Godsend Field

Chapter 257 Retreat

Chapter 257 Retreat
Tianci smiled wryly. When he said those words, he didn't know that there were so many ninth-level powerhouses on the mainland.

"Tianci, even if you don't come to me these days, I will invite you!" Dean Rafal suddenly became polite. "I want to ask, did you really see the holy class that day?"

Tianci nodded, "Yes! But Dean, I can't tell you his name and identity!"

"It's okay, the name and identity are not important, but are those words really said by him?"


Dean Rafal became excited, "Then can you tell me what else he said at that time?"

Tianci said exactly what Ao Zhen and himself said about training that day, "Dean, that's what he said that day, I don't know the specific meaning!"

"The fusion of mages, the restraint of warriors! Fusion of mages... Fusion of mages... Fusion... What exactly do you mean?" Dean Rafael couldn't stop muttering.

Seeing Dean Rafael's gloomy eyes, Tianci couldn't help interjecting, "Dean, do you feel that there is actually something in your body? For example, cohesive, or very energetic, very special?"

Dean Rafal looked at Tianci suspiciously.

Although the ninth-level powerhouse has divine consciousness, it is too vague to understand the source of life, or because the source of life was left to him by his father, so he can see and use it!

"Principal, you must have divine consciousness, then you can imagine, if divine consciousness can materialize..." Tianci continued to remind vaguely.

Dean Rafal was still puzzled, but he also had some inspiration. He raised his hand suddenly, but stopped in mid-air before putting it down again, "Heavenly gift, go and call me all the department heads in the college. If you have Lier, you also bring it here!"

"Dean, you are..."

"Don't ask so many questions, just do as I say!"

Tianci stopped talking and walked out of the woods.

Back at the Duke's Mansion, Tianci hugged Lier and sat in the carriage.Although Shiraikage will be faster, no matter where Shiraikage appears, it will cause commotion and pursuit from the crowd.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the college, and Tianci strode into the college with Li'er in his arms.The students around had already learned about the general situation of the matter through the gossip, and looked at this pair of former influential figures with envy.Some people envy his beauty, some people envy her happiness!

Come into the attic and come to the study, Dean Rafal is still talking with the department heads.Qin'er stood beside her and motioned for Tianci to put Li'er on the back seat.

"Do you remember what I just said?" Dean Rafal asked.

"Remember!" the seven department heads said in unison.

Dean Rafal nodded, "Well, then you should go back first, each of you should keep your own people safe, no matter what happens to the empire, our academy must ensure stability. I will go to the palace later, if anyone dares to intervene and take advantage of In our college, I will make him completely disappear on the mainland."

"Then let's take our leave! I wish the dean an early success!" The seven department heads stood up and turned around, looked at Tianci with complicated expressions, and walked out of the attic with their heads down.

"Grandpa, you are in such a hurry to call me over. Is there something important?" Li'er asked anxiously after they left.

Dean Rafael smiled and walked up to Li'er, "Grandpa wants to meet you before he leaves!"

Li'er became anxious when she heard this, and said with a sore nose, "Grandpa, where are you going?"

"Silly boy!" Dean Rafal smiled kindly, looking in a good mood, "Grandpa is going to the manor to practice in seclusion, which may take a few years, so grandpa wants to see you. Wait a minute The next time Grandpa comes back, you will be able to stand up!"

"Retreat and practice!!" Tianci and Li'er were taken aback.

Dean Rafal nodded, "I didn't know the method before, so I could only explore it. Now that I know the method to break through the ninth level peak, of course I have to go to retreat and practice!"

After hearing this, Lier burst into tears and laughed, "So that's the case, then I wish Grandpa a breakthrough as soon as possible!"

Tianci was a little worried, "Principal, if you leave the capital to practice in seclusion in this situation, what if something earth-shattering happens?"

Dean Rafal sighed softly, "Of course I know! But there is no other way! In the past, all saints were nine-level peak powers, and the balance of power restricted each other, so that the mainland could be stable and the empire could have a long history. But now it is different. With As you said, there will be saints breaking through and advancing to the holy level at any time. At that time, the balance will be broken, and the empire with the holy level will no longer be restricted, and his empire can easily annex other empires, so I can't delay , I must immediately go to retreat and practice. As for the affairs of the empire, I can no longer care about it, I just hope that I will not fall behind others, and the empire will not be annexed by others!"

Both Tianci and Li'er could understand Dean Rafal's feelings.

Tianci regretted a little, "I knew it would happen, I shouldn't have said it, it's all my fault!"

"No, a gift from God! From a human point of view, you are right. You have pointed out the way for human beings to cultivate after the ninth level. From a personal point of view, I am also very grateful to you, but after all, I am a powerful person. The saint of the Erles Empire, I want to protect this empire! So I must guard against any possible occurrences!" Dean Rafal smiled slightly, "But you don't have to worry too much, it is not so easy to break through the ninth level to the holy level thing!"

This made Tianci feel a little more comfortable!
"Okay! You are all here, why don't you just have a meal with me! After eating, I'm about to leave! Qin'er, you have a sharp mouth, why don't you go and buy some delicious food?"

"Master, how can you say that, who has a sharp mouth!" Qin'er muttered and stomped her feet, but still trotted out obediently.Yu'er in Li'er's arms slipped away, and ran out after Qin'er.

"Heavenly gift, it won't be long before the matter of my departure will be made public. At that time, those individuals may all jump up. You should pay more attention! No matter who is the emperor among the three brothers in the end, in a word, the empire cannot be chaotic. !” Dean Rafal ordered.

Tianci smiled wryly, "Principal, I'm just a small lord. If you entrust me with such a heavy burden, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it!"

"There are two things that I admire the most about our Majesty. The first is the long-term vision, and the second is the selection of talents. Since he has selected you and reused you so much, then you must not be mediocre. I believe you will be able to do it!"

Tianci was even more distressed, "Dean, you also know that if you want to influence the government, you must either have power or wealth. I am just a lord, and I am the poorest lord in the Northwest. If you want me to influence the government, isn't that letting ants push down big trees?" ?”

"The ants are going to push down the big tree? Hahaha! That ant made Safeiros rise to the sky in one step two months ago? Your northwest is poor, but don't forget what's in the northwest!"

"Northwest Army? That has always been directly under His Majesty. All I can do is provide logistics!"

"Tianci, you don't know His Majesty too well! Since His Majesty has handed over the Northwest to you, how can you let you have nothing but airs?"

God-given trembled, "Dean, you mean...you mean that His Majesty sent the Northwest Army..."

Dean Rafael nodded, "According to what I know about His Majesty, there are nine out of ten chances! So you must not disappoint Your Majesty's high expectations of you! I still say that, anyone can be king, and the empire cannot be chaotic! "

Tianci suddenly felt that his responsibility was so heavy, so heavy!
After a while, Qin'er returned to the attic with a few food boxes, and the three of them had a good meal with Dean Rafal.The three wished Dean Rafal an early breakthrough respectively.

After eating delicious food, Dean Rafal stood up, "Okay, I should go too! After I leave, this place will be handed over to you two, Qin'er and Lier. I told the department head that no one can come in here. You can practice with peace of mind! Tianci, I am afraid that other than me, the other ninth-level peaks will disappear this time. There are only eighth-levels left on the mainland, and there may be ninth-level juniors. You should also pay attention to your own safety!"

"Thank you, Dean, for your concern!" Tianci bowed and saluted.

Dean Rafal laughed and left.

"Li'er, Qin'er, you will live here after you, I will let Bai Ying come to accompany you! I can also protect your safety!" Tianci said.Yu'er was still lying on the dining table at this time.

In fact, it is best for Yu'er to protect them, but if she is not around, someone else might transfer Yu'er away, let alone protect them.

"Bai Ying won't be like last time, run away if you have something to do!" Qin'er was a little worried.

"Hehe, no! The last time Shirai Shadow was going to inform me that Yu'er and I were entangled by Brigitte and Neville, so we didn't meet together. This time I gave orders, and it should be fine!
Only then did Qin'er feel relieved.

"Brother Tianci, what about you? Are you still coming to the academy?" Lier asked in a low voice.

"Of course, I will come to see you often!" Tianci said with a smile, but he was thinking of what Dean Rafael said in his heart.Qin'er can take care of Li'er here, and she really shouldn't come too much.

After Yu'er finished cleaning up the mess, Tianci carried Yu'er back to the Duke's mansion.

The Welsh Empire has a vast territory and a large population. To manage such an empire, there are countless things that need to be dealt with every day.Duke Kate and Deputy Counselor Nero went to the government office early every day, and they didn't return until late.

Seeing Nero's progress, Duke Kate was full of praise, An Rui and Jane felt gratified, and even Tianci felt ashamed at times.Fortunately, not every government affairs requires the governors and marquises to make decisions, so except for the occasional government affairs, Tianci spends most of his time in the duke's mansion, or goes to Bar Chamber of Commerce to find Ayin, and then goes to Mike Craftsman to cast together.


Ah Yin put away the qualitative hammer, "Heavenly gift, how is it?"

"Hehe, that's right. I'm afraid you will be promoted to craftsman in a few years!" Tianci praised.

"Really?" Ah Yin jumped up, "Doesn't that mean that I will be able to marry soon...and go to forge middle-grade weapons with you?"

"Of course, maybe you can become the youngest craftsman on the mainland!" Tianci encouraged.

Ah Yin thumped Tianci, "What do you call me the youngest? It's you! And I still want to thank you these days. If it weren't for your guidance, I wouldn't have made such great progress!"

Tianci smiled and said nothing, he was promoted to artisan because of his spiritual sense, which can be said to be opportunistic, and it is unfair to compare with others!And Ah Yin has no consciousness, so the youngest craftsman is of course his!
The door curtain was lifted, and craftsman Mike came out, holding a bamboo basket covered with a layer of cloth in his hand.

"Master, are you going to buy vegetables?" Tianci joked.

Craftsman Mike snorted coldly and gave Tianci a look.

"Tianci don't talk nonsense! Master is paying homage to our ancestors! Master will go to pay respects every five years. This is the top priority of Master!" Ayin said in a low voice, pulling Tianci.

Godsend suddenly became serious. When he was an apprentice with Yaster and Craftsman Mike, he burned down the shop because of conflicts with Master Pusda. Not only did Craftsman Mike not blame himself, he decided to accept himself as an apprentice to teach skills.That is, at that time, the master was mentioned, and it seemed to be called Lijita, but his life and death were unknown in the end!And I have only followed Master Mike for three years, and I just haven't experienced Master going to worship, so I don't know.Ah Yin followed her master since she was a child, so she naturally knew about it.

"Master, is Master really dead?" Tianci asked cautiously.

Craftsman Mike put down the basket, "Hey! I don't know either. I remember that Master and I were forging iron in a remote mountain village in the Northeast Province. Later, a group of people came to find Master, and Master left me and said he was going to the south. See a high-ranking official, and then take me there. But there is no news after this trip!"

"Oh! That's it!" Tianci nodded, "Small Villa in the Northeast Province...the South Province...why do I feel so familiar?"

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore! I'm going to the suburbs to worship!" Craftsman Mike said and lifted the basket.

"No! I remembered!!" Tianci suddenly roared, making Ah Yin and Mike tremble.

"Master Mike, did the ancestor you mentioned stayed in your small mountain village for 20 years, since he only went to you after the rebellion in the three southern provinces 50 years ago!" Tianci asked excitedly.

Craftsman Mike looked up at the roof, "calculate the time, it's about the same! What's wrong?"

It was very clear in Tianci's heart.

Marquis Lalu, the governor of the southern province before the rebellion 50 years ago, had a young son who traveled with his master. Only the Marquis Lalu's confidant, Dina, knew his whereabouts.Later, Marquis Lalu and the other two provinces rebelled, and Dina arranged for the youngest son to be in a remote mountain village in the Northeast Province, and the youngest son was renamed Ligita.Because Dina was bought by the Duke of Kate and betrayed the Marquis of Lalu, it only took ten years for the empire to quell the war.Lijita, far in the northeast, didn't know anything about it. He continued to hide in a small mountain village and took a young man as an apprentice.

Another ten years later, that is, more than 30 years ago, Dina, who became the governor of the South, remembered Lijita far in the northeast, and sent someone to pick it up. Unexpectedly, Lijita became a craftsman, so he tricked him into making weapons for himself. .Later, Li Jita discovered the prison where he was put in during the real resistance.time goes by.Dina and his son died unexpectedly, and his grandson didn't know the inside story, so when he moved the fief to Sao Tome, he was taken to Sao Tome and put in prison.

Many years later, the young apprentice finally achieved something and became one of the five great craftsmen of the empire, Mike Craftsman, and took in Tianci in Yaster to pass on his skills.After that, Tianci went back to the fief to worship the ancestors and passed by Sao Tome, just in time to save Ligita.

Tianci took a breath, "It's probably like this!"

Craftsman Mike and Ah Yin looked at Tianci, "It's probably like that?"

Tianci paused for a moment, "Master, when I was returning to the fief for baptism, I passed by the southern province of Sao Tome and rescued an old blacksmith. He said he came from the northeast province, and he also claimed to be a craftsman. I stayed in the small mountain village for 20 years and took in apprentices!"

"Crack!" The bamboo basket fell to the ground.

Craftsman Mike's hands trembled, "He... he... is there?"

"It should be in our Duke's Mansion!" Tianci replied.

"Take me there, take me there quickly!" Craftsman Mike tugged on Tianci's sleeves with both hands.

I found Jin Juwei and the housekeeper who were resting in the mansion. Under their leadership, they came to a place where the waiters stayed. The door on the side was closed, and the old man sent back from the southern province lived in it.

"Young master, the person you sent back is weird, he is silent and crazy. We have no choice but to arrange him here! If you didn't mention it, I'm afraid we would have forgotten it!" said the housekeeper.

Tianci also secretly felt ashamed, he sent the person back by himself, and it has been several months since he came back, and he patronized Lier's legs, and forgot about other things completely.

Craftsman Mike rushed in without waiting for anyone to open the door.

The old man looked much better than when he was in Sao Tome and Dres. He could eat well without suffering, and his body was a little fatter.

Seeing so many strangers coming in, the old man immediately retreated to the corner of the bed, curled up in a ball, trembling.

Craftsman Mike rushed forward and pulled out the old man's right arm without any explanation.

"Shh!" There was a sound of clothes ripping.The old man's right arm was completely exposed, covered with large and small scars, but at the crook of the right arm, a long scar was shockingly conspicuous.

Craftsman Mike froze from the first moment he saw it, with tears streaming down his face, kneeling on the bed and choking, "Master, it's really Master! Master, I finally found you!"

The old man hastily retracted his right arm, pulled up the quilt to cover himself, the corner of his mouth was trembling, and his expression was panicked.

Craftsman Mike knelt and stepped forward, crying so badly, "Master, it's me, don't you know me? I'm a scorpion, have you forgotten? I'm a little scorpion, a scorpion from Yuanshan Village! You This scar was left when you saved me!"

The old man trembled and turned his head to look at Craftsman Mike, "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

Craftsman Mike rubbed his face with his sleeve, "Master, I am, I am a scumbag! The iron pot in Yuan'er Village, who is going to beat that scumbag~~ the swords and guns in Yuaner Village, who is going to beat that master..."

Craftsman Mike held back his tears and sang choked up.Although the rough voice is incomplete, it is very sincere.The old man stared blankly at Mike, opened his mouth and hummed along with him.There were also tears in the corners of my eyes!It didn't flow under torture, it didn't flow in the dark prison, but it fell because of two songs. . .

Decades apart. . .We are finally together!

"Master, let's go home, I will carry you home!"

(End of this chapter)

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