Godsend Field

Chapter 253

Chapter 253
Walking out of Duke Kate's study, Tianci and Nero returned to Ning Yuan together.

"Young master, hurry up and go in, Miss Li'er has woken up!" The maid at the door said hastily.

Godsend was overjoyed, ran towards the attic, opened the door, Lier had already woken up, sitting on the bed and chatting with Jane.Li'er's face was much ruddy. When she saw Tianci coming in, she just wanted to get up and call out, so she wanted to rush over, but when she saw Zhen next to her, she endured it.

Yu'er lay in Li'er's arms and fell asleep peacefully, her belly was bulging, and the table outside was a mess.

Tianci came to the bed and sat down, holding Lier's hand, "You're awake!"

Lier's red face was shy, she lowered her head and nodded, but couldn't help but secretly raised her head to look at Tianci.

"Okay, let's chat for a while! Nero, let's go out and prepare dinner for your brother. Godsend, what do you want to eat tonight?" Jane stood up and asked.

"We haven't eaten together for a long time, why don't we build a fire and have a barbecue together!" Tianci suggested.

"That's a good idea, mom, let's go get ready!" Nero smiled and pulled Jane out together, closing the door gently.

Tianci sat up for a while, held Lier's little hand with both hands and said sincerely, "It's really hard for you to worry about it for so long!"

Li'er shook her head, leaned sideways and gently leaned on Tianci's shoulder.All the suffering is no longer bitter at this moment, and all the tiredness is also gone, "Brother Tianci, I'm so scared, I'm afraid you'll never come back, I'm afraid you don't want Lier anymore... "

Tianci put his arms around Li'er's shoulders, smelling the fragrance of Li'er's hair, "Why would I not want you? You forgot that we agreed when we were young, you help me lie to my mother, and I will be responsible for wanting you when I grow up!"

Li'er curled her mouth happily, and her mind returned to that naughty face when she was a child. Although she was very immature, she was very firm.

The room becomes quiet, maybe any language is not as good as staying quietly, enjoying the quiet, and feeling the other person's heart!

"Brother Tianci, what happened after you and Qin'er fell?"

"Hehe, let's put this down for now. I bet that when we barbecue, there will be no more than three skewers. Mom and Dad will definitely ask me about the whole process!" Tianci said with a smile.

Although Lier didn't believe it, seeing Tianci's confident expression, she leaned even more on Tianci's shoulder.

At night, the moonlight was soft and bright like water, and a bonfire was lit in the garden.Duke Kate and Mrs. Kate sat in the attic for a while, drank two cups of tea, and went back to rest. An Rui and Jane took Nero and prepared all the materials early.

Lier's legs still didn't feel, Tianci carried Lier out of the attic, and gently placed her on the cushion beside the campfire.

Sitting on the ground, Li'er beat her legs with her fists, feeling heavy.

"It's okay, Li'er, we can treat it slowly, and it will definitely be cured!" Tianci comforted.

"Then what if... what if the treatment is not good?" Lier asked worriedly.

"If the treatment is good, then I will hold you all the time. I will be your legs. Wherever you go, I will go there. Wherever I go, you will go there. Isn't that good?"

Lier suddenly blushed like a sunset.

"Hey, I finally know the difference between me and my brother! When I was young, my brother was the best at coaxing my mother, but I was the one who got beaten. I didn't expect my brother to be so good at coaxing girls. The three of us grew up together, but in Lier's eyes only Brother!" Nero said, beating his chest firmly.

Anrui and Jane burst into laughter immediately, and Lier couldn't wait to get into the cracks in the ground.

Tianci chuckled, "I learned this from my father!"

Jane's grinning face suddenly stiffened, "Is this what your father taught you?"

An Rui was startled, "Nonsense, when did I teach you these things! Jane, don't listen to God-sent nonsense, I never taught him these things!"

"Who said that before you taught me to practice martial arts, you said that martial arts are the same as coaxing girls. There is no fixed move. You can fight as you win, and coax you as you like!" Tianci said seriously.

Jane looked at An Rui and hummed softly, "Really, so that's how you taught him to practice. It seems that you have a lot of experience in coaxing girls. Why can't I feel it?"

An Rui was trembling with horror!

"Oh! It seems that my master taught me this! Hehe, sorry for misremembering!" Tianci looked at Anrui with a half-smile.

Zhen Shu said, "Hmph, this time I'll go around you once!"

An Ruirui let out a sigh of relief.

"Puchi!" "Hahaha!" Lier and Nero couldn't help laughing happily.

The bonfire was burning, and everyone started to take the skewered meat to the bonfire for grilling.After a while, the aroma rose, and the ones prepared for Bai Feng and Yu'er had long been put aside. Yu'er ate her own, and looked at Bai Feng's, causing Bai Feng to gobble it up.

When it was cooked, Tianci handed it to Lier.An Rui handed the roasted meat to Jane, who took the roast and winked at An Rui.Anrui winked at Nero with his expression unchanged.

Nero sighed, "Mom and dad, brother and Li'er, only the poor me ate it alone... and I have to be directed by others"

"Brother Tianci, don't listen to Nero's nonsense! I've heard that someone went to Baal Chamber of Commerce every three days, and it is said that he was looking for some little girl!" Lier finally started to fight back.

Godsend was taken aback, "Bar Chamber of Commerce? What little girl?"

Ni Luo became embarrassed, "What, I asked Si Ni for a serious matter! Grandpa left all the matters of the fief to me, and I don't know anything about accounts, so I had to ask Si Ni for advice!"

Tianci suddenly realized, "It turned out to be Little Benben, is she still in the capital? That's great!"

"Hmph, I don't believe you are so big that Duke Kate's mansion doesn't even have a Mr. Accountant, and you still need you, the young master, the Deputy Counselor of Imperial Affairs, to go to a small chamber of commerce to ask for advice!" Lier took a bite and pointed at Nero laughed.

"That's because she explained it clearly!" Ni Luo blushed without heartbeat. "Let's not talk about this, brother, we all want to know what happened after you fell off the cliff?"

Tianci and Lier looked at each other and smiled wisely, "This is the first skewer of barbecue!"

Tianci started talking about himself and Qin'er waking up in the Spanish Empire. In order not to worry everyone, Tianci tried to explain the many battles in the middle as simple as possible.Only Nero knew the true strength of the opponents Tianci faced, and at this time Nero didn't think how strong they were, so he listened naturally!Because Tianci didn't fully understand life magic, so it's inconvenient to say too much.He kept saying that he met Shirai Shadow in the gray wetland, and escaped by relying on its speed.

Li'er was delighted to hear it, and when she heard Shirai Ying, she looked at Shirai Ying not far away with envy on her face.

Tianci softly called Bai Ying to come over, but to Tianci's surprise, Bai Ying surprisingly did not reject Lier lying next to Lier, Lier was able to caress Baiying and even the unicorn before Tianci introduced him.But Anrui and Zhen wanted to touch Baiying, but they were rejected. It was only after Godsend said that they could do it reluctantly, but they couldn't touch the unicorn.

Tianci was curious at the moment, because she possessed the source of life and exuded a strong breath of life to attract Bai Ying, so what did Lier rely on?


Pure heart!
"Li'er, maybe Bai Ying will recognize you and allow you to sit on its back!" Tianci said with a smile, and picked up Li'er.

Shirokage didn't object, but lowered his body.Tianci sat down first, then put Lier in front of her, stretched out her hand and gently wrapped Lier's soft waist.Shiro Shadow stood up, looking very excited.

Yu'er dropped the delicacy in her claws, swished onto Bai Ying's back, and sat upright in front of Li'er.

"Hehe, mom and dad, Nero, eat slowly, I'll take Li'er out for a drive!"

Bai Ying's limbs exerted strength, like a white ray of light flashed out of Ning Yuan's tall wall.

The palace in the early morning looked a little depressed.Many waiters and maids get up early and are busy. The palace is not like the nobles outside, and there is no way to be sloppy.The most solemn thing in the palace is the majestic Qinzheng Hall.In an empty hall in Qinzheng Hall, twelve golden pillars wrapped in dragons support the main hall.On the front is a huge screen with beautiful rivers and mountains, on the platform covered with red carpet in front is a solemn golden chair with wide back carved with beasts, and in front of it is a velvet desk.

Different from the past, at this time in front of the desk, there are three smaller luxurious chairs, and there are more than ten chairs on both sides under the platform.

Every part of the hall has been carefully arranged, and this is the council hall of the Welsh Empire, and almost all government orders in the empire are issued from here.

At this time, more than 30 waiters were kneeling on the ground, wiping the ground vigorously with sackcloth in their hands.

Next to the Hall of Qinzheng, there is a small pavilion with a plaque "Waizheng Pavilion" hanging on the lintel, where all the officials who arrived early are waiting here.

After wiping the ground, all the waiters hurriedly left Qinzheng Hall with the buckets beside them.

"Crack!" The door of Qinzheng Hall opened, and a ray of morning sun shone in. The wet ground soon dried up, revealing a clean and smooth carved ground.

More than a dozen officials walked out of the Houzheng Pavilion, wearing neat official uniforms.Walking into the council hall, several people sat on the seats on both sides below, most of them stood outside the seats.

"Marquis Gusta, you're here early!" An official sitting next to him chatted easily!
"I only come one day earlier occasionally, which is comparable to the Marquis of Gezis, who comes so early every day!" Marquis Gusta said with a smile.

At this time, another official came in, walked straight to the seat, and sat down carelessly, with one foot still raised, "Morning, ladies and gentlemen!"

"I said Marquis Ahmed, it's rare for you to come so early!" Marquis Gusta said.

"Of course! In the past, I was the last to come, but I always sat next to the servant steward! Our marquis governor, although not all of us are nobles from aristocratic families, but they are all well-known for their outstanding achievements in political affairs. Today, we have to talk to a It's unlucky for servants born as stewards to sit together and discuss politics!" Marquis Ahmed said extremely displeased.

"Hahaha, Marquis Ahmed, you'd better bear with it, no matter what, that person was selected by His Majesty, and it would be disrespectful to His Majesty if you say that again!" Marquis Gziss laughed.

Marquis Ahmed snorted coldly, "Of course it doesn't matter if you come early yourself! I just said that the seats for the nine of us should be fixed, but you insist that each province is very important, and whoever comes early will sit in the front. This is obviously cheating me." What!"

Marquis Gusta and Marquis Gziss laughed.Among the nine governors, only the Governor of the Southwest Province, Marquis Ahmed, was born a military general, and he usually came the latest.Clark, the acting governor of the Northwest Province, came from a relatively humble background. Even if he came early, he didn't dare to sit in the front, and he was always the last one every time!
Officials entered the council hall one after another, and the place that was originally empty seemed to be a little crowded.

Among the hundreds of officials in the empire, apart from the three dukes and ministers sitting at the front, only Shang Si and the provincial governor can sit and discuss politics.

At this time, Clark came in wearing an official uniform. The eight governors had already taken their seats. Clark walked to the last seat and stood behind him without sitting down.

The eight governors watched angrily, and even the other officials around looked at Clark curiously.

"I said Clark, although we... But anyway, you are also the acting governor of the empire. This chair is for you to sit in. Why don't you sit?"

"What you're saying is that you represent the governor of a province. If you stand still and don't sit down, it will be embarrassing for all of us!" Marquis Ahmed was displeased.Although he disdains Clark's birth, he must admit his current status.It is an insult to all governors that the governor of the province discusses politics standing up.

Clark accompanied him with a smiling face, "From today onwards, there is no seat for me here, I'd better stand!"

The other eight governors suddenly became sullen. He, the acting governor, has no seat. Doesn't that mean that these governors himself are not qualified to sit and discuss politics?
"Clark, what do you mean!" Marquis Ahmed jumped up and pointed at Clark's nose.

"Duke Kate is here!" The waiter outside the gate shouted loudly.

The hall suddenly fell silent, and Marquis Ahmed put down his fingers, and all the Marquis Shangsi who were sitting stood up one after another.

"Dang! Dang!..." came the sound of the crutch falling to the ground.

A haggard figure appeared in front of everyone.Followed by two handsome young men.

"Morning, Duke Kate!" Whenever passing by, all the officials greeted Duke Kate with a smile. Duke Kate held a cane in one hand and waved lightly with the other to signal everyone to sit down.

"God-sent Marquis!!"

Everyone suddenly noticed the two teenagers behind Duke Kate.

One is a young vice-counselor who has been in the limelight recently. Although he is young, he is as sophisticated as Duke Kate when he is young.Although he usually smiles and is kind, once he initiates vicious methods, it makes people shudder. The rumored murder of the Kate family. . .The other one is an imperial celebrity who has disappeared for many days. His majesty promoted him from a commoner to a viscount, to an earl, to a marquis, and the speed was unmatched in the past and present. . .

"Master Tianci, sit here!" Clark pointed to the seat in front of him.

That's it!

Tianci walked over and smiled, "Long time no see, Mr. Clark! You are now the acting governor of the empire, and I'm just the lord. You should just sit and I'll stand behind you!"

Clark hurriedly tugged at Tianci, "Master, you should sit down, I dare not!"

"Heavenly gift, just sit down!" Duke Kate walked to the front seat and sat down, while Nero stood behind Duke Kate.Tianci had no choice but to sit on the seat, and Clark stood behind Tianci with peace of mind. After discussing politics for so long, today is the most at ease!The officials around didn't say much either. His Majesty personally rewarded the lord of Yanhua City from Tianci. He is the real governor of the Northwest. If two governors sit together, even if they sit in front of them, I am afraid there will be no problem!What's more, everyone knows the true strength of the Northwest Province.

The seven governors sitting in front of Tianci are the Marquis of the Eastern Province, the Marquis of Gusta, the Governor of the Southern Province, the Marquis of Ahmed, the Governor of the Southwest Province, the Marquis of Dolan, the Governor of the Northeast Province, and the Governor of the Western Province. Marquis Aldro, Marquis Seval, Governor of Yanqing Province, and Marquis Bernard, Governor of Northern Province.

The seven governors greeted Tianci one after another, especially Marquis Dolan, who made Tianci feel ashamed with enthusiasm.

"Marshal Lankers is here!"

All the officials got up again, only Duke Kate sat peacefully.

Marshal Lankers, still as strong as ever, strode into the council hall.As soon as the footsteps fell, I saw the godsend in front of the last seat.Marshal Lankers stopped and walked in front of Tianci, "Hahaha, Marquis of Tianci, you are finally back! I heard that you are in trouble in the Spanish Empire, and we are very worried about you! If there is no conclusive evidence, plus The two countries are trivial and complicated, we really want to go to the Spanish Empire to help you!"

Tianci smiled slightly, "I'm really honored to have Marshal Lawrence Coles take care of me!"

"Hahaha, it's true that a young hero has been born since ancient times. If you can come back safely, it will be a blessing to our military department and our Welsh Empire!" Marshal Lankers said with a smile, "If you are free, the Marquis of Heaven can come Let's go to the military department, your master and your younger brother miss you very much! And we also have some important things to talk to you about!"

"Is there something important with the military?" Tianci thought to himself, but still smiled back, "Definitely, definitely!"

After Marshal Lankers sat down at the front, the inner court attendant came out

"The regent, the assistant regent is here!"

This time even Duke Kate and Marshal Lankers stood up.

The eldest prince, the third prince, and the sixth prince walked in solemnly, all dressed in royal attire.He went straight to the platform and sat on the three seats in front of the flannel desk. The eldest prince sat in the middle, and the third and sixth princes sat on both sides.

After the three princes sat down, all the officials sat down!
The eldest prince was proud of the spring breeze, his face was flushed.The third prince looked even more calm, with a cold gleam in his eyes.The sixth prince didn't show any expression, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

The eldest prince stood up first, "Everyone, I am very happy today. The youngest Marquis of the Welsh Empire, the Marquis of Tianci, finally sat here today to discuss politics with us. Father Wang has high expectations for you. I hope you Don't let your father down!"

Tianci stood up and walked to the middle, "Your Majesty has treated me with great kindness, and I will definitely do my best according to Your Majesty's wishes!"

The eldest prince smiled in satisfaction; the third prince stared at Tianci with indescribable feeling in his eyes; but the sixth prince waved his hand kindly at Tianci.

"Okay, today we will discuss the resignation of the Minister of Finance, Duke Meister. Although I have been trying my best to retain Duke Meister for nearly two months, Duke Meister felt ashamed and ashamed to face it. All my colleagues, citizens of the empire, so I resolutely resign. Let everyone talk about how to deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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