Godsend Field

Chapter 254 The Minister

Chapter 254 The Minister
The Duke of Maxtor insisted on resigning, and the prince regent repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay, but as an empire, he couldn't live without the Minister of Finance to preside over the daily financial operations for a long time.

"Regent, Duke Meister has been in charge of the financial department of the empire for more than ten years, and the financial department is also in good order. Such a resignation is really a loss for the empire. As for the crimes he committed, they are not heinous. Let's look at his past achievements. You will be exempted from punishment!" Marshal Lankers stood up and walked to the middle and said.

"Yes, I hope that the past achievements of the Duke of Meister can be forgotten!" Many ministers and officials also echoed.

The eldest prince raised his hand to signal the officials to be quiet, "When Duke Meister was in charge of the financial department, the empire's financial operations were in order, and the empire's annual harvest was abundant and the people were stable. Even the father had praised Duke Meister for his outstanding ability more than once. .Although there is a slight fault this time, we can't go to the bottom of the responsibility based on past achievements, third brother, sixth brother, what do you think?"

"Since what the regent said is true, the Duke of Maxtor has made a lot of contributions. Although he has flaws, he does not hide his merits!" The third prince said lightly.

"Brother is right, and I agree!" the sixth prince said with a smile.

The eldest prince nodded, "Since everyone thinks so, let's forget about these two crimes. However, the position of Minister of Finance has been vacant for so long, and it cannot continue to be vacant! So we must fill this position today, and everyone will discuss it. Who can temporarily serve as the Acting Minister of Finance?"

The ministers in the council hall bowed their heads in twos and threes to discuss.

"Duke Kate, who do you think can be in charge of the finance department?" The eldest prince asked aloud.

Duke Kate slowly stood up and walked to the middle, "The selection of officials in the empire has its own rules and regulations. It is nothing more than two points, performance and experience. Therefore, I think that the new candidate for the finance department must meet at least two points. Achievements!"

The eldest prince said yes again and again, and the third prince couldn't help feeling complacent.

In addition to the Minister of Finance, the most experienced members of the Finance Department are the two Deputy Counselors, as well as the four chief ministers of the subordinate Taxation Department, Budget Department, Tax Law Department, and Supervision Department.Among them, only Deputy Counselor Codd has dealt with the military department all the year round and has a good relationship with the military. The rest of them have close contacts with him, except for one, that is the Earl of Shangsi Saferos of the Supervision Department.

The Earl of Sephiroth was transferred from the Northwest Province a few years ago, and when he returned to the capital, he was rewarded by His Majesty to be promoted to Earl, and transferred to the Ministry of Finance as the Superintendent of Supervision.Although he has not been in office for a long time, he has been found out about tax evasion by many dignitaries one after another. He was shocked for a while, and Saphiroth has also gained a great reputation and achievements.The two crimes committed by Duke Meister this time were exposed by Earl Sephiroth!
"Duke Kate's words are timely, and I also think that the position of Minister of Finance is very important and must be treated with caution! Among the two deputy counselors and four ministers currently in the Ministry of Finance, who do you think is more suitable for acting as Minister of Finance?" the eldest prince asked arrive.

Duke Kate had already returned to his seat and closed his eyes slightly.

"Regent, I think Deputy Counselor Codd is the most suitable. Deputy Counselor Codd has been in the Finance Department for the longest time, and he is cautious and cautious. He has never made any mistakes over the years. It is most suitable to be the Acting Minister of Finance!" A minister Come out and propose to.

The eldest prince nodded in satisfaction, "Deputy Counselor Ke De is careful in handling things, he is indeed a reliable candidate!"


At this moment, a Shang Si stepped down from his seat.This Shang Si Tianci had seen before, it was Bruno Shang Si, who was in charge of the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance.

"Bruno Shangji, what do you think is wrong?" the eldest prince asked.

"Reporting to the Regent, it is obvious to all that Deputy Counselor Codd is the oldest senior officer in the Finance Department and is cautious in doing things. However, he has only been in charge of the Ministry of War all year round, and has no special understanding and achievements in other departments. The scope of the Finance Department is very important. If the coordination is not good, it will often affect the Ministry of Government Affairs and the Ministry of Military Affairs, and even lead to turmoil in the people's livelihood. As the Chancellor of the Exchequer, he needs to take care of the overall situation, so I think Deputy Counselor Codd is not suitable to be the acting Chancellor of the Exchequer. Your Excellency is acting as the Minister of Finance. Lord Balbo has served in the Budget Department, Tax Law Department and Supervision Department. It is most appropriate for Balbo to replace Lord Maxtor as Acting Chancellor of the Exchequer!"

Many officials standing below nodded their heads in agreement.The hall gradually became noisy, and many ministers were divided into two waves to support the two, each with its own reason.

Several governors and marquises even started to quarrel.

"Deputy Counselor Ke De is the most competent!"

"Master Balbo is suitable!"

. . . . . .

The political hall suddenly became chaotic, talking to each other, whispering, blushing and quarreling, and almost started a fight, so there was still a little bit of solemnity in the past?

The corner of the third prince's mouth was slightly raised.


The eldest prince roared, and everyone fell silent, and the quarreling marquis and governors all returned to their seats and sat down.

"What Lord Bruno said is also very reasonable. I wonder what the adults here think?" the eldest prince asked, looking at the mainstays on the two rows of seats below.

Duke Kate closed his eyes and rested, without any intention of speaking.Marshal Lankers glanced at Duke Kate and sat peacefully.

Although the ministers of the Ministry of Government Affairs under Duke Kate whispered, no one stood up.The bosses in the finance department sat upright, listening nervously to the opinions around them. Only the supervisor, Earl Saferos, looked at Tianci with a smile.

"My lords, you are the mainstay of the empire, and the Ministry of Finance has a great relationship with you. Which one do you think is more suitable for the position of Minister of Finance, Vice-Counsellor Codd or Lord Balbo?" said the eldest prince, rolling his eyes. To the Marquis Gusta, Governor of the South Province, Marquis Ahmed, Governor of the Southwest Province, and Marquis Dolan, Governor of the Northeast Province.

"I think Deputy Counselor Kede is more suitable!" Marquis Ahmed, the governor of the Southwest Province, jumped out first.

"That's right, Deputy Counselor Kede is cautious and very suitable for the current situation! It is most appropriate to be the Acting Minister of Finance!" The Governor of the Southern Province, Marquis Gusta, also stood up and echoed.

"The Marquis of Gusta was surprised by this statement! The three ministers of the empire each have great responsibilities, and those who can be ministers must have extraordinary talents and control over the overall situation. If you are only cautious, it is better not to stand! I suggest Balbo Your Excellency is suitable!" Marquis Xival, governor of Yanqing Province, stood up and proposed.

"I agree with you. Master Balbo's experience and talent are obvious to all!" The Governor of the Eastern Province, the Marquis of Gezis, and the Governor of the Western Province, the Marquis of Aldro, stood up at the same time.

The Governor of the Northeast Province, the Marquis Dolan, and the Governor of the Northern Province, the Marquis Bernard, did not speak.

Tianci looked at it with a smile, and Tianci also knew a little bit about the government.The three departments seldom interfere with each other, and the appointment of the military department often does not need the guidance of the Duke of Kate and the Duke of Maxtor.Similarly, the appointment of officials from the Ministry of Government Affairs or the Ministry of Finance also does not allow the other two departments to intervene.

If it is an ordinary position, everyone is welcome to participate, even the position of Shang Si can comment and recommend, but for an official position such as the Minister of Finance, not all officials can make irresponsible remarks.Apart from Duke Kate and Marshal Lankers who are also ministers, only these marquis governors can make a conclusion, and other officials can nominate at most.Otherwise, one can imagine what it would be like for a small sesame official guarding the city gate to comment on the three ministers at the top of the empire above the hall!
There are only nine governors in the ten major provinces of the empire, and the central province directly under His Majesty does not have a governor.Except for the northern province and the northwest province of the nine provinces, the remaining seven provinces have expressed their attitudes either explicitly or implicitly.The Southeast, Southwest, South and Northeast provinces support the First Prince; the East, West and Yanqing Provinces support the Third Prince.

The governor of the southeast province, Marquis Saint La, did not return to the capital because of the war, and the governors who support the eldest prince and the third prince in the council hall are just three to three.

The eldest prince watched several governors argue with each other.The finance department has always been dominated by the third prince, and I can hardly intervene. If I help myself today, the Duke of Maxtor is retiring, and the finance minister happens to be vacant.
The third prince was still as calm as ever. The officials in the finance department were very close to him, except Duke Meister who was lukewarm.The vacancy of Minister of Finance is a huge opportunity for both myself and the eldest prince. It doesn't matter if I can get it, but I must not let the eldest prince's people get it!

"Ahem!" The eldest prince coughed, and the disputing marquis below all fell silent, "Marquis Bernard, what do you think?"

Marquis Bernard, Governor of the Northern Province, stood up, "Hehe, in fact, these two people have their own specialties. Please allow me to think about it again, Lord Regent!"

The eldest prince nodded, you can think about it slowly, as long as you don't help the third prince to support Balbo!
"Marquis of Heaven, what do you think?"

Tianci stood up and walked to the middle, the eldest prince and the third prince stared at Tianci at the same time.Now the attitude of Godsend is very important!
Supporting Deputy Counselor Ke De will offend the third prince, and supporting Lord Balbo will offend the eldest prince!Tianci's head suddenly grew bigger, and this is what I hate the most.The Duke of Mesto escaped from his shell, but he pushed himself to the edge of the sword!
Godsend sighed, if the governor of the north can push it, let's push it himself, if you don't help each other, you won't be offended, or if you don't help each other, you will offend both sides!

Tianci bowed his hand, "Reporting to the Regent and Assistant Zhenggong, I also think that both of them have their own specialties, please allow me..." Suddenly, a familiar evil smile appeared in Tianci's mind.

Tianci also smiled evilly, "Reporting to the Regent and the Assistant Regent, I also think that both of them have their own specialties, but I am more optimistic about the Earl of the Supervision Department!"

All the officials in the hall were stunned at the same time!
Lord Safeiros!

The officials looked at Tianci in astonishment, and now they are discussing Deputy Counselor Ked and Lord Balbo, how could a Saphiroth be involved!

The third prince and the eldest prince didn't even expect that even Duke Kate opened his eyes and looked at Tianci.

"Marquis of Heaven, I want to ask you, Deputy Counselor Kede or Lord Balbo, who is more suitable to be the Acting Minister of Finance?" The eldest prince repeated.

"To the Regent, I don't think either of them are suitable! Only Earl Sephiroth is the most suitable, so I propose Earl Sephiroth as the Acting Minister of Finance!" Tianci replied loudly.

"Sephiroth? Why?" The third prince couldn't sit still.

"Reporting to Fuzhenggong, my lords! Although I am wrongly loved by His Majesty as a Marquis, I am still young and inexperienced, and I spent most of my time in the Imperial Academy in the Magic Academy or practicing martial arts hard. But I think the financial The department is very similar to martial arts training. The tax department is like our fists and feet. The budget department is like our experience to judge the enemy's punches and our own counterattack. The tax and law department is like our martial arts routines. The supervision department is our eyes. Ears. For fighters, fists, feet, experience, martial arts, eyes and ears are all very important, but they are useless when taken out alone. Only by fusing them together through our brains can we achieve the best condition, so the final fusion of them The brain is what matters!"

"The Chancellor is the brains of the Treasury!"

"As the Minister of Finance, he is not required to be cautious because Deputy Codd reminded him! As the Minister of Finance, he does not need to be rich in experience, because there are four Lord Shangsi who will assist him! But he must have enough Fusion ability, integrate the entire financial department into a single body, an impeccable one!"

"The Earl of Saphiroth was in the intricate form of the Northwest Province that day. He was able to lift weights like light, and surrounded him with different forces and different strengths. He was at his disposal. The means of fusion are very comparable! And in my case After taking over the Northwest, I realized that the environment in the Northwest is harsh and the methods of Saphiroth are powerful. After that, Saphiroth was dropped into the capital by His Majesty and accepted the important task. I must have taken a fancy to this. That's why I boldly proposed Earl Saphiroth to be the Minister of Finance !"

Godsend finished it in one breath!

The lobby is quiet!
"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Duke Kate's crisp applause, "The minister is the brain! Well said, well said! The essence of the imperial bureaucracy hits the nail on the head! One word expresses my experience of being an official for decades!"

Godsend bowed, "My lord Duke Kate praised me!"

"No, no, no! I really admire it!" Duke Kate looked at Tianci and nodded appreciatively.


The applause from all around was like a tide.

"To the Regent, I think what the Marquis of Tianci said is very true! Now I very much agree with the Superintendent, the Earl of Saphiroth, as the Acting Minister of Finance!" The Governor of the Northern Province, Marquis Bernard, stood up and walked to Tianci's body at the right time. beside.

Marquis Dolan, Governor of the Northeast Province, looked at the expressions of admiration from many officials around him, and stood up and walked to the other side of Tianci, "To the Regent, I also agree with the Superintendent of Supervision, Earl Saphiroth, to be the Acting Minister of Finance!"

The other five governors sat silently on their chairs and said nothing!Tianci's words have already resonated with all the officials in the hall, let alone Duke Kate who set the tone!

The eldest prince looked at Tianci, his face changed from cloudy to sunny, "Hehe, a hero is born as a boy, no wonder the father and king value you so much!"

"The Marquis of Godsend proposed Earl Saphiroth to be the Acting Minister of Finance. Is there any objection?"

"We all agree with Earl Sephiroth as Acting Minister of Finance!" More than a hundred officials in the hall bowed together and said.

"We also agree that Earl Saphiroth will be the Acting Minister of Finance!" The five governors and marquises stood up unwillingly.

"Brother, we also agree!" The third and sixth princes stood up.

The eldest prince gritted his teeth, "Okay! Since everyone thinks so, then I, as the regent, will appoint Earl Saphiroth as the acting finance minister of the empire to be in charge of all the financial dignitaries temporarily! Come on, please issue a decree from heaven!"

The appointment of the three ministers can only be made by the order of amnesty!
After writing, the eldest prince stamped the seal of the regent, and the third and sixth princes stamped the seal of the assistant regent!

"I, Saphiroth, thank the regent and assistant minister for their trust. All my colleagues have recommended me. I will definitely fulfill my duties and contribute all my strength to the empire!" Earl Saphiroth stepped forward to receive the order of amnesty.

Tianci looked at everything that happened in front of him, and smiled wryly in his heart!

After the government ended, Tianci was the first to walk out of the hall, and Earl Sephiroth also walked out quickly, "The remarks made by the Marquis of Tianci today really impressed me! I also want to thank you for your promotion!"

Tianci stopped, "Earl Sephiroth, you are smarter than me, and you are more familiar with the officialdom than me. This finance minister is not a good thing, don't you blame me for pushing you down the crater, the edge of the cliff?"

Safeiros sneered, "The Marquis of Godsend doesn't know me yet. I like it more and more! And I'm so desperate, I can do whatever I want! Some time ago, I was trying to find a way out for this position, but I didn't expect that today You will send brocade clusters!"

During the conversation, many officials came out to congratulate Safeiros, Tianci took the opportunity to leave quickly!

The carriages of all the adults were parked at the gate of the palace, and Tianci sat on the carriage, silent!

The carriage creaked and drove towards An Tian Mansion next to it.

"Godsend, your remarks today really surprised me! You said yesterday that it was not suitable, but today you can handle this dispute so skillfully! Even I am astonished!" Duke Kate said gratified.

"Brother, what on earth are you thinking? I thought there would be a big battle today, but I didn't expect you to be invisible in just a few words!" Nero asked.

Godsent sighed, "I also hit it by mistake! At that time, I actually wanted to imitate the governor of the Northern Province, Marquis Bernard, who dodged it. No one would offend me! But suddenly I remembered Sephiroth, and my intention was to tease him and let myself off the hook. Yes, who knew that he was actually pushed up!"

Duke Kate and Nero's eyes widened, and then they laughed loudly, "So that's the case! But it's also good, so that the two princes won't fight for this position!"

Godsend was not without emotion, "Hey! I thought that all the officials of the empire were selected through assessment, but I didn't expect that a few words of my nonsense would determine the first-class minister of the empire!"

"Brother, in fact, other officials in the empire are selected through assessment, but the position of minister is too important and special, so it is impossible to pass the assessment and selection alone, but to go through various evaluations! For example, today, they all want to compete for this position. It is useless to use a position to strengthen one's own strength and capital. What is important is whether the candidate is one of his own and whether he is working for himself! That's why my grandfather said that the palace is the most reasonable and at the same time the most unreasonable !"

Tianci shook his head helplessly, "Grandpa is right! But that's fine, at least Safeiros is neither! He belongs to His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, how do you know?"

"It's very simple. What he did in our Northwest, and His Majesty's recall of him to be promoted to the title and arranged for him to be reused by the Finance Department can all be explained!"

Duke Kate thought for a while, "God's gift is right! I didn't think too much about it at the time. The only newcomer to the finance department these years is Saphiroth, and I think His Majesty can think that Duke Meister will run away when he is in danger, so he will send Saphiroth Fei Luos arranged to come in, in order to replace Mesto for a period of time in the future! I said that I once mentioned to His Majesty that Sa Fei Luos is more suitable to come to our Ministry of Government Affairs, but His Majesty insisted on letting him advance to the Finance Department. His Majesty has far-reaching vision. I can't wait!"

Tianci and Nero couldn't help being moved!

(End of this chapter)

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