Godsend Field

Chapter 248 Whole Emperor Beast

Chapter 248 Whole Emperor Beast
The battle situation at this time completely reflected the survival of the fittest, the low-level mercenaries fell, and the remaining 300 mercenaries had at least five levels of strength.The thousands of slave wolves that also rushed up were all killed in battle, their corpses were spread all over the ground, and blood flowed like a river.

The remaining mercenaries were panting wearily, their clothes were stained with blood, and even the long sword in their hands was still dripping with blood.Mercenaries are not an army, and it is really not suitable for such a large-scale battle that they cannot bring out their own characteristics.

Looking at the misery around, Adela couldn't help but knelt down and vomited, and Roland put his arms around Adela.This is gore. . .This is the harsh reality. . .Qin'er had experienced it in Sky Island, and she didn't have the urge to vomit, but she still couldn't bear it, and hid her head in Tianci's chest, don't look, don't think.

The monsters around became more and more excited, especially the intermediate monsters of the fifth and sixth levels. Octopus raised his arms high and screamed; The mouth is roaring; the front hooves of the fiery rhinoceros are on the ground, and sparks are sprayed from the nostrils; the huge terrain dragon stomps anxiously, and the ground trembles accordingly. . .

All the monsters around were extremely excited and eager to try, and they had no choice but to rush up immediately.

"Master Harrison, why is this happening? Didn't you say that as long as we are with you, we are safe? Didn't you say that guarding here to catch people and the monsters will not come out? Why can these monsters gather together to attack us, not the monsters Won't they act together? Why on earth is this?" A group leader had a bitter face, his eyes full of despair.

The mercenary group that worked so hard to build is gone!
"You ask me, who do I ask!!" Harrison roared, facing the dense crowd of monsters in front of him, his fear was no less than anyone else's.

"Aw~~Aw~~" The faint roar sounded again.

The monsters in the front row echoed the voice, roaring up to the sky, the roar was so loud.

"Be careful, they will attack after roaring! Magician, attack, attack!" Harrison yelled loudly, and all the mercenaries crowded together again, and the circle was much smaller.

Different colors appeared in the sky, and one by one magic followed, attacking in all directions.

The roar stops!

All the monsters were dispatched.The attack from low-level monsters such as wolves just now seems to be just an appetizer!
"Kill!" The mercenaries fought fiercely, fighting for life and death!
"Boom!!" Huge spells fell from the sky one by one, and directly blasted into the group of monsters.A lot of low-level monsters fell down in an instant, and many fifth- and sixth-level monsters forcibly carried the magic. Their injured bodies and flowing blood aroused their animal nature, sharp minions, and bloodthirsty. eyes.

"Puchi!" A head of the regiment was full of dark blue fighting spirit, and cut a long sword horizontally on a big earth storm bear, cutting a long gash in its thick skin.

The Earth Violent Bear roared in pain, and the huge bear paw fell down, not caring at all whether the other monsters beside the leader would be implicated.

The captain's expression changed drastically, and he was about to dodge, but there were a lot of mercenaries and monsters crowded around, and there was no room to dodge and jump back.The long sword horizontally took the palm of the earth storm bear abruptly.The bear's paw was bloody, the commander's arms were numb, and he could hardly hold the long sword.

"Hiss~ hiss~"

A figure rushed past, and the leader immediately felt that his body was entangled by something, the soles of his feet were off the ground, and his whole body was rolled up.There are more and more entanglements, and the body, legs and feet are completely wrapped.A gigantic snake head appeared in front of the captain, its forked snake letters hissing.The entangled snake body swayed, and the head of the group seemed to be squeezed by tens of thousands of pounds, and the whole skeleton was about to fall apart.


The head of the group roared in pain, spewing out a mouthful of blood, and his fighting spirit gradually faded.The red bat flying in the air seized the opportunity and swooped down, biting the head's neck deeply.

The situation of the rest of the mercenaries was not much better. The corpses of the monsters in front of them fell layer by layer, and the monsters behind them rushed up again.

"Puchi!" The long red horn of a fiery rhino pierced deeply through the mercenary's body.

More than a hundred level-300 monsters were enough to share the same level as the mercenaries, and the number of mercenaries who died under their sharp teeth and claws gradually increased.A level 50 monster is enough to compete with a level [-] warrior, even four or five level [-] monsters can compete with a level [-] warrior.Of the more than [-] mercenaries left here, only more than [-] are level [-] fighters, and the rest are level [-] fighters.On the other hand, among the monsters, there are more than a hundred monsters at level six, five or six hundred at level five, and tens of thousands at level four and three. . .

how to spell?How to fight?
Beside the mercenaries, Tiansend Qin'er and Roland Adela supported each other and stood aside. All the monsters would consciously avoid the four of them, as if they didn't exist, and seemed to be very scrupulous about them.

Roars, screams, accompanied by the roars of monsters, lingered with a strong smell of blood.

Of the more than 600 mercenaries, there were only about 20 left after a meal, all of them were seriously injured and their eyes were distracted.


All the monsters suddenly stopped attacking, roared, and slowly retreated more than ten meters.

The monster in the middle suddenly flashed a path, and a tall figure stepped out, step by step, step by step, the sound of each step would tremble the fragile hearts of the mercenaries.

More than two meters tall, with a pure white body, and a single horn shining on top of his head!

Unicorn White Shadow!
More than 20 lucky mercenaries stared wide-eyed, and it turned out to be a unicorn, a unicorn that loves peace and loves life!


With a roar, a ball of fiery red shot up to the unicorn's head, sitting tall, with four big fiery red tails fluttering and entangled, the small head held its head high and its chest majestic!

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er roared loudly again!
The monsters around roared in response at the same time, squatting or lying down one by one, lowering their heads.

All beasts surrender!

"It's it! It's it!" The mercenaries looked at Yu'er, their spirits almost collapsed!

"It was you, you recruited them!" More than 20 mercenaries looked at Tianci at the same time, their eyes bloodshot with hatred.

"Kill him, kill him!" The mercenaries rushed towards Tianci suddenly, the long swords in their hands buzzing even more.

A flash of white light flashed, and the white shadow had already arrived in front of Tianci, and its huge body blocked the four of them.Yu'er, who was sitting on the top of Bai Ying's head, couldn't sit still at this time, a jerk rolled down, her little paw kicked on Bai Ying's body, and flew towards the mercenary.From the two front paws, there are six one-meter-long sharp nails with flames.

The red light flashed, dazzling!
As soon as Yu'er landed on the ground, she immediately turned around and jumped back onto Bai Ying's back in three or two moves!




. . . . . .

The long swords in the hands of more than 20 mercenaries fell to the ground together with the broken arms, their heads tilted, and blood sprayed from their necks.

Harrison was the only one left among the layers of corpses, his eyes were loose, he looked at the corpses of more than 600 mercenaries beside him, the densely packed monsters around him, looked at the proud Yuer in front of him, the unicorn moved away, and the four complete silhouette.

"Haha, hahaha, it's ridiculous that we actually thought of kidnapping you, haha, hahaha!" The fear and helpless remorse in his heart made Harrison laugh, and raised his long sword to his neck.

"Wait a minute!" Tianci suddenly roared.

Let go of Qin'er, Tianci walked to the front, Yu'er jumped off the white shadow and ran onto Tianci's shoulder quickly, "Harrison, I will let you go today, you go back and tell your mercenary union, don't attack me in the future! Otherwise I will I won't let you go!"

Harrison was startled, and the hope of life emerged, and he nodded quickly, "I know, I know! Thank you, my lord, for your life! Thank you, my lord, for your life! We will never dare to mess with you again!"

"You go!"


The surrendered monsters made way, and Harrison fled out rolling and crawling!

"Tianci, what's going on?" Roland helped Adela and Qin'er up.

"This?" Tianci scratched his head, and patted Yu'er's little head lightly, "I told you to bring a few younger brothers to make trouble, so that I can rescue them. Why did you bring so many here, and you didn't go to fight! "

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er roared, gesticulating with both claws.

"After killing all the people, don't they all disperse?"

A loud noise came from above, and the four people from Tianci instantly felt huge pressure descending from the sky, just like the Longwei they encountered in the Donglan Valley that day, and it was stronger than the ninth-level king beast Frost Giant Dragon. Longwei is bigger and more terrifying!
Roland, Adela, and Qin'er had never seen Long Wei before, and they felt so annoyed that their eyes turned black and they fell down slowly.Tianci has experienced it before, and now he has Yu'er on his shoulders. Although he is not unconscious, he still finds it difficult to bear.

All the monsters around were lying down on the ground at this time, their heads stuck tightly to the ground.Even the monsters flying in the air landed and lay down on the ground.The white shadow next to him also lay down, with his head lowered, his crystal white horn pointing to the dirty ground!
The monsters are not surrendering, they are all trembling, trembling violently!

Fear, they are fearful!

Tianci looked up and saw a middle-aged man standing in emptiness.Behind the hands, the white clothes fluttered.

Step by step. . .

The man walked down slowly, as if there were steps in the air, walking so smoothly and firmly!The man walked up to Tianci and stood half a meter high in the air.

The man is tall and burly, with a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and sharp eyes.His face is white and beardless, and behind him is a head of blond hair. Unlike Qin'er's blond hair, the man's blond hair itself shone with a faint golden light.A pure white gown, brocade not brocade, embroidered with gold thread on the gown!

With an angry face!

"Is it the dance of the wind? Or the dance of the sky?" Even the dance of the sky is impossible for him to walk in the air like he is walking on the ground!
The man ignored Tianci and stared at Yu'er on Tianci's shoulder.

"Don't you all go back to me? Wait to die?" The man's loud voice.

All the monsters immediately stood up, or flew into the sky, and ran towards the mountains, as if they would lose their lives if they slowed down!

Yu'er was startled and then howled loudly, but none of the monsters heeded Yu'er's order and stopped.

Bai Ying paced back and forth, as if he wanted to stay, but didn't dare.

"Huh?" The man frowned.

Shirai Shadow trembled all over, no longer hesitating to run towards the mountains.

The originally densely packed monsters disappeared in an instant.On the open ground, apart from the countless corpses, there were the three of Roland in a coma, and only Tianci and the man were standing opposite each other!

"You are the king beast who gathered their numbers!" The man stared at Yu'er.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er sat on Tianci's shoulder and yelled proudly with her small chest out.

"Excuse me, are you..."

"It's none of your business, shut up!" The man abruptly interrupted Tianci's question without mercy, and continued to look at Yu'er with a gloomy expression, "Aren't you being rude when you see me?"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er's chest was raised even higher, and her eyes were full of provocation!
The man became even more angry, stretched out his finger, and flicked it into the air.

"Bang!" Yu'er's small head seemed to be hit by a huge force, her whole small body flew out, landed on the ground and bounced, rubbing against the ground and sliding out a trace.

"Aw~~Aw~~" As soon as Yu'er stopped, she immediately struggled to stand up.His forehead was in severe pain, his eyes were shining with golden light, his four little paws were trembling and he fell to the ground again, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up all over his body.

A trace of blood flowed from his forehead!
"Yu'er!" Tianci yelled in heartache, rushed over and squatted down to hug Yu'er, Yu'er's limbs trembled violently, and her lips turned outward, revealing her sharp teeth.The consciousness unfolded in an instant, and a large number of fire elements surged in, surrounding Yu'er.

"Huh?" The man suddenly frowned deeply, staring at Tianci, slowly landed on the ground, and walked towards Tianci step by step!

His face was surprised, and then turned into peace!
Tianci hugged Yu'er and watched the man approach step by step.

The opponent can lose the fighting power of Yu'er, who has the strength of a sixth-level monster, just by flicking in the air. What kind of strength is this?I'm afraid that even if I go all out, I can't be his opponent!

Tianci hugged Yu'er heartbroken, "Who the hell are you and why did you hurt my Yu'er!"

The man stared at Tianci and did not answer.

after a while

"You probably haven't reached level nine strength!" the man asked, his face softened a lot, but there was a trace of doubt.

Tianci looked at the man vigilantly, "No!"

"That's strange! Since you haven't reached level nine strength, how did you have the domain?"

"Own a domain? How do you know that I own a domain!" Tianci blurted out, startled.

"Hmph, how could I not know? Although your domain is not complete, it is indeed a domain, and I am afraid it is still..." The man hesitated to speak, "Can you tell me how your domain appeared? ?”

Tianci thought for a moment, "I was assassinated and died once when I was 14 years old. When I wake up again, I will have this domain!"

The man was dubious, "You naturally have it? It's unbelievable, unbelievable!"

"What I have answered is true and there is no lie, can you answer my question?" Tianci stood up and asked.

The corner of the man's mouth was raised, "Anyway, you are also the owner of the domain, you are qualified to ask me a question! Just ask."

"Who are you, why do you want to hurt my Yu'er?"

"Can't you guess who I am?" The man stretched out his hand suddenly, his five fingers bent into claws, the golden light flashed, and it turned into a golden claw covered with golden scales, the claw suddenly stretched out with precision Grab Yu'er's neck.

"Yu'er!" Tianci called.Almost instantly, Cangzhuo grabbed Yu'er out of Tianci's arms and lifted her up in the air.Yu'er howled and struggled in pain, but it didn't work at all!
"Golden dragon claws..." Tianci opened his eyes wide. "One, two, three, four, five...five dragon claws!"

Ordinary dragons, even king beasts like Frost Dragon and Flame Dragon, only have four fingers similar to eagle claws on each dragon claw, but he has five?Could it be. . .Could it be. . .

Five-clawed golden dragon?No wonder all the monsters were respectful and afraid when they saw Yu'er, but those monsters just now were fearful, fear from the bottom of their hearts!
"Could it be that you are the imperial beast, the five-clawed golden dragon?" Tianci's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his voice was almost trembling.

"You still have some knowledge!" The man's dragon claw changed and returned to the appearance of a human hand, but he held Yu'er with the same vigor.

Tianci looked at Yu'er with heartache. Ordinary monsters must be respectful when they see the king beast. If they do something wrong, they will be punished by the king beast. Even if they are killed, they cannot fight back.In the same way, when the king beast sees the emperor beast, it must also be respectful!When I saw the five-clawed golden dragon just now, Yu'er was not only disrespectful, but also arrogant and provocative. Even if he killed Yu'er now, there is nothing wrong with it!
"Your Majesty the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon Emperor Beast..."

"Don't be so troublesome! You are also the domain owner. You can call me by my first name. My name is Ao Zhen. I don't mind if you call me Big Brother Ao!"

"Then I won't be polite! Brother Ao, although Yuer was rude to you just now, it was because he was with me since he was a child and has not received the inheritance of the Fire Fox clan, so he didn't know that you are an imperial beast, so he still I hope you will forgive me and bypass him this time!" Tianci saluted and said.

"Of course I know that he has not accepted the inheritance of the Firefox family, otherwise it would never be able to become a king beast! I am also very surprised now, the number and race of king beasts have been determined as early as in ancient times, how could it be for no reason? An extra one? It’s still such a weak family of fire foxes! Could it be that something caused the mutation?” Ao Zhen held Yu’er in front of her eyes and looked at it carefully.

Knowing that it was the imperial beast that grabbed her, Yu'er didn't resist anymore.Not because of fear, but because of strength.

"Since Brother Ao knows, I hope that Brother Ao will be able to return Yu'er to me!" Tianci asked.

"I hit it just now not because it was rude to me, but because it made a big mistake!" Ao Zhen put on a straight face, exerted a little force with his hands, and Yu'er's eyes were about to pop out, with her tongue sticking out and her four claws scrambling. pedaling.

"Brother Ao, show mercy!" Tianci rushed forward in a hurry and broke Ao Zhen's hand.However, these hands were like iron hoops, which were not moved by Tianci's force.

"As a king beast, leading monsters to besiege humans without authorization is a crime to be punished!" Ao Zhen said every word.

"Don't!" Tianci shouted, "It did this for me! And it has not received inheritance, and if it doesn't know these regulations, anyone who doesn't know is not guilty!"

"Warcraft are far more powerful than humans in terms of number and strength. If every king beast like it mobilizes monsters to besiege humans at will, will there be peace on the mainland? If you get angry... our monsters will still Is there a place to survive?" Ao Zhen reprimanded with a gloomy face, "Today I think that you are a rare mutant king beast, and because you have not received the inheritance, I will let you go. But you remember it for me. , as a king beast, you are not allowed to gather monsters to besiege places where humans live, and you are not allowed to participate in human disputes, do you understand? If you do it again next time, I will definitely kill you!"

Yu'er was caught by the neck and couldn't nod her head. With her four little paws, she held her paws in pairs and bowed to Ao Zhen, remember!
"Hmph!" Ao Zhen let go, and Tianci took Yu'er into his arms.

"Cough, cough!" Yu'er coughed and breathed heavily, really suffocating the fox!
(End of this chapter)

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