Godsend Field

Chapter 251 The Return

Chapter 251 The Return
Under the auspices of Lord Bernard, the banquet was lively and the atmosphere was very relaxed. The important members of the Kate family toasted to Godsend and Roland one after another.Roland could only agree with a wry smile, wondering if they would be as enthusiastic as they are now if they knew about their decision in Genoa!

"Master Tianci, that companion of yours is Duke Meister's own sister!" The slightly drunk Santo Bernard blushed and breathed out the smell of alcohol.

"That's right, didn't I introduce it to you just now? She came out to practice with Roland this time!"

Mayor Bernard hiccupped, "Master, we have heard some big news recently. It is said that something happened to Duke Meister!"

Tianci and Qin'er were taken aback for a moment, and Adela and Roland were shocked, "What are you talking about, what happened to Duke Meister?"

"I heard that someone exposed that Duke Meister took advantage of his position while in charge of the Finance Department to seek personal benefits for his fiefdom, and lied about taxes and embezzled more than 1 purple gold coins from the imperial tax! Now Meister His Excellency the Duke seems to have already sent out his resignation in succession, and he is contemplating his mistakes behind closed doors at home!"

"Is this true?" Adela and Roland couldn't believe it.

"It shouldn't go wrong!" Santo Bernard said faintly.

Adela stood up abruptly and shouted anxiously, "I'm going out of town, I'm going back to Ancona!"

"Adela, it's getting late now, the city gates are closed, we might as well wait until tomorrow to set off! Besides, the crime committed by Duke Meister is not a serious crime!" Tianci persuaded.

Adela sat down resentfully.

According to common sense, these two items are not serious crimes.May I ask that the lord of the lord paid all the taxes without a lot?Not to mention Lord Dukes like Meister, even earls and viscounts, there are many people who secretly withhold 2000 purple gold coins.Thinking about the shocking case of [-] million purple gold coins created by Duke Kate, His Majesty just reprimanded him.

Adela was relieved, but had no interest in enjoying the meal either.

For the young master's departure tomorrow, the banquet ended early.

The next day, the four of Tianci got up early. Lord Bernard and the important officials were already waiting at the gate of the garden. The gate of Kate’s mansion had been cleaned up. not a single person.Spreading his consciousness, Tianci smiled. There is a street on both sides of the main road, and the guards have already separated the crowd, and no one can approach the main road.

Walking to the gate of the city, Captain Hailan was already guarding the gate of the city in full armor. When he saw Tianci approaching, he quickly stepped forward to salute, "Report to the young master, Hailan, the leader of the third regiment of Kate's personal guards, led the guards to escort the young patriarch out of the fief!"

Tianci nodded, "Let's go!"

Thousands of mighty cavalry guarded the Tianci four people on both sides, stretching for several miles, and all the people on the road were avoided.Even when the young patriarch left, there were not so many personal guards to escort him.

Passing through Nasda City along the way, Tianci didn't go in, but made a detour and continued on.After a night's rest, everyone continued on the road and stopped when they reached the guards beside the Siluo River. This was already the edge of Duke Kate's fief, and the guards could not take a step!

"Young Master, we can only escort you here, and you must be careful on the road ahead!" Hai Lan said, clasping her fists.

Tianci nodded and signaled, "I see, everyone has worked hard on this journey, you should go back quickly!"

Seeing the four Tianci disappeared across the Siluo River, Hailan led the bodyguard group back to the camp near Dreis City!

The distance from Duke Kate's territory to Ancona is relatively far away. Because of Duke Meister's affairs, the four of them from Godsend rushed towards Ancona non-stop.Originally it took a month to travel, but Tianci and others arrived in only 20 days!

Looking at the city of Ancona after a long absence, Godsend is full of emotions. This is the third time I have come to Ancona.The first time I came from the northeast to enter Ancona through the east gate, and then I was hijacked to the northwest province and returned from the west gate. This time, I will enter through the south gate again due to the incident in the territory.I am really in a lot of trouble!
The city gate was still full of traffic, but with the arrival of Tianci and others, it immediately became quiet.The guards know Tianci, Adela, and Roland very well. Although Qin'er doesn't know her very well, can she still be a small person when she stays with these three people?

In shock, the chief guard of the city gate ran out, "Hurry up, get out of the way! Lord Marquis, Lord Roland is going to enter the city!"

All civilians gave way immediately.Ancona is the largest city on the mainland, and it is not surprising that monsters come and go!But Bai Ying and Yu'er still caused quite a commotion. . .Shirai Shadow is so beautiful, it feels divine!

In contrast, the little fox on the back is really ugly, and it loves to show off!
Quickly through the outer city.

"Brat, do you want to go to the academy with me first or go back to your duke's mansion first?" Qin'er pouted and asked.

"Well... I think I'd better go back to the Duke's Mansion first, and at least inform my mother first!" Tianci said after thinking about it.

"Godsend, I think you should go to Imperial College first, Li'er's condition doesn't seem to be very good!" Roland and Adela persuaded in unison.

Tianci was startled, "Lier? What happened to Lier?"

"Godsend you not to worry, the situation is not as bad as you think. We have not told you along the way that we are afraid that you will be distracted. Now that you are back in Ancona, you should go and see Lier!" Roland said.

Before they could talk, Tianci jumped off the steed, turned around and sat on Bai Yingfei, and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The gate of the Imperial College was still tightly closed, but for Bai Ying, it was no higher than the steps, and he jumped over the gate lightly and landed firmly on the main road of the college.

There are still many students on both sides of the main road of the college, and they watched with dumbfounded someone galloping across the gate and disappearing in front of them.This is the first person who dares to behave wildly at Imperial College. . .And this horse jumps a little too high!

On the edge of the Imperial College, in an open space outside Dean Rafal's attic, Li'er sat quietly in a wheelchair, facing the sack formation, with two wet marks on her calm face.


It's a very familiar voice, that's what Brother Tianci called himself. . .


She closed her eyes slightly, tears welling up. . .


Like a bolt from the blue, Li'er froze and opened her eyes, "Brother Tiansend...is that you?"

"It's me, Li'er, I'm back!"

Instantly excited, Lier stood up abruptly.

The eyes of Dean Rafal who was standing by the window widened suddenly, and Lier stood up unexpectedly. . .

"Brother Godsend!" Li'er took a difficult step, but immediately lost feeling in both legs, and fell straight to the ground.Supporting the ground with both arms, Li'er struggled to crawl towards the direction of Tianci.

"Li'er!" Tianci rushed up sadly, picked up Li'er from the ground, and held her tightly in her arms.

Lier stretched out her hand and touched Tianci's face tremblingly. It was warm and real, and it didn't disappear. This was not a phantom, it was the return of Tianci's brother. . .came back. . .

Li'er trembled her lips, opened her arms and hugged Tianci tightly, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore, the excitement, worry, grievance and bitterness in her heart suddenly exploded concurrently.


Li'er cried aggrievedly and loudly. . .

How many times I looked up at the moon and prayed silently, how many times I hid in the quilt and wept mournfully. . .

Countless days and nights I waited silently, and I waited for countless ups and downs. . .

When the sack is blown by the wind, he always thinks he is practicing, and when the grass makes noise, he always thinks he is back by his side. . .

Desperation again and again, encouragement again and again!
Cheers again and again, despair again and again. . .

The body is being weakened, the spirit is being destroyed, and the mind is being tortured. . .

However, all of this finally came to fruition. . .He came back, back to his side. . .So real and so warm.A familiar call, a warm embrace. . .

and only myself is left

Tianci hugged Lier tightly, smelling the familiar fragrance of hair!
"Li'er, be good! Don't cry!" Tianci couldn't help laughing to himself after finishing speaking.Besides crying, how else could Lier vent her heartache and grievance for so long?Depressed stress for so long?
Touching Li'er's beautiful hair, "Cry, it will be fine if you cry!"

Time seems to have stopped, and space seems to be imprisoned.

Raising his sleeves, Dean Rafal wiped the corners of his eyes, and he actually cried?

Dean Rafael trembled all over, turned around, and a familiar face appeared in front of him, "Qin'er, you are back too, and you are finally willing to come back! Come here and let Master see!"

Flying over, Qin'er couldn't help feeling sad, and burst into tears.

"My boy, it's good that you come back! It's good that you come back!"

In a quiet and elegant place in the inner city of the Welsh Empire, a luxurious courtyard stands out!

"Miss, you can't go in! The Duke has ordered no one to go in and disturb him!" On a stone road, five or six personal guards blocked Adela's way forward.

"Get out of the way, if you don't let me go, don't blame me for being polite!" Adela was extremely anxious, shaking her hand, and a long gun appeared in her hand.

"Wait a minute!" A man who looked like a butler ran up from behind, waving his hands, "Wait a minute, miss!"

"Mutons, you're here at the right time!" Adela swung her spear, forced the guards in front of her and said angrily, "They dare to stop me from seeing my brother, what's going on? Or is it something rumored outside? what happened?"

"Miss, calm down!" Mutongs was a little panting. "Miss, the Duke is recuperating in another courtyard. He has indeed ordered no one to disturb him, not even me!"

"Hmph, when did Big Brother say that?"

"last month!"

"Was I at the mansion at the time?"

"Missy wasn't there at the time!"

"That's fine! At that time, the eldest brother said that none of you can do it, not including me! Now that I'm back, you all get out of the way!" Adela said domineeringly.

"This..." Mu Tong was speechless for a moment.

"Stop this and that, Roland, let's go in! You all stay still here, the elder brother said you are not allowed to go in!" Adela put away the spear and strode towards the other courtyard, Roland followed up.

Mutongsi looked at the several guards who were troubled, and smiled wryly, "Forget it, the Duke will not blame anyone for the eldest lady!"


The door is pushed open!

"Big brother, big brother!" Adela yelled loudly!

After a while, a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body came out from the opposite garden. He was wearing casual clothes and holding a watering pot in his hand. Didn't you go to Genoa for the trial, why did you come back?"

Adela ran forward and pulled Duke Meister, "Brother, we came back because we couldn't get along in Genoa! Oh, let's not talk about this, we want to ask you, what's going on? Why did you want to Please resign the Minister of Finance, and what are the two charges?"

"Hehe! Just for this?" Duke Meister smiled, showing no sign of disappointment. "Come on, let's sit in the gazebo and talk! Roland, you come too!"

The other courtyard of Duke Meister's Mansion is the most luxurious place in the whole mansion, but it is also the most elegant place.The splendor and ingenuity of the secular golden wall are perfectly combined with the natural fragrance of grass, birds, and flowers. Even in the entire continent, there are few other courtyards that can compare with this one.In the middle of the flowers, there is an antique gazebo with green vines coiled on a thick pavilion pillar. The top of the pavilion is like a large round umbrella with twelve prominent ribs. popular construction techniques.

Sitting on the stone bench under the giant umbrella, Duke Meister drank the newly bought fine wine!

"Brother, I thought you were really sick, so you're hiding here to enjoy your life! You haven't told me what happened to those two criminal evidences?" Adela asked anxiously.

Duke Meister smiled, "Little sister, can you trust me?"

"Of course, since my father left, the person I trust the most is my elder brother!"

"That's good! Don't bother with this matter. You and Roland will both go back to the Imperial College tomorrow. Don't go out if you have nothing to do, and don't go back to the Duke's Mansion!"

Adela was taken aback, "Brother, what's going on? Why do you want us to leave?"

"Little sister, although our Mesto family was prominent for a while, the blood of the inner family is weak. In our generation, there are only you and my brother and sister. In the next generation, your two nephews are still young, but those outsiders don't care. It's the same! They have a thriving population, and they are watching us all the time! This incident is extraordinary, for the benefit of the family for a hundred years, and for the family's perpetuity, I can't be sloppy, and I can't let them have the slightest chance."

"But, but what does this have to do with your resignation? If you resign, doesn't that just give them a chance?"

"Hehe, it's just the opposite! Now, some people want to drag me into the stove, and some people want to drag me into the pond. I will find a quagmire and jump into it, regardless of whether the fire dries up the water in the end. Whether the fire is put out by water or not, it has nothing to do with me. When I get out of the mud pond and take off my clothes, I am still me!"

Adela half understood.

"Okay, listen to what Big Brother said, let's have a good meal tonight, and you can go back to the academy for me tomorrow morning!"

Qin'er wiped away her tears, and looked out of the window at Tianci and Li'er in embarrassment.Li'er cried and cried and fell asleep in Tianci's embrace!His hands did not forget to grab the sleeves of Tianci.

Dean Rafal and Qin'er walked out of the attic together.

"Principal Rafal!" Tianci said respectfully as he picked up Li'er.

"Well, you are finally back! If you don't come back, my apprentice and granddaughter may not be in good shape!" Dean Rafal blamed, "Why did you cause so many things when you went out this time?" ?”

Godsend is speechless!

"Master, we really didn't intend to cause trouble this time. It's the one called Blair, it's too hateful! Relying on him being the descendant of the Holy One, they acted recklessly, and they knew my identity, but they still wanted to kill me and the stinky Kid shut up, we were forced to do it because we had no choice, you can't blame us!" Qin'er explained anxiously.

"There is such a thing? Damn it!" Dean Rafal said fiercely, "Qin'er, tell me the cause of the matter later!"

"Well, Master! But I can't remember some details, so don't ask if you don't understand!" Qin'er said with a smile, and she has recovered her former vitality.

"Dean Rafal, it's been a long time since I came out, so I want to go home and have a look first!"

"You should go home and have a look! But what if Li'er wakes up?" Dean Rafael asked.

"I plan to go home with Lier in my arms!" Tianci said.

Dean Rafal nodded, then looked behind Tianci.The two-meter-tall unicorn stood peacefully behind Tianci, its crystal-clear unicorn shining brightly!

"What a handsome unicorn!" Dean Rafal couldn't help but admire.Although the letter from the Magic Union introduced the situation of Tianci and also mentioned the unicorn, I was still a little surprised when I saw it!

It was difficult for Tianci to move while holding Lier, and the unicorn walked up to Tianci and knelt down, and then stood up when Tianci was seated firmly. With all four hooves, he ran smoothly out of the sight of Dean Rafael and Qin'er.

"Qin'er, how did you get that unicorn?" Dean Rafal asked.

"You mean Shirokage, brat you mean..."

Tianci is quite familiar with the environment around Duke Kate's mansion.This time, he didn't enter through the main entrance, but directly crossed in from outside the high wall of Ningyuan, and landed firmly in front of the gazebo.

An Rui was chatting with Zhen, when he suddenly saw Tianci descending from the sky with Lier in his arms, he was startled.

Although Anrui and Zhen already knew that Tianci was not dead, they were still worried about Tianci's safety these days, and the sudden appearance of Tianci today made them extremely excited!
"Mom and Dad, I'm back!" Tianci jumped off the white shadow and stood in front of the gazebo.

Seeing her child standing in front of her intact, Jane burst into tears, covered her mouth with one hand, walked around Tianci several times, and asked if Tianci was injured.Even An Rui kept looking up and down at Tianci, for fear that Tianci would lose a piece of meat!

Tianci waited for Zhen to turn enough, and said with a smile, "Mom, don't worry, I didn't lose a single hair this time!"

After the confirmation was completed, Jane finally cried out with heartache. Is there any mother in this world who doesn't worry about her child?
(End of this chapter)

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