenaries appeared on the passage.

"Stop, where are you going?"

"Where do I want you to take care of? Get out of the way!"

The three mercenaries did not move away.

"Crack!" The door next to him opened, and Harrison and three other mercenaries came out. "What's going on?"

"Master Harrison, Captain, she is going out!" The mercenary replied with a salute.

The four of Harrison looked at Qin'er. One of the team leaders walked to the door of the house and glanced at it. Tianci still sat on the seat with his eyes closed.He turned his head and nodded at the three of Harrison.

"Miss Qin'er, there is nothing in this place except a few inns. If you are hungry or thirsty, why don't you just ask me to send you there?" Harrison said with a smile.

"Hmph, are you going to put me under house arrest?"

"Don't dare, even if we are given great courage, we don't dare! It's just that the situation is special now, and I hope Miss Qin'er can forgive me and endure it for a few days!"

"What's the special situation? Are you greedy? Anyway, I don't care. I'm going out for a walk now, and I'm going to talk to Adela. Let them get out of the way! Otherwise, I will tell my grandpa that you are under house arrest and restricting me." freedom!" Qin'er said with her eyes wide open.

"This..." The four of Harrison were a little embarrassed.

Qin'er's identity is too special.Whether it is a powerful family member like Adela or a current dignitary like Tianci, as a mercenary union, they will not be afraid, but Qin'er is an exception.Putting his most beloved granddaughter under house arrest will really make Lei Jiansheng furious. Even if the three elders of the upper house come forward in person, they may not be able to calm down. In the end, there will inevitably be victims, and the victims are individuals like himself.

The four of them made eye contact and nodded at the same time.

"Hehe, Miss Qin'er wants to meet them. There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that it's not peaceful now. The mercenaries below are all rough men. It would be bad if you offend Miss Qin'er, so it's better to let me live The two captains beside me accompanied Miss Qin'er to the past, so they can also protect her!"

"Protection? I think it's more like surveillance!" Qin'er snorted coldly, flicking her hair and walking downstairs.

The two regiment leaders followed closely, and walked towards the inn next to them one after the other.

And at this moment, far away in the Imperial College in the capital of Wales.

"Dean, did you ask me for something?" Wizard Weiss said respectfully.

Dean Rafael stood by the window, holding a piece of letter paper with his hands behind his back, looking at the scenery outside, the sunset glow under the setting sun was extraordinarily bright red, piled up layer upon layer.

Wizard Weiss took a few steps closer, "Dean!"

Dean Rafal didn't move, he let go of his fingers, and the letter paper in his hand floated towards Wizard Weiss.Wizard Weiss reached out to catch it, not daring to look at "Dean!"

"Look, this is an urgent message from the Magic Union!"

"Sent it urgently? Is something going to happen?" Wizard Weiss spread out the letter paper and took a closer look, his expression changed instantly, "This...impossible, this is not true!"

Dean Rafal didn't speak, and continued to look at the scenery outside the window.

His Majesty suffered a stroke and fell into a coma. Tianci and Qin'er have not returned yet, and now they are again. . .Why!

Wizard Weiss became emotional, "Dean, are you kidding me? This can't be true. I watched that kid grow up, and I taught him. It's impossible for him to do such a thing. Things, someone must be writing fake news to tease us! Hahaha!"

The laughter couldn't show the fear in his heart. Wizard Weiss' fingers trembled, and his eyes glanced at the envelope on the table.Running over to pick up the envelope, the unique logo of the Magic Union on it was particularly eye-catching. Comparing the handwriting, Wizard Weiss couldn't help taking a few steps back, sitting weakly on the chair, and the letter envelope in his hand fell down.

Qin'er returned to the room, Tianci was still sitting on the seat, no change from before going out!
"I've already delivered the things, and they all put them on!" Qin'er sat next to her. "What do you think, tell me!"

Tianci forced a smile, "You will know when the time comes!"

On the third day, the sky was misty.All the mercenaries just got up and were handing over to the night watch brothers.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A terrifying sound resounded faintly outside, the sound was low and complicated, like a thousand troops and horses, even the ground trembled, and the tiles above the inn were shaken and fell down.

"What happened? Is it an earthquake?" The mercenaries in the inn were shocked and began to panic!
"Everyone gather outside, everyone gather outside!" Harrison yelled loudly, rushed into Tianci's room with the three regiment leaders, and rushed downstairs with Tianci and Qin'er.A lot of mercenaries had already run out outside, wanting to see what happened outside, but there was such a loud noise.

Roland and Adela were also brought out, this time without ropes.


A cloud of green bees suddenly flew out from the mountains, tens of thousands of them densely covered the sky and closed the sun, like an extremely huge dark cloud, covering towards the inn.

"It's the green bee, it's the green bee!"

The mercenaries screamed in panic.

But at this moment


The trees at the front of the mountain collapsed in rows, and countless monsters ran out from the fallen trees.The earth armored demon pig twisted its fat body and rushed to the front, its thick tusks were covered with sawdust.The beige-brown spirit monkey dexterously jumped down from the collapsed tree trunk, screaming strangely.Groups of wind wolves surged out, with cold teeth and glowing green eyes. . .

More than 30 flying horses flew out from the bushes, followed by patches of red bats. . .

"It's a monster!!" The mercenaries panicked.

"How did the monsters come out? Didn't it mean that the monsters never leave the mountains for half a step?"

The mercenaries here haunt Xilan Mountain all the year round. They have seen many of these monsters and killed many of them.But this is the first time I have seen such a large number.

The arrogance of Warcraft rarely even stays with the same race, let alone haunts with other races!
The ground was still shaking, and in front of the inn, a dense group of monsters was rushing towards them. The fastest running wolf pack was not high in level, but there were many and sharp attacks.Everyone knows how scary wolves are, let alone WoW wolves!The degree of horror, just looking at it, will make people shudder.

"All the mercenaries are gathered, and all the soldiers go to the outer layer!!"

"Magician, where is the magician, go inside and get ready!!"

Harrison yelled.

"Crazy, how many of us are there? How can we fight against these monsters?"



Facing the tide of monsters in front of them, the mercenaries couldn't even muster the fighting spirit. Someone shouted, and the rest of the soldiers also shouted and broke up.

The usual pride of being a human being is gone now, and I really wish I could have four legs, even if I can run on my stomach!
Qin'er looked at everything in front of her, and was so frightened that she lost the ability to speak and walk.Tianci couldn't help but pick up Qin'er and ran towards the opposite direction of Roland.

At this time, the mercenaries are fleeing one after another, who has the leisure to think about Godsend and care about equipment?Life is gone, what's the use of equipment?

Roland and Adela were not much better!
Although neither of them is weak, they have never seen a real sword or gun.Even on the way to Xilan Mountain, out of curiosity, Roland and Adela killed some monsters of level [-] and [-], and they killed them alone. They had seen hundreds of them, thousands of them. battle?Both of them were so frightened that their legs became weak, and they sat on the ground.

The mercenaries in charge of guarding the two had no idea where they had gone. . .

Tianci ran to him, put down the zither, and woke up Roland and Adela.

Just in front of the mercenaries fleeing, dozens of gigantic apes more than three meters high appeared, with burly figures, beating their chests with their hands, screaming up to the sky, and squatting beside them were silver wolves and earth bears.

"It's the Earth Violent Bear!"


The escaped mercenaries were panic-stricken. These are all fifth-level and sixth-level monsters, and they all lived on Xilan Mountain. Why did they all come down?And still in batches?

The other side is not much better than this side, the Earth Violent Bear, Fiery Rhinoceros, Deep Pool Mire Python, Medusa, Ape King, and Earth Dragon. . .

"Warcraft, there are monsters!" Adela screamed and jumped up, a spear appeared in her hand.Roland also spread out his hands at the same time, ready to release the destruction.His fingers kept trembling. . .

In all directions, all beasts rushed together. . .

The mercenaries who had fled around just now all came back together, just like humans driving cattle, they were driven back.

"End the formation, quickly end the formation!"

"Magician, get ready!"

The mercenaries panicked into a group.

The monster before the mountain had already run to it, and it seemed to stop 30 meters in front of the mercenary.The five and six level monsters on both sides also ran towards this place.

The Earth Violent Bear, the Eight-armed Ape, the Fiery Rhinoceros, the Deep Pool Mire Python, and the Earth-Walking Dragon. . .The mighty monsters rushed towards the inn in front of them unscrupulously.

"Bang!" The fire rhino directly pushed out a big hole in the wall of the inn in front of it, and the tables inside were suddenly messy and shattered.The Earth Violent Bear was tall and strong, waving his arms, and angrily smashed against the wall.

All the monsters were not to be outdone, they would not hide when they encountered the inn, relying on their strong bodies to destroy wantonly.


A three-story inn at the front, the walls on the ground floor were completely destroyed, finally unable to support it, it collapsed, and the collapsed wall hit the inn next to it.Loud noises, broken walls, broken wood. . .

"Boom!" The second inn finally couldn't hold on, and fell down along with the collapse of the first inn.

Under the collapsed houses, there are many rampant monsters buried, but how can they threaten the hard fur and strong body.boom!boom! . . .The monsters rushed out with brute force!
The originally gorgeous inns on both sides of the road were instantly turned into a pile of ruins amidst the dust.

All the monsters stopped 30 meters in front of the mercenaries, surrounding the mercenaries in a large open space.

The sky and the earth are impenetrable!
"It's over!" All the mercenaries crowded together, they were almost desperate, and the long swords in their hands trembled.Facing so many monsters of level [-] and [-], and countless monsters of level [-] and [-], is it necessary to resist?

"Commander, didn't you say that monsters can't come out of the mountains? Why...why..." A young mercenary tremblingly pulled the clothes of the captain next to him, almost crying on his miserable face out.

"What should I do, leader, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"Shut up!" The regiment leader shook the mercenary's hand away, and he couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.




. . . . . .

All the monsters roared at the same time, and the continuous roar resounded through the world.

The roar of tens of thousands of monsters can be heard for miles, and the mercenaries surrounded in the middle are even more deafening, so imposing, so huge. . .The weak fighting spirit in everyone's hearts was instantly shattered by the roar!
Even if you are used to the days of being bloody, even if you are already ready to die.But when things come to an end, when it is time to face death, no matter how strong a person is, they will be afraid!

"Kill! Kill!" A mercenary next to him finally couldn't bear the fear in his heart, and rushed forward with a show of fighting spirit.The long sword accurately sank into the head of a slave wolf, but countless slave wolves rushed out from the surroundings in an instant, tearing the mercenary apart, leaving bloody internal organs all over the floor. . .Only that face calmed down and was finally relieved!
"Captain Gonila!!"

"Aw~~Aw~~" A familiar roar sounded faintly.All the monsters stopped roaring immediately.

The wolves in the front rows rushed up immediately, baring their teeth and claws.

"Kill!" The mercenaries were furious, brandishing their long swords and slashing at the wolf!

"Meteor shower!"

"Meteorite technique!"

"It's raining and freezing!"

The magicians in the middle have already prepared their magic and released it instantly.

"Boom~~~" During a burst of strong magic, the wolf almost fell half down, and the smell of burnt flesh and blood scattered, stimulating every monster even more!
Not being attacked by magic, the wolf became more excited and waved its sharp claws.

The mercenaries in the front row are all relatively high-level grudges, and they can be said to be able to handle the fourth-level wolf with ease.All the mercenaries have also passed the fear period at this time, and they swung their swords with great vindictiveness, and one after another fell from the wolf corpses to the ground, blood splattered all over their bodies and faces.

Since wolves are fierce monsters, and they don't have much wisdom, once they identify the target, they will attack without hesitation, even if they have a long sword in front of them, they will rush forward without any scruples, and they would rather die than bite you. you.


There were also quite a few mercenaries with slightly low fighting spirit who couldn't withstand the frenzied attack of the wolf, and were cut open by the wolf, bleeding, internal organs, and stumps. . .

The Earth Armored Demon Pig also rushed up from among the wolves, and the wind blades in the air were like rain.The fiery red bats are even more like killers, taking the lives of the mercenaries while they are unawares.

With double attacks on the ground and in the air, the weaker mercenaries fell down one after another.

During the scuffle, the four Tianci were rushed to the side of the crowd.Adela was shaking with a long gun in her hand, and Roland was about to unleash destruction.Tianci pulled Roland to signal not to move!

A lot of wolves rushed in front of the four Tianci, the tip of their noses moved slightly, then changed direction and rushed towards other mercenaries.

"Tianci, what should I do... what should I do..." Qin'er hugged Tianci's arm tightly, resting her head on Tianci's shoulder.

Tianci gently hugged Qin'er, "It's okay, remember, don't attack them actively!"

(End of this chapter)

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