Godsend Field

Chapter 259

Chapter 259
Dean Rafal has been practicing in closed doors for some time, and the news has already spread throughout the entire empire, some people are surprised and others are happy.

The inside of the Imperial College is as peaceful as ever. No matter the wind and rain outside, the inside of the college is always a peaceful place!The tall elm trees on both sides of the main road have begun to grow buds quietly, and the lawn on the ground has also begun to return to green.

Tianci sat in the woods, leaning against Bai Ying's body.Within her consciousness, Li'er leaned on her crutch with one hand, and supported Qin'er with the other hand as she walked forward with difficulty, her steps faltering.

Every step requires great effort.

"Qin'er, is brother Tianci very busy recently? Why hasn't he come to see me for so long?" Lier said with difficulty, and the few short words had already made Lier gasp.

"Well, it should be! I heard that your empire has been at war recently. They have to go to the palace to discuss politics every day before dawn, and they can't go back to rest until very late. I don't think they will be free for a long time, so you don't want to What a stinking boy!" Qin'er held Li'er's arm.

Li'er gritted her teeth, and walked to the seat in front, with beads of sweat already dripping from her forehead.

"Lier, take a break!" Qin'er supported Lier.

"No, I still want to continue practicing! I want to get well soon, and then go to see Brother Tianci. He must be so busy that he won't have time to eat, and no one will bring him soup at night!" Lier turned around stubbornly and prepared go again.

"The duke's mansion is as big as theirs, is there still a shortage of soup?" Qin'er helped Li'er wipe the sweat off her forehead.

"They don't know what kind of soup Tianci brother likes to drink, and every time Tianci brother likes to drink soup when watching the moon in the yard!"

Tianci's heart is warm. When she was in the northwest, she often watched the moon in the yard, and Lier would quietly bring soup for herself to drink.It's too common, and the normal people hardly notice it. Only when I heard Li'er talking about it today, did I realize that all of this was done with such care.

"Li'er, you've walked around four times, take a rest!" Qin'er held Li'er.

"Let's go around again!" Lier begged.

"No, haste makes waste, you've already walked around too much! Sit down, I'll rub it for you!" Qin'er pulled Li'er to sit on the armchair

Lier tried to move, her legs were sore, she sat down, "I can rest, but you have to continue telling the story you didn't finish yesterday!"

Accompanied by Qin'er, she sat down "... At that time, her brother joined forces with many people to force her to go home and marry that ugly bully, but she was not afraid at all, and said to them very calmly and boldly." I'm married!'"

"Ah!" Li'er's eyes widened.

"After finishing speaking, she nodded her feet and kissed the man she liked..."

"Cough! Cough!" Tianci coughed fiercely, Qin'er's story was too choking. . .

Tianci withdrew his consciousness and patted Bai Ying, "I'm leaving. I'll come back to see you in a few days. You can go back! Help me protect them during this time, thank you!"

Shiro Shadow stood up shaking, then ran towards the attic.

Tianci walked out of the gate of Imperial College and looked back.I am afraid that only such a small piece of the entire capital is the pure land!
Not far from the gate is the prosperous South Second Street.This street is the junction of the inner and outer layers of the capital. The road is spacious, and there are many chambers of commerce and shops on both sides. Not only are there expensive luxury goods, but also affordable daily necessities, so nobles and commoners like to hang out here.

Tianci walked forward with his head down, the road was crowded and noisy.

"Look, is that the Marquis of Heaven?" A girl next to her asked her companion softly.

"Where? Let me see!!" The girl who was traveling with her nodded her feet and looked around.

Tianci was surprised, when he entered and came out of An Tian Mansion, he had already changed his official uniform, and now he was wearing the same clothes as ordinary people, how could he be recognized by others?
"Where is it!!" the girl said angrily.

"There, the one with the red fox!!"

Tianci frowned, Yu'er seemed to be eating and drinking with Chen Wu, but she was not by her side, could it be? . .

Dispersing his consciousness, Tianci was completely speechless!

On the street, quite a few aristocratic youths dressed in gorgeous clothes walked imposingly, holding their pets, the little red wolfhounds in their hands. . .The obvious dye on the puppy's body was dyed red, some tails were raised, and there were still white fur under the buttocks.

Is it popular to hold red pets these days?
Tianci quickened his pace, and soon came to an attic. The attic was divided into five floors and occupied a very large area. The grand door was open, and many nobles and civilians came in and out very lively.On the edge of the pavilion on the second floor hangs a conspicuous signboard 'Bar Chamber of Commerce'.

Walking into the first floor, there are a lot of products on display.Precious gems and jade, handicrafts, decorative accessories, specialties from all over the world. . .There is also a special counter where many rare objects are stored and sold by others, such as tree roots that look like people, animal-like spots on the stones, very large fruits, etc. These items are rare but rare. It has no value, so the auction house will not collect it, so it can only be put here for consignment.

Walking up to the second floor, there is a clothing monopoly. The entire floor is filled with all kinds of clothes, but they are all ordinary clothes. The materials are all cloth, and there are many styles, suitable for different people to wear.The more expensive clothing is on the third floor. There are not many clothes here, but all of them are high-quality goods, and there are matching scarves of various colors, all kinds of expensive jewelry, and matching flowers.All the ladies who came here were noble ladies, and one of them was picking out clothes accompanied by several noble ladies. Next to her were more than a dozen young maids from the Baal Chamber of Commerce holding scarves, jewelry, etc. for her to choose from.

Tianci was really not interested in clothes, so he glanced at it and was about to walk towards the fourth floor. Suddenly, he saw a beautiful woman in the corner of the third floor. She was wearing a fiery red tight skirt that showed her graceful figure to the fullest. Light gauze floats all around.The woman looked at herself with a half-smile, her eyes seemed to be sparkling with lightning.

The surrounding maids of the chamber of commerce were all greeting the noble lady, and did not notice this alluring woman.

Tianci paused for a moment, and continued walking towards the fourth floor without thinking much.

"Heavenly gift!!" suddenly called out.

Tianci stopped, only to see Lili walking over quickly, pulling Tianci towards the girl.

"Lili, this..." the lady next to the girl asked in surprise.

"Ma'am, this is the Marquis of Godsend! Godsend, this is the wife of the president of the Lazio Chamber of Commerce. This is their niece, Miss Lansi, who came to the capital from a foreign country two months ago. Next month will be the Lazio Chamber of Commerce's meeting." Longevity, so this time I specially choose clothes for her!" Lili said with a smile.

"Marquis of Tianci, it is our honor to meet you!" The noble lady took Lansi and made a blessing to Tianci.

Tianci smiled and nodded. With his status, this blessing is still acceptable.

"Master Marquis, do you think this suit and these collocations are suitable?" the lady asked.

"Very good, the match is very decent and generous! Coupled with Miss Lansi's natural beauty, it will definitely amaze the audience!" Tianci said with a smile.

"With Lord Marquis's words, I feel relieved! Lili, we are going to do this!" The lady nodded in satisfaction, then turned her head and said respectfully to Tianci, "Tianci Marquis, our master will celebrate his birthday next month , I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to come with me?"

"Is this..."

"Hehe, my lord may have forgotten, our young lady is very familiar with you!" The lady quickly added.

"very familiar??"

"Our young lady was in the same department as you at Imperial College, and her name is Lan Xi'er!"

"Lan Xi'er, that mother... so she is the lady of your Lazio Chamber of Commerce! Hehe, she has never been mentioned in the academy. No wonder she is so generous!" Tianci said with a smile.

"Everyone is equal in Imperial College, and our Lazio Chamber of Commerce is not considered a big family. When you studied hard in Astor, you never said that you are the eldest son of Duke Kate. This has already spread in the empire. We But I admire it very much!" The lady smiled all over her face.

"Where! Since that's the case, I will definitely go to celebrate the birthday of the president of Lazio!" Tianci said.Even if you don't like their chamber of commerce, Lan Xi'er will always give you face, otherwise you won't be able to pluck Lan Xi'er the next time you meet.But why did the Lazio Chamber of Commerce come to the Bar Chamber of Commerce to choose clothes?They used to not be. . .

"Tianci, they are waiting for you up there, go and have a look!" After Lili finished speaking, she smiled and pushed Tianci to the fourth floor. It is specially prepared for you, you must like it!"

The lady was even more happy, and continued to choose clothes and accessories with Lansi.

"Sister Lili, the headquarters building of your Barr Chamber of Commerce is really grand!" Tianci said with a smile.

"God sent you to laugh at my sister again. This building feels okay in this area, but if compared with those big chambers of commerce, it's much more chilling. It's just that their buildings are all gathered together, and they don't look outstanding. I chose this place to build, and with the short building next to it, ours will naturally be three points higher!" Lili said proudly.

Walking up to the fourth floor, there are three reception rooms, one of which is solemnly decorated, with a long table in the middle, white cloth and blue flowers, which can be used for large-scale negotiations or meetings.The two next to it are relatively small, with simple and elegant decorations, flowers and fruits on the low table, and soft seats beside them.There is a long row of bookshelves in the middle of the floor, which is very interesting.

Si Ni drew the morning mist and gestured at the newly bought little things, and Gelu stood in front of the bookshelf flipping through the books.

"Talk about copper smell on both sides, and smell the smell of books in the middle! Sister Lili, you are really clever!" Tianci praised.

"Don't praise me, this is what Ah Yin came up with. But he wanted to put all the cast books on it, but I didn't agree. I just gave him a block to put it, it's in the innermost part!" Lili pointed The inside is on the side, and there is also a small bench that is very eye-catching, and Ah Yin likes to sit on the small bench.

"Where's Ah Yin?"

"He and your master are accompanying that ancestor these days. Recently, Marquis Dolan and other officials have been visiting, so Craftsman Mike can't handle it alone! I will deliver food to them later!" Lili Said.

"My lord!" "Master!"

Gelu, Chenwu, and Si Ni all came out, but Yu'er was still eating delicious food on the low table.

"Everyone sit down!" Tianci walked into the small living room, and everyone sat on soft chairs.

"Sister Lili, I have always wanted to ask why people from the Lazio Chamber of Commerce came to you to choose clothes?" Tianci asked.

"Why else! Find us to reconcile! You also know that the Lazio Chamber of Commerce was the one who joined forces to force us. In the first two or three months, their young master Lange took the initiative to meet Barr Jr. and made him a friend. Later he The one who suggested that he has a cousin from far away who wants to come to the capital is Lance, and also proposed that Lance marry Little Barr!"

Tianci nodded, "Do they want to marry you as in-laws?"

"My lord, it's not that simple!" Chen Wu said, "I've asked, there are a few ladies in the Lazio Chamber of Commerce besides Lan Xier. If you want to get married, those are the ladies. When will it be the turn of the distant relatives?"

Tianci said, "Then why?"

Chen Wu giggled, "My lord, you don't mean to test me, I don't believe you can't figure it out!"

Tianci showed a smile, "The Lazio Chamber of Commerce is still a business alliance at present, and it is still an enemy with Sister Lili in name. But now they see that you have grown stronger and become an ally with the Master Chamber of Commerce, so they are a little guilty, so they want to find a second way out .Distant relatives, distant relatives, both distant and close. Facing the business alliance, they can say they are far away, and facing Sister Lili and Master, they can be said to be close!"

"Crack! Crack!" Chen Wu clapped his hands, "Your Excellency is alert! This is called kissing from a distance, in a daze, true and false, false and true! Anyway, it's just a sentence, seeing flowers in the fog is not a flower!"

"Godsent, after discussing with my grandfather, I have already agreed! We know you don't like the business alliance, so I hope you don't blame my sister. We businessmen are always profit-seeking, and we can't always be enemies. And we checked Lansi, she is indeed a distant relative, she came from a humble background and suffered a lot, and she is more virtuous, and more importantly, little Barr seems to like her very much!" Lili said in a low voice, looking at Tianci nervously.

Tianci shrugged, "Sister Lili, don't say that. You have your own ideas and paths, and I won't stop you. Besides, you are businessmen, and you can make money with harmony. It is the best thing to have fewer enemies. Already!"

Lili let go of her psychological burden, "Hehe, then you guys talk slowly, I will send a set of clothes to Mrs. Lazio!"

When Lili went downstairs, the four of Tianci chatted relaxedly.

"Little Benben, are you used to living here? Do you want to go back to the Duke's Mansion?" Tianci asked.

"Master, no need, this place is very good!" Si Ni replied happily.

"My lord, don't call Si Ni a little stupid in the future. You see, she is already a fresh flower, no longer that thin little girl. And she is so shrewd as a housekeeper that she is about to be rushed. Going to Lili, that's stupid!" Chen Wu suggested dissatisfiedly.

"Hehe, no matter what happens, she is the little fool I saw in Yaster!" Tianci said proudly.

Si Ni was even more happy, even her little face was flushed.

"But little stupid, I still hope that you can go back to the Duke's Mansion. Nero has been working very hard every day, and he has to come to you specially... Besides, mom and dad are very open-minded, they all say You are like their daughter, you are all in your own family. And grandpa, he listens to his younger brother in everything!" Tianci said carelessly.

Si Ni suddenly felt fidgety as if on fire, "I... I also want to help Sister Lili handle the accounts!!"

Walking out of the Barr Chamber of Commerce, Godsent borrowed a horse.

"My lord, aren't you going back to the Duke's mansion?"

"You guys go back first. I forgot one thing recently, and it's scary thinking about it now. Thanks to Nero's reminder, otherwise I don't know when I will remember it." Tianci felt a little lingering.

Gru and Chen Wu looked at each other, "My lord, where are you going next?"

"The Duke's Mansion!"

The Duke of Meister is not far from the Duke of Kate's mansion, but they are back to back, because the two mansions are very large, so the gates are far away from each other.

"Elders, you really can't go in! The patriarch is not in good health, and he is cultivating inside, so he really can't be disturbed!" Mutongs said awkwardly, and stretched out his arms to stop several old people.

"Mutons, how do you manage to be a housekeeper, even we dare to stop you?" One of the elders roared and pushed Mutongs.This elder is a warrior, and his hands are not so strong. Mutongs is not a warrior, so he couldn't bear to fall back and fall to the ground.

The guards on both sides hurried up to help Mutongs up.Personal guards have their own rules, and they would never dare to stop the elders without the order of the patriarch.

"Elders, it's okay for you to vent your anger on me, but you really can't break in here. The patriarch gave the order, even the elders can't disobey!" Mu Tongsi ignored the pain and stopped in front of everyone again.

"Mutons, what's wrong with the patriarch! The patriarch can ignore the whole family? What time is it now, the family is about to fall, I warn you, don't stop us, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"It is! It is!"

"Get out of the way, it doesn't matter whether he is the patriarch or not during the family crisis, don't provoke us, or we will jointly abolish him!"

The elders were so aggressive that Mutongs retreated again and again.

Meister is a big family, and although its influence in the empire is not as great as that of the Kate family, it is still no small matter.The fiefdom of the Meister family is Dengyun City, a large city near the sea in the eastern province.Where can you reach the Faran Empire by sea? It is a convenient and safe trade route. The trade on this trade route has been very mature and active for a long time, and it has also brought fat taxes to Dengyun City.

The most important thing is that within the scope of its territory, there are several huge salt fields near the sea, and the annual salt production alone is an astronomical sum.

The Meister Chamber of Commerce first started by selling salt, and gradually developed into one of the three major chambers of commerce in the empire relying on the huge profits from the salt.Along with the historic SEAT Chamber of Commerce.

Because the family has a big business, the elders of the Meister family are scattered. Several of them hold the core of the Meister Chamber of Commerce in the capital together with the Duke of Meister, and make decisions and deployments.Several people stayed in the territory to manage the territory, responsible for the tax there, and the most important thing was to look after the salt fields there.There are also several stationed in various provinces, responsible for the trade within those provinces.

Before Yanhua City reached an agreement with the Mesto Chamber of Commerce, the Northwest Province did not assign elders, but after Tianci reached an agreement with the Duke of Mesto, the family appointed the most shrewd and capable elders with hundreds of elders. The family's elite staff came to station in the newly built trading market in Yanhua City, and were fully responsible for the purchase and sales there, pushing the family's business to a new peak in a short time.And this credit naturally went to the head of the patriarch, Duke Meister, whose prestige was unprecedentedly high among the patriarch.

But the good times didn't last long, and within a few years, the family secretly embezzled [-] purple gold coins. The Duke of Maxtor used his public office for personal gain, which eventually caused Duke Maxtor to lose his position as the Minister of Finance.Now the new Acting Minister of Finance has managed the finance department in an orderly manner. Seeing that the family is about to lose the biggest barrier, all the elders are anxious. They have gathered in the capital from all over the place, and they want to ask Duke Meister for an explanation!
Just when Mutones couldn't hold on

"Crack!" The door opened.

A slightly fat figure appeared at the door!

(End of this chapter)

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