Godsend Field

Chapter 255 Report

Chapter 255 Report
Antian Mansion is the place where officials at all levels of the empire deal with important affairs. It is surrounded by a dark red tile wall more than three meters high. The spacious and magnificent gate has more than 20 imperial guards standing solemnly on both sides of the gate!Drive in from the gate, and several lofts of different heights are located in the middle.The surrounding area is full of vegetation and beautiful trees, and the cobblestones are paved with uneven ground.

When they came to the largest attic in the middle, the carriage stopped. Tianci and Nero supported Duke Kate and walked down.

"Grandpa, are you going to deal with government affairs next?" Tianci asked.

"Well, such a big empire has endless things to do every day, and it can't be missed every day!" Duke Kate said a little tiredly, "Fortunately, Nero is here recently, helping me share a large part of it!"

"Nile is really capable! Grandpa, if there is nothing else, I want to go back to the Duke's Mansion first!" Tianci said.

Duke Kate nodded, "Yeah, you just came back yesterday, and today you're going to court! Go back and have a rest!"

After Tianci and Duke Kate said goodbye, they drove towards the Duke's mansion in a carriage.

Duke Kate stood for a long time looking at the back of Tianci going away.

"Grandpa, why don't you go in?" Nero held Duke Kate's arm, "Are you looking at brother?"

Duke Kate shook his head and sighed, "I'm not looking at him, I'm looking at Your Majesty! Why does Your Majesty always see people so accurately? And I tend to underestimate certain people! These little people are always at critical moments. It can make a big difference!"

Tianci no longer thinks about those political struggles, and returns to his heart like an arrow!I don't know how anxious Lier will be when she wakes up and can't see herself!And Lier's legs, I have to go to Dean Rafael to ask if there is any way!

Back at Duke Kate's mansion, and walked into Ning Garden, Lier and Jane were sitting in the gazebo, Lier's wheelchair had been brought over from Imperial College, and the two were peeling oranges to eat.

Tianci strode forward.

When Lier saw Tianci approaching, she immediately picked up the plate in front of her, with peeled orange petals on it, "Brother Tianci, try this, it's very sweet!"

Tianci took out a piece from the plate and stuffed it into his mouth, "It's so sweet!"

"I think you have a sweet heart! That plate is obviously sour!" Jane picked up the plate in front of her, "Try this!"

Tianci grinned, picked up a petal and put it in his mouth, with a bitter expression on his face, "Well, this... this one is also very sweet!"

Jane and Lier looked at each other, and burst out laughing, "How about Lier, every word is right!"

Tianci looked at Li'er in bewilderment, and Li'er held back a smile, "Auntie Zhen and I just guessed what you would say after eating our oranges, but Auntie Zhen guessed every word right!"

Tianci was depressed, she used to make fun of Lier and her father because they were easy to bully. 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, now it's my turn.

Jane was even more happy, "Even if you can talk, these are sweet, eat them!"

Tianci looked at the plate handed over by Jane hesitated!

"Brother Tianci, these are really sweet!" Lier picked up a petal and put it in her mouth.

"Hehe, how can the ones given by mom not be sweet? I'm just thirsty!" Tianci then relieved himself, picked up three or four and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Pfft!" Tianci spit it out in one gulp, still sour.

Ha ha!Hahaha!


A ball of fiery red flew out from the attic, swiftly leaped onto Tianci's shoulder, and kept gesticulating with its two little paws.

"Heavenly gift, what happened to Yu'er? After you left today, it has been shouting and gesticulating like this. Li'er and I can't understand it. Could it be some kind of illness or discomfort?" Zhen asked worriedly , stretched out a white hand and gently stroked Yu'er's little head.

Tianci smiled slightly, "Mom, don't worry it's fine! It just misses Qin'er!"

"Qin'er? Does it miss Qin'er?" Zhen felt incredible.

"Puchi!" Li'er suddenly laughed, pointing at the center of Yu'er's eyebrows, "What a little greedy ghost, I still remember after so long! If you really let you eat, Qin'er won't let you eat poorly Already!"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er yelled at Li'er dissatisfied, stretched out her paw to scratch Tianci, and pointed outside.Seeing that there was no movement from Tianci, he simply jumped down, biting Tianci's official uniform and pulling it out.

Jane looked at Yu'er, "What's going on here?"

"Mom, when we went to Xilan Mountain, Yu'er helped Qin'er make medicine, and the reward was to let Yu'er eat at Phoenix Restaurant for a month!"

"One month..." Zhen exclaimed, "You lost more than 200 purple gold coins last time! Yu'er, don't go, if you dare to go, I will let you lose weight for two months when you come back!"

Swinging her big tail and pinching her little butt, Yu'er continued to pull Tianci.Those who have military merit these days are uncles, who is afraid of whom?

Zhen Qi knot, Yu'er was also raised by himself, but Yu'er and Tianci are very close, they can even understand each other's meaning and communicate with each other.He still listens to himself in ordinary small matters, but when it comes to such big things as eating and drinking, only Tianci can take care of Yu'er.

Tianci bent over and hugged Yu'er, "Okay, okay! I understand, I'll go collect debts for you after I change my clothes!"

Yu'er just stopped!

"Godsend, Mr. Clark has been waiting for you for a long time, and he is in the living room. After you change your clothes, go see him first!" Jane said.


Suddenly there was a loud roar from the top of the attic.

Beside Bai Feng, Bai Ying couldn't help trembling.Even the three of Tianci were taken aback!
"Dad? What's wrong with Dad?" Tianci looked worriedly.

The attic window opened, and a figure rushed down and landed outside the gazebo. It was An Rui. An Rui looked dumbfounded and dazed.

"Dad!" "Uncle An Rui!" "Rui!"

It took a while for An Rui to calm down, and looked at the three of them and smiled foolishly.

"Zi! Zi!" Suddenly, Anrui became angry!
"Ah!!" The three Tianci looked at An Rui in surprise, and it turned out to be a deep purple grudge. . .deep purple. . .An Rui actually advanced to the eighth level Great Sword Master!

"Father, you are..." Tianci was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I would be able to advance so quickly!" An Rui's palm became a sword, and he felt a stronger force coming out.The palm of the sword swung down, and a faint purple sword energy flew two meters away before disappearing.

"Sword Qi! Dad, you are so powerful!" Tianci said enviously, although it is not the same as the sword Qi used by Brigitte to kill himself in the gray wetland, after all, it has produced a qualitative leap from scratch!

An Rui himself also found it unbelievable. He just wanted to try it out, but he didn't expect the sword energy to really arise.

"Father, Master didn't say that your battle qi realm is not stable, but also asked you to stop all martial arts practice and concentrate on fighting qi. How did you advance so quickly?" Tianci asked.

"I don't know... You guys talk first, I'm going to meditate for a while, to stabilize this state!" An Rui finished speaking, and walked to the upper floor of the attic by himself.After returning from Nero, I felt that power entered my body every day, and my body was also eagerly absorbing this power.Just yesterday when Anrui heard that Yu'er was already a seventh-level monster, he felt emotional when he was about to go to bed at night. He suddenly felt a promotion, and hurried to the highest level to retreat, but he didn't expect that he would really be promoted at noon!
"Okay Godsend, don't be in a daze, isn't it good for your father to advance? You should go and change your clothes to see Clark, he has been waiting for you!" Jane urged.

Only then did Tianci go back to his room, change out of his official uniform, and put on his usual loose clothes.

"Li'er, come and listen to it with me. You are also very interested in the Northwest affairs!"

Lier looked at Tianci with great interest, and then at Jane, "I still won't go, I'll chat with Aunt Zhen!"

Would Jane not understand what Lier was thinking? "Li'er, you'd better go with Tianci. I'll go to the kitchen and heat it up. Your grandma isn't in good health recently. I'll go and see her!"

Tianci pushed Lier to the living room, where Clark had already been waiting.Next to him were several familiar staff butlers chatting with Clark. They used to think that Clark's trip to the northwest was a thankless job. Who knew that he would suddenly become the stately governor of the empire, even though he was only an agent. . .The envy is beyond words.

Seeing Tianci come in, all the staff butlers and others bowed and retreated.Clark hurried forward to salute Tianci and Lier.

"Clark, you are the governor now, and I'm just a lord under your management, so don't be so polite!" Tianci said with a smile.

Clark looked embarrassed, "Master, don't make fun of me! Although I am the acting governor of the Northwest, I understand it in my heart! Your Majesty wants to hand over the Northwest Province to you, but he doesn't want you to stay in the Northwest for a long time. , That's why I came up with such a method, let me help you manage the Northwest Province, you can flex your muscles in the capital! I will always be just your staff to help you look after the Northwest!"

How could God not know about this?
"Sit down, too. After coming out of the palace, you must have something to do with me?" Tianci asked.

Clark smiled, and carefully sat under Tianci, "Eldest Young Master, Miss Lier, I'm here to report to you about the situation in the Northwest, and then I bid farewell!"

"You want to leave?"

"Yes! Now the Northwest is developing very fast, I have to go back and guard it. And the Eldest Young Master is back, you can decide the affairs of the Northwest, and it's useless for me to stay!"

"Does Grandpa know?" Tianci asked.

"I haven't said it yet! I have followed Duke Kate for many years, and the Duke must also hope that I can go back to the northwest as soon as possible. The northwest is a battleground between the two princes. If there is no one to sit in it, I am afraid that there will be some troubles again. At that time, the Duke Your Excellency thought that I was the acting governor and hoped that I could stay in the northwest, but I was forced to return to the capital because of repeated urging from the regent and assistant regent!"

Naturally, Tianci can figure out how desperate the eldest prince and the third prince are to get the Northwest Province. "Well, I wonder how the situation in the Northwest is now?"

"Back to the young master, the situation in the Northwest is very good now. Both the Meister Chamber of Commerce and the Barr Chamber of Commerce have entered the state, and there are many small chambers of commerce that have also entered our Northwest under the name of cooperation between the Meister Chamber of Commerce and the Barr Chamber of Commerce. Our finances are already in surplus, not only that, but our population has also increased. The Fengxue Religion is also relatively stable these days, and the taxes in the three cities of Kule have been decreasing year by year, but it is a pity that the salt of Tianlei Lake ...The surrounding urban roads and main official roads are all under repair and will be completed within three to five years. I think the young master will be satisfied if he goes to the Northwest next time. As for security, our [-] guards have been completely eliminated. There are also bandits in the surrounding areas in the fief, and Ms. Lorna has contributed a lot! Together with Captain Gru and Captain Chenwu, the law and order in the northwest is now very good!" Clark took out a ledger and handed it to Tianci." Young master, this is the account..."

Tianci pushed open the account, "I don't understand this, just let you take charge! You can go back this time and help me convey it, promote Lorna to the deputy head of the two regiments, and let Chenwu and Gelu come to the capital to help me! "

"Well, I got it! Now that the capital is changing, it will be much better with Captain Chenwu here!" Clark put away the account book, "Master, your two former roommates also came to our Northwest, but they are working as servants. It seems that the Corps is quite tired!"

"Let's be tired if you're tired, more exercise will be good for them!" Tianci said with a smile, "There's one more person who almost forgot, have you seen Alkin from our family?"

"I saw it! According to the young master's wishes, I gave him a medium-grade weapon, and then sent someone to General Seiya. I heard that General Seiya wanted him to be his bodyguard at first, but Alkin did not I want to be the captain of the army!"

Tianci nodded in satisfaction, she really saw Alkin right at the beginning!Take out a space ring and give it to Clark, "There are a lot of space rings and high-grade middle-grade weapons here, take them back and equip your personal guards!"

space ring. . .Top-grade middle-grade weapons. . .Still a lot!
"Young master, next to our Duke's mansion, there is a large courtyard next to the backyard. That is our Marquis' mansion. When I came, I brought five hundred guards to the Marquis' mansion. They will be left for the young master to call." , I’ll hire a mercenary group to go back!”

Tianci was taken aback, "Our Marquis Mansion?"

Clark forced a smile, "Master, the matter of baptism in the fief...and you are already a member of the empire, how can you not have your own mansion?"

Tianci understands that blood relationship does not allow, and he is no longer a member of the Kate family!
"Don't worry about it, young master. We can open a gate on the middle wall. Isn't this the same as our own home?"

Tianci smiled easily, "I know!"

"Young Master, if it's okay, I'll go and bid farewell to the Duke! I'm really not used to staying in the capital these months, hahaha, I've wanted to go back to the northwest for a long time. When the young master returns to the northwest next time, I'm sure I won't recognize him. The city of Salt has been transformed!"

Tianci stood up and saluted, "Then there is Mr. Law Clark!"

Tianci pushed Li'er back to Ning Yuan, put away the wheelchair and sat on Bai Ying's back with Li'er, and Bai Ying ran towards the Imperial College with all his strength.

On the upper floor of the city gate, a personal guard hurried over.

"My lord, I have already found out that Clark hired five regiments from the Mercenary Union to escort him back to the northwest, and none of the personal guards he brought were taken away! Do we want to go halfway..."

Glancing at the guard, he said angrily, "He's just a cover. He really decides that the people in the Northwest are in the capital. As long as he's still here, it won't matter how many pretense you kill! Tell everyone, don't act recklessly to scare the snake!"

"Yes!" The guard ran down in a hurry.

In the Imperial College, Bai Ying walked leisurely in the grove alone, touched a young leaf, and tasted it.

Tianci pushed Li'er into Dean Rafal's study.

"Li'er!" "Qin'er!"

The two girls who were like sisters pulled together, and Qin'er asked with concern.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er jumped down from Tianci's shoulder and pulled Qin'er's mage robe.

"Why, why are you pulling me all the time!" Qin'er said, her palm moved slightly, and a piece of stewed meat appeared in her hand, "Okay, you can eat it, don't disturb me to see Li'er's legs!"

The red shadow moved, and the stewed meat in Qin'er's hand was swept away by Yu'er's tail, rolling and falling into the corner of the wall.


Qin'er frowned, pouted and just wanted to reprimand Yu'er.

"Qin'er!" Li'er quickly grabbed Qin'er, "Do you still remember what you promised Yu'er to the Green Bee Queen?"

Qin'er was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized, "Hmph, so you still remember, Smelly Feather! If you want me to cash in, you can waste a piece of my stewed meat, and I will cancel it for you..."

"Swoosh!" Yu'er ran to the corner, her little paws hooked up the stewed meat and rushed to Tianci's shoulder, ready to stuff the stewed meat for Tianci to eat, her stomach was ready to eat sweet fish and spicy meat!

"Puchi!" Qin'er and Li'er were teased by Yu'er, and even Dean Rafael smiled.Tianci took the stewed meat in his hands shamelessly, wiped off the dust, don't waste it!
Qin'er walked to Rafal's desk, took a pen and wrote a note, stamped her own mark and handed it to Yu'er, "Take this to the Phoenix restaurant in the college, I will cover the top floor there, and you Go there and eat!"

Yu'er rolled her eyes slyly, looking back and forth at Qin'er with a dissatisfied expression.

Qin'er patted Yu'er on the head, "What do you look at, the chefs at Fenghuang Restaurant are the same as those at Fenghuang Restaurant, since you won't go, then forget it!" She was about to take back the note in her hand.

"Aww~~" Yu'er quickly jumped up and bit the paper accurately, then ran out wagging her big tail.

"Principal Rafal, I came this time to ask about Li'er's legs, can they be cured?" Tianci waited for Yu'er to run away before asking.

Dean Rafal walked up to Li'er and tapped Li'er's legs lightly, "Do you feel it?"

Lil shook her head.

"Don't worry! When the imperial doctor examined you, he said that the root of your disease is not in your legs but in your heart. If you come back today, the root of the disease in your heart should also be eliminated, so there is still great hope for recovery! Dean Rafal stroked Li'er's hair lovingly, "Didn't you stand up yesterday?"

Lier is relieved now!

"Qin'er, take Lier to the bedroom, help Lier rub her legs, and then stimulate them with warm and ice water!" Dean Rafal ordered.

"Understood, Master!" Qin'er pushed Li'er towards the bedroom next door.

Dean Rafal returned to his seat, and Tianci stood in front.The dean sent Qin'er Lier away, he must have something to tell him!
"Heavenly gift, I heard that you went to court to discuss politics today?"

"Yes! Your Majesty once handed over the Northwest Province to me and gave me his heart, so I can't live up to His Majesty's high expectations! Today's government is mainly about electing an acting finance minister. At that time, I was careless..."

Dean Rafal waved his hand and stopped, "You don't need to tell me about the results of your court proceedings. Unless faced with a major decision, the previous saints generally do not participate in politics, ignore politics or even listen to politics. Do you know why?"

Tianci shook his head.

"With the ability and status of the saints, it is easy to control the government, so the previous saints have watched the form of the empire from the sidelines. Whether it is prosperous or declining, we are just bystanders and cannot participate in political affairs for a long time. !"

"Dean, if the empire is going into decline, why don't you..."

"No, it's impossible to make an exception, and it's easy to abuse it!" Dean Rafal sighed, "Actually, I'm a lucky saint. I made a decision, and I can see the empire from weak to strong. As Wells As a member of the empire, I hope that this strength can be maintained forever, at least until I die. So we must have a wise monarch like His Majesty. As a saint, I can do nothing, but you do Ministers and important officials can control the future of the empire, I hope you can elect a wise new king for the empire!"

Tianci nodded, "I will do my best!"

(End of this chapter)

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