Godsend Field

Chapter 250 Returning

Chapter 250 Returning

It wasn't until evening that Qin'er and Adela woke up successively.

"Brat, why are you next to me? Why do I feel so dizzy!" Qin'er sat up with support, rubbing her head vigorously with one hand.Qingxiu's face was a little pale, and her eyes were a little loose.

Tianci quickly handed over a wet towel to gently wipe Qin'er's face, and then put a warm towel on Qin'er's face.

Adela woke up earlier than Qin'er, and was fully awake at this time.Roland sat aside and reported the situation to Adela.Adela closed her mouth in surprise, "Heavenly gift, is what you said today true or false?"

Tianci nodded, "Yes, this is indeed the correct way to advance to the holy rank!"

Qin'er took off the towel covering her face, "If you want to know how to advance to the holy rank, just ask my grandpa and you'll know?"

Tianci shook his head lightly, "Qin'er, I'm afraid your grandpa's realm is not at the holy level."

Qin'er immediately jumped up, pointed at Tianci with her hips crossed and said angrily, "What are you talking about, brat, how dare you doubt my grandpa's holy rank? Let me tell you, you can bully me, but you must never doubt my grandpa!"

Tianci stretched out his hand to Qin'er, "Listen to me! On the mainland, everyone thinks that the golden fighting spirit is the symbol of the holy level, but it is not the case. The real holy level symbol is no longer fighting spirit or magic!"

Qin'er shrank her hand to avoid Tianci, "If it's not fighting spirit, then what do you say? Why is your master's fighting spirit bright yellow, but my grandfather's is golden?"

Adela suddenly thought about it, "I also feel that there is something wrong with Tianci's words. Generally, there will be obvious color changes when the fighting spirit is greatly improved. From gray to cyan, and then from blue to purple to yellow, the color changes are very obvious." , but the bright yellow and golden colors don't seem to have changed much! We wouldn't doubt it if Godsend didn't say it, but I also think it's a bit inappropriate to say it this way!"

"Adela, why are you going crazy with the stinky boy!" Qin'er was a little anxious, pointing at Tianci, "Well, you said that my grandpa's grudge is not a holy level, so what do you say is the mark of a holy level?"

Tianci took Qin'er again and pulled her to sit down.Qin'er twitched a few times without breaking free, and sat down reluctantly.

"Master Ancestor told me that when practicing Dou Qi, the fourth and fifth levels are hurdles, the sixth and seventh levels are a gully, and the eighth and ninth levels are an abyss. As you can imagine, from the ninth to the holy What will be the level? I used to think that this is a huge difference in external ability, but now I know that this is no longer a surprise in external ability, but a huge difference in realm. For the ninth-level strong In other words, they have already been able to produce a vague sense of spirit, which is a precursor, but it is a pity that no strong man on the mainland has really paid attention to it in the past ten thousand years!"

"This is what you said yourself, and it's your one-sided opinion. Could it be that there are so many ninth-level powerhouses on the mainland, are they not as good as you, a person who knows nothing?" Qin'er said unconvinced.

"If it weren't for today's experience, I'm afraid I would still think with you, but now I won't, because I have seen the real realm of the holy level with my own eyes, and I can't believe it!"

"What? Did you see it?" Qin'er and Adela exclaimed, almost jumping up.

"Well, do you still remember the shout before you fell into a coma? It was he who stunned you with the shout! Qin'er, I know you may find it difficult to accept it at once, but it's all true! If I saw you that day Grandpa, you can ask him, if what I said is correct, you can tell him that keeping the battle energy inside the source is the way to break through again!"

"Okay, I'll just wait for grandpa to come! If it turns out that you're talking nonsense, watch how I deal with you! Hmph!"

"Hehe, it's quite lively?" At this time, Master Finchlan and Master Degar opened the tent and walked in. "Are you all awake?"

"Master!" Qin'er jumped up.

"Well, it's fine!" Degal nodded, "If you're okay, go on your way as soon as possible, and leave here early, it's strange that so many people died. The great sword masters from other empires have already gone to Genoa, since you woke up Come here, then we plan to set off!"

Thinking of the horrible scene outside, Adela wanted to vomit.

Tianci walked out, and Yu'er had already summoned the unicorn Baiying from the mountains, sitting high on its back and bossing around.There are only two tents next to them, both of which are the great sword masters of the Welsh Empire.People from the other three empires left early, while people from the Welsh Empire stayed in order to protect the four godsends.

The inn has been completely destroyed, and even the horses that the mercenaries rode when they came were killed by the monsters.

After saying goodbye to everyone, the four of Tianci walked on the road.It takes two days to travel from here to Tran City on a fast horse. If it is on foot, I don’t know how long it will take!After passing Tran City, you can reach Dres City!
Adela is a warrior, a day's walk is nothing, but Qin'er can't bear it.Qin'er, who was still a little unwell, already suffered from back pain after walking for a long time, and even had blisters on her feet.As a last resort, Tianci had no choice but to carry Qin'er on his back.Along the way, only Yu'er was the most relaxed, sitting proudly on Bai Ying's back.

There is a fortress between Xilan Mountain Peak and Telan City. Tianci bought four horses.Originally, the horses in the army would not be used by ordinary people, but Tianci is the marquis of the empire, and the sergeants did not dare to neglect, so they quickly brought out the four best horses.

With a horse, the speed of travel is naturally different!

The four of them came to Tran City in one go, and it was getting late and the city gate was closed.God gave the four of them pitched a tent outside to rest for a while.When the sky was slightly bright, we set off and went straight to the city of Dres.

Dress City was still as prosperous as before, and there was an endless flow of people entering and leaving the city gate.

Seeing the four Tianci, the guards of the city gate were surprised from ear to ear. It was said that the young master had been killed by the Killers Alliance at the Xilan Mountain Peak. How could he suddenly appear here?Even Miss Biao is alright?

Not many people who came in and out knew Tianci, but Bai Ying's appearance immediately caused quite a stir!This is the first time I have seen such a tall horse, and it seems to be even more majestic.

Ignoring the astonishment of the guards and the commotion of the crowd, the four of Tianci ran straight towards the elders' house!Along the way, Tianci already knew through Roland that Nero had cut off all the eight elders, their close veins, and some unsubmissive branches. Tianci was deeply shocked, and couldn't believe that this was what Nero did. .

Soon came to the Elder's House, the sign of the Elder's House has been removed and replaced by the Kate Family House.The new city lord of Dres City and the inspectors selected from various side branches live here.

After receiving the notification from the outside, a man in his 60s ran out in a hurry, followed by more than a dozen men of similar grades.

"Bernard, the new lord of Dres City; Kate has met the young master!" The leading man bowed and bowed after seeing Tianci, with a very respectful expression.

"Don't do that, Lord Bernard, I'm no longer the young master of the Kate family!" Tianci said with a smile, helping Bernard up.

Everyone smiled awkwardly.It is well known that the eight elders who obstructed Tianci from the door of the Kate family did it. They were all remote collaterals at that time, and they had no power, power, or right to speak.Now that the eight elders have all been beheaded, the young patriarch Nero is firmly in control of the entire family. With the deep affection between Tianci and the young patriarch, no one dares to say anything even if Tianci is asked to rejoin the Kate family.

"Master, you are just joking! You are brotherly connected with the young patriarch, so you are naturally the eldest master of our Kate family!" Bernard moved away, "Master, you have worked hard all the way, please come inside, we will prepare a room for you , to wash away the wind and dust for you!"

The clansmen behind also gave way one after another, and greeted Tianci respectfully.

The four Tianci came to the garden where they had lived, and the three attics remained the same.Although many clansmen lived in Kate's mansion, they never dared to live in this garden.

Sitting on the stone bench in the grass, Tianci couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. Although this is the second time he entered Kate's fiefdom, the treatment he received before and after was simply very different. A person who regards himself as a thorn in his side wants to get rid of it quickly. One respects himself as a guest of honor, lest he will be neglected if he is not well taken care of.

Tianci smiled slightly, this is really a portrayal of the world.

"Heavenly gift, what are you lamenting?" Roland walked over.After working hard for a long time, Qin'er and Adela took a rest in the attic.Yu'er even chased Bai Ying in the garden.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the world is changing too fast!" Tianci said and looked at Roland. "My treatment here has gone from the ground to the sky. I'm afraid it won't be long before your treatment will fall from the sky to the ground!"

Roland said nothing, but sat down silently.

"We have entered the Welsh Empire, are you ready?"

"When it should come, it will always come. I was originally a child of servants, and I have been blinded since I was a child. I am not afraid of anything, and I have nothing to prepare for! I am just worried about one thing..."

Tianci looked at the attic behind him, "I understand, I will try my best to help you!"

At this time, a servant girl walked in cautiously, "Young master, the city lord has already prepared a dinner for you, and you can start anytime after the two young ladies have rested!"

Tianci nodded, "I know, we will get over by ourselves later!"

The maid carefully exited the garden, Tianci and Roland walked to the attic where Qin'er and Adela were resting, and knocked on the door gently, "Qin'er, Adela, have you rested? If you rest well, we will go to Come on, they're all waiting!"

"Well, wait a minute, let's change!"

After waiting for a while, the door opened. Qin'er was very stunning in that gorgeous brocade, and even Adela gave up the previous strong and soft armor and wore a dignified dress.

"Hehe, Adela, this is your first time wearing a skirt!" Tianci laughed.

Adela feigned anger, "Who said that? I often wear skirts!"

"It must be that you often wore it when you were young, but you haven't worn it since you entered the academy. This time, I'm afraid it's the first time you've worn it in more than ten years!" Tianci added.

Adela looked at Roland with a sullen face, "Did you mean it?"

Roland immediately spread his hands innocently, "I... I didn't say anything!"

"Adela, they saw you wearing a skirt just now, how could they have mentioned it in advance?" Qin'er walked forward with a smile and held Adela's arm "Actually, even if Roland didn't say anything, I'm afraid everyone would I can tell!"

Adela suddenly wondered, "Why? How did you find out?"

"Cough! Cough!" Tianci cleared his throat, "I can tell from your walking posture! There should be a big difference between walking in a skirt and wearing a hard suit!"

"Ah!!" Adela exclaimed, she even forgot to wear a skirt, and when she walked, she was still careless like in the past, jumping up and down the stairs. . .Adela blushed instantly, and stared at Qin'er, "It's all about you, I can't even say I can wear this, you insist on me wearing it, it's all right now, it's a joke!"

Speaking of Adela, she turned her head and walked towards the attic, Qin'er pulled Adela, "I'm wearing all the clothes, can't you just be careful when you walk? Besides, I think Adela, you have a special flavor after wearing a skirt." !"

Tianci stabbed Roland with his elbow.

"Well, yes, it's unique!" Roland said hurriedly, looking at Adela.

Adela stopped, "I knew you asked me to wear a skirt to reflect you! I'll make a sacrifice to make you look good today!"

Qin'er smiled and held Adela's arm, "Okay, let's just reflect me! Let's go quickly, I haven't eaten good food for several days, my stomach can't take it anymore!"

"Hmph!" Adela gave Qin'er a blank look, and just about to take a step, she paused and took half a step back.

"Puchi!" Tianci couldn't help laughing when he noticed the details!
Adela suddenly became ashamed and angry, "What are you laughing at, what's so ridiculous!"

"Did I smile?" Tianci pretended to be suspicious and looked around. "Oh, I just laughed at Roland, you can see that his eyes are straight! Really, haven't you seen a beautiful woman in 800 years?"

"Hmph!" Adela ignored Tianci and walked towards the banquet hall with Qin'er.

The dinner this time was much smaller than when Tianci first arrived. The city lords around didn't know about it, so they didn't rush over. Only some important officials from the city of Dresh.

Lord Bernard personally greeted Godsend at the door!

"Hehe, Eldest Young Master, due to the rush of time this time, the surrounding city lords did not have time to come over. I have already sent someone to notify them, and they will be here tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! At that time, we will hold a grand ceremony for Eldest Young Master Feast!"

"No need for Lord Bernard, I am no longer a member of the Kate family. I am satisfied to come to Dres City to rest for a while, and we will leave tomorrow to return to the capital, so we must not disturb the surrounding people again. City Lord, let them come here for nothing!" Tianci said modestly.

"This...don't the young master rest for a few more days?"

"Don't you want to rest for a few more days, young master?"

"No, it's been a long time since we came out this time, and the relatives in the capital probably miss us too, so we don't want to delay!" Tianci said.

Lord Bernard nodded quickly, "You're right, you're right, I'm afraid the young patriarch misses the young master very much! Please come inside the young master, we are all ready!"

Two tables were placed side by side at the main seat directly in front of the banquet hall. At the insistence of Bernard, Tianci and Qin'er went to the main table and sat down side by side with Bernard.Adela Rowland sat at the head of the guest seat, and the rest of the seats were filled with the main leaders of the various branches of the Kate family!
The city lord Bernard presided over it himself, and introduced to Tianci one by one the newly elected city lords of each city, as well as the important officials in charge of supervision present.And Tianci also introduced Roland and Adela to everyone!Everyone was taken aback when they heard the successor of the Imperial Saint and the sister of the Imperial Duke, and welcomed them to the fief of the Kate family with warm applause!

Because Tianci and others will be on the road tomorrow, Santo Bernard simplified many items and served delicious food directly!These days, they ate food prepared in the space ring. Although it could be heated, it was not as delicious as freshly made food.Tianci and the others also let go and enjoyed the food to their heart's content.

Yu'er even jumped onto the dining table unscrupulously. Although members of the Kate family thought it was indecent, everyone knew that this was a pet that grew up with the young master and the young patriarch. I have to spit it out, let alone people like myself?After Yu'er finished eating, he simply jumped to Adela's table. Ever since seeing Yu'er leading tens of thousands of monsters to easily eliminate mercenaries, Adela also changed her attitude towards Yu'er, and she personally cut the meat and served Yu'er's meal .

The banquet was going on in an extremely relaxed environment!

"Report!" Suddenly a personal guard rushed in.

Everyone stopped.

The city lord Bernard glanced at the guards, and smiled apologetically at Tianci, "Please forgive me, the young master. When the young patriarch left, there was a rule that our city lord can't mobilize the guards, and once there are guards Important matters will be reported immediately, no matter whether the city lords are hosting a banquet or sleeping!"

Tianci didn't care, "It's okay, the business is important! Nero made this point!"

"Report! A large number of mercenaries have gathered outside Kate's mansion, and they demand that the young patriarch hand over their equipment! They also said that if the young patriarch doesn't hand over them, they will stay outside Kate's mansion forever!"

Everyone was surprised!
Tianci sighed softly, the mercenary union is indeed a perverted existence on the mainland, it really lingers!
"Master, look..."

"City Lord Bernard, members of the Kate family, you must have heard some rumors through the mercenary union in Dres City. I want to tell you that I swear that I don't have this piece of equipment. Because I offended the mercenary union, that's why they made such a trick to cause me trouble!"

"So it's like this!" Everyone in the room sighed for a long time, the eldest and young master swore, is there still a lie?

Mayor Bernard slapped the table, "It's really unreasonable, they dare to embarrass our young master in the fief of our Kate family, they really don't take our Kate family into their eyes! Guards!!"

"Here!" Three personal guards walked in from outside the door.

"Go outside the city and inform Head Hailan, tell him the current situation, and ask him to lead the guards to protect the young master from being harassed!"

"Yes!" A personal guard stood up and turned to leave!
"Go and inform the gates of the city to close the gates in advance from now on. No one is allowed to enter or leave except Captain Hailan's personal guards. Especially after the young patriarch leaves the city tomorrow, a mercenary cannot be allowed to go out for three days!"

"Yes!" A personal guard stood up and turned to leave!
"You go write a notice and post it. You say that Tianci is the young master of our Kate family. If anyone dares to make things difficult for the young master and harass the young master, it will be against our Kate family. We will definitely not let it go!"

"Yes!" The last guard also stood up and turned to leave!

After the Lord Bernard gave his orders, he chuckled, "Young master, you can rest assured that in the fiefdom of our Kate family, there is no mercenary group that dares to blatantly oppose us!"

With a wave of his hand, the waiter continued to serve delicious delicacies.

Tianci smiled slightly and raised his wine glass, "San Francisco Bernard is capable in his work, this time I really troubled you, I would like to offer you a toast!"

"There, there! It's our honor to be able to contribute to the Eldest Young Master!" The Lord Bernard smiled happily and held up the wine glass. Unlike the trembling in front of the Young Patriarch, the Eldest Young Master will always treat you very kindly, Very relaxed feeling.

Tilting his head and gulping it down, Tianci was in a heavy heart, and heaved a long sigh. It was really a last resort to suppress the mercenaries with the power of the Kate family!His recent methods have become more and more bloody!

(End of this chapter)

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