Godsend Field

Chapter 258 Military and Political

Chapter 258 Military and Political
Early in the morning, the officials in front of the palace hurried into the palace gate, each with their heads down and their expressions depressed, and they didn't even greet each other.

A gorgeous and spacious carriage stopped at the gate of the palace, followed by dozens of guards in golden armor riding tall horses.The leader looked even more dignified.A man and a woman ride side by side on horseback.

open the curtain
Tianci and Nero helped Duke Kate get out of the carriage.The officials behind stopped and raised their heads to salute Duke Kate. Duke Kate smiled and said, "My colleagues, you go first. I am old and have bad legs. I walk slowly. Don't delay you!"

The officials bowed politely and strode forward.

"Grandpa, is there any big event that requires me to come this time?" Tianci asked.

"Brother, it's really a big deal! And it's a big deal!" Nero sighed, and his brows frowned. "Brother, you have to pay attention to what happened today, don't talk nonsense!"

Godsend was surprised, what made Nero so serious, but looking at Nero's expression and pace, he became more and more stylish, like a little minister of state affairs.

The political hall of Qinzheng Palace was full of officials.The three ministers, the governor-general, and all the ministers sat silently in their seats.On the red carpet steps above, the eldest prince paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, while the third and sixth princes silently looked at the officials below.

"Regent, the general thinks that the two of them are greedy for meritorious deeds, which led to this. We should remove the two of them from their posts on the spot, and then put them under arrest..."

"Crack!" The eldest prince threw the military document in his hand to the ground fiercely, and roared, "What I want now is a solution, not how to punish the two of them!"

The general who was reported shivered all over his body, and quickly retreated, his head lowered so much that he couldn't lower it any more.

There was a silence in the hall, and even the sound of a needle being dropped could be heard.All the officials lowered their heads and were all in danger, and no one was willing to stand up and speak.

A little bit of time passed, and the hall was still silent.

"My lords, now that you understand the situation, what's your plan?" The eldest prince couldn't help but finally spoke.

All officials bowed their heads.

"Report to the Regent!" Nero walked out from behind Duke Kate. Why so anxious?"

Baiguan nodded.

"Then how should we deal with it according to Deputy Counselor Nero's intention?" The eldest prince stood still and asked.

"Hehe, we are just the Ministry of Government Affairs. If the regent is in trouble with government affairs, we will come up with suggestions to solve your problems. But now this matter belongs to the Ministry of Military Affairs, and we can't interfere due to circumstances and reasons, so please forgive us for not talking too much!"

The eldest prince turned his head to look at Marshal Lankers.

As the Minister of Military Affairs, Marshal Lankers looked extremely ugly, but at this time he could no longer remain silent. "I will report to the Regent. Since ancient times, there have been cloud soldiers to flood the water and soil. I suggest sending troops to reinforce!"

The eldest prince frowned, "Send troops for reinforcements? Does the Marshal think about where to send troops for reinforcements?"

Tianci sat in his seat, and the atmosphere in the council hall was extremely dull.The faces of the three princes have never been better since the discussion of politics.As soon as the eldest prince came up, he recited the urgent military performance documents of the southeast province in court.

Ever since His Majesty fell into a coma, the French Empire has been on the move, making frequent moves on the border, and finally went to war openly under the banner of regaining the territory.

Because of the hundreds of years of disputes in the southeastern provinces, the French Empire and the Welsh Empire have had deep grievances, and border wars have almost never stopped.It's just that the Welsh Empire has adopted a defensive posture every time, and countless solid fortress barriers have been built on the border to prevent the invasion of the Farnese Empire.

Since His Majesty succeeded to the throne and pacified the three southern provinces, he has always adopted the policy of keeping the outside and governing the inside, and recuperating.The wars waged by the Faran Empire every few years did not shake the empire's borders.But this time His Majesty was in a coma and the empire was headless, and the Faran Empire took advantage of this opportunity to attack aggressively.

The governor of the southeast province, the Marquis Saint-La, personally went to the border to supervise the battle. The imperial general Planck insisted on his usual style of standing guard against the barriers. For several months, the army of the French Empire had not been able to move forward. He was unable to attack for a long time and was attacked several times , the morale of the French Empire was sluggish, and deserters continued one after another.Just half a month ago, the French Empire army suddenly retreated. General Planck and Marquis of Saint La decided to seize this rare opportunity to send troops to pursue them.

Who knew that this turned out to be the enemy's trick, whether it was a deserter or a surprise attack, it was all an illusion of the other party's confusion.Just as the Imperial Legion was chasing after them, surprise soldiers suddenly appeared on both sides and attacked the fort, attacking from front to back. . .General Planck and the Marquis of Saint La were wounded and fled in a hurry, and are now stationed in Weight City.

Opening the barrier is equivalent to opening the door to the southeast province.

Even during His Majesty's suppression of the rebellion, there was no such fiasco.

"Reporting to the Regent, according to the report, there should be no problem with the defense of Weight City, but I am afraid that it is impossible to retreat the enemy, so I suggest sending troops to reinforce and try to retreat the enemy!" Marshal Lankers reported.

"That's right, what the old Marshal said is true! If we don't seize the time to reinforce and let them approach the city for a long time, it may have a great impact on our morale!" A man with the appearance of a general stood up and echoed.

"The French Empire has invaded our territory. If we cannot get out in time, it may affect the prestige of our empire!"

"What's even more frightening is that if we let them stay for a long time, build city defenses, and unblock supplies, we may have to pay a very high price if we want to regain them!"

"Regent, please send troops to reinforce!"

The military generals in the council hall collectively petitioned for orders.

The eldest prince looked at the third prince and the sixth prince. The two co-principals had no objections!
"The generals are right. Reinforcement is imperative, but the question now is where to send the troops and who will be in charge?"

The hundreds of officials in the hall began to whisper and discuss in low voices.

Marquis Dolan was sitting in the second-to-last seat at this time, and Tianci was sitting in the last one. Because Duke Kate walked slowly, it was useless even if he came early.

"Marquis Godsent, would you like to tell me where the army should be transferred?" Marquis Dolan asked sideways.

Tianci replied respectfully with a smile, "Marquis Dolan, I am relatively inexperienced, and I am not very detailed about the distribution of the empire's military power, so I should be the one to ask you for advice!"

Marquis Dolan smiled, "Okay, that's fine! Marquis Godsend, you should know that each of our nine major provinces has a distribution of troops, and there are not a few of them. For example, our Northeast Province, and the Eastern and Western Provinces , the northern province, the Yanqing province, there are no borders and no hostile forces, but there are still a lot of troops, do you know why?"

Tianci smiled, "I know this. In addition to defending against foreign enemies, the distribution of the empire's troops must achieve internal balance, so as to avoid the occurrence of that province's self-respect. But in order to maintain combat effectiveness, the military will arrange troops to be deployed every few years!"

Marquis Dolan nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, but there are two exceptions! The first is the central province! The soldiers here are all drawn from the main battle armies, so the combat effectiveness can be guaranteed without changing defenses. The other is In your northwest province, you are defending against brutal and powerful orcs, so you must ensure absolute combat power!"

Godsend nodded.

"As for the stable provinces I mentioned, the army is relatively small. Each province has only three main station legions, which are nearly 40, and the total is only 200 million. The central province has at least two main station legions. Station legion, your northwest province has the most, with five main station legions. The southeast, southwest, and southern provinces each have four main station legions, but the southeast province's main station legion is relatively elite, and there are often wars there!"

This is how the military power of the empire was distributed!

"Marquis Dolan, then you say that the main station legion is most likely to go for reinforcements?" Tianci asked.

"Hehe, it is basically impossible for the southwestern and southern provinces to guard the border, and the main station legions in several of our provinces are used for reinforcements, and each is ready for reinforcements at any time, so each is very powerful. Possibly! Let’s listen to the opinions of other generals!”

The discussion in the hall has gradually subsided.

"Regent, I suggest that Yanqing Province send troops for reinforcements, which is the closest to the Southeast Province, and the reinforcement speed is the fastest!" One of the generals suggested, which immediately resonated.

"It is indeed a good suggestion to send troops from Yanqing Province! Then who should be sent to lead them?" the eldest prince asked.

"Regent, it is better to be familiar with the old, so I suggest that it is better to use General Jock Kate of Yanqing Province as the leader! General Jock Kate once fought against the French Empire, and his record is outstanding, so I It is recommended to use Jock Kate to lead the three legions in Yanji Province, together with the strength of Weight City, to take charge of the counterattack in the southeast province as a whole!" A general came out from behind to report.

The eldest prince's face darkened slightly.

"Brother, I think General Naker is right! General Jock Kate has fought many victories with you, and he has a better understanding of the situation in the southeast, so it is the most suitable! Don't you treat him? Don't worry?" The third prince stood up and said.

The eldest prince had a smile on his face, "Third brother is right, why don't we listen to other people's opinions!"

The corner of San Wang's mouth slightly raised, and sat down with a sneer.

"Regent!" With a loud roar, a burly general in armor walked into the hall from outside the hall. He walked powerfully and resonantly. "Regent, please order me to go to the southeast at the end. I hope the regent will succeed!"

All eyes were on the general.

The person who came was none other than Earl Arcas, the eldest son of Marquis Dolan, the governor of the Northeast Province, General Xiao Fengying of the Central Province.

"Regent, Marshal Lankers, the last general asks for his order to go out, and I hope you will allow it!"

The eldest prince nodded, "General Akas has been with me for several years, and has fought countless battles without defeat. I am very relieved of you! If it weren't for being the regent, I really want to go to the battle myself!"

Arcas cupped his fists and knelt down on one knee, "Why do you need to use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? Why do such little thieves need the regent to go in person? The general is willing to help the regent to recover the border and drive away the bandits!"

The eldest prince was pleased, "Okay, well said! What do you ministers think? What do you think of the old marshal?"

Marshal Lankers nodded, "The younger generation is awesome! Arcas is brave and good at fighting. He is a rare talent in our military department. Even His Majesty praised him full of praise! I have no objection!"

"I have no objection! General Arcas is suitable!" All the generals in the hall spoke in unison, much louder than the civil servants.

"Brother, I don't doubt General Akas's ability. I'm just afraid that if he goes to lead the army in Yanji Province, he may not be able to convince the crowd, and the personnel are unfamiliar in all aspects and may be difficult to cooperate with!" The third prince said worriedly.

"Third Prince is worrying too much! In fact, all the main station legions in our military headquarters are constantly changing their defenses. What's more, if I remember correctly, there are two generals of the main station legions in Yanji province who have fought with Akas. The general has fought side by side, so there is no need to worry about the degree of familiarity with the cooperation!" Marshal Lankers said.


"Regent, Assistant Regent! I, Arcas, am willing to serve as a military officer. If I cannot repel the French bandits, I am willing to come to see you!" Arcas said extremely firmly.

The three kings gritted their teeth and remained silent.

"Good! As expected of a son of our empire!" The eldest prince walked down excitedly and helped Akas himself up. "I will appoint you as the general, and command Yanji, the main legion of the two southeastern provinces!"

Arcas cupped his fists and saluted, "Thank you, Lord Regent, for your trust. I will definitely repel the bandits and show off our country's prestige!"

"Brother, if General Akas goes to the southeast province, then wouldn't there be a vacancy in the Xiao Feng camp? How about letting General Jock Kate come back to take up this position?" The third prince suggested.

The eldest prince's face was stiff, and then he returned to his smile, "That's fine... that's fine!!"

After finally surviving the end of the political debate, Tianci and Nero accompanied Duke Kate out of the palace and sat in the carriage.

Godsend took a breath, "Nile, today's discussion is about military affairs, why did you suddenly stand up? Didn't you see that Marshal Lankers looked at you very unfriendly!"

Nero and Duke Kate smiled.

"Heavenly gift, you don't understand this! Nero did a very good job today!" Duke Kate stroked his beard, "Although the empire is divided into three parts, each performing its own duties, there must always be a leader, that is, the leader called secretly." Auxiliary minister! Like this disastrous defeat of the empire, the loss has not been seen for decades. No one wants to stand up, and no one wants to be the first to take responsibility. It can't just go on like this, so a minister must stand up. ...whether it is a solution or a proposal, this is the Chief Minister! I have always played this role when His Majesty was discussing politics, and now that the higher-ups have changed, this role naturally needs to be changed!"

So this is ah!

When the carriage arrived at An Tian Mansion, Tianci jumped out of the carriage, "Grandpa, Ni Luo, please be busy, I won't go in!"

Duke Kate nodded.

Nero leaned forward, "Brother, if you are free, you can go to the Duke's Mansion of Mesto! I heard that it is quite lively these days!"

Godsent was taken aback.

The carriage drove into An Tian Mansion, and the Jin Ju guards followed behind.

"My lord, shall we go back?" Gru jumped off the horse and asked with the rein in his hand.

Tianci nodded, "Well, Gelu, Chenwu, you can walk with me!"

Chen Wu also jumped off the horse and threw the reins to Gru, "Okay, my lord, why don't we go from South Second Street. I heard that there is a magnificent attic built somewhere, and it's from the headquarters of the Baal Chamber of Commerce!"

Tianci smiled, "Do you want to see Little Benben? Or are you thinking about Little Benben's pocket? But it's okay, anyway, it's not far from Imperial College. After I enter the college, you and Gru will go and see Little Benben, by the way, buy some good things for her, Gru and yourself!"

"Do you want anything, my lord?"

"I don't need it! Anyway, what you bought is useless except for looking good, and I don't even like it!"

Tianci and Chenwu walked side by side, Gelu led the two horses and walked behind, with a spacious sack on the horse's back, and after a good sleep, Yu'er got out a small head and jumped onto Tianci's shoulder.

Tianci talked about what happened in the government hall today, "Chen Wu, what do you think?"

Chen Wu smiled contemptuously, "My lord, do you know why General Planck and Marquis Saint La lost?"

Tianci shook his head, "I don't know. I heard that in the past years, they built fortresses and defended them repeatedly. But I don't know why they suddenly changed their strategy this time and took the initiative to attack? They didn't even notice other people's ambushes!"

"My lord, although I'm not here, we can guess! Now the eldest prince has been the regent for a while, and his political achievements are mediocre. So what he wants most is outstanding political achievements, so as to increase his chances of succeeding to the throne." Advantages. The French Empire’s offense is nothing. To put it bluntly, defense is enough. As long as they fail, they are meritorious! But they took the initiative to attack, which can only show that they want to make great achievements. General Planck and Marquis Saint La They are all experienced people, especially the Marquis of Saint La who personally supervised the battle, which made me wonder why?"

Tianci and Gru looked at the morning mist, "Why?"

"I guess someone must have given them an order to make a big victory in a short period of time in order to increase someone's political achievements. The French Empire may have guessed or heard about this, so they will put up a fog formation .Seize the anxious mind of General Planck and the Marquis of Saint La, and eat one of our main battle regiments."

Tianci's face was heavy, "Chen Wu, how sure are you?"

"Not at all. This is just my conjecture. There is no evidence or clues to confirm it. But this conjecture is the only explanation I can think of!"

"I know!" Tianci sighed, "Political achievements, one political achievement will cost a legion in the empire..."

"And my lord, the third prince asked to use General Jock Kate to command the two provinces in the southeast of Yanji because General Jock Kate supported the third prince. Similarly, the eldest prince used Akas to weaken the power of the third prince. The strength in Yanji Province. However, the third prince is considered cunning, and proposed to use General Jock Kate to take charge of the Xiao Feng camp. Although the Xiao Feng camp has a small number of people, it is very meaningful! In this way, the third prince will be able to The power in the province has weakened, but the power in the capital has strengthened, and the eldest prince has just the opposite. Neither of them has taken advantage of it!" Chen Wu continued to analyze.

Tianci was speechless, "I thought they were fighting for the safety of the empire, but they fought for their own interests everywhere!"

"My lord, that's how it is in officialdom! What's more, that's the throne!" Chen Wu said, "They were wrestling in the finance department a while ago, and you screwed up your lord. Now they are fighting in the military department, and they will be evenly divided. I'm afraid they will be in the government affairs department in a few days." Fighting with you provincial governors, my lord, you have to be prepared!"

Tianci nodded, "I see! But the Ministry of Government Affairs has grandpas in charge, so I don't think they will be able to please them!"

"My lord, don't forget that four ministers of the Ministry of Government Affairs have been changed in a row recently! It seems that the Duke didn't stop him!" Gru finally interjected.

"Giggle! Idiot!" Chen Wu smiled and trembled, "Master Kate is the person I admire most in Chen Wu. You and I can't guess his methods. You'd better lead me the horse honestly." !"

(End of this chapter)

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