Godsend Field

Chapter 252 Political situation

Chapter 252 Political situation
A nursery rhyme has been circulating on the Allianz continent

"O kind mother, with a tiny needle and thread in your hand

On our clothes, thinly stitched
Because tomorrow we will go to a distant place to study
Dim magic lamp, shining on mother's worried face

Fascinated eyes are still busy, lest I miss a piece of clothing

Because tomorrow her child will leave her to go far away.

Goshawk grows up to fly high with one wing
When a lion becomes an adult, it will gallop freely
The poor mother stands at the door every day looking into the distance
Looking forward to the early return of my child

. . . . . . "

Pulling Tianci to sit down, gently stroking Tianci's hair.

"Mom, you've lost a lot of weight, and I've made you worry about it!" Looking at Zhen's thin face, Tianci couldn't help but feel wet.Although Jane has been staying in the Duke's mansion, she must be more tired than herself.

I am only physically tired and in pain, while my mother is heartbroken.Tiredness is the real tiredness, and heartache is the real pain!

"It's okay, I'm okay! It's good that you can come back!" Jane wiped the tears welling from the corners of her eyes.

"God-sent, you haven't heard anything from me these months, and your mother hasn't had a good meal!" An Rui said and handed Jane a clean handkerchief.

"Mom..." Tianci stood up and looked at Zhen with a clear heart, "It's me who made you worry, it's me..."

Jane hurriedly sat down according to the gift of God, and gave An Rui a white look, "Sit down quickly, mom is fine, as long as you are all safe and sound, I am satisfied! Lier is this?"

"Oh, Lier is so tired, she's asleep now! What's wrong with Lier's leg, how do I think she's sitting in a wheelchair?" Tianci asked.

"Hey! This child Lier really has a hard life! Go to the attic with your mother, and I will tell you slowly!" Zhen said sadly, staring at Anrui, "You are still standing, hurry up and get it for Tianci Order something to eat! Something warmer, something lighter!"

An Rui chuckled, "Yeah, I'm so happy, I forgot whether Tianci had eaten! Go ahead and chat, and I'll get you something to eat!"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er jumped down from the white shadow beside her, and surrounded An Rui, drooling.

An Rui smiled, he paid attention to Tianci just now, but didn't pay attention to Bai Ying, the guy is really shocked!An Rui couldn't help admiring.

Put Li'er on her own bed, but Li'er's hand was still tightly grasping Tianci's sleeve, Tianci smiled awkwardly, "Hehe, I'll just sit by the bed!"

The maid has brought hot water and towels.

Zhenhui smiled heartily, wet the towel, and helped Tianci wipe her face and hands, just like when she was a child.Looking at Tianci's closed eyes, Jane couldn't help but think of Tianci's face covered in mud when he was five years old. Jane helped Tianci wipe his face with a towel, and accidentally wiped the little Tianci's eyes, causing Tianci to jump in pain. After that, every time he helped Tianci wipe his face, he always closed his eyes hard.

"Here we come!!" An Rui carried a tray with five or six light dishes on it.

"Godsend, eat something light when you come back, and we'll eat something good in the evening!" Zhen said softly.

"Hehe, the dishes at home are delicious even if they are bland, but the most delicious ones are those made by my mother before!" Tianci said with a smile.

"Puchi!" Jane couldn't help laughing, her face was full of satisfaction, "You like what mom made, so I'll make it for you!"

"Okay, but Dad has already brought it, we will waste it if we don't eat it! Let's eat what Mom made by ourselves when we have time later!" Tianci said.

An Rui put the tray on the low table beside the bed, and handed the bowl of porridge to Tianci.Tianci ate with one hand, and Anrui sat beside Zhen and watched Tianci eat.

"Crack!" The door opened.

More than a dozen maids came in with [-] or [-] plates of big fish and meat, and put them on the middle table, the whole room was filled with the smell of meat!
Jane frowned, and was about to talk about An Rui, when she saw a streak of red rushing onto the table, "Aw~~Aw~~"

An Rui shrugged innocently, "I can't blame me, it ordered it! If I hadn't stopped me just now, I'm afraid the entire kitchen of the Duke's Mansion would have been moved here!"

"Yu'er, you just came back, how can you eat so much all at once? Be careful and let you lose weight later!" Zhen said to Yu'er.

Yu'er on the table shook her buttocks at Zhen, and continued to bury her head in the dishes.

"Hehe, if you go out for a trip, Yu'er won't be afraid to lose weight anymore!" An Rui laughed.

Tianci smiled relaxedly, "Of course it's not afraid! It's made a lot of contributions by going out this time. I've promised to pardon it three times and lost weight!"

"Really? Yu'er is so powerful?" An Rui laughed.

"Hehe, Dad, if you still want to subdue Yuer now, I'm afraid it won't be so easy!"

An Rui looked at Yu'er and smiled faintly, "Don't tell me it has the strength of a seventh-level monster!"

Tianci smiled mysteriously, "What do you think?"

An Rui's face suddenly became gloomy.

"elder brother!"

Suddenly Nero shouted from outside.

Not long after, the door of the attic was pushed open, and Nero rushed in in a hurry. Seeing Tianci sitting on the bedside, he was very excited. He didn't care about Tianci who was drinking porridge, so he rushed up and hugged "Brother" tightly. , you're finally back, I miss you so much! It's all my fault, I shouldn't have listened to you, I..."

"Hehe, don't say that, these are accidents, no one can think of it! Now Qin'er and I have returned safely, and we are fine, don't blame yourself!" Tianci patted Ni Luo on the back.

"Well, thank you brother!" Nero let go of the gift from God.

The porridge in Tianci's hand had already been knocked over and fell on Tianci and Ni Luo.Tianci was originally dressed in plain clothes, while Nero was wearing a gorgeous official uniform, which was already in a mess at the moment.

"Oh, look at you two brothers, go and change clothes!" Zhen said angrily, and took out two sets of clean clothes from the closet next to her.

Tianci and Nero looked at each other and couldn't help smiling.Take off your coat and put on a clean coat.

"Brother, my grandfather and I are dealing with government affairs in Antian Mansion, and we ran back as soon as we heard the report from the City Gate Division! Grandpa is also back, he should be in the study now, you and I can go and have a look together!"

Looking at Li'er on the bed, Tianci hesitated!

"Godsend, Li'er will have a hard time waking up for a while, so you should go there. Your grandfather has been worrying a lot about your affairs these days!" Zhen said.

"Yes, Mom!" Tianci stood up and walked out of the attic with Nero, towards Duke Kate's study.

Nero walked in front, "Brother, how did you get to the Spanish Empire and offend their Holy Family?"

"I don't know either. After I fell, I was washed away by the Siluo River. When I woke up, I was already in the Spanish Empire! As for what happened afterwards, it's hard to describe!" Tianci sighed.

"Forget it bro, you're back anyway, I don't believe that George dares to come to our Welsh Empire? If he sends his men, I'll help you deal with it!" Nero said confidently.

Tianci looked at Nero with relief, "It should not happen in a short time!"

"Brother, it's good if you come back. Do you know that our Kate family is in a very bad situation. The last time we found out that something happened to you, my grandfather and I strongly advocated sending the Foreign Affairs Department to visit the Spanish Empire, but the eldest prince and the third prince disagreed." , Later, the eldest prince also replaced the four grandpas under Shang Si, wanting to remove grandpa! Hmph! Don’t they all want your Northwest Province?” Nero said angrily.

"Hehe, I've heard all these things! Is the northwest province still peaceful now? The eldest prince and the third prince haven't infiltrated in the northwest, right?"

"They have never stopped infiltrating. It's just that Clark's tact did not give them a chance! They thought that if something happened to you, you could take the Northwest, but they never expected that His Majesty issued a clear order before he fell into a coma. Decree, as long as His Majesty is still in the northwest, it belongs to you, and none of them can get involved!"

Tianci's heart became hot, His Majesty really had nothing to say to him, "Nile, how is Your Majesty's situation? I really want to see Your Majesty, I don't know if I can!"

Nero paused, "Well, His Majesty seems to be still in a coma. I heard that he will wake up occasionally, and he will be unconscious again after a while. However, his life should not be in any danger. As for going to see His Majesty now, I'm afraid it will be difficult. Let’s just ask Grandpa and find out!”

Tianci nodded and soon came to the courtyard where Duke Kate's study was located with Nero.Gauss waited outside the door, feeling a little excited when he saw the two of them, "Young Patriarch, Eldest Young Master, the Duke is waiting for you inside!"

Gently knocking on the door, Nero pushed the door open.Duke Kate sat behind the copywriter in the middle, the white hair on his head became paler again, and the wrinkles on his forehead seemed to have deepened a lot.

"Grandpa!" Tianci said respectfully.

Duke Kate Furui Wubo: "Well, you have worked hard on this journey! This time Nero was able to succeed the young patriarch smoothly, thanks to you as the elder brother! Seeing that you two brothers work together, I am always comforted! "

"This is what I should do!"

After gesturing for both Tianci and Nero to sit down, Duke Kate slowly stood up and walked in front of them, "Tianci, during the days when you were away, many things happened in the empire. Now the empire is at a crossroads and is facing an important decision If it is handled well, the empire will survive smoothly and smoothly, but if it is not handled properly, it may cause the world to be turned upside down, and it will be completely devastated!"

Godsend understands the meaning!
The Welsh Empire has been the most powerful empire for decades.Moreover, during His Majesty's reign, apart from suppressing rebellion and counterattacking, he never resorted to military conquests. The people of the empire have recuperated, and they have long been the confidants of the Spanish Empire and the French Empire.No one wants to see that the empire next to them is stronger than themselves, and it is much stronger!
Although every empire has saints, saints cannot participate in ordinary wars.So as long as the country is not destroyed, other empires can turn themselves into the weakest empire, no matter in terms of territory or population.

His majesty is in a serious situation now, and it is imperative to elect a new king. If the three princes fight for the throne, and the other two empires take advantage of the fire to loot, then the national power advantage that your majesty has accumulated over decades of recuperation may be lost. There will be nothing left, and even be weakened and bullied by others!

"Grandpa, I understand! I don't know what advice Grandpa has?"

"Me? Hehe, I'm already old, and even if a new king is elected, I won't be able to help you. The future government is yours. I want to hear your opinions!"

"Grandpa, Nero is now the Deputy Counselor for Political Affairs, and I heard from Master Finchland that although Nero has been in a short period of time, his political achievements are outstanding. I think there is no problem in slowly growing into Minister of State Affairs. As for me, I It's just a small lord, and when the world situation stabilizes, I'm afraid I'll have to go back to the northwest!" Tianci said.

"Brother, I'm afraid you don't know yet! Now the governors of the nine major provinces of the empire, except for the southeast province because of the war, the governor of the Marquis Saint La personally sat in the town to oversee the war, and the other eight governors have been called back to the capital! And they You can directly participate in the government!" Nero said.

Tianci was stunned, "Isn't the governor always responsible for managing the animal husbandry side for His Majesty, and there is no special matter or order not to leave casually? Why are they all here in the capital?"

"Brother, at this time, His Majesty may be at any time... So this special period must be fully prepared, especially the foreign governors, who must be called back, lest the dissatisfaction of the other side lead to the recurrence of the governor's rebellion. ! This was brought up by my grandfather!"

So it turns out, Grandpa is really thoughtful!

"Nile, then we are in the northwest..."

"Brother, you were not there at the time, so I called Clark back! It's all right now, you're back, and you can go discuss politics with us tomorrow!" Nero said happily.

Tianci smiled wryly, "I just came back, and Lier is in this situation, I really don't have the mood to discuss politics, let alone I really don't know much about government affairs!"

Nero was very disappointed.

"Godsend, there is nothing in this world that you are born with. How would you know it won't work if you haven't tried it? Your performance in the Northwest is obvious to all. Your Majesty promoted you to Earl and granted you the largest fiefdom in the empire. Then he called you back, and he was promoted to Marquis because he hoped that one day you could become a member of the empire and contribute to the country. Now that His Majesty is unconscious, do you have the heart to let him down?" Duke Kate was moved.Duke Kate, who is old and mature, naturally knows how emotional Tianci is, and naturally can see that Tianci and His Majesty have an unusual relationship!
Tianci was silent, and sighed after a long time, "I see, grandpa! I will go to the palace with you tomorrow!"

Duke Kate nodded, "Godsend, you don't have to be so embarrassed. Every department and every link in the empire has corresponding officials. You and the other governors summoned don't need to be entangled in those tedious and trivial matters. It’s enough to make a statement on one important matter, and you don’t need to implement the rest!”

"That's right! Brother, the empire doesn't have major events every day. You just need to express your own attitude. And although the governors of the empire have no real power in the capital, their attitudes and opinions have a very important impact on the government. Last time, the third prince's proposal was opposed by some viceroys in partnership, so he gave up!"

God gave me a lot of relief now, "Grandpa, I heard on the way back that Duke Meister has resigned?"

"Hehe, Mestel? This little fox!" Duke Kate sneered and went back to sit behind the table and sat down again. Serious charges!"

Godsent looked at Duke Kate in puzzlement.

"Brother, let me explain to you!" Nero followed Duke Kate's words, "You also know that the eldest prince and the third prince are fighting fiercely now. Marshal Lankers' attitude has been very clear. Only Duke Meister and Grandpa We have not expressed our position. Our grandfather is highly respected and His Majesty is a half-courier and half-brother. They have no way to get Grandpa's attention, so they pointed the sign at Duke Meister. Duke Meister is not only the Minister of Finance, but also He has a great relationship with Roland, so no matter who wins the support of the Duke of Meister, he will get great benefits. In the past few months, the eldest prince and the third prince have been visiting the mansion of the Duke of Meister, or go to the mansion by themselves. Or send someone there to convince Duke Meister..."

"I see! It must be that the Duke of Maxtor is not sure about the future situation, so he can't express his position prematurely, but he can't offend the two princes, so he simply found an excuse for himself, listed a crime, and then excused himself to resign! "Tianci understands.

"Brother is right. The Duke of Meister has been in charge of the finances all year round. He knows the financial situation of the empire like the palm of his hand, and his financial management skills are unparalleled in the world. As long as this period of time passes, when the new king comes out, he will definitely forgive his sins. Not only can the officer be restored to his post, but also he has a reason to be loyal!" Nero added.

Tianci smiled, yes, now it seems that the Duke of Maxtor is not optimistic about both sides and is not loyal to both sides, but in the future, once the new king pardons his sins and re-elects, this will become his biggest reason to be loyal to the new king!

"That's why I said that Mesto is a loach. He is sleek and will find a quagmire to get into if something big happens!" Duke Kate beat the ground vigorously with both hands on crutches. "A businessman is a businessman, even if he wears an official robe. He is still a businessman at heart! In their eyes, there are only benefits. Family and country, they only have family but no country in their hearts! Otherwise, His Majesty would not let him stay in the position of Minister of Finance for more than ten years. Do not discuss with him."

"Nile, Godsend, you all remember that businessmen are just friends and can never become comrades in arms!"

"Yes, grandpa!" Tianci and Nero replied.

"Grandpa, can I see His Majesty?" Tianci asked.

"Your Majesty, he has been in a coma recently, and he only wakes up occasionally, and the time is very short. It is even difficult for us to see Your Majesty, let alone you!"

"Then do you know that His Majesty is training there now?"

"According to the imperial physician, His Majesty is currently recuperating in the Yu Ning Garden behind the palace. It may be a relatively secluded environment, suitable for Your Majesty's recuperation and recovery!"

Yu Ning Garden!
Tianci recalled the terrain of the palace.

Walking into the palace, it is about to the far end, there is a royal garden, where all kinds of flowers are competing to bloom, and they are more vivid and delicate under the attentive care and nourishment of the waiters.There is a small lake in the center of the garden, and I used to fish with His Majesty beside it, and His Majesty even boasted of my patience and taught me how to fish.There is a gazebo next to it, where His Majesty not only taught himself the principles of running a family and the country, but also ate the fish that His Majesty caught himself.In the middle sits a three-story tower.The layout of the tower is exquisite and exquisite, and every beam and column is carved with precision.The body of the tower is painted dark red, and the eaves of the tower are dark green, blending into the surrounding scenery, which is both solemn and elegant.

That is Yu Ning Garden!

(End of this chapter)

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