Godsend Field

Chapter 249 The Holy Order

Chapter 249 The Holy Order
Tianci held Yu'er in his arms, and Yu'er even narrowly escaped death.Seeing that Yu'er was fine, Tianci felt relieved and withdrew his consciousness.

"What's your name?" Ao Zhen looked at Tianci and asked.

"My name is Tianci, from the Welsh Empire!"

Ao Zhen nodded with her hands behind her back, "Well, the Firefox family is basically in the Yilin Mountains in the northern part of the Welsh Empire. There should be no contract signed between you!"

"We grew up together since we were young, so we didn't sign a contract!" Tianci said while rubbing Yu'er's head.

"Warcraft that sign a contract are often subject to various restrictions, so once the contract is signed, even a king beast will become an ordinary monster. As for whether you will sign a contract in the future, you have to think it through before you decide!"

"I see! Thank you Brother Ao for reminding me!"

Ao Zhen looked around, "Tianci, have you been around here these days?"

Tianci nodded.

"Then do you know who created the Scourge that appeared a few days ago? I'm here this time to find out what caused the Scourge!"

"God's punishment? Do you mean those black clouds and lightning three or four days ago?" Tianci asked, seeing Ao Zhen nod his head, "If it's true, I should have made it!"

"It's you?" Ao Zhen frowned, "Did you do something against the heavens and condemned again, so that you will provoke the heaven's punishment and thunder?"

"I was being hunted down by a very powerful person at the time, so that's why..."

"That's it, I understand! Because your domain is not complete, you will be condemned by heaven. When your domain is complete in the future, you will no longer be condemned by the rules of heaven and earth within the domain!"

"Brother Ao, can you tell me what the field is?" Tianci asked, his father's explanation last time was too general, and he didn't even understand it.

"You already have the domain, don't you understand?" Ao Zhen was full of doubts, "The domain can be said to be the pinnacle of our cultivation. Within the domain, we can control the sky and the earth, and do whatever we want. The domain is the source of our strength." Among Warcraft, those who can generate domains are called emperor beasts, and among you humans, domain owners are called saints!"

"Holy level? You mean that the holy level will have a domain? Then why can't I feel its power when I have a domain?"

"To be precise, you should be able to advance to the holy level if you have a domain. But it is a pity that none of you humans have been able to advance to the holy level for ten thousand years! As for you, it is because your current domain gives me the feeling that it is only a prototype. It’s not complete enough, if one day your domain is complete, you will be able to comprehend his power!”

"So that's the case! But brother Ao, maybe you don't come to the mainland often so you don't know. We humans already have two saints. Sword Saint Lei and the old Pope are both saints!"

"Those two are just false saints. They may have received some power! The real saints have domains, and only in the domains can their power be raised to the limit. I remember that ten thousand years ago, there was There is a real saint-level, domain owner, I can't remember his name, but later you humans called him the Great King of Farland!"

Tianci was secretly startled, if according to what Ao Zhen said that the holy-level symbol was the appearance of the domain, then the popular holy-level symbol on the mainland is a golden grudge, is it fake?No wonder even the master said that there was a problem with Lei's holy level, and the difference in strength was too small. "Brother Ao, has none of us human beings cultivated to the holy level in the past ten thousand years? Is the holy level really so difficult?"

"That's not true! 1000 years ago, when I was very young, I traveled to your mainland and fought against the so-called protectors of the country at that time, but unfortunately, they were too weak. I didn't even You can defeat them without even using the domain!"

"1000 years ago, defeated all the saints, white clothes... are you the mysterious boy in white clothes who owns a middle-grade artifact with golden bloodstains?" Tianci suddenly said excitedly.

"Sacred weapon? I don't have any! What I used to defeat them was just my reverse scale. The reverse scale is the hardest and sharpest part of our dragon clan. I just defeated them at that time, but didn't kill them. And I also found that their cultivation methods are all wrong, very wrong!"

"Wrong? Brother Ao, are you saying that our human cultivation methods are all wrong?" Tianci was shocked

"It's not that you humans are wrong, but those top level nine masters are all wrong! From the beginning of practice to the top level, they are pursuing to expand their strength and improve their level. This kind of expanded practice is the peak at level nine, and it can't be done anymore. If you want to keep going, if you want to continue to practice to reach the holy level, elemental cultivators are what you call magicians to achieve integration. Strength cultivators are what you call warriors and must be restrained. Poor you humans often arrive At the ninth level, I still concentrate on cultivating my body and spiritual affinity, but I don’t know that this is already an extreme wall that cannot be broken through, so even if I stay at the peak of the ninth level for hundreds, thousands, or ten thousand years, I will not make any progress!" Ao Zhen said with a contemptuous smile.

It turned out to be like this, no wonder the master always said that he seemed to have entered a dead end when he reached the ninth level. This is clearly because the method and path of training have changed and he didn't know it, so he must tell the master.

"Brother Ao, you said my domain is incomplete, so what should I do?" Tianci asked.

"I can't tell you this! The domain is complete from comprehension to appearance. A domain like yours has only form but no quality. This is the first time I have seen it! Even in ancient times, there was never a time when domains were vertical and horizontal. There have been incomplete domains! So I can't help you, you can only rely on yourself!"

"What will it be like in the domain? Can I see your domain?"

"Hahaha, aren't you already in my domain? Otherwise, how could I stand in emptiness and hurt people with barriers?" Ao Zhen smiled and pointed to the side, "Look at the people over there!"

Tianci looked along his fingers, and saw two or three hundred meters away, more than a dozen warriors were waving their long swords in the air.Tianci has seen these warriors before, and they are all great sword masters who protect the alchemists on the top of the mountain.At this moment, they opened their mouths and yelled, their hands kept slashing ahead, as if there was an invisible wall in front of them.

"I'm only narrowing down the area to 300 meters now, and they can't enter my area without my consent, including their voices. Also, it is impossible for them to see us without my consent!" Ao Zhen's arm with a wave.The warriors outside immediately widened their eyes, pointing at Tianci and shouting in surprise.

Ao Zhen waved again, and a dozen warriors were suddenly hit hard, their faces twisted, and they flew out after spitting out blood.

Tianci was horrified, these were all great sword masters, and some of them were eighth-level great sword masters, and they couldn't even stop Ao Zhen's wave of his hand.Is this the gap?
"This is the domain, not to mention these ants in my domain, even if a ninth-level powerhouse comes in, it won't be much better!"

"Is everyone's field as strong as yours?"

"No, the domain of humans will be weaker than the peak domain of our emperor beasts. Because only emperor beasts can have domains among us monsters, and there is no limit to the number of human saints, so our domains are much stronger than humans!"

"Brother Ao, aren't you the strongest on the mainland?" Tianci said enviously.

"Hehe, Godsend! We are not the most powerful, there are others even scarier than us... not to mention that our monsters will not interfere with all the affairs of your human continent." Ao Zhen looked up at the sky and sighed a long time "Okay, I'm leaving too! If your domain is complete that day, you can come to me, maybe I'll tell you what you want to know!"

Tianci nodded, "Then where should I go to find you?"

"You take this, and I will know when you take it into the depths of the Yilin Mountains!" Ao Zhen said and handed a golden dragon scale the size of a book to God, "This is my reverse scale. You can keep it close to your body, I don't think there is anyone who can shatter my reverse scale!"

Tianci took over Ni Lin.

Looking at Tianci again, Ao Zhen suddenly smiled, and with a Buddha sleeve, his figure disappeared.

Tianci's eyes flickered, he had seen the master's teleportation before, and there was still some movement, but Ao Zhen disappeared just now without any movement, just like when he came, without a sound!This should not be teleportation, but to exclude himself from the opponent's domain. If he doesn't want to let himself see himself in the domain, he may never see himself, even if he is by his side!

Tianci put down Yu'er, squatted down, and slapped Roland vigorously to wake him up.Roland had practiced magic for many years, and his mental power was extremely strong. He woke up after a while, and looked at Tianci in a daze, "We... what's wrong?"

"You were stunned just now, get up now!"

Roland thought about it, looked around, his limbs were covered with blood, and the smell of blood hadn't dissipated.Beside Adela and Qin'er were lying on the ground, breathing still steadily.

Tianci and Roland helped each other up.

"Godsent, Roland!!"

Immediately, some great sword masters walked over from the opposite side, and they all came down from the top of the mountain.The group of great sword masters headed by Ao Zhen was attacked and seriously injured when Ao Zhen gave Tianci an experiment, and they were resting in place.The rest of the great sword masters escorted the master alchemists to walk behind, just in time to see Tianci chatting with a strange man, and then the previous batch of great sword masters flew out with serious injuries for no reason, and the man disappeared out of thin air!

With the disappearance of the domain, an extremely tragic scene suddenly appeared before the eyes of the great sword masters!The corpses of mercenaries and monsters are everywhere, and the stumps are accompanied by blood, which is bloody and tragic!

Walking in front was the Great Swordsman of the Welsh Empire, and Master Finchland ran at the front, looking at Tianci with worry.

"Tianci, are you okay?" Master Finchlan ran to Tianci, looked up and down, and looked back at the bloody scene beside him from time to time, "Tianci, what is going on?"

The great sword masters around also came up, and many people walked to the battle field, carefully observing the traces of the battle!
"This should be caused by the mercenaries being attacked by monsters. None of the wounds of the mercenaries are smooth, but the wounds of the monsters are smooth, so there should be no killing each other, but fighting each other. Caused by it!" After checking the traces of the battlefield, several great sword masters came back and said, "But there is a contradiction in the middle, first, why did the monsters leave the mountains and arrive here, and even the inn was destroyed! Second, so many The monsters stay together and don't kill each other, how did they gather together! I can't figure it out, I can't explain it!"

Everyone surrounded Tianci and Roland, and looked at the two of them. Roland couldn't say much, but just took care of Adela.

"Is it true?" Master Degar asked, "Aren't you going to the city of Dres? How did you get mixed up with the mercenaries? What's going on?

Godsend replied helplessly, "I went down to the inn and found that these mercenaries had kidnapped the three of Roland and threatened me to hand over my equipment. Later, a large number of monsters appeared to attack the mercenaries. After the attack, you will come !"

Everyone nodded, and suddenly there was a great swordsman, "No, since it was attacked by a monster, why are you four intact? And who were you talking to just now, and what should we say about the injuries of those people?"

Everyone once again focused their attention on Tianci and Roland.

"As for why the monsters didn't attack us, I don't want to say it for the time being. You may know in a few days! I also don't want to say who the person I was talking to was. As for their injuries, I can only say that it was a misunderstanding. !” said Tianci.

All the great sword masters frowned, obviously not very satisfied with Tianci's answer, "Marquis Tianci, many of the mercenaries here belong to our various empires, if we don't figure it out, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to explain when we go back! "

Tianci looked at the great sword masters around him and thought about it.This place is no better than the top of Xilan Mountain, they can all be stopped by Yu'er, and they have already recovered their strength here.What's more, these conceited and arrogant sword masters, on the top of the mountain, forced themselves to block them for two days, I'm afraid they would have been full of anger!

The situation is not good for me!And the ancestors don't know when they can come to find themselves, so why not use their mouths to inform the ancestors!Even if they knew, they couldn't understand it with the pitiful little blue light in their bodies!
"Okay, I can tell you, but don't embarrass me anymore after you listen!"

"That depends on whether what you say can satisfy us!"

The corner of Tianci's mouth rose, "I'm afraid what I want to tell is a shocking secret, and it will definitely satisfy you!"

Everyone was taken aback at the same time, and their expressions became serious!

"The person you saw just now, I can't disclose his identity. His cultivation base has reached the holy level, and he is a complete holy level!"

"Suck!" All the great sword masters, including the alchemists, gasped.After living for so long, everyone knows that there are only two people on the mainland who have reached the holy level, namely the Sword Saint Lei and the old Pope of the Light God Sect, and now there is a third one. . .But what does this complete holy level mean?
"As for what we talked about just now, it's..." Tianci paused, looking at the expectant eyes around him, "It's how we humans break through the ninth level and advance to the holy level!"

It's quiet now. . .silence!
Including Roland, everyone stopped breathing and stared at Tianci with wide eyes!

On the Allianz Continent, although the ninth level is rare, there will always be some.Whether it is the saints of the major empires in the open, or the many hidden masters in the dark, they have never stopped.But the holy level is different. Although the Light Sect has it, it is only achieved by the blessing of the God of Light.And a sword master like Lei has also appeared before. I don't know how it happened before, but for Lei, apart from his golden fighting spirit, there are still many people who are skeptical!
"What is it? Tell me what it is?" The great sword masters who had recovered their gods began to ask anxiously, with excited expressions on their faces, as if they were about to advance to the holy rank!
"The fusion of mages, the restraint of warriors!"

"Mages are fused, warriors are restrained? What does this mean?" the great sword masters continued to ask.

Tianci smiled slightly, "Great sword masters, if you ask me, who am I going to ask? Don't forget that I am a person who does not know fighting spirit or magic!"

Everyone sighed in disappointment and thought to themselves, "Mages are fused, warriors are restrained? What does this mean?"

"Actually, don't even think about it, when you reach the ninth level, you will naturally know!" Tianci said relaxedly.

grade nine. . .Everyone shook their heads helplessly. There are more than 50 great sword masters here, but there may not even be five who can reach the ninth level. It is already very good to have one!
"Great sword masters, I have already said what I should say, you can get out of the way now!" Tianci hugged the unconscious Qin'er.

All the great sword masters gave way.

Tianci and Roland went to the side, first set up a tent, and put Qin'er and Adela inside.They were already tormented by the cruel blood, coupled with the oppression of Ao Zhen's imperial beast Longwei, I am afraid that they will not be able to wake up in a short time!
"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er cried happily, stretching out a sharp nail.

Tianci went out to take a look, and saw that Yu'er took out all the interspatial rings, weapons, and magic cores all over the floor when everyone was asking about Tianci just now, and piled them up into a hill on the ground.Yu'er stood on it and yelled loudly, wagging her big tail back and forth, with such joy that she had already forgotten the miserable scene when Ao Zhen punished it!
"Heavenly gift, you've made a fool of yourself this time!" Master Finchlan walked over, smiling as Yu'er collected the spoils.

It was justifiable for the winners on the mainland to collect the spoils. These mercenaries could be said to have been defeated by Yu'er, and all the spoils naturally belonged to Yu'er.In addition, the people here are all great sword masters and master alchemists. They are so arrogant and conceited that they will not pick up items on the ground to use.

Tianci chuckled, looking at the hill-like weapon ring, this time it was indeed well-developed, "You did a pretty good job this time, and it's your credit!"

"Master Finchlan, why did you come down from the top of the mountain?" Tianci asked after putting away the spoils.

"Hey, we were doing well up there. Who knew that there would be a dark cloud suddenly, and it wouldn't rain, and there would always be lightning flashes, which was scary. You must have seen it at that time, and one of them fell, even ours. One part of the road was almost cut off! So a few of them discussed, traced the magic circle, and went to Genoa to study it. Anyway, it is closer to the Xilan Mountain Peak, and the supplies are abundant. After a while, the situation stabilizes. Go to the top of the mountain to study!"

Tianci chuckled, "They are really persistent! But what about Master Degar's treasure who hasn't gone back for so long?"

"You're talking about us conceiving the spirit sword. We've made preparations before we come, and Degar's experienced apprentices will take care of it. Nothing will happen! Godsent, what are you going to do next?"

"I'll go to Dres City when Qin'er and Adela wake up!"

(End of this chapter)

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