Godsend Field

Chapter 260 Conversation

Chapter 260 Conversation
While the elders were pushing and shoving, the gate of the other courtyard opened, and the chubby figure of Duke Meister walked out.Looking around at the crowd, his eyes finally fell on the dust on Mutongs.

"All the elders are here, I thought you would come next month, it seems that the action is quite fast!"

The elders looked at the patriarch in front of them with extremely complicated emotions.

"If we don't come again, I'm afraid the family will be destroyed in your hands!" One of the elders said resentfully.

Duke Meister smiled faintly and walked away, "Elders are gathered here, you must have something to talk about, let's come in and talk about it, standing at the door shouting and shoving, if it gets out, it will be out of everyone's identity!"

All the elders walked into the other courtyard, and there were several tables and chairs on the open space facing the entrance of the other courtyard, and even the tea had been brewed.The elders looked at Duke Meister, walked to the table and chairs and sat down one after another.Duke Meister walked to the front seat and sat firmly, and Mutongs followed and stood behind the Duke.

"A lot of the elders have come from faraway places. They have been exhausted on the journey, so let's take a sip of tea and take a rest!" Duke Meister first picked up the teacup.

"Patriarch, we are not here to drink tea this time!" The elder at the front stood up.

"Yeah, we're here this time to..."

"My lord, God-given Marquis is asking to see you!" At this moment, a personal guard ran in.

All the elders fell silent.

"Please, please!!" Duke Meister immediately stood up, "Elders, sit down a moment, I will go to welcome the Marquis of Heaven!"

The elders had nothing to say, they all picked up their teacups and drank boredly.Who is the Marquis of Tianci, they all understand in their hearts that the family's ability to take a further step above the peak today is inseparable from the Marquis of Tianci.

This is a real distinguished guest of the family!
"Hahaha, if I remember correctly, this is the first time that the Marquis of Godsend has come to my mansion! I thought we would know each other like dogs and dogs, and never see each other again!" Duke Meister laughed.

"The duke is laughing, just call me Tianci from now on!"

"Alright! I'm Adela's elder brother, and you guys are familiar with her. If you don't mind, just call me elder brother. This duke and marquis is very born!" Duke Meister said straightforwardly.

The two chatted and walked into the other courtyard.

All the elders stood up one after another, "God-sent Marquis!"

Tianci was taken aback, "Do you have something to discuss? It seems that I came at the wrong time, do you want me..."

"It's okay! Our matter will be settled soon. You go to the attic to rest for a while, and I will come right away!" Duke Meister said, instructing Mutongs to take Tianci to the attic.

When Mesto sat down again, the elders became anxious again.

"Patriarch, why do you want to resign the post of Minister of Finance?" the elder asked.

"That's right, don't forget that your position today is the result of the joint efforts of the patriarchs of all generations, and it was not created by you alone. How could you discard it so easily?"

"You are irresponsible to the family! If you don't hurry up and fix it, then what right do you have to be the patriarch!"

At this time, an elder next to Duke Meister stood up. This elder was the oldest, with his body arched, "Aklani!"

Duke Meister quickly stood up and helped the elder to sit down, "Third Grandpa, sit down and talk!"

"Aklani, you were taken by the third grandpa when you were a child, and you know how the third grandpa treats you!"

Duke Meister smiled, "Father is busy. It was the third grandpa who taught me calligraphy and arithmetic from an early age, taught me to be sensible, and led me to do business. I can have today because of the cultivation of the third grandpa. The kindness of the third grandpa to me is so high that I can't believe it." report!"

"Then do you still remember what the third grandpa taught you? It is said that businessmen seek profit, but businessmen are no longer just chasing profit when they have reached our point. The third grandpa taught you the word "official business" since childhood. Anyone who wants to become a big business One must be a high-ranking official. Our Mesto Chamber of Commerce can keep pace with the long-established SEAT in such a short period of time, which is inseparable from the generations of our family being officials. When your father comes, your generation will reach the pinnacle and reach an unprecedented level. Height. But...but why are you...why...cough...cough cough..."

The elder coughed violently, his body bowed.

Duke Meister hastily thumped his back lightly, and followed his breath, "Guards, guards!! Help the First Elder to rest in Xiuyuan, go and invite the doctor, hurry up!"

The great elder was helped away.

Duke Maxtor's face was gloomy, "The Great Elder has been working hard all year round, and has worked hard for the family. Now that he is in his later years, can't you let him be quiet for a while? Do you want to alert him to come all the way?"

The elders below looked ugly, "Patriarch, how dare we not inform the First Elder of such a big news? Besides, it's not all about you... If you don't resign, then nothing will happen!"

"This is my business! And I'm also for the family!" Meister said angrily.

"Patriarch, this is not your personal matter, it is the entire family's matter. As elders, we have to ask! Just now the Great Elder made it very clear that if the Chamber of Commerce has reached our stage, if there is no one in the palace, then we may be killed at any time. Someone else ate it!"

"Not bad! Besides, this official position is the effort of the previous patriarchs. You are not alone. You are not qualified to make decisions without authorization!"

. . . . . .

The elders chattered, and all the spearheads were pointed at Duke Meister.

Duke Maxtor was not afraid, and smiled contemptuously, "You are all right and reasonable! So what do you think I should do now?"

"This is very simple. You can go to the eldest prince and say that you have thought it through behind closed doors. Now is the time when the empire employs people, and you have to serve the empire! When the eldest prince comes forward, you will be able to return to your original position." Already!"

"Yes!! I agree, it is safe to go to the regent!"

"This is surprising! Although the eldest prince is the regent, he was born in the army and usually looks down on us businessmen. The third prince is different. He attaches great importance to business, so I suggest to find the third prince. Restoration is just around the corner!"

"I agree, the third prince is very proficient in the way of doing business, and he is indeed a friend of our businessman!"

"You are short-sighted! The third prince already has a business alliance, so how can he value us? Now the king has no financial resources, we can just supplement it. When the prince succeeds to the throne, we will be heroes, and the family will become more and more prosperous. !"

"Do you think the Eldest Prince can really succeed? If His Majesty valued the Eldest Prince, he would have already been made his heir, so why wait until now!"

"I agree to find the eldest prince!"

"I agree to find the third prince!"

. . . . . .

There was chaos, and many elders even started arguing to find the prince.

Duke Meister sat on his seat and watched coldly as the elders quarreled and gradually divided into two sides.The elders of my family were infiltrated to this extent by the third prince and the eldest prince. I really underestimated the infiltration ability of the two princes.

The two princes probably knew their plan, even if they gave up their official positions, they would still chase after him!
"That's enough!" Duke Meister slapped the table, "If you want to quarrel, go out and quarrel with me, and come to me when you have enough quarrels and come to an agreement!" Go to the attic.

There was a brief silence behind them, and then they quarreled again.

Tianci withdrew his consciousness, and knew everything that happened in the courtyard.As the patriarch, the Duke of Meister seemed no better than when he and Nero returned to the family, because they were all angry with the elders.

Duke Meister went straight to the attic, where Mutons was sitting with Tianci in the middle hall drinking tea and chatting.

"Hehe, I used to be the Minister of Finance, and only you, Tianci, were the only ones who didn't come to visit. Now I'm useless, and you're the only one who doesn't come. I'm finally relieved by the coldness of the world!" Mesto The Duke said with a smile as soon as he entered the hall.

"Grandpa said that everything that is gold will shine! Now you are just avoiding the edge temporarily, and when the rain is over, you will still shine brilliantly!" Tianci said.

Mesto smiled and shook his head, "I knew this small amount of money could hide the truth from hundreds of officials and people, but Lord Kate couldn't hide it. My lord has worked hard for the country, so I'm afraid you must look down on me now!"

"Grandpa didn't mean that!"

"Godsend, you don't need to comfort me. I have been ministers with Lord Kate for more than ten years, and I still know a little about his temperament. Your Excellency has always been brave and never backed down. My behavior is what he despises the most. But I have no choice! Although I am the same minister as Lord Kate and Marshal Lankers, I am the minister with the least power, and I have no role other than managing the finances of the empire. What's more, when the two of them follow His Majesty I have the longest life and countless meritorious deeds, so it doesn’t matter if something goes wrong. But I am different. I have nothing but a duke title and a ministerial position. Once I make a mistake, I will never recover! "The Duke of Meister sighed helplessly, "So I am trembling, not daring to make the slightest mistake!"

After hearing this, Tianci felt touched. Grandpa has been assisting His Majesty since he ascended the throne, and played a key role in quelling external and internal troubles and rectifying the major provinces.Marshal Lankers stood up and fought for ten years to keep the empire when the empire was in crisis.Based on this alone, even if they made a big mistake, they would not be held accountable.The best proof is the 2000 million purple gold coins in Kate's fiefdom.Putting such a huge amount on anyone in the empire would be exempted from the rank and file, and those who saved their lives were considered very good.But put it on Duke Kate, an apology form, a few sentences of punishment and it's over.In the end, Nero was promoted as the vice-counselor, even though he was punished, he was still rewarded!

"I understand! You are sacrificing your personal reputation for the benefit of the family. I admire you!"

Duke Meister looked at Tianci a little excitedly, "Brother Tianci, you are the first person to say such a thing in a long time. It's a pity that those elders outside are facing me day and night, and no one understands me!"

"I think they have been divided by the two princes long ago!"

"Well, you guessed it right. They have been deceived by the two princes, and their eyes have long been lost. It is said that businessmen seek profits, but they also have to divide big profits and small profits, short-term profits and long-term profits. If I make a decision now Decision, if you make a wrong bet, you will never recover, and if you make a right bet, it will wither after a period of prosperity! Poison often has a sweet taste!"

Tianci was a little puzzled.

Duke Meister looked around and motioned for Mutons to close the door, "Godsend, I'll have a heart-to-heart with you today. Who do you like?"

Tianci's face changed slightly, and he didn't expect the Duke of Meister to ask so directly, "I... I can't see clearly! The two princes have their own talents and strengths, and even the dean can't tell them apart. How can I tell the difference? Besides, besides man-made, there are also factors such as luck, how can I guess it!"

"Well, I am the same! Although the two princes are talented, they are far behind His Majesty, but there is another point that is most important, that is, their mind and tolerance. Duke Kate is in the world, and Ranker Marshal Si is in charge of the imperial army. If this kind of minister is put in front of any king who is not fatuous, it will be a serious problem. Only His Majesty can accommodate and control the intimidation. The two princes are definitely not as tolerant as His Majesty, and they can even be said to be somewhat Narrow and mediocre. Once they inherit the throne, these powerful ministers beyond their control will be a thorn in their side. Your grandfather and Marshal Lankers have amulets, but I will think twice!"

Tianci nodded, and suddenly laughed, "Hehe, we used to think you were avoiding disaster, but now we know you are avoiding merit!"

"Tianci, there is one thing I want to remind you. The Northwest Province is related to the lifeblood of the empire, and it must be a confidant!" Duke Meister said earnestly.

Tianci's face changed slightly, a little gloomy.Now His Majesty trusts him to hand over the Northwest to him, but for the future, will the new king still trust him?If you don't trust, then sitting in the Northwest by yourself will bring infinite disaster.

"But Godsend, don't worry too much. As long as you and Miss Li'er get married early, it's best to even get married to Qin'er... In this way, even if they want to kill you, I'm afraid they won't have the courage to do so."

Tianci snorted twice, "Thank you, Big Brother Max, for reminding me, I will keep it in mind! In fact, I didn't like being an official, but this time, on the one hand, I didn't want to disappoint His Majesty's love, on the other hand, I also wanted my brother to have a stable transition. When the weather is calm in the future, I will naturally go there, so as not to be regarded as a thorn in the eye by them."

"It's really enviable to go straight away. It's a pity that I can't. I have such a big family behind me. What will they do if I leave?"

Tianci smiled, "Brother Meister, we've been chatting for a long time, why haven't we seen Roland? I haven't seen him for so long, and I really miss him. Why don't you ask him to come too!"

Duke Meister smiled, "That's fine, that's fine! I haven't seen Roland for a long time too! Mutons, how is Roland doing recently?"

Mutongsi's face suddenly became awkward, and he hesitated, "My lord... this... you have been practicing here... I'm afraid you don't know... Actually... they..."

Duke Meister's face sank, "What's the matter, tell me clearly, what's wrong with haggling!"

Mu Tongsi was very embarrassed, and he gritted his teeth, "Go back to my lord, it's very bad!"

Tianci and Mesto stood up at the same time, "What did you say?"

"My lord, you'll find out after you go and have a look!" Mutongs lowered his head and dared not look at the two of them.

"Lead the way ahead!!" Duke Meister roared.

Seeing the Duke of Meister and the Marquis of Tianci angrily walked out of the other courtyard, all the elders stopped their quarrel and followed.

The big road in the Duke's Mansion is winding and winding. I don't know how many individual courtyards, gardens and attics have passed through. Tianci even spread his consciousness to search for it.

"Mutons, this is not the way to Roland's attic, this is the way to the stable!" Duke Meister suddenly roared.

"My lord, Roland and the old butler are living in the stable now!" Mutons replied timidly.

"What!" Duke Meister suddenly stopped and glared at Mutongs.Mutongs was stared at sharply, and he knelt down with a plop.Duke Meister was furious, and kicked Mutongs on the shoulder, "How did you become a housekeeper, and how did I explain to you?"

Mutongs got up, "My lord, calm down, I can't help it!"

Ignoring the butler, Duke Meister walked straight towards the stable, followed by Tianci.

There are more than a hundred horses in the stable, which are divided into five rows in an orderly manner.An old man in tattered clothes was holding a dustpan containing grain, and with his big dry hands trembling, he poured the grain evenly into the manger.

Next to him was a sturdy young man sitting on a horse pier, his eyes slightly closed, quiet and peaceful. It was Roland, a brilliant young genius in the past.At this time, Roland's clothes were neat and tidy, but there were a lot of mending.

The eyes suddenly opened, the eyes were fierce and domineering, full of disbelief.

The horses closest to here became flustered and stirred uneasily.


The huge wooden stake next to it suddenly broke from it, and the huge wooden stake fell towards the top of Roland's head.Roland raised his right hand expressionlessly, and a black hole instantly appeared in the palm of his hand. It was extremely black, as if there was no blacker existence in this world.

The fallen stake snapped off of it again.The difference is that this time there is a little less in the middle, and about half a meter long disappeared out of thin air.The front and back of the stake fell on Roland's body with a bang, making a loud noise.

"What's the matter, what's the matter!!" The old man hurried out of the stable.

"It's okay!" Roland stood up and took the old man's dustpan. "Dad, I was just experimenting with magic. You take a rest and I'll feed you the rest!"

The old man sat on the horse pier, "Roland, you still... hey! I really don't know what you're thinking, forget it, you grow up, you can decide your own affairs, I'm old in my life, it's nothing It's a pity, my greatest wish is to see you marry the eldest lady in a glorious manner!"

"I let you down! But don't worry, I will definitely stand out and pick you up when the time comes!"

"I don't count on it. I have lived with the Duke for decades, and I am used to it. I don't want to go there. I am just worried. You are only in your 20s. You can't be a servant like Dad for the rest of your life. !"

Roland remained silent, poured out the grain from the pile of sacks beside him, and walked towards the stable with a dustpan in his hand.

"Bang!" The door of the stable was kicked open.

(End of this chapter)

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