Godsend Field

Chapter 256 Resignation

Chapter 256 Resignation
Dean Rafal sat on the seat and leaned on his back, pressing one hand on the dilapidated general history of the mainland, "Looking around us humans for more than 3 years, there have been countless dynasties and empires, and these dynasties and empires are like the continuous The mountains rise and fall. In the long river of history, there are always more incompetent kings than wise and capable kings!"

"What the dean said is very true. I have also read some general histories of the mainland. The rise of each empire is like climbing a mountain. It often takes decades or even generations of hard work by kings, but its decline is like going down a mountain. In just ten years Enough!" Tianci sighed.

Dean Rafael raised his eyebrows, "It's good that you understand this truth! Now that the three princes are fighting openly and secretly, which one of them do you think is more suitable for succession?"

Tianci was in a dilemma. It would be easy to answer if asked by someone else, but it would be difficult for Dean Rafal to answer the question. You must know that Dean Rafal has the ability to determine the affiliation of the king.

"Dean, although I have been in contact with the eldest prince and the third prince, but I don't know it very well, so I can't answer this question. I heard that the dean once made a shocking choice back then, and I must have my own heart now. I am willing to listen with all my ears!"

"Hahaha, Godsend, I went to the council hall once and became cunning and cunning!" Dean Rafal suddenly laughed, "Are you trying to get something out of me? Then your efforts are in vain. Back then His majesty was young but showed great talent and great strategy, while the second prince was cowardly and incompetent. His mother's family used their connections to quickly increase their status and power. The greedy heart was suddenly revealed. If it could not be removed as soon as possible, it would definitely leave hidden dangers for the empire. Now it is different, the three The princes have their own talents and achievements, and the noble concubines behind them are all honest and weak, I will definitely not be like that back then."

Dean Rafael stared at Tianci, "The most important thing is that no one can make a choice when the king died, but now that His Majesty is alive, how can I be involved in politics?"

Tianci understood, "Dean, I heard that His Majesty has woken up many times, so why don't you take this opportunity to ask His Majesty who will succeed you?"

"If this is the case, why do the three princes have to fight openly and secretly? Even if His Majesty wakes up, he will mostly be in a daze, and his speech will be vague, and he will not be able to ask about the establishment of the reserve!"

"Dean, can I visit His Majesty if I want to?"

"It's difficult! Now the three princes have sent people to guard His Majesty together. If you want to see Your Majesty, I'm afraid you have to get the approval of the three princes! And I don't think they will let you do it!"

Tianci smiled slightly, no one can stop what he has made up his mind to.

"Tianci, have you seen the three elders in Genoa this time?"

Tianci nodded, "Dean, I saw it, and I also agreed to their request! But recently I have some doubts, and I want to ask the dean!"

"Go ahead!"

"We used to only know the Empire Saint and Thunder Sword Saint. The old pope is a level nine powerhouse. This time, the three pavilion elders I met are also level nine powerhouses. So I would like to ask you, our Allianz Continent Above, how many ninth-level powerhouses are there?"

"Ninth level can be said to be the pinnacle of our Allianz Continent. As for how many people are above the pinnacle, ordinary people don't need to know! But since the elders are willing to see you, it means they recognize you, and you should also understand Take a moment! We are on the Allianz Continent..." Suddenly Dean Rafal paused, his forehead wrinkled suddenly, and he relaxed again, "The one who should come is finally here!"

"Den! Deng! Deng!"

The wooden floor made a sound, and a familiar figure appeared at the door.

"Dean!" Roland lowered his head in shame.

"Come in!" Dean Rafal stared at Roland with complicated expressions in his eyes.

Roland held the spirit weapon in both hands, and respectfully placed it on Dean Rafal's desk, and took two steps back to stand side by side with Tianci.

Burning Heat has returned to its former simplicity, and has already released Roland from the recognition of the Lord!

"Decided? What did Weiss say?"

"Master asked me to explain to you myself, he said he has no face to come to see you!" Roland replied with his head down ashamed.

Dean Rafal held the scorching heat in one hand and gently stroked it, "Since the first saint Terry Daqi handed down this spiritual weapon, scorching heat, it has always been the successor of the saints of our Welsh empire." Owning him is equivalent to owning the sacred weapon, the holy staff Liutian. How many magicians and wizards in the empire have dreamed of it since 8226 years ago. Is it really so worthless in your eyes?"

Roland suddenly knelt down, "Dean, it's not that I look down on burning heat, it's because I'm not worthy of burning heat. I can't comprehend the mystery and meaning of the fire element at all, and I can't become a magician at all!"

Dean Rafal was startled, his eyes widened, "What did you say? Say it again!!"

"Principal, I can't comprehend any mysteries and mysteries of the fire element, and I can't inherit your inheritance!" Roland's eyes were moist.I have dealt with fire elements since I was a child, and they are the ones who make me respected and have status. Now I have to say goodbye to them completely, so how can I not feel sad or lost?

"Impossible, how is this possible?" Dean Rafal couldn't believe it.

"Dean, it's true! And now I'm only two levels below the level of magic!"

"Nonsense!" Dean Rafal yelled angrily, and a magic test crystal ball appeared with a slight movement of the palm of his hand, "Take your hand here!"

Roland put his hand on the crystal ball and concentrated all his mental power.The crystal ball glowed a faint red, as if the fire was flickering in the wind and might be extinguished at any moment.

"Clang!" The crystal ball fell to the ground. . .Dean Rafal instantly aged several decades, and waved his hand, "You all go out, I want to be quiet!"

Tianci and Roland saluted and exited Dean Rafal's attic.Yu'er took Qin'er's note and ran to the Phoenix restaurant, Tianci ordered Baiying to rest in the woods next to the attic. The environment here is elegant, and Baiying was also very satisfied.It's just that Shiro Shadow still hated Roland as always, and he didn't even want to get close to him!
Tianci and Roland were speechless all the way, and they walked into the villa silently. Roland's fire villa has not changed, it is still the same one. The former roommates have already graduated and left the college to go their separate ways. Put your own things into the space ring one by one!
"Roland, what are you going to do?" Tianci grabbed Roland's hand and asked.

Roland smiled wryly, "Tianci, do you think I'm still qualified to live in the villa now? I'm afraid I won't even be able to stay in this academy!"

Only four levels can become a bachelor to stay in the academy, but now Roland only has two levels left. . .

Tianci let go of his hand, "Then what are you going to do from now on?"

"I don't know, let's go back to the Duke first!" Roland continued to pack his things. Except for some personal items, he kept all the other books about magic, and only took away a firework with a embroidered one on it. Wear a robe.

In the end, he gently placed a small handwritten notebook on the table in the living room, and Roland looked back at the familiar room with nostalgia, "Let's go! This should be the last gift for the fire-type apprentices!"

Just like the sensation that Dean Rafal bestowed Roland with the scorching heat that day, the news that Roland returned the scorching heat to Dean Rafal disappeared, and even Dean Rafal went to the palace to confirm this in person. information.

The city is full of wind and rain. . .

People panic. . .

In a certain bustling city of the Welsh Empire, dark clouds were hanging over the city.

The light rain fell and gradually turned into heavy rain, and the sheds erected at the entrance of the street inn were filled with rainwater, which was heavy.Xiaoer took a wooden stick and pushed it vigorously, and the stagnant water flowed down the edge of the shed.

"Crack!" A porcelain bowl smashed to pieces on the ground!
"Damn it, I thought he was some kind of powerful character before? He turned out to be a coward!" A big man touched the drink near his mouth and cursed, very sad and angry.

"Nalan, you are right. I used to be proud that our empire produced two magic geniuses in a row. Who knew it would be like this. The same is true for Lord Saint. Why did you choose such a person? Now it's good, I'm afraid the whole continent They are all laughing at us!" The big man next to him slammed the wine bowl on the table, and the unfinished wine in the bowl splashed and fell on the table. "What kind of virtue is that Roland? I really want to see it!"

"What are you looking at, what is there to see? If you let me see it, I will be slapped when I go up! Coward!"

"I said you two, don't stand and talk without back pain! Do you think it's so easy to be a saint? We have tens of millions of people in the empire paying attention, which is a lot of pressure!" A gentle man walked by. young people.

Everyone in the inn focused their attention on the young man.

"What do you know? Pressure, shit!"

"There is no hair on your mouth, and your words are unreliable! What are you yelling about here? The empire is five thousand years old, and the chosen heir has retreated before the battle? How can others bear the pressure, but he alone? I said it was him Bitch!"

"Yes, that's right. There's a lot of pressure. Why did you take the scorching spirit weapon back then? Now you can't stand the pressure and come back. Are you still a man? Are you from our Welsh Empire?"

. . . . . .

The surrounding guests stopped eating, denounced the young man, and cursed Roland!
The young man was besieged by everyone, and he had to defend himself at first, but two fists were no match for four hands, how could one mouth be no match for a hundred mouths?Unable to bear it any longer, the young man covered his ears and ran out of the inn.

"Nandy!!" A girl rushed out, holding an umbrella.

Nandi stood in the rain, letting the water wash over her.

"Lisa, what they said is not true. I know that Roland is not a cowardly person. I have lived with him for nearly ten years, and I am also next to him who comprehended the Heart of Fire. He is very strong, very strong !” Nandy shouted excitedly.

Lisa put the umbrella on top of Nandi's head and patted Nandi's heaving back lightly, "I know! I believe in you! I believe that he is a strong man!"

The heavy rain is still falling, falling on every city, town, and village in the empire. . .

"Freezing technique!!" There was a clear and delicate cry.

"Soldier! Soldier!" A thin layer of ice immediately formed on Lier's exposed calf, emitting a slight chill.

"Cold...cold...!" Lier suddenly shouted.

Tianci was overjoyed, and excitedly grabbed Lier's shoulder, "What did you say? What did you say?"

Lier hit the thin ice with her hands, her shoulders hurt slightly, "My legs feel cold!"

Tianci was ecstatic, let go of Li'er's shoulders and jumped on the lawn, doing somersaults.


Yu'er yelled and ran to Li'er's legs, with a slight force on her big tail, the ice layer was completely shattered.The big soft tail rubbed against Lier's calf, and the cold skin quickly returned to warmth.

"Yu'er, be good!" Li'er stretched out her hand to hug Yu'er, and put it on her face affectionately.After a while, Yu'er twisted and jumped down, sticking out a small nail.

Lier shook her head in embarrassment, "I don't have so many purple gold coins!"

Yu'er turned Thief's big watery eyes, and the eyeballs went straight to Qin'er next to her.

Li'er blushed slightly, and she had never asked anyone to borrow Zijin coins. . .

"Hmph! Smelly Yu'er, do you know how many purple gold coins you ate from me last month? This princess can only eat steamed stuffed buns and drink cold water even this month!" Qin'er stared at Yu'er annoyedly, "You still want to blackmail me ,no way!"

Tianci ran back and yelled in the attic. Jane and Anrui ran out of the attic when they heard the noise.

"Dad, Mom, Li'er's legs are feeling!" Tianci couldn't help shouting.

"Really!" An Rui and Zhen were overjoyed, and hurried over to ask.

An Rui was relieved, "Great, I'm really afraid that if Lier doesn't get better, how can I explain to Brother Claire!"

Zhen cried out happily, wiped her tears and walked to the side holding Qin'er's little hand, "Miss Qin'er, it's been hard work for you these past two months, please come and sit down quickly! Thank you, Miss Qin'er! "

Tianci put away his excitement, "Qin'er, thank you so much!"

Qin'er twitched unnaturally, "Thank you...thank you! Li'er is my sister, so it's none of your business for me to take care of my sister!"

Tianci smiled and said nothing, Qin'er's knife mouth was always sharp.

"Li'er, take a good rest! I'll go back to the academy and tell the dean the good news. The master said that the ice and fire stimulation can stop after you regain consciousness in your legs! And you brat, you can go to the palace and the imperial doctor to get it when you have time." Get some medicine!"

Qin'er stretched out and said goodbye to An Ruizhen to go back.

"Brother Tianci, help me send Qin'er back to the academy!" Lier said.

Tianci nodded.

"Hmph! Whoever wants him to deliver it, I can go back by myself!" Qin'er pouted and sipped at Li'er.

Tianci chuckled, "If you don't want to send it off, then let's go together, I just happen to have something to ask the dean!"

Watching Tianci and Qin'er walk out of Ningyuan, Li'er bent her body and kept stroking her calf with both hands, leaving two lines of tears on her face happily.

Dean Rafal still looked at the general history of the mainland quietly, and the influence he received in the past two months seemed to have subsided.

"Master!" Qin'er was as happy as a three or four-year-old child. "Master, Lier's legs are feeling! Today she felt my freezing technique!"

"Really!!" Dean Rafal's eyes flashed golden light, and his face was rosy.This is the only good news I have heard these days!

"Master, what should we do next?" Qin'er asked.

"Follow what the imperial doctor said, let Li'er learn to walk slowly while holding on to the frame, and you can support it a little more! And Godsend, next you try to see Li'er as little as possible, she is too dependent on you Strong, she won't be able to reach her potential if you're by her side!"

"Yes, Dean!" Tianci said respectfully.

"Master, you talk, I'll make some medicine for Li'er!" Qin'er said happily and ran out of the study.

"The weather is nice today, do you want to go out for a walk?" Dean Rafal stood up and asked.Tianci followed Dean Rafal all the way to the clearing in the woods outside the attic, and the sack formation was still there.

"If you want to ask me anything, just say it!"

"Dean, last time I asked about the ninth-level powerhouse on the mainland..."

"Fifteen to twenty!"

Tianci was startled suddenly, and his heart trembled, "Fifteen to twenty?? But the ancestor clearly said that one palm that can reach level nine can be counted!"

"Vicari is right! You can count them with one palm in the open, but there are indeed many in the dark. Just like the three elders, everyone on the mainland knows that they exist, but who knows theirs? What is the real strength?" Dean Rafal said.


"Tianci, what was your level at that time? It shouldn't be higher than level five! At that time, you were not considered a strong person at all, so Vicari didn't tell you too much. But it's different now, you are known as eighth level. Invincible below the first level, although I don't know why you are so confident, but I think you are qualified to know!"

"Dean, please enlighten me!"

"Human cultivation is divided into elementary, intermediate, and peak. Just entering a new realm is regarded as elementary, fully mastering this realm is regarded as intermediate, and surpassing this realm is about to reach a new realm. We call it peak. These are suitable for one to one Eighth level. At ninth level, there are only two. Reaching ninth level is called elementary level and fully mastering this realm is called pinnacle!"

Tianci nodded, "I understand, the ninth level is not beyond this realm!"

"In the current mainland, there are three grades for the ninth-level powerhouses. The first grade is the ninth-level junior. Although people in this grade can break through the eighth-level realm, they cannot fully master the ninth-level. The other grade is Ninth-level peaks are those who have enough talent and ability to completely master the ninth-level realm. The last grade is the peak-level, that is, people who have not only mastered the ninth-level realm, but also possessed artifacts! The ninth-level strongs known on the mainland Those who are all belong to the peak power."

Tianci listened attentively, "Dean, in the ninth level, the peak is better than the junior, and the peak is stronger than the peak!"

"That's because the power is on the artifact, not itself!"

"Well, I understand! Then why don't these people at the beginning of the ninth level and at the peak of the ninth level come out?"

Dean Rafal chuckled, "The strong people who can become the ninth level in this world are very strong-willed people. They are all very conceited and no one is willing to be inferior. The beginning of the ninth level wants to reach the peak of the ninth level, and the ninth level Because the pinnacle will never be able to beat the pinnacle powerhouse, so they set their sights on another realm!"

"Holy level!" Tianci exclaimed.

"That's right! It's the holy level! Only when you reach the holy level can you defeat the peak power!" Dean Rafal sighed, "Your master is the most strong among them. It is clearly already the ninth level peak power. Voluntary!" Give up becoming the peak of the ninth level in order to pursue the realm of the holy level!"

Tianci smiled, "Master Zu is indeed such a person!"

"It's a pity that in so many thousands of years, who can really break through the ninth level and reach the holy level?" Dean Rafal shook his head, "So, a gift from God! Do you know what you said at the foot of Xilan Mountain? Did it cause any kind of commotion at our level?"

Tianci was taken aback, oops, how could I forget this! !

At that time, I just wanted to spread the news through the mouths of the great sword masters for the ancestors to hear.And at that time, only a few ninth-level powerhouses were known, not to mention that other ninth-levels might not believe what they said, only the ancestors would believe it.Who knows that there are so many ninth-level powerhouses on the mainland. . .

Miscalculation! !

(End of this chapter)

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